Posted in: Woman arrested after body of newborn infant found in park toilet See in context
Then they wonder why the birth rate is falling so rapidly. It's a sad sad situation. An unemployed nomad whom I'm positive did not impregnate herself.
I don't know the circumstances under which the child died, but I can't help but question the crime statistics in japan. What constitutes a crime from their point of view? Every day a child dies under questionable circumstances. Do they correctly file these deaths?
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Posted in: To rip off people, all you need is a good idea See in context
NHK should be the first rip-off entity mentioned. Talking about morals. How can an establishment harass the poor so they can make a profit? If a TV comes with an apartment and you do not use it, why are you harassed into paying? You are conserving trying to make ends meet, and they on the other hand are sending out their collectors to take away the little you have so they can increase their profit margin. A body subsidized by the government using tax payers money on top of that.
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Posted in: Amazon in new gadget offensive, led by $50 tablet See in context
>Amazon unveiled a major home electronics push Thursday, led by a $50 tablet computer.
$50 USD? Then how is it priced at ¥8,980 on Amazon jp? That's equivalent to an exchange rate of USD $1=179.60 YEN. Should it be $50 or £50. That's more or less the exchange rate for the British pound.
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Posted in: Man cuts off 12-year-old girl's hair with scissors See in context
Demanding money from a twelve-yr-old? This guy on some designer hallucinatory/deliriant drugs? That would explain his subsequent action.
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Posted in: 71-year-old tobacco shop owner slashed in robbery attempt See in context
Wow!! This is sad. Attacking a 71 year old woman for money. As a regular he thought he was entitled to some form of returns and thought that was the best way to get it? I'm surely gonna be more on my guard, as I keep seeing this man at my door leering at me. Glad it wasn't fatal.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Olympic emblems unveiled See in context
Wow!! Black is truly a striking hue. Such a striking yet simple emblem. Truly the best Olympics' emblem I've seen so far. Good work Japan.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Toyota in damage control mode after American exec arrested See in context
The parcel was sent from Kentucky on June 8. She appeared to be in Japan on June 8th. Therefore, if someone sent it on her behalf she could plead ignorance, and take the stance that she did not know they would have tried to disguise the contents. Hmmm....then again, this isn't an OTC drug so she must have been fully aware that it was illegal to have it mailed. I don't condone wrong doings, but I kind of feel sorry for her.
Still, she would be in a mess, as it has been disclosed that she did a health check after the incident, and was found not to be in need of that drug. It could have been for someone else or substance abuse. Maybe they will now check for the substance in her blood. Then again, the drug is available as a prescription drug in Japan, so availability for legal use shouldn't have been a problem. Hmmm....maybe this could be a blessing in disguise for her where her health is concerned. Shoganai.
There goes the white privilege myth.
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Posted in: 3 minors, man arrested over death of 18-year-old girl See in context
Murderer...your heart must be does it feel to take the life of another?
They are old enough to understand the extend of their crime, even before committing it, and are capable of determining right from wrong. Most of these youths in Japan, are well aware that they can hide behind their age, so they do what they shouldn't be doing, just because it can be done with little consequences.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: In U.S., 'comfort woman' demands apology from Japan See in context
**>Black Sabbath Apr. 25, 2015 - 09:17AM JST Tons of children are abused and killed in wars started by Nato
Cursed fermented soy beans**
That cracked me up. Obviously you don't eat natto. I think it would taste better than Nato/NATO anytime, though. down to serious business. The women who were abducted/lured and coerced into having nonconsensual sex cannot be referred to as 'comfort women'. That term is too mild and consenting. The women who were abducted and forced into having sex were indeed sex slaves.
This matter is plain and simple. Abe should apologize, and it shouldn't be a comfort apology. He is the one who resurrected an issue that would have been forgiven but not forgotten, since at least 2001. From Wikipedia:
In 1993, following multiple testimonies the Kono Statement was issued by Japanese Government confirming that coercion was involved in seizing the comfort women.[82][83] In 2007, the Japanese government made a cabinet decision, "No evidence was found that the Japanese army or the military officials seized the women by force." Shinzō Abe, the prime minister at the time, stated on March 1, 2007, that there was no evidence that the Japanese government had kept sex slaves, even though the Japanese government had already admitted the use of coercion in 1993. On March 27 the Japanese parliament issued an official apology.[110] On February 20, 2014, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said that the Japanese government may reconsider the study and the apology.[111] However, Prime Minister Abe clarified on March 14, 2014** that he had no intention of renouncing or altering it.
