Posted in: Japan to send help as Mauritius races to contain massive fuel oil spill See in context
So far there has been NO ACTION by the shipping company or the japanese government. Our oceans and coast lines are facing irreversible damage. It is time to ACT, not to talk and publish articles. I want to see japanese held on the ground, doing something! and this boat was destined for brazil, what was it doing so close my island? was it delivering drugs maybe? either one, i want answers, and rest assured that the people of mauritius will not let this go. Japan will take full responsibility for this.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: 2 JAL pilots consume alcohol before flight, causing 3-hour delay
Posted in: High inbound tourism levels forcing tourists to sleep rough, in airports, or in 'ghost love hotels'
If you've failed an Australian drinking test, you've DEFINITELY been drinking. A lot.
Posted in: 2 JAL pilots consume alcohol before flight, causing 3-hour delay
It was so bad that the person in the article stayed there for 30 years! And had 7 kids...
Posted in: Ecuadoran workers accuse 'monster' Japanese company of exploitation