Japan Today

Simon Phillips comments

Posted in: 59-year-old man arrested for killing 82-year-old mother See in context

I bickered with my mother when I as a teenager, then I grew up, and look to my mother/father as a role model!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Toothpaste mascot a big hit with girls after appearing in ad with Kyary Pamyu Pamyu See in context

There isnt a mascot for the mascots...... or is there?!?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: British parliament votes against military strike in Syria See in context

have to agree with spanki, this was round 1 of 2. they will vote again once the get the finds from the UN team

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Coffee shop offers tips on how to get a boyfriend See in context

I was all for good marketing up till the throw it in his face part!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Court invalidates Y4.8 mil bill after teen takes dad's credit card on tour of hostess clubs See in context


I agree, but if they offered me the choice of entering my PIN I wouldnt have a problem.

When I buy something I hand over my card and they get me to sign the paper, and then they had back my card helpd under all the receipts and not once have they checked it.

At the GAS station they take my card, swipe it, give it back before I even sign for the GAS!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Court invalidates Y4.8 mil bill after teen takes dad's credit card on tour of hostess clubs See in context

I would also refuse to pay the remaining funds, as it seems like the staff at the clubs never checked the signture on the card.... Happens to me all the time, from shopping at Life to the Gas station around the corner, they never check the back of the card.

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Posted in: Anti-Islamist protests flare after British soldier butchered near London barracks See in context

The BBC has just confirmed that the victim was a member of the armed forces, and it is still being treated as a suspected terrorist attack.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Harlem Shake meme hits Japan bathhouse and shrine See in context

After watching a Youtube video I feel like I have gone down a level in intelligence........ To be honest I feel a bit sick :(

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: N Korea threatens nuclear retaliation against Japan See in context

Or he will shoot his rocket, someone will shoot it down, and he will jump up and down like a spoiled child shouting mummy mummy they shot down my rocket. But the thing is who will play mummy?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: N Korea threatens nuclear retaliation against Japan See in context

Cant get my head around this Fatboy Un thinking! As I wrote before he has said he wants a WAR, but then says he will do a missile test so please please dont shoot down my rocket!

Of all the logic in my head I cant get what this FAT boy is on! It seems that he/they really want a war but will not start one.........!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan on full alert for N Korean missile launch See in context

I dont get it! Fatboy Un keeps saying that he will blow up everything, but then worns everyone what he is going to launch a missle as a TEST!!! This I dont get!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: AKB48 impersonator Kintaro officially dating See in context

gogogo you are crazy. lol this women makes be cringe when I see her on TV!! Sorry, not my type.....

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: 20 words of English origin that Japanese people often mistake for real thing See in context

The worst part is when you get used to the Engrish and you end up using in yourself when you go home for a visit!

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Posted in: Rising stars See in context

There is nothing wrong with the girl it is just the overexposed that is driving a few of us nuts!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested for having his kids work on his newspaper delivery route See in context

I was all for letting the man go for believing he was teaching his children about work ethics until I read the 2:00am bit!

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Posted in: Skytree prime time broadcast test provokes thousands of complaints See in context

Let me get this straight! The broadcaste was switched over for only 3 to 5 minutes and 3,930 complained!!!!! If they just waited it would have gone back to normal. It must have took longer than 3 to 5 minutes for people to get through to call centre staff!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Standing up to pee 'a matter of honor' for one man See in context

My wife tried this on me when we first started living together, I just laughted and said you what!? She never tried it again...... Now its traing the boys to do it standing up with out pissing over the floor or down their pants, hahaha

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Posted in: Actress Masami Nagasawa wins beauty award See in context

Ive seen better..........

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan considers 6-day school week; teachers not enthusiastic See in context

Its official Saturday classes will start from April in my neck of the woods here in Osaka. It has destroyed my Saturday English school schedule, and I am clinging on to what is left of a mad excuse of my Saturday classes :(

The shock is that I have spoken to a handful of parents and all of them seem to be happy that their kids are going back, but it is all over the place.... no one seems to know if it will be a split pattern (one Saturday in and the next off) or how long the days will be learning.

