Japan Today

Sid comments

Posted in: Chelsea star Kerr claims police ignored her after 'scary' row with taxi driver See in context

If you watch the video of her at the police station (available on the BBC) you can see that it's her ignoring the police. Her whole attitude and body language is like the worst ever teenager in high school determined to be rude to the teacher. It certainly doesn't look like someone who is afraid and feeling ignored, more like someone who is drunk and with a with a heightened sense of entitlement and determination to belittle the person she is speaking to.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Chelsea forward Sam Kerr allegedly called police officer 'stupid and white,' jury hears See in context

You can tell by the photos that she seems to think this is all a bit of a laugh. If you believe their account of the incident then it's the taxi driver who would not only lose his taxi license, but face imprisonment for a serious crime of taking two women hostage. That sums up the footballers whole mentality. Not only playing the race card, but the unsafe women card, making it more difficult for women who really are unsafe to deal with their situation.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Suspect arrested for stealing tote bag with gold bars from man See in context

This is why I don't buy bitcoin - I might be walking around with a bag of them and some guy will just grab them. The ones I was offered weren't very heavy though and it made me wonder if they were genuine.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: King Charles, in Christmas Day message, thanks medics for his and Kate's cancer care See in context

Of course I wish both Charles and Kate a full recovery and good health, but their treatment was the best and given speedily. For most people in the UK suffering from cancer it's very hard to get an early diagnosis and then there's a long wait for treatment to begin - that's why cancer outcomes here are so bad compared with other developed countries. You can be sure Kate didn't wait on a hospital trolley for 10 hours in a hospital corridor, or wait 6 weeks for an appointment for tests and then 6 weeks to get the results and then 3 months for treatment to begin. (Trust me, I know.)

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Wallace and Gromit return with comic warning about AI dystopia See in context

I love Wallace and Gromit! Shaun the Sheep is brilliant, too!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: As China cracks down on bookstores at home, Chinese-language booksellers are flourishing overseas See in context

Just because he's left China it doesn't mean the harassment won't continue. It won't be long before some thugs posing as 'ordinary members of the public' will start throwing their weight around and intimidate customers.

By the way, I would certainly buy books in a bookshop called 'Fatty Wangs'!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Osaka zookeeper indicted for stealing food for monkeys and chimpanzees See in context

Apparently some of the chimps have agreed to appear in court as witnesses for the defence, so it's not so clear cut.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Quincy Jones, music titan who worked with everyone from Frank Sinatra to Michael Jackson, dies at 91 See in context

Any recording with the name 'Quincy Jones' attached was sure to be a work of quality, and this was true for so many different styles of music. His range was incredible and we were lucky to have him for so long.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Manager nabbed for alleged voyeurism at Uniqlo fitting rooms in Tokyo See in context

This crime isn't so common in Europe. In fact the French don't even have a word for voyeur. (Thank you George Bush.)

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: From Swift to Springsteen to Al Jolson, candidates keep trying to use celebrities to change voters’ songs See in context

Roosevelt in the 1930s adopted the song 'Happy Days are Here Again' for his campaign. The writer intended it as an ironic take on the most miserable time of the Great Depression and it was supposed to be sung jokingly as a dirge. However it was then taken up as a comment on the abolition of Prohibition and became the jaunty number we know and love.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: King Charles III heads to Australia and Commonwealth meeting See in context

Charles has recently stated that the Australian people should choose whether they want a monarchy or not. I'm guessing that those in favour would still win any referendum on the matter. However, the demographic makeup of Australian includes an increasing number of people whose origin is no longer white British, but other nations where there is no historical connection to the UK and monarchy.

As for reparations, it's not up to Charles whether they are paid or not, whatever his opinion. That's what a constitutional monarchy is - he's only there to sign off on what the elected government decides.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Can music help plants grow? Study suggests sound boosts fungus See in context

Strangely enough, I find that listening to rap makes my athlete's foot much worse, whereas enka seems to calm it down. Of course, that may be due to the fact that Japanese fungus may react more favourably to Japanese music. Hopefully the boffins will investigate this phenomenon in an international context.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Is it bad to listen to music all the time? Here’s how tunes can help or harm See in context

iron man

Yes, I see your point. I often say the same thing myself.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Austria holds tight election with far right bidding for historic win See in context

I'm surprised as I don't associate Austria with the far-right. I mean, historically, have they ever produced a far-right politician of note?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Halloween season See in context

In UK supermarkets this year they were selling Christmas goods before Halloween items were on the shelves. I don't want to sound like the old geezer, but I think when I was a kid we had more fun when Halloween didn't involve buying stuff.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: What is helium and why is it used in rockets? See in context

I know quite a bit about helium as I used to work in a helium factory. However, I didn't like the boss and quit - I refuse to be spoken to in that tone!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Art forger Beltracchi believes many of his works are in Japan See in context

I'm starting to suspect that the Uttamarro I bought is not genuine, even though it's signed quite clearly in biro. That's a thousand yen wasted.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Delon's dog saved from euthanasia, Bardot Foundation says See in context

It would've been worse the other way round - if Loubo had died first and Alain Delon was put to sleep and buried with him.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: In many cases, people don’t realize their posts are insulting because they assume athletes accept criticism as part of being a pro. See in context

I'm often shocked and depressed by online comments and fully agree that many are insulting, racist etc. However, many people now seem to believe that legitimate criticism is bullying or offensive. This isn't just online - recently I witnessed a shop manager, rather gently and patiently I thought, explaining to a junior employee what they were doing wrong with some procedure. This was followed by a complete meltdown about bullying and feeling threatened. Meanwhile customers are left standing without any service or attempt to sort out the mess created by the incompetent employee.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman arrested for throwing raw eggs at neighbor's house in Gifu Prefecture See in context

Doctors have confirmed that due to stress she just cracked up, apparently suffering from shell-shock.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Posted in: Beach volleyball See in context

I'd really like to get to the bottom of why people like beach volleyball so much.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: Hypnosis bar opens in Tokyo, with prizes for those who don’t fall into a hypnotic state See in context

It's strange - i wasn't going to comment, but I have this overwhelming compulsion to write something...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Parking lot manager arrested after threatening teacher who came to pick up ball that landed in lot See in context

I'm guessing that the parking lot owner was worried about damage to any cars parked there. If it gets around that your car might get damaged if you park there, his business would suffer. However, no excuse for the threats and machete. Maybe some kind of net to stop balls flying over might be a solution.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: 17-year-old charged with murder of 3 girls in UK knife attack See in context


I think it was just carelessness on the part of Times Radio. It was very early in the sequence of events and they stopped reporting the information pretty quickly.

What I find depressing on this comments page is that everyone is talking about immigration and no one seems to be thinking about these poor children or their families. They just want to turn it into a forum to express their political beliefs.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: 17-year-old charged with murder of 3 girls in UK knife attack See in context


His name was released initially (I actually heard it on Times Radio) when it wasn't realised that he was 17 years old, and then the usual restrictions were applied very quickly.


Andrew Tate is completely wrong. The accused is not an immigrant, illegal or otherwise, and was born in the UK. All of this has been widely reported.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: 17-year-old charged with murder of 3 girls in UK knife attack See in context


I remember the Bulger case well and the identities of the murderers were not released until after they were tried and found guilty.

The usual suspects are trying to make this about immigration. As the accused was not an immigrant it's completely irrelevant. I have concerns, too, about immigration into the UK, but this case has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The rioters were not politically motivated. If you look at videos of the riots there are many teenagers who are just out to have a fight, as are their seniors. They are not local, and hecklers of Starmer were not local. They insult the real locals who are trying to grieve about this horrible incident.

The English Defence League are not some kind of mass movement of the people. They are a few hundred thugs who look for any excuse to cause trouble. One of their leaders, Tommy Robinson, had many convictions for violence and dishonesty before he became 'political'. I'm proud to say that when he came to our local football club to recruit members he was laughed at and had to make a quick exit. I can testify that he's not so brave when he's on his own.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: 17-year-old charged with murder of 3 girls in UK knife attack See in context

The name of the accused was released in the mainstream press in the UK. He was born in the UK and is not a muslim. You expect this kind of rabble rousing from someone like Andrew Tate, but Nigel Farage is fuelling the fire with his conspiracy theories about a cover-up. How shameful of them to use the sorrow and shock of this terrible event and use it for their own warped political ends. It tells you exactly the kind of people they are - they do not care in any way about these poor children or their families.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Posted in: Former Thai PM Thaksin indicted for insulting monarchy See in context

A typical evening in my local pub would probably merit about a hundred years of jail time for all the people criticising the British royal family.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Princess of Wales to make first public appearance in six months See in context

Most people in the UK wait around six months to even begin treatment (including me).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: More than 1.5 million Muslim pilgrims pray on Mount Arafat in hajj climax See in context

Thank goodness there's one religion that bans the wearing of hats! I'm definitely going for that one.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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