Japan Today

SilverStar comments

Posted in: A dog's life See in context

Animals look best in their natural state, not with ribbons, bells and such attached to them.

Really sad about the shelter animals. Perhaps "talentos," actors or singers could be used to promote animal adoption in Japan.

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Posted in: What are the pros and cons of living together with someone before you marry that person? See in context

I used to be against living together before marriage, but no longer. In fact, to me living together without ever marrying is fine. What's more important is that you get along very well together, have profound respect for each other, etc., etc. And you should get to know as much as you can about one another before taking a major plunge like marriage, else it is like a gamble.

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Posted in: Play ball See in context

Well, Orientals are generally thin, and don't pack on the fat like others do. That's just the way they are. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as it's a natural thin.

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Posted in: Blacklisted Miki Mizuno dropped from 'Bayside Shakedown' See in context

Good on Miki for doing what she felt was the right thing by parting company with the meddling talent agency. She is one of the few non-wimpy Japanese actresses who can get physical and kick butt.

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Posted in: Vatican offers 3 reasons why it is not liable for abuse See in context

This celebacy thing is a bunch of crap. We have sex organs for a reason. Sex is not a sin, nor will abstaining from it bring you closer to a higher power.

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Posted in: Vatican offers 3 reasons why it is not liable for abuse See in context

So is the celebacy thing in religions have something to do with attaining some kind of special spiritual awareness or what? So stupid, if so. Sex is as natural and necessary as eating and drinking. People have come up with the oddest of ideas.

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Posted in: Olympic-fatigued skaters bumble through worlds See in context

I don't get it: skaters years ago were all able to gather together, despite being tired, to compete at World's; but now they don't. It's not that I don't sympathize for the skaters hardships but, what about all the other sports athletes who compete after the Olympics? I don't know, are they complaining too? If so, then all of the competitions right after the Olympics should be delayed. It wouldn't do to have nothing but sloppy performances by almost everyone.

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Posted in: Dante Carver mum on relationship with Vivi model See in context

Why can't people accept other people's joy? Dante Carver is enjoying what he is doing in life and is enjoying his time with his special woman.

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Posted in: Takahashi becomes 1st Japanese man to win figure skating gold See in context

I think all competitions are important, and none is more important than the other. If you win at the Olympics, then you've won only at that particular competition at that moment in time--it doesn't make you the best ever in that particular sport, any time.

What country wouldn't celebrate over winning an award of any type? Hope Takahashi has fun celebrating his medal winning.

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Posted in: Takahashi becomes 1st Japanese man to win figure skating gold See in context

Congrats Takahashi!! Hope we can watch these performances on youtube soon.

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Posted in: Takahashi wins men's short program at world figure skating championships See in context

If he performed the short program he did at the Olympics, that was a great number--energetic, sexy performance.

SumoBob--yeah, I got confused with the "win" written in the article. It seemed like they were awarding skaters for the short program.

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Posted in: Gackt to hold concert just for men See in context

It seems like Gackt has fun keeping everyone guessing as to which way he leans, by the way that he dresses, etc. But he does train in the martial arts, and I would feel comfortable in his presence than a guy who doesn't know a thing about self-defense. Go GACKT!

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Posted in: Gackt to hold concert just for men See in context

This show has to do with Otoko Matsuri which is why he is not allowing any girls to attend. Too many males are weak of spirit nowadays, as you know. What female likes a weak spirited male?

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Posted in: Gackt to hold concert just for men See in context

At least he's trying to do something about this trend of herbivorous men, even if it's just a little. So I appaud him. Go GACKT!!

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Posted in: 11 Siberian tigers starve to death in Chinese zoo See in context

I don't get it? China has a long history of using herbal remedies in treating illnesses. Are potions made from animals cheaper or what?

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Posted in: New Jersey man accused of raping, beating 5 daughters See in context

Yeah, she would have faced serious repercussions at home, not to mention he likely would have taken it out on everyone else, too. So, she could have made things a ton worse had she spoken out about it.

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Posted in: Growing number of men have no close friends See in context

No, lending money out to a friend is not a good test of friendship. What person in his right mind would lend money when they themselves might be financially strapped---you could be in the same situation or GOING TO BE in the same situation as your friend if you do! I'll give money if I truly have extra money to give, without caring whether I ever get it back or not. That way, I will not have any regets giving it nor worry about needing it later on (after all, things might get really bad and your friend may not be able to ever pay you back). Assist in other ways if you cannot give money away, like having meals together sometimes.

Seaforte03---what a cute comment.

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Posted in: Takahashi's bond with wife 24 years younger is stronger than ever See in context

It's about getting along well with each other and respecting each other. Good for them.

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Posted in: Ex-Takarazuka actress makes solo heavy metal concert debut See in context

Interesting! Although my first love is (European) heavy metal, I do enjoy some Jrock.

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Posted in: Krispy Kreme's spring lineup See in context

So Japan's Krispy Kreme donuts are as sweet as the American version? I was thinking that they might have adjusted the ingredients to suit the taste preferences of the Japanese people (as you know many chains will do when operating overseas). Those in Japan generally do not heavily sweeten foods like they do in America, so I'm surprised that KK is doing well there.

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Posted in: Jero to make U.S. West Coast singing debut See in context

Yeah, Jero! Great that he's now ready to do some touring outside of Japan. I think it is possible that, if he continues to sing songs which appeal to people and if enka music doesn't die out, he can continue to go on tours just like many of the other Japanese singers, like Itsuki Hiroshi.

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Posted in: Ohno earns bronze in relay, disqualified in 500 in wild night of short track See in context

As Junnama said, short track is always like this. It is a wild sport and skaters get DQ'd all the time. You cause it, and other skaters go down; others cause it, and you go down. It's the nature of the sport.

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