Posted in: Japan urges U.S. military to make changes to stop rapes in Okinawa See in context
I was told once a few years ago by a COMMANDING OFFICER of IWAKUNI MCAS that they were pulled by two sides when these things happen. One were the citizens that get upset when these things happen and the other side are the bars, clubs and businesses that get upset when they “restrict” military and SOFA members to bases and lose millions spent by military and SOFA members. Who should they be following?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese actor dropped from beer ad campaign after drunken escapade See in context
Don’t American military do this quite often? But the outcome seems very different.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: 5 men arrested over 125 thefts in 7 prefectures See in context
I know this will not be popular here. But, this is the same problem the US had with Vietnamese after the Vietnam War. Many Vietnamese came to America and high crimes rates followed. Because of this, two vicious Vietnamese gangs were created BTK (BORN TO KILL) and FOB (FRESH OFF BOATS). BTK is still high on the FBI watch lists.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan reaches its lowest-ever ranking on Education First’s 2024 English Proficiency Index See in context
When I first came to Japan in 2000, I taught English at an all girls high school in Hiroshima. My first day I met the principal of the school. He told me that he felt English was a fad and was not necessary because most of the students would never leave Japan after high school. I quit the following year because the support for the “English program” was terrible. Now, it seems that 24 years later, the feelings have not changed.
21 ( +30 / -9 )
Posted in: Vietnamese boy killed in car-crane truck collision in Nagoya See in context
Did the driver have a license? Very strange how most Vietnamese in Japan don’t have a license.
-10 ( +3 / -13 )
Posted in: 4 arrested over death of man found naked in Hokkaido park See in context
Can someone please explain to me? Japan passed a law that 18 is the new age of adulthood. But, every time an 18 year old commits a crime, they leave out their info. Why?
11 ( +11 / -0 )
Posted in: Plan to reuse decontaminated soil in Fukushima safe: IAEA See in context
I remember when the Fukushima Meltdown occurred and people were comparing it to Chernobyl. Some even saying it was worse than Chernobyl. Then, people from the IAEA started using technical information saying things like “Chernobyl was worse because more strontium was released but Fukushima had more uranium released”. Now, you never hear the two in the same conversation. What is the truth?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 81-year-old man in Saitama City swindled out of ¥288.11 million See in context
I had $8000 American and took it to get exchanged into yen and you would not believe the hoops I had to go through to exchange the money! “Where did you get this money?”. “What are you using this money for?”. “What school will you son be attending?”. But, the bank allows him to transfer so much money, even if over time?
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Discrimination against Kurds living in Japan has surged on social media in less than a year. See in context
Everyone wants something but no one wants to do anything for it. If you help the Kurds, then the Thai community might feel left out (just an example).
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Japanese police failed to disclose 5 sex crime cases linked to U.S. troops See in context
When you hear about this, just imagine what it’s like on the bases! I used to work in the base in Yamaguchi, MCAS iWAKUNI. About 6 years ago, there was a SSGT that was about to be arrested for molesting his daughter and raping her 14 year old friend. He found out they were going to arrest him and he went home and slashed his wrists. He was found dead in his bathroom. There are so many that just never get reported because they occur on bases. They get hushed up or just ignored.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. Air Force officer one of two killed in car crash in Aomori Prefecture See in context
Just a little confusing? The headline says Air Force “officer” was killed. But, the article says “airman” which is E-1 through E-4. Those are enlisted ranks?
7 ( +9 / -2 )
Posted in: 2 men arrested for putting mentally disabled colleague in large washing machine See in context
This happens more than you know. The Japanese are not always kind to disabled workers. Japanese companies get huge tax breaks and incentives for hiring disabled workers. I worked at a factory, the staff treated the disabled worker like a slaved and called him “boots” because of the blue boots he wore.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan logs record work-induced mental disorders for 5th straight year See in context
I do not doubt this at all. I knew a guy from Bangladesh and he worked at Family Mart. The staff treated him like a slave. I had a Japanese friend that worked at a factory. She quit because management would not do anything about the old women that worked there and were bullying her. She complained to management and they told her to learn how to grow thicker skin.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. Marine in Okinawa arrested after woman injured in attempted rape See in context
Those bases operate as different worlds. There are things that happen on those bases that never get reported or are just covered up. I live near Iwakuni MCAS and I hear stories from the Marines and Sailors about the rapes and suicides that occur on a bi-weekly basis.
5 ( +9 / -4 )
Posted in: Man arrested for allegedly having sex with minor at welfare facility where he works See in context
I remember, many years ago in Hiroshima. An American English teacher was detained for taking one of his 17 year old students out drinking and molested her. He paid the family “compensation money” and the case was dropped. What is the age of consent in Japan?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Police officer busted for stealing women’s underwear from several residences See in context
Suspended for 3 months???LOL
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: Japanese firms, unions kick off annual wage talks See in context
Does anyone remember many years ago when Prime Minister Abe pitched making the highways in Japan FREE for all motorists. It was a huge part of his campaign! He actually allowed it to happen, FOR ABOUT A MONTH. Then he said it want sustainable and the promise quietly disappeared! Then, the prices came back. Japan is just full of empty promises from the politicians to business leaders. The unions and business leaders will cry and moan later and it will go back to business as usual.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Is buying a house in Japan a good financial investment? See in context
Be like Bill Gates. He said the only property worth investing in is FARM LAND.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Fears grow Japan-U.S. alliance may be affected by Osprey crash See in context
The “alliance” should be re-established. The bases should be honest and report truthfully. We all read about the 20-ish year old American Marine in Iwakuni that attacked a Japanese national in her 70’s . But what you did not read was that he was drunk and naked and tried to sexually assault the woman. Then a week later, which you did not read about, a young Marine, also in Iwakuni, attacked an elderly man. The military needs to stop hiding their poor actions and step up their responsibilities.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Cambodia deports 25 Japanese nationals suspected of operating online scams See in context
Just curious? Why are they not showing the faces of these scoundrels? They are over 18, right?
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: 20-year-old U.S. Marine arrested for allegedly assaulting 76-year-old woman See in context
These are just the cases we hear about. My friend works at a bar in Hiroshima and tells me about the WEEKLY trouble they have from Marines and Sailors! From fights to destruction of property to assaults on women. And this is just from military at MCAS IWAKUNI. I can’t imagine what it’s like at the bigger bases.
15 ( +19 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan 'on standby' to take all possible steps amid yen decline See in context
I read an article a few weeks ago. It was stating that the IMF felt that the YEN was actually undervalued and should be around ¥180 and if Japan intervened to lower the YEN, then they should be considered “currency manipulators”. Anyone else think this way?
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Bear bounty introduced by Akita governor pays ¥5,000 per bear to hunters See in context
And we wonder how animals went extinct in the past?
6 ( +12 / -6 )
Posted in: Kishida revamps cabinet; record-tying 5 women appointed ministers See in context
How about getting away from “ministers” in their 70’s? In mean the DIGITAL MINISTER is 60!!!
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan warns of excessive currency moves; says all options on table See in context
Did they try this before, and it worked but went right back to where it was?
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: 2 men report to police over DJ Soda groping case See in context
I used to know a Japanese woman in Hiroshima. She would get other women drunk and take them back to her place and molest and assault them. She said some were into it but most were not. She said the thing that helped her avoid the police was that most women felt shame and worried about the possibility of being ridiculed.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Woman arrested over murder of 67-year-old mother See in context
I wonder if she had Alzheimer’s or some other debilitating disease? The Japanese government gives no support for those with a crushing illness. It is not easy.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Do you think the world is more dangerous today than it was two years ago? See in context
When you have a French leader afraid to stand up to Putin, and let the Russians do what they want. Then of course!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Holidaymakers to boost spending as Japan growth at tipping point See in context
I watched an interview on TV. It was a Japanese guy with his wife and two children at an airport. They asked him “where are you and your family going for Obon and how much did it cost?”. He replied that they were going to Australia for 5 days and it was costing him ¥350000. He also said that he didn’t have the money for this trip, but his wife insisted they go anyway. Is this the new norm?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Pokemon card shop in Osaka says it will refuse to buy cards from any Vietnamese people See in context
Does anyone remember the LARGE influx of Vietnamese that came to the US after the Vietnam War? With the huge influx of Vietnamese came the huge gang influx and the creation of BTK. A very filthy and murderous gang that the FBI is still battling today.
-12 ( +1 / -13 )
Posted in: WHO calls for tobacco-style cancer warning labels on alcoholic drinks across Europe
Imported Basmati rice is cheaper than Japanese white rice.
Posted in: Japan's private rice imports hit record high
Posted in: Baby in state of cardiac arrest after minivan and truck collide in Saitama Prefecture
Posted in: The EU was built for another age – here’s how it must adapt to survive