Japan Today

shinjukuboy comments

Posted in: TV comedian Tanoshingo promotes '3D bra' See in context

Well, as a gay guy, I don't really like saying this, but if I could, I'd like to push him back into the closet...

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Posted in: Opera See in context

pamelot, I was not referring to the singer, just the song. Very beautiful.

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Posted in: Opera See in context

As a little trivia, you may know that the suprano area in "The Fifth Element" comes from this opera. You know the one that is sung by the blue lady.

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Posted in: Opera See in context

Well, that's how I look with excessive jet lag, go I'm guessing it's jet lag. Well, I mean that's how I look but without the big dress.

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Posted in: Sea Paradise See in context

I think if you look carefully, they are forming Japanese characters for "free us now!" Or it could be "we shall overcome". Depends on the angle.

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Posted in: Palin kick-starts bus tour on back of motorcycle See in context

The last chapter of the history of the country once known as the United States will be "Sarah Palin elected president".

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Posted in: Does Fukushima show a split in philosophy between Asia and Europe? See in context

"Also, unlike fossil fuels, nuclear energy is environmentally friendly." That is preposterous! What about the nuclear waste that has to be safely stored for thousands of years? Don't you realize what a disaster it would be if it leaked out? We are leaving our trash for future generations to take care of over thousands of years so we can enjoy our party now. We dont give a hoot about future generations. They can swim in our nuclear waste for all we care. Aren't we nice!!!

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Posted in: Train operator criticized after derailment, fire See in context

Japan is a great place to be when things are running smoothly, and things usually do run very smoothly. Not so when there is an accident or calimity of some kind. Take control! Save yourself! Don't wait for action by officials. Because calimity is rare, officials have no experience dealing with them.

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Posted in: Japanese version of 'Saturday Night Live' to debut in June See in context

SNL's expiration date passed about a decade ago. Taking TV show ideas from the US? The whole idea of "reality TV" was born in Japan back in the late 70s with Denpa Shonen ("Electrical Youths"?). Sending two guys from the tip of South America to Alaska or from Hong Kong to London (and getting caugut up in a civil war along the way - talk about reality) by hitchhiking.

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Posted in: 19-year-old man arrested for beating up woman's 5-year-old daughter See in context

Well, I'm such a pacifist, but if there happened to be a nice heavy crow bar in my hands and I saw him doing that, I would probably give him a skull breaking hit on the side of the head. No excuse.

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Posted in: Going back home See in context

Sorry, I meant to say "protect AGAINST radiation".

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Posted in: Going back home See in context

Actually, these suits do not "protect radiation". For that you need several centimeters of lead, which is not practical for clothing (although Lady Gaga would probably find a way). Their purpose is to protect the wearer from radioactive matter or particles from coming into direct contact with or adhering to the skin, where you could get radiation burns or maybe skin cancer in the future. Tht is all. Radiation itself can go right through the material itself. They really ought to be wearing lab glasses though.

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Posted in: Russell Brand deported from Japan leaving Katy Perry behind See in context

Well, if they can do it to Sir Paul McCartney (who reportedly smoked a little before being sirred), then they can do it to this chap I have never heard of.

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Posted in: Rally See in context

It is in English because this is meant for the foreign press, not the Chinese.

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Posted in: China, S Korea leaders tour devastated Tohoku region See in context

I just saw report of the visit on NHK. I was totally blown away. It was a great gesture and great that they visite the evacuation shelters.

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Posted in: China, S Korea leaders tour devastated Tohoku region See in context

I'm really impressed that the two leaders went directly to the earthquake zone. The symbolism is great.

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Posted in: Justin Bieber looking forward to coming to Japan See in context

OK, so I watched a view of JB on U-tube. Not my type of music, but OK I understand.

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Posted in: Justin Bieber looking forward to coming to Japan See in context

stevepfc, if his homophobic remarks are reported over here, he'll lose his fan base. boy-boy love is all the rage among his presumable almost entirely young female fan base. Just watch the latest smash hit anime 世界一初恋 (the worlds number 1 first love(?)). They'll abandon him like a hot potato.

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Posted in: Justin Bieber looking forward to coming to Japan See in context

I've never heard of him. Are there enough fans here to fill the Budokan?

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Posted in: Knockout See in context

I'm all for equality between men and women, but why do women also have to do the stupid things men do?

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Posted in: Tokyo Girls Collection See in context

So Mr. Loopy has found his calling! MCing fashion shows. Congratulations. Now get out of politics and give your seat to someone who knows what they are doing.

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Posted in: Levine withdraws from Met Opera's Japan tour See in context

Back pain really, or just nervous about coming to the irradiated quakeland?

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Posted in: Bin Laden's death prompts questions about legality See in context

Well, maybe tokyochris is right. After all, the vast majority of his victims are his fellow Mulsims.

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Posted in: Bin Laden's death prompts questions about legality See in context

We can worry about this issue after we definitively know whether OBL was actually killed. Of course, if he wasn't, he would probably have sent out a video to that effect.

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Seems though that for a culture based on Christianity with its 10 Commandments, one of which is "thou shall not kill", this is a great failure. Whatever happened to "thou shall not kill"? There were no footnotes stating "except in the case ...". It seems very simple: thou shall not kill, no exceptions. The word of God no less. But nobody seems to give a flying fig about that. Wierd culture or failed culture?

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By the way, you can bet that the far right will try to find a way to make this work against Obama. It is only to be expected.

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Tonight, Japanese cable TV showed a picture of the head, but partially obscrured I guess to hide the ugly parts. It did look like his mouth. So I guess the photos are out there.

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Posted in: Tokyo elects first openly gay politician in the history of modern Japan See in context

Many commentators have remarked about the commonalities between US conservatives and the Taliban. We see them here in Dubya's attitude towards this young, gay politician (and gay's in general). Yep, total Taliban.

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Well, if the US hadn't suddenly abandoned Afganastan after the Russian invasion and actually carried out its promised aid, Bin Laden would not have been created. Remember Reagans "Freedom Fighters"? Yeah, the US gave them arms and promises of a better tomorrow after the war ended. Then it completely lost interest in the place after Russia withdrew. And VOILA! Bin Laden (who was one of Reagan's original "Freedom Fighters"). 9/11 was just "blowback" from a botched Afganistan policy. And now look. You're back!!! More American's dying. Pitty.

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Posted in: Tokyo elects first openly gay politician in the history of modern Japan See in context

It is remarkable not just for being gay but for being young. Young people don't vote so young politicians don't get elected. Well actually, young people get elected if they are inheriting office from their father and all the old constituents vote for him/her (like Obuchi's daughter, just to mention one). So policies are all geared toward old people and young people get squat. Good luck!

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