Posted in: China pledges firm response if Japan interferes in South China Sea See in context
Just on a note on Izumo and its sister ships. Its been some time since it was last discussed in this forum but these ships are a kind of hybrids. As long as peace reigns in the area they are defensive. Butthey can be converted to small aircraft carriers quite fast should it be necessary. Most likely for f-35:s.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Crunch choice on new jet fighter looms over Tokyo air show See in context
Wow Bertie seems to have bought the Chinese propaganda. China is indeed positioning itself as a superpower in the region and they show all the signs of doing so. I dont think they will attack Japans mainland in an overseeable future but they will probably do what they are allowed to in order to get more islands ( Japanese or any other countries) for so called defensive purposes. Most likely they will try to politically destabilize Okinawa to gain more political influence. A few years from now India will probably try to position themselves as a great counterweight to China and it will probably be easy for them since China seems determined to burn more international bridges every year.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Virtual love on display at Tokyo Game Show See in context
One mind blowing thing is that we are all more or less sitting back and watching while our tech and science fírms are taking us closer and closer to what used to be science fiction. The virtual mate at the show is one step but what about all high tech weaponry that today is learning to target and shoot by itself in case the human military staff should miss a potential target. Maybe the movie Terminator was not so much fiction as it was a prognosis. And here we are supporting the tech development... Go figure
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Obama presses China's Xi on South China Sea See in context
Of course the Chinese claims are nothing but greed and a new imperialism. But its nice to see that Xis comments are getting more and more to the point. I think no one, but their own trolls, can misunderstand the message now. They will take what they think is theirs and they are very peaceful because at the same time they will offer to talk about peaceful relationships with the neighbouring countries. The words is almost like a carbon copy from the 1930:s. Maybe its a good thing that Abe is not yet in the same position as Chamberlain.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: China determined to battle on two fronts as North Asian tensions spike See in context
Just a note. I’m not sure it is very accurate to say that China lost the short war with Vietnam. They certainly lost a lot of material and men, but they also achieved most of their goals, to the extent they are known. However most importantly is that China pulled out before the Vietnamese forces could accomplish any serious loss of face to them. So maybe it would be better to call it a tie.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan protests over China's radar unit near disputed waters See in context
Why doesn't Japan consider to let China have the Senkakus. What would bet the consequence of such a step? I speculation could be as follows. Scenario 1. Chinas achilles heel is energy. They need to create a secure supply to their industries and equipment. China would explore the area to with many many more oil and gas platforms. Of course all protected by a strong military presens. Scenario 2. Maybe it could take up to six months before the Chinese military had Senkakus fully militarised. But the point would not be to strangle Japans position in a first step, it would be to create an iron ring around Taiwan. Islands are much better military posts and can defend against Japanese or US forces trying to aid Taiwan when the Chinese military invade. Only after that Okinawa would be in the eyesight. Maybe it is better for everyone if Japan keep control over the Senkakus for the time being.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan urges China not to escalate East China Sea tension See in context
Well a confrontational policy may start on or in the sea but you can bet it would soon escalate to the air. The only serious power China can project against Japan on short term is missiles. What then? It seems pointless to let it escalate to start with.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump: Japanese will 'watch Sony TV' if U.S. is attacked See in context
It is true that the US economy is in bad shape. However if the US would consider to not enter every possible unsolvable conflict for a few years I bet the economy would recover quite well.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump: Japanese will 'watch Sony TV' if U.S. is attacked See in context
Well Trump may just be the kind of candidate China and Russia would choose to back. If he gets elected and persistently avoids good advisers it would only be matter of time until the US goes down on its knees by internal conflicts and lack of external respect. Then China and Russia can start dictating their order to the rest of the world. But of course it is only until they start getting suspicious about when the other is going to stab them in the back of course... and so it goes on...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S., Japan, Australia step in for weak Southeast Asia to chide China See in context
In a sense the issue can be boiled down to the US and China, but it probably is at bit too simplistic. As I understand the issue it is about every nations rights in an international perspective. Post ww II the US has asserted its influence in Asia mainly because of the perceived communist threat. I think the logic behind such a political stance was rather simple. If you let the perceived threat grow from small to big it may become a very serious threat (Hitlers land grabbing in fresh memory). Imagine a situation in which most of Asias countries could have been under the communist ideology umbrella. The political agenda of the US could of course be interpreted as right or wrong depending on viewpoint. Now it is quite clear that Chinas nationalists and current government are pushing ridiculous claims about historical rights in a land grabbing effort. Is this any different than the cold war political game played by the Soviets and US? From an international perspective and in late modern times lets assume that every nation has rights: If every nation with a long or short history starts claiming lands lost at some point in history, the global situation could be spelled with tree words, third world war. Lets say for the case of stability and prosperity for all nations regardless of military muscles, that every nation have to abide by international law and actually accept that the ruling may go against their interest. The social contract of the international community cannot function unless the member nations acccept the rules. So the stability and prosperity is dependent on every nations participation. However Chinas government has been very clear about that they do not accept any other ruling than one that favours them. Thus it seems clear that China does not respect anyone else and that the only thing with relevance in a dispute is economical and military might. So I guess Chinas main message to the international community is clear. China defines who has stability and prosperity and the rest can follow. I dont know how you think but to me it certainly seems that someone is still living in the cold war era.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: China says it could have seized other islands in South China Sea but has shown restraint See in context
And yet another foot in the mouth comment from China. How is it possible to keep repeating such statements over time? It struck me the other day that if everyone else is regarded as ignorant, then the comments from China would seem reasonable. Could it be that Chinas government has taken on the great emperors views from old?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan protests China news agency's call for emperor apology See in context
Fantastic, when you think China may in fact be learning something about international relations they find a way to sink even lower. Its not easy to keep some respect for the Chinese state. When are the Chinese people going to do something about their leadership?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Are there any circumstances that justify war? See in context
What about the events leading to ww2 in the pacific? A peaceful but still somewhat aggressive blockade of resources was part of the reason why Japan attacked Pearl. A blockade is not an invasion but it most certainly affects the ambitions and livelyhood of a country. Thus would a blockade of goods be a reasonable reason to go to war? Following the retorics about disputes in asian waters, today it seems it is not only a matter of a factual blockade but also a matter of having an idea of being under blockade (or loosing influence).
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Their claims are based on their self-centered and extremely egoistic thinking that they don't want to go to war. We can blame postwar education for such widespread selfish individualism. See in context
Thus follows, there must be something wrong with the (current) human way. I guess circumstances could be part of a moral standpoint for or against war. Consider this: Its absolutely wrong to start a war unless it is to stop an aggressors attacks on someone else.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: China opens exhibition to mark war victory over Japan See in context
It does indeed sound like a Yasukuni look-a-like. Well here is another thought for China, use the exhibition to show both Chinese and Japanese victims of war. That could probably make some people in the West start taking Chinese peaceful intentions a little more seriously. The ridiculous "hidden" nationalistic and expansionistic rhetoric convinces nobody.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: China says many in Japan not ready to accept its rise See in context
Different words but the same rhetoric’s as always from China. "A Japanese friend... just happened to think exactly as I do"- Yeah sure, what is this, basics in rhetorics class? Consider what the implications of Japan accepting Chinas rise, the way China wants, would mean. Basically it could mean that Japan would have to bow down or stand on its knees in front of Chinas might. China should have the right to dictate who owns what for every other country in the region. Yes once upon a time China was a big regional power and that is probably the worst possible argument for trying to legitimate a similar position in modern times. When China starts showing some truly peaceful actions beneficial for all rather than landgrabbing and historically based war mongering, I will start listening.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan scrambling warplanes as often as during Cold War era See in context
The world is clearly in a progressing division, east - west, between religious fundamentalisms and economy. As tension raises I guess everyone wonders where the igniting spark will be that set the world on fire. South China sea? Maybe it is the bubbly global economy that drives this process. It might even be globalization that is going from larva to a butterfly and a lot of people will have to pay the prize for the transformation. Lets see if UN can step up and actually do something worthy of its mandate.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Abe's advisers split over how to describe Japan's WWII actions See in context
Well sometimes splitting hairs can be fun but this issue is already clear enough. Unless the asian countries and the state of Hawaii actually invited imperialist Japan to shoot and bomb their populations it was aggression. The emotions from the war cabinet may have been fear of a prolonged oil embargo and western colonisation but it is still aggression, pure and simple. How hard can it be?
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Greek PM accuses Germany of using legal tricks to avoid WW2 reparations See in context
Well the grexit is one way and it could work. Unfortunately I think a Grexit scenario may also lead to a serious increase of civil unrest (possibly civil war) which would be a perfect horror scenario. Therefore a painful bet reasonably stable austerity treatment is a better way for everyone. Greece pride and economy is seriously hurt and the blame should be passed on to a row of incompetent political leaders.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Greek PM accuses Germany of using legal tricks to avoid WW2 reparations See in context
WilliB: Couldn't agree more. However I think that the major players in EU has already decided on an hard line option. But first they want to see if Alexis was mostly talk and accepts to come around after some time with rhetorics. If he does it is better for everyone (except his governments prestige) and if he doesn't, it is time to let Greece float on its own. Maybe China will be interested. I feel sorry for the Greek people.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Greek PM accuses Germany of using legal tricks to avoid WW2 reparations See in context
Well maybe mr Alexis T is feeling the pressure. He won the election by promising the people a much better situation, almost the same crazy overspending as before, without having any realistic ideas about how to achieve that. This is just a desperate cry for money and to save face. I think IMF and ECB has been patient so far but enough is enough. Time for the greek politicians to take their responsibility.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: WWII firebombings of Japanese cities largely ignored See in context
Indeed all of the attacks should be condemned but the point with the post above was that when soldiers go for all out war, basically extermination of populations there is no passed atrocities or moral high ground that can excuse such a thing. The international community needs to find a way to convince every member state to put such options in to the historical closet and lock. I believe the US did what it thought it could do at that time. And the US helped Japan to recover in a very fast pace afterwards. Still these actions need to be condemned. At some point the neanderthal logic must be abandoned. Consider this example: If you throw a stone at me I will throw a bigger stone back. You figure out the consequences.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: WWII firebombings of Japanese cities largely ignored See in context
I think the firebombing was a strategic move to try to break the spirit of the Japanese war-cabinet and thus save US lives. In the end it worked and the war ended. I aslo think that the up to 900 000 killed civilian individuals in the firebomb campaigns are worth remembering. It is not about Japan playing the victim card in a competition with the others trying to play the victim card in a never ending process. Targeting and mass-murdering innocent populations in cities should always be considered a war crime, no matter the tit-for-tat logic or who wins. By not lifting these issues we are simply saying that it is okay with war atrocities depending on who does them, a fact that can be used by anyone. This is the bad part of the history of ww2.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: China urges Japan not to lose its conscience over WWII guilt See in context
Finally it becoming clear. In the future you should send all applications for building permit to China. Obviously Bejing still think they are the center of the world and owns everything since ancient times. As long as everyone in "the boat" stays calm its okay to take anything they want. What better way is there to keep everyone calm (quiet) than with an enormous military and aggressive foreign policy. The lesson from China is very clear, everyone should invest more in military might.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korean president urges Japan to apologise to 'comfort women' See in context
Well I do think I´ve considered the issue of apologies and counter statements sometimes. However I haven't heard that Abe has managed to make factual revisions about these things yet. As you mention one complicating issue is ethics about change over time. Can a new leader change anything and everything just because he was elected by the Japanese people? In theory yes but in practice no. In theory the people has given the leader mandate to fulfill his promises during his reign. In practice the position of the leader is always situated in history with wealth, problems and hardships, which roughly is the same as previous commitments, deals and contracts with the people and other nations. The problem with the everlasting complaints is an old matter. They have been ongoing for quite some time with little regard to what the Japanese government has done. Sure the arguments about a sincere apology has been used, but so far no one has presented a meaningful definition of what a sincere and truly acceptable apology may be in the political sphere. Seems it is much easier to state that it was insincere. Therefore the most likely scenario is that the complaining will continue no matter what the j government does. Abes actions may lead to lauder or more quiet complaints, thats all. The real issue is if Park takes good care of these poor women.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: S Korean president urges Japan to apologise to 'comfort women' See in context
It seems the facts in this matter are as follows:
There has been previous apologies from Japans top representatives. An apology from the Japanese people can't be more clear than that. Still it is not enough for the group of people that have a strong sense of right and wrong, at least from their own view. I fear it will never be enough so it is pointless for Japan to continue apologizing. Abe has made comments about an interest to revise something he believes is wrong in the ww2 history narrative. Since most people in Japan already know the history and discuss these issues, I think Abe will loose face if he in fact makes the revision to a real state issue. It will only end in the loss of respect. If Park really want to do something for the elderly that a long time ago suffered from the Japanese occupation she should make sure that they have what they need and offer psychological support. Constantly harassing todays Japan will most likely not solve anything for these women.-5 ( +3 / -8 )
Posted in: Ukraine disputes rebel claim that weapons pullback begins See in context
Well the latest "facts" as you call them points to a plan for takeover from Putin hatched in feb 2014, complete with elaborated desinformation campaigns (N Gazeeta). Seems the main motives were economy. Any way this type of "rebel support" and land grabbing is simply wrong. There are other ways to work for an increased autonomy in the eastern parts. One real fact is that this Russian strategy has made the population in Donbass suffer a lot.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Ukraine disputes rebel claim that weapons pullback begins See in context
He-he "rasPutin" was good fun. I think Putins tactics will not change. For now he has forced the rebels to stop and bide their time. I guess they are waiting for everything to cool down before it is time for the next tactical strike, with minimal losses (headlines). If the west continue to keep the head buried in the sand and then force Ukraine to make more concessions to convince Putin that they are peace loving, then it is very likely with a new attack in few weeks/months. Mariupol is a price target but the land connection with Crimea might be even more so.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Ukraine disputes rebel claim that weapons pullback begins See in context
Hey Kerry, why not make a Putin? Just disregard any of Russias needs and wants, and arm Ukraine up with anti-tank missiles and make the pro-russian side one big scrapyard with twisted metal. After that Ukraine can harvest the metal for use in the industry. There is no risk for human casualties since all the tanks must be remote-controlled.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: IS tells NHK it doesn't really need money; video authenticity questioned See in context
I think IS has proved themselves to be simply evil, nothing more. Paying a ransome for two hostages will inevitable lead to mass-slaughter of more innocent people. That is all they do so what else would they do with the money? Abe do you want to trade the lives of two japanese for maybe thousands of any group of people in the war-zone?
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Germany's Scholz rebukes Vance; defends Europe's stance on hate speech and far right
Posted in: Japan foreign minister stresses G7 unity toward peace in Ukraine
Japan isn’t ’grappling’ with its population problem, it’s simply suffering from it
Posted in: Only 9% of Japanese people have used generative AI: survey
Posted in: TEPCO takes on challenge of making space for Fukushima nuclear debris