Japan Today

Seamus78 comments

Posted in: Japan’s greatest faux beers - happoshu See in context

Yabaru.......no I didn't know that, cheers for the insight, but whether it be Happoshu or Dai-san beer, there are some nice ones out there. People need to stop thinking that they are suppose to taste like BEER but enjoy it for what it is. For sure I'll take a Yebisu 'Joel Robuchon' any day but someone else is buying!

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Posted in: Japan’s greatest faux beers - happoshu See in context

Come on guys, nothing wrong with a cheap drink from time to time, actually a pretty much live off the stuff. The above list isn't a very good representation of the better happoshu 発泡酒 out there. There are some great ones to past night away with, like Suntory KIN-MUGI and also Asahi Clear, also its new 6% one, Enjuku Kirin, Hokkaido Nama-shibori Migaki-mugi and many, many more........go on buy yourself a dozen and enjoy!!

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Posted in: Plane carrying Algeria hostage survivors and dead arrives in Japan See in context

Whiskeysour ------that's an awful thing to say. Brave individuals welcome home. RIP to those that couldn't come home. Condolences to their families.

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Posted in: Marijuana goes legal in Washington state See in context

I cant wait to one day spend a week or so in Seattle, buy some of the finest the city has to offer, legally. Go back to my hotel room, smoke and chill, legally. Go out, see a live show, have a few cold brews, go back to by hotel, smoke some more and sleep knowing that I have done nothing illegal and wake up the next day very refreshed. In truth its been years since I did pot, why....as I got older the whole finding, sneaky, shady feeling just didn't work for me, too much stress. Why go too jail for something thats never caused me any harm or to anyone round me?.

Well done Washington State and soon Colorado.

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Posted in: Nearing 50, a heightened perspective for Pitt See in context

Nah he passes for 50, he just takes good care of himself, isnt bold and smiles a lot!.

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Posted in: Marijuana goes legal in Washington state See in context

Get you facts right RomeoRII.

The US has lost out for a long time due to backward Fed restrictions.

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Posted in: Marijuana goes legal in Washington state See in context

Great news. Enough said.

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Posted in: U.N. votes to recognize state of Palestine See in context

Well done Palestine. May you one day get your lands back. Stay strong the majority of the world are behind you.

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Posted in: Woman arrested after bursting into classroom with knife See in context

we clearly need a lot more detail about this. I agree that violence on violence is wrong and using a knife will just make things a lot worse for mom and child but if its true and the sons has been abused and they have been ignored then I cant blame her, any parent wouldn't.

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Posted in: Republican senators troubled after Rice meeting See in context

"discuss her explanations of the deadly Sept 11, 2001 raid on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans"

Was that not 2012?

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Posted in: Japan support for whaling outweighs opposition: poll See in context

(excuse the numerous typos, grammar mistakes in my last post)

How many whales do they need to kill to research a species, how many years?, what are they researching exactly? Whale population?, migration paths?, biological research?, no, no silly me, it's the taste, each year the ocean bares fresh meat, like a fine wine each years is different?

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Posted in: Japan support for whaling outweighs opposition: poll See in context

My personal views, not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone.

(1) Is whaling a tradition? Was. (2) Is whaling Okay? - Yes, if it's a NECESSARY sustainable food source (3) Is whale meat tasty? - From what I've heard, yes. (4) Is it nutritious for growing children? Yes...but (5) Is whale meat a risk to health? Well, there have been numerous reports that it has high levels of mercury, like Blue Fin Tuna I will not give it to my little ones just yet. (6) Is it necessary to be on school lunch menus? Certainly not, is my tax paying for that?, hope not. (7) Is whaling bloody? - Yes, no tranquilizers for these mighty mammals. (8)Are our taxes (here in Japan) used for whaling purposes? From what Ive read yes, shame. Democracy prevails. (9) Is the above mentioned survey good to see some consensus on this issue? Certainly not.

I choice to NOT eat whale as I thinks not NECESSARY for peoples health, economic stability or culture. If you do so choice to eat meat, then I am not going to argue with you. Enjoy your meal, well at least your dog/cat will.

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Posted in: Police arrest 19-yr-old American musician over Irish student's murder See in context

So sad...looks like her uncle was killed back in 2009, a Jim Doyle...now her mother lost a daughter and a brother.

I hope they solve this case ASAP


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Posted in: Police arrest 19-yr-old American musician over Irish student's murder See in context

I agree it must be math: dead woman + key to the door + rubber in the toilet = 15-years. Oops did we forget: - different blood type and different semen?? thank goodness for free speech. i guess we are all guilty by the numbers.

RealJapan , Yeah I know we need a lot more evidence to convict someone. I am just annoyed so many people raced to defend this dude when the odds are very much against him but yes of course innocent until proven guilty should remain

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Posted in: Police arrest 19-yr-old American musician over Irish student's murder See in context

First of all RIP Ms Furlong Now why so many people fabricating stories to protect the lad and abuse the cops. When people start writing comments like that I suspect they did something wrong or have something to hide. Its like math - Dead strangled Girl + Boy in a room = one guilty man, accident or not.