Prime Minister Shinzō Abe and most members of his Cabinet are affiliated to the openly revisionist organization Nippon Kaigi, that negates the existence of Japanese war crimes, including sexual slavery for the military.** Source Wikipedia
Abe nullified all the apologies that were made before him. Only his heartfelt apology can psychologically help these women from feeling like wartime prostitutes.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Mother leaps to death with 1-year-old twin daughters See in context
Wow! I'm always speechless with news like these. I try to put myself in their shoes in a worst case scenario, but still can't understand how they do it. I can only ask, "Why?" I wish I could be of more help.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Multiracial Miss Japan hopes to change homeland's thinking on identity See in context
Have they found the gun yet, that she was holding to the heads of the panel of Japanese judges? The judges freely made their choice, so why is this young lady being verbally abused at all angles? Still, she must have been somewhat mentally prepared for this. It's somewhat sad though, that whenever she speaks she has to keep defending her nationality, and justifying her motives for entering the contest. Ariana, the haters gonna hate hate hate. It's a disEase. Shake them off.
Ironically, she won out of a field of 69 or so beautiful contestants, and then we have some commenters here professing to pass more beautiful ladies on the streets every day. You ever seen some of these 'beautiful' women you pass on the streets, after the makeup is gone? I have. Not a pretty sight.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Serena Williams wins Miami Open See in context
The best woman athlete in history. Your humility is kind of ridiculous
“I hope not,” she said. ” I would be how old? No, let’s pray that I don’t get to 12.”
I'm looking forward to your future accomplishments.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Google unveils 'stick' computer with Asus See in context
I assume you'd have to pack along a keyboard, which reduces mobility quite a bit.
Should have on-screen keyboard.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: SDF hopes to attract recruits with cutesy smartphone game See in context
After watching this game, I have come to realize the psychological effects it may have on someone. Dodging those foods is an adrenaline boost, and to think you can actually get into one of those things (plane) and do the same is an appealing challenge.
You don't have to be tough and brawny for that. Skills are essential too. I guess the game is appealing to the skills side of its target group.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Robber breaks leg during hold-up; calls ambulance See in context
This would suit the funny video shows they have on Japanese tv. Wait, since this is a Japanese person don't think they would show it.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: World's oldest person dies at 117 See in context
Wow! I wonder what her diet was like. Did she outlive her kids?
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Kumamon demoted for being too fat See in context
Why Japanese people! Why! This is discrimination. It must be the person inside, as this mascot is no fatter than the others. If you're fat, you're not welcome to the frat, get your tummy flat.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Where have all the 'gyaru' gone? See in context
Now is the blonde hair blue eyes era. Sometimes I yearn to see a natural Japanese. When I see a natural Japanese these days, I almost stare, because seeing one is so rare.
6 ( +9 / -3 )
Posted in: SDF hopes to attract recruits with cutesy smartphone game See in context
Had a little go and it's just a platform game... I don't see anything sinister about it.
You don't have the urge to enlist after playing it? Hmmm...I wonder what impact it will have on the intended audience.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Izumo See in context
Is it just me or what? There seems to be a possibility of a major war in the near future. It's like something is quietly brewing. Hmmmmm....I hope it's only my paranoia acting up.
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Posted in: Japanese company makes tear-free onions See in context
A spokesman said no decision had yet been made on whether they would commercialise (sic) their tear-free onions.
No tears, no onion. There goes the potency of this magical food.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo ward 1st in Japan to recognize same sex marriage See in context
Mirai HayashiApr. 01, 2015 - 11:02AM JST
Homosexuality is not a genetic trait otherwise it would have died out a long time ago, since many homosexual don't procreate
You have to think outside the box. You are well aware that homosexuality carries very negative stigmatization. There are many people out there who are trapped in heterosexual marriages, producing children, but would rather remain in that situation than admit they would rather be with someone of the same sex. Point is, not because you may see someone marry the opposite sex and seems reasonable happy, doesn't mean that person is not suppressing and denying his or her true feelings. Many married men and women indulge in discreet homosexual behaviors. Some use marriage as a cover because they do not want to be stigmatized.