To me this is so unorganized that I am pulling my hair to understand the scheduling but all of the parents are happy to see their kids off to school on the Saturdays.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Osaka to reintroduce Saturday classes for elementary schools See in context

Its official Saturday classes will start from April in my neck of the woods here in Osaka. It has destroyed my Saturday English school schedule, and I am clinging on to what is left of a mad excuse of my Saturday classes :(

The shock is that I have spoken to a handful of parents and all of them seem to be happy that their kids are going back, but it is all over the place.... no one seems to know if it will be a split pattern (one Saturday in and the next off) or how long the days will be learning.

To me this is so unorganized that I am pulling my hair to understand the scheduling but all of the parents are happy to see their kids off to school on the Saturdays.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Myriad of new parties confusing voters See in context

They are doing harcore campaigning at my station today.... was given a flyer by on of their workers and taken hand in hand for handshakes! They seemed to not care that I was not Japanese!

They had green coats on the left, yellow on the right and the reds blocking the entrance to the gates as they all screamed through their megaphones!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: More Japanese youth wearing surgical masks to hide their face See in context

vast right-wing:

I have asked students to remove their masks in class and they literally start shaking with fear and begin to tear up.

You might want to be a little more sensitive to the culture here. If those kids are sick, it's very rude to take off your mask. Seems like you are putting them in a VERY uncomfortable position, in front of all their peers no less.

How are you going to conduct a lesson with students who are wearing masks?!?!? Culture my arse!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Artistic expression See in context

Hiroicci I agree with you "its just the Gungnam style" pose......!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Survey asks: What makes Japanese citizens feel distinctly Japanese? See in context

What makes think British? Walking down in the rain (spinkle) with out an umbrella...........

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Eating on trains: Survey asks 'How much is too much?' See in context

All this for just eating and drinking!

What about the rest?..... Kids standing on seats jumping up and down as mum chats to their friends over the phone or the other mum is sitting next to them, blind to the fact that there kids are treating the train like a playground.

What about the old ladies chatting and shouting away as they go on their hiking trip?

What about the boys who spread their legs out at the openning of the door and one by one each person falls over them as they get on and off the train?

What about the all so comman salaryman breath, and the picking of their nose that then gets smired up the window on handrale?

The list can go on............

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Violations involving reckless cyclists on the rise See in context

Have you ever been hit by a cyclist who was not paying attention to their surrondings? I have and it hurts like hell! I Even though the cyclist was in the wrong he had the cheeck to blame me when he wasnt even paying looking where he was ridng!! Luckly their was a police officer who watched everything and told the old git that he was wrong and asked if I wanted to go to the station to claim any money! The nice guy that I was I said now........

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Bullied junior high school boy commits suicide in Sapporo See in context

The problem was pointed out on TV and has been proven to me over and over again. I have dealt with bullying in adult form from the Japanese, and it comes in the form of "Monster Parents!!!"

I have had mothers go nuts at me when they can’t get what they want from me in terms of teaching English to their little darlings!! Just forced a “Monster Parent” out the other day and they admitted to bully tactics with pride!

Teachers are too scared to discipline the bullies because of retaliation from "Monster Parents" and this will go on until the board of Education put their teachers first when dealing with these crazy people!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman hits infant with car, claims to be eyewitness See in context

Basroil have you stopped to think that maybe pedestrians do what they do because they know if a car hits them they will get a payout from that family and the drive will most lickely go to jail.

I am a driver and I see bikes crossing red signals with no care in the world just strolling across the crossing like they own it, and the drivers that do care slow down and let them pass and the ones behind them nearly smash into the back of them.

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Posted in: Simmering discontent between Japan and South Korea See in context

WOW to the comment just above!

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