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Posted in: Court rejects retrial for man on death row over 1961 killings See in context

too true forzaducati , you remember the Toshikazu Sugaya case

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Posted in: Court rejects retrial for man on death row over 1961 killings See in context

Capital Punishment is a wrong as the crime itself .

"Once Okunishi was arrested the villagers immediately turned against Okunishi. It is alleged that the villagers soon started spreading rumors against Okunishi suggesting his guilt and wanted Okunishi to be punished at the earliest."


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Posted in: Beat Takeshi compares same-sex marriage with bestiality See in context

of it makes me laugh at some of the idiotic messages above.

Takeshi is a remarkable man, a legend, a great director and an actor, yeah his comedy is pretty lame but he has a massive fan base and I am sure it will grow further....Japan need people like him instigating debate and getting the general people to think about who they are and where they live

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Posted in: Noriko Sakai's younger brother arrested for threatening man blamed for her arrest See in context

@Mirai, people care. People all go through hard times and this was hers. I wish Noriko well. As for her brother, I can understand his anger. Her ex hubby was a scum bag. The main problem is the Media and how they portray people when they do something wrong

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Posted in: Very high radiation, little water in Fukushima No. 2 reactor See in context

Yes but thats exactly what people do think - Cold Shutdown means everything is OK. This clearly is NOT the case. The Gov should stop worrying about mass hysteria and Chaos and just say that the situation is FAR from SAFE, the place is a no go area, nothing should be anywhere near there. They are doing what they can of course but they just need to make things clear and tell the truth

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Very high radiation, little water in Fukushima No. 2 reactor See in context

Good point pamelot

Madness. Its never ending. The area around the plant should closed off for a very, very long time., no question about it. "cooling water up to only 60 centimeters from the bottom", where did it go?. And the other reactors.......they dont know.....cover-ups, lies, incompetence.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: What are some of the weirdest examples of English used in ads or on T-shirts, bags, etc, that you have seen in Japan? See in context

This actually happened at The Galerie shop in Osaka - F***in Sale.....outstanding. I hope to made a killing! here is the article - http://bit.ly/xFoVtL

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Posted in: 5-year-old girl dies after being buried by snow falling from roof See in context

As usual of a terrible accident becomes a ridiculous argument here on Japan today. yes it is an accident. Accidents like this are horrible however blaming the grandparents or the rescue team is just not right. Some of you bang on about child neglect and abuse, it happens a lot in Japan you say. Hell NO. Have you read about stories in S.A, China, .........L.A? . We only think it happens more here because thats what we tend to read and of course it shocks us. Stop Japan bashing RIP little one

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Posted in: 5-yr-old boy may lose sight after man adds battery acid to eye drops See in context

am I fuming at this. I personally would like to go smash this guys face in . What a monster. The mum must feel so guilty. I can imaging the boy screaming and fighting to get free as she put the drops in his eyes. I know as I have two little kids and they really fight when it comes to eyedrops or the dentist etc. She must of thought she was doing the right thing. This man should suffer in jail for a long, long time. I hope all the dads in prison kick his ass everyday.

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Posted in: Mother cycling with 2 daughters run over at crossing; both children die See in context

Smithinjapan, yes indeed. I wasn't really saying that all bikers are innocent just based on my experience in Japan, the accident, the few that Ive seen and the many I have heard about involve drivers around/over 60 years old but they are isolated cases. As for not cycling on the sidewalk, hell I do it all the time, if there is one, much easier to avoid people! of course if one is going slowly

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Posted in: Facebook rolls out 'Timeline' feature to all users See in context

As usual we have all the negative, don't change my Facebook comments. This is a great new update. Looks slick, easy to navigate. 5 stars for facebook. Scan me, Ive nothing to hide

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Posted in: Mother cycling with 2 daughters run over at crossing; both children die See in context

Thats what I am talking about TinMadDog, the roads here are unfit for both bikes and cars.

There is too little information to judge who was wrong or right . Still think the worst are taxi driver in Japan, too old to drive, to small to see over the wheel and always rushing to make their next dollar.

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Posted in: Mother cycling with 2 daughters run over at crossing; both children die See in context

dude smithinjapan, of course we already bought helmets, my son gets his first bike for xmas. Protection is very important. At the end of the day it isn't the bikers who need to know the rules but dodgy over aged drivers, especially taxi drivers. Most of them should be banned. What really is the problem is that their isn't any space on Japanese roads. Back home in Ireland we have bike lanes with plenty of space. I was actually referring to their cousin Wala, who said that they were wearing helmets, he should know. Looks like the article was updated as people mentioned. Sorry again for your loss Wala and Clare. Clare I hope you recover RIP little ones

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Posted in: Mother cycling with 2 daughters run over at crossing; both children die See in context

Some of you need to read all the article before commenting. Anyway it looks as though they were wearing helmets.



Wala Akong Pangalan sorry for you loss. A tragic story indeed. I have two little ones (1 and 3) and now we are saving for one of those mamachari tanks with two kids seats. No choice

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Posted in: AKB48 members to appear on stamps See in context

More SAD, SAD, SAD news from the AKB group. Whats next make a baby with an AKB star and get it on a stamp, send it to all your other SAD friends and relatives for New Years.

Sorry I am still fuming over that AKBaby trash

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