In my opinion, most people who lash out against homosexuality to the point where they want to kill people, are the ones who have been suppressing and denying, and to get rid of/kill homosexuals would be like killing that part of themselves. Even homosexuals are against homosexuality. Trust me the homosexual gene is real.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Michelle Obama, Akie Abe announce plans to support girls' education See in context
Some people are just shallow, and find it hard not to make nonsensical remarks.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Buddhist monk arrested for filming up girl's skirt on escalator See in context
So, according to you it's possible for him to have a wife (if he doesn't already have one), but he chose to film up random women's skirt and get horny. Worse than I initially thought then.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Buddhist monk arrested for filming up girl's skirt on escalator See in context
I do not personally know any monks be it Buddhists, Catholics, whatever, but the following is what I always read about them.
"Buddhist monks do not marry, since there are no laws for or against marriage. The reason is obviously that to be of service to mankind, the monks have chosen a way of life which includes celibacy. Those who renounce the worldly life keep away from married life voluntarily to avoid various worldly commitments in order to maintain peace of mind and to dedicate their lives solely to serve others in the attainment of spiritual emancipation."
If they marry, I would expect it to be after leaving the monastery.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Buddhist monk arrested for filming up girl's skirt on escalator See in context
+StrangerlandMar. 22, 2015 - 08:27PM JST
If he yearns for the flesh, why torture himself? Leave the monastery and go get a wife. When he looks at the pic and gets horny, I'm sure it's not done there.
I know that, but why that response?
A monk is a person who practices religious asceticism (describes a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures), living either alone or with any number of other monks.
A monastery is the building or complex of buildings comprising the domestic quarters and workplace(s) of monastics, whether monks or nuns, and whether living in communities or alone (hermits).
With those definitions, I pray thee tell me whither I erred. You should have researched before responding.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Buddhist monk arrested for filming up girl's skirt on escalator See in context
Monk in name only? If he yearns for the flesh, why torture himself? Leave the monastery and go get a wife. When he looks at the pic and gets horny, I'm sure it's not done there.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: No to Abe See in context
Hahahahaaaaaaaaaa hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Adolf Hitler reincarnated. Japanese people cracks me up sometimes.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese clothes but few Japanese models at Tokyo Fashion Week See in context
If I were a Japanese woman, I would have been ashamed of myself, after reading this (well, don't think any will).
Why do some Japanese belittle their women like that? Yeah, they have to appeal to the global community, but that doesn't mean Japanese women are not able to do this. Japanese features appeal to a lot of westerners. Who wants to see the same type of girls over and over? Japanese like these are in mental prisons.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Haafu' to represent Japan at Miss Universe 2015 See in context
+LazybonesMar. 16, 2015 - 10:06PM JST
As for Ariana, let's be brutally honest, the people online complaining about her are not upset that she is HALF, they are upset that she is BLACK. I would guess that half Japanese, half white like myself get very positive reactions, but half blacks don't. It has nothing to do with being half, and everything to do with racism towards blacks.
I may be overanalyzing here, but are you by any chance insinuating that if Miss Japan Universe 2015, were biracial, and her white/caucasoid features were more prominent than her Japanese/asian features she would have been embraced, and have more support from the Japanese people? I don’t think the Japanese are that shallow.
Based on the arguments I hear, if she were biracial (Black and Japanese), and had more Japanese/asian features it would have been more acceptable. Say she had Sekiguchi Mendy’s, from Exile, features. The uproar would be less. Believe me when I say, if she were biracial, but had more dominant caucasoid features the protests would be the same if not worse.
Talentos are different. They are not representing Japan. They are just there to entertain the Japanese people. This beautiful young lady is representing the people of Japan, so they justly wished she had more Japanese features. However her beauty and aura was such, that the judges had to give her the crown. She had very beautiful competitors, but topped them all. Ganbatte ne Ariana. You will do Japan proud.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Motor Racing Might have to not renew my streaming contract. Sigh…
Posted in: Red carpet, fashion and music: F1 launches its 2025 season Hollywood style
Posted in: Man found collapsed, bleeding from head wound, on Nagoya sidewalk
LOL Can always count on the Conversation for mind bending propaganda.
They didn’t live there, and no mention of a father.
Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide