Japan Today

Scotch comments

Posted in: Kokubo out See in context

That depends on what you call snowboarding. The majority of the people I see on the mountains spend their day carving from top to bottom and then over again. That IS NOT snowboarding. Wouldn't call any of them snowboarders. If they are in the park doing tricks or doing some off piste I'll give them credit. Every sport has the wannabe groups that don't know the first thing about the sport. You want to stick to your version of boarding then fine. Enjoy it. I'll stick to mine and go where I want and do the tricks I want.

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Posted in: Kokubo out See in context

Then you don't get snowboarding steve. If the guy is a serious boarder and wore the stupid uniform that was picked for a boarder he would have shot himself in the foot. Alot of boarding sponsers wouldn'T be happy with someone who wore what he was given. The point of boarding is it's a casual sport. If the guy was at a press conference then sure look smart. But not for travelling to the event.

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Posted in: Kokubo out See in context

1trickster at 02:57 PM JST - 18th February

we IS dissing him because hes a punk

Love it! .... snowboarding is an alternative sport. Heck most the music that was around and used for the sport to begin with was punk. That's apart of this sport. Don't be the same. Do what you do because it's what you like to do. If you want to be like every other person take up skiing or better yet don't do winter sports.

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Posted in: Kokubo out See in context

sure trickster .... I'd love to see you trying to do the tricks he does. More like a tailbone snap or broken leg

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Posted in: Kokubo out See in context

Pffft lets face it you snowboard because the love the sport. If people start telling you how to act or dress for an event just don't go to it. Sorry guys but a great sportsperson does this for free to represent their country, yeah it's an honour to do it, but if they start complaining about how you do it stop doing it! As he said "it's just another snowboarding event". One in which he doesn't get paid.

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Posted in: Kokubo out See in context

Still can't believe he was banned for not having his shirt tucked in on his way to an event. Pfft what snowboarders like wearing suits?

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Posted in: Wipeout See in context

ISO was mentioned as quality .... ALL DSLRs have a high ISO. Heck a basic model has the speed to do good indoor shots even action shots (especially the newer ones that have started having a full frame sensor). The lens however changes if it is a nice well focused shot or a shot with lots of issues. I've done lots of kinds of shots and have found a basic DSLR can take a wide variety of good shots if it has a good lens. If the lens is poor the photo will be .... no matter how high an ISO you have. That's why it's pointless to have a good camera and only standard lenses.

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Posted in: Wipeout See in context

Yeah well they've almost sorted out the whole problem of high iso's not working well on digicams ..... just expect to pay for it. Especially here in Japan. I couldn't believe the price hike of buying equipment here. It's cheaper to buy the exact same lenses in the UK (with the Made in Japan) still on them before someone comments on they are often made outside Japan. Only their sub-lenses are let out of Japan. The best ones are all made here. I need to save another 200 000 yen to get a camera upgrade. I'm more of a landscape photographer though. Would still like a chance to do shots like this once in awhile.

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Posted in: NEC research chief arrested for molesting girl on train See in context

But still I can't understand a women not slapping this guy as hard as she could.

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Posted in: Wipeout See in context

ISO means squat with the top DSLRs. I do photography myself. So I know the main part is down to the lens. The lenses that will be used for shots like this will be the same price of a nice car! I've looked at them myself. Great shot though!

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Posted in: Argentina blocks British supply ship in Falklands dispute See in context

1) When a country or island expresses their wish to seperate from the UK they are given the vote to do so. Gibralta is an example of that. 2) Achocchau .... love the post! But I do think Britain would sink them. No doubt about it. :( 3) Vote for Scottish independence :D 4) I hope this whole incident doesn't lead to violence. I really want to see the world grow more unified in the future. Fighting over oil is not the way forward. Britain and Argentina need to resolve this issue and giving the islanders another vote to choose will sort it out.

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Posted in: Woman held over fatal abuse of 5-year-old stepdaughter See in context

This kind of thing just makes your heart sink .... I really don't understand people like this. God rest her soul, she is free from the hell that this woman inflicted upon her.

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Posted in: Japan balks at $2 billion bill to host U.S. troops See in context

Does Japan really need people stationed on the island? Are you trying to tell me that as soon as Japan loses 47 000 American troops that Russia, N.Korea, or China are going to attack them? and if they did the rest of the World is just going to sit back? Get real. Yes having the bases here has advantages for both sides. Japan gets extra technology "for rent" and America get a nice little access point into Asian waters. I'm sure that a couple of bases could be closed without this being overly compromised.

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Posted in: Mystery woman to be revealed in Gusto's campaign special See in context

I'm just wondering how you can call someone beautiful if you have no idea what they look like ..... ok there is a very good chance she is, but I like to think about the small things.

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Posted in: Police re-arrest AKB48 fan for theft See in context

I thought this group was for teenagers too until I seen a publicity appearance while out shopping. The group was surrounded by business men in suits and men in their 30's. I felt sick at the sight of that. Old men perving over underage girls.

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Posted in: 14-year-old student arrested for indecent assault See in context

nah ...... chances are he was just some horny teenager that didn't know how to talk to a woman.

He's got a career in the police ahead of him from the previous stories on here.

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Posted in: Man arrested after killing wife, 2 children in Osaka See in context

I just can't believe this. That poor family. Those kids friends. Man, this will be like hell for them all. I hope that guy doesn't get the death penalty. I hope he rots in jail till he dies.

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Posted in: Shampoodle See in context

Unfortunately breeders also lie .... my last boxer dog was supposed to be from a healthy family. The breeder hid that there was a condition passed down the family making them allergic to beef! dogs shouldn't be breed this way. They need a bigger DNA pool

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Posted in: Shampoodle See in context

Looked it up and they have ..... man mucked up dog breeding.

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Posted in: Shampoodle See in context

poodle ..... doh!

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Posted in: Shampoodle See in context

doesn't the title say "toy" puddle? They can't have named a breed "toy"??

It's got to be some weird fake right?

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Posted in: Fourth 'Pirates' to be filmed in Hawaii See in context

wow .... I thought they were finished with this film. Sorry but a fourth just seems like they are milking it dry. A shame. Films become legendary only when they finish on a high. Just look at the matrix. It was an amazing first film and then it just went down hill. Bad move disney.

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Posted in: Idle JAL See in context

I feel bad for her. Having nothing to do but think about how your job might be over soon while at work would annoy me like crazy. Hope she gets another job soon :(

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Posted in: Elderly woman found dead in snow in Hokkaido See in context

Why would someone do this to such an elderly person?

I really don't understand people like that.

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Posted in: Woman arrested for staying in hotel 36 nights with parents and not paying See in context

hahahahaha I can't believe the hotel fell for that for a month! Could you see this happening in any other country?

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Posted in: 66-year-old woman dies after being hit by truck in Tochigi See in context

Hit and runs are becoming too common here. I think the punishment for such a crime should be upgraded to life in prison to reflect how serious it is. If they stop they have a chance to save that person. Running just delays the medical services and can cost people their lives. This attitude makes me sick. My thoughts go out to that poor woman's family.

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Posted in: Some see racist theme in alien adventure 'Avatar' See in context


noborito at 07:45 AM JST - 14th January

grammar error. should read "betray your own species" not "betray your own race." surprised no one caught that.

Depends how you look at it as we often refer to ourselves as the "human race" and not "human species". English language is sooooooo full of problems.

Love the non-racist film though

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Posted in: Some see racist theme in alien adventure 'Avatar' See in context

I'm very happy to see almost everyone on here sees this "racist" mark on avatar is stupid. Made me proud of the world for once .... been awhile since I've seen so many people agree on something like this :D

Thanks guys and girls. You put a smile on my face today!

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Posted in: Some see racist theme in alien adventure 'Avatar' See in context

Nice comment about being white means you don't know anything about racism! You know that people are also racist to white people don't you?? Racism is not a one way street and it's about time people admit that. EVERYONE needs to cut it out and this film has no racism in it at all.

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Posted in: Some see racist theme in alien adventure 'Avatar' See in context

I think the main issue is this film wouldn't be considered racist if the actor was black .... which is racist in it self. I'm fed up with all the rubbish where they claim something is racist. They hired the best people for the job and lets face it for the na'vi you need lots of people who can speak with a certain accent. To do this it is easier and cheaper to hire one set group of people. Heck I heard they hired Maori people to base the Na'vi on. So where the heck do they get this to mean native americans or black people? What are they the only people on the planet that ever used bows and arrows or dressed like that? I think not. My own people used to act VERY similar to that when we were invaded. Pfft fed up of all this "this is racist" rubbish. ..... rant over

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