Japan Today

shoganai comments

Posted in: Suga elected prime minister by Diet; new cabinet contains just 2 women See in context

 Suga's victory a foregone conclusion as the ruling coalition of the LDP and junior partner Komeito has a majority in both chambers. He received 314 votes in the 465-member House of Representatives and 142 votes in the 245-member House of Councillors.

Environment Minister: Shinjiro Koizumi 39 (R)

This is promising. I suppose Suga had to pick those guys as the condition for him to become PM. There was no leeway.

during the live telecast of the proceedings, when it was announced koizumi received 1 vote as prime minister, the whole chamber erupted into laughter. it trended online immediately.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: U.N. chief urges Japan, others to meet goals on climate change See in context

1 year ago :

 On tackling such a big-scale issue like climate change, it’s got to be fun, it’s got to be cool. It’s got to be sexy too,” Koizumi told a news conference

still waiting for his follow up to walk his talk .....

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Posted in: Canada's top doctor urges mask wearing during sex, no kissing See in context

rear entry will meet the safe distancing requirements.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Posted in: 75 years later, Japanese-American man recalls bitter internment in U.S. See in context


Indian Removal Act 


Indian Appropriations Act


Immigration Act of 1924 Asian Exclusion Act Chinese/Japanese Exclusion Acts


His uncle, who ran a grocery store, once drove him to a fancy hilltop restaurant in San Francisco and showed him a sign outside that read, “Orientals Not Allowed.”

euphemism such as "indian reservations" preceded the japanese internment camps by one hundred years.

realities were a lot more complex and uglier than just pretending and conveniently attributing to events directly leading up to ww2. racisms and discriminations were, and are still very deep seated, as can be seen in what is happening right now.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Posted in: PM candidate Kishida cautious about cutting sales tax See in context

"Cutting the tax rate would burden small and midsize companies with additional costs" such as adjusting their cashier systems to adapt to a new tax rate, he said.

increasing the tax rate further would burden small and midsize companies with additional costs such as adjusting their cashier systems to adapt to a new tax rate.

Kishida said he can show strength in the areas of economics and foreign policy

sweating the small stuffs like adjusting cashier systems does not sound like much strength in economics.

he wants to be a leader who listens to the people.

yes, cut the taxes !

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Abe says decision to resign before accomplishing his goals 'gut-wrenching' See in context

will he become another shadowy yami-shogun 闇将軍 like some other previous leaders ? the backroom power he wields is still enormous.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan, U.S. to boost defense cooperation in outer space See in context

The US is recruiting Japan to assist in the militarization of space. What could go wrong?

americans have been the pioneers in the militarization of space since the beginning of the space age, depending on how one wants to obfuscate it with euphemism, whether offensive or defensive or scientific or peaceful or reconnaissance or whatever.

NASA's Secret Relationships with U.S. Defense and Intelligence Agencies




many other capabilities and projects remains classified.

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Posted in: Gov't eyes lower or no fees to switch mobile carrier with same number See in context

mobile number portability has been free in many countries for many years.

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Posted in: Abe likely to stay on as PM, close ally says See in context

until his term ends in September next year

is this why they only postpone the olympics by 1 year and not 2 ? 2800 + another 365 ? ghastly numbers.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to allow stranded foreign tech interns to switch jobs See in context

foreign tech interns

The government-sponsored program established in 1993 is intended to promote international cooperation by imparting skills and knowledge in Japanese industries to developing countries. Trainees are only allowed to work for up to five years in designated fields under the current regulations.

Most of the foreign trainees under Japan's technical internship program are from other Asian nations. At the end of last year, Vietnamese accounted for more than half of the total at 218,727, followed by Chinese at 82,370, Filipino at 35,874 and Indonesian at 35,404, according to the Justice Ministry.

haha, obfuscated euphemism for cheap low cost asian labor ? and why is the justice ministry in this ?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Koike says coronavirus situation improving; Olympics on track for 2021 See in context

"I think he is the one to host the 2020, actually 2021, Olympic and Paralympic Games," she said.

that is why abe is still trying his best to hold out his medical condition and not step down ? meaning 2800 + at least 365 ? does not sound good.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: After hospital visit, Abe says he will do his utmost as prime minister See in context


“Today, I heard the detailed results of the tests I underwent last week, and I had some follow-up tests,” Abe told reporters at his official residence, after leaving hospital. “I want to continue to work hard.”

When asked about the results of the tests, he said he planned to talk about “that kind of thing,” without specifying when.

so he had more additional tests done today. another follow up visit soon. 2 rounds of additional tests after the june checkup. does not sound good.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's shogi prodigy Fujii becomes youngest to win 2 major titles See in context

all the records he has set will be standing for a very long time. omedetou !

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Posted in: Hooters closing first location in Japan as chain’s downsizing continues See in context

the picture above speaks volumes and says it all. very unjapanese, the girls, demeanor, attire, food, omotenashi, etc. next.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Posted in: Abe to return to work after 3-day break See in context

devoted one day to a hospital visit for what his aide called a regular health checkup.

A hospital source said Abe underwent additional tests on Monday after a regular health checkup on June 13,

will there be another follow up regular health checkup for the "regular" additional tests ?

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Posted in: Abe leaves hospital after health check-up See in context

Hopefully it's the end of nepotism but I doubt it.

exactly, there are quite a few more political families in the running, for the next generation. it is deeply entrenched.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Hamamatsu logs record-tying temperature of 41.1 C See in context

rain or shine, we have been seeing new records every year these past few years.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Abe leaves hospital after health check-up See in context

A hospital source said the current visit is to conduct an additional test after the June checkup.

so the june tests showed some anomalies ?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese firms shift focus to Southeast Asia due to U.S.-China dispute: JETRO See in context

Really promising news. Good to hear Japanese companies are following the Abe Cabinets advice to exit Communist China.

Vietnam is attractive since the labor costs are even cheaper. Win-win for Japanese companies, and a huge economic hit to Communist China.

to be more coherent, either use communist china and communist vietnam, or just china and vietnam.

 Aren't the Germans worried about Tik Tok and the CCCP?

cccp refers to the former soviet union ?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Hokkaido town considers signing up for nuclear waste disposal site survey See in context

haha, not far from niseko !

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 2 doctors indicted over consensual killing of terminal ALS patient See in context

I hope before my time comes I will be able to make arrangements to avoid this kind of situation.

there was this nhk documentary shown last year that tracked very closely the path a japanese woman took to travel to switzerland to end her life there. it was very touching and emotional to see her sisters bidding final farewell to her. her sisters travelled there to be with her until the end.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Hong Kong activist Agnes Chow thanks Japanese for support See in context

how come no "free jimmy lai" hashtags trending on twitter ? only trending for this pretty japanese speaking girl ?

周庭氏の逮捕に抗議する FreeAgnes

please emigrate here, she will fit in right away, japan needs her talents. cheers.

21 ( +24 / -3 )

Posted in: Opposition party to split as merger talks hit impasse See in context

more musical chairs farce. rinse and repeat. bye.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan signs ¥36.6 bil deal with Vietnam for 6 patrol ships See in context

vietnam is still very communist. lesser of the 2 evils ?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: New cases end New Zealand's 'COVID-free' status; Auckland back in lockdown See in context


Covid 19 coronavirus: Auckland in lockdown, rest of country in level 2 - Four cases of community transmission

this report is about christchurch, which is in the south island. and now auckland in the north island going into lockdown ?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Japanese company planning space debris removal by laser on satellite See in context

will this generate more unintended debris with haywire orbits endangering other working satellites ? and anyone can use this as a cover for launching satellite killers ?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 197 new virus infections; nationwide total tops 50,000 See in context

the tokyo numbers are now probably distributed everywhere else to other prefectures due to the Go To Trouble (katakana) campaign during the obon.

17 ( +21 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan's summer holiday begins quietly amid requests to avoid trips See in context

Larr FlintToday  04:15 pm JST

Im going from Tokyo to Aomori this weekend there was no infection there yet so I feel safe not wearing mask.

let's see the numbers in aomori in the next 2 weeks, haha. good luck and enjoy responsibly.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Sumo wrestler offers to retire after after breaking COVID-19 restrictions See in context

his sumo style is unexciting, just using his longer than usual arms slapping, pushing, thrusting.

this thomson-reuters report missed out some very important information about his character/integrity if you can read japanese in other reports.

The tournament was also moved from its usual location in Nagoya to reduce necessary travel during the pandemic.


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Posted in: Yasukuni Shrine a symbol of haunting wartime legacy See in context

 The late former President Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan (Republic of China) which actually fought Imperial Japan visited Yasukuni on October 27, 2007.

roc fought against imperial japan.

lee fought as iwasato masao, for imperial japan.

lee's elder brother also fought for imperial japan and died, and his name is listed in the shrine. his visit was for his brother.

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