Posted in: New York Rep Weiner admits posting crotch photo, but won't resign See in context
Where is the sexual harrassment suit? I must have missed it!
Are you suggesting that unsolicited sexting is not sexual harrassment?
Try it at the office.
Or better yet, try it IRL.
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Posted in: Employees reveal absurd company regulations See in context
I sincerely hope you are joking here.
I wouldn't joke about such a thing.
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Posted in: Employees reveal absurd company regulations See in context
when we are in the restroom, we can't leave before any full time employees do
Not allowed to leave first?
In my office, it's quite the opposite: I require my part time employees to evacuate the restroom immediately upon the entrance of any full timer--regardless of what stage in their "business" they're at when happened upon.
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Posted in: Coffee break See in context
She dodged my question.
Your question?
Moderator: That is correct. The final group of questions came from readers via Kamasami Kong's Facebook page.
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Posted in: Mladic hauled into courtroom after 16-year hunt See in context
thepersoniamnow - while I DO have a problem for death penalty for rape (as it happens in USA),
Not to get off topic here but a correction is in order for this parenthetical "fact": No such thing happens in the USA.
Capital punishment for rape was eliminated by the Supreme Court in '77 and laws created after that case in a handful of states making it an option for child rape were overturned in 2008 (and no one was executed under any of those new laws).
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Posted in: What makes conspiracy theorists tick and what is the best way to combat their beliefs? See in context
I still can't figure out why there are no videos or still shots of what exactly hit the Pentagon. This buidling is supposedly one of the most protected buildings in the US and packed with surveilance cameras.
You claim there is "plenty of evidence" for a particular conspiracy but when pressed for some of it, you present an argument from ignorance: 'I can't understand how a plane can hit the Pentagon and there not be photographic evidence; [therefore, it wasn't a plane]'.
Forget for a moment that ignorance is not a valid premise from which to draw a conclusion. Does it really not occur to you that you're confused because you don't actually know anything about the Pentagon's security, what kind of cameras it uses/where they're pointed, and what would happen if a plane struck the complex.
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Posted in: What makes conspiracy theorists tick and what is the best way to combat their beliefs? See in context
Was 9-11 an inside job? there is plenty of evidence showing that it was
How about sharing all of this "evidence" with the rest of the world. Conspiracy theorists all love to claim to be in possession of mountains of "evidence" but can never seem to produce any.
I think that's what conspiracy theorists try to point out.
No, conspiracy theorists engage in anomaly-hunting and exercises in fallacious logic to support predetermined--and usually ridiculous--conclusions.
Everything conspiracy theorists try to say is dismissed without any factual evidence
Everything conspiracy theorists try to say without any factual evidence is dismissed.
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Posted in: What makes conspiracy theorists tick and what is the best way to combat their beliefs? See in context
They have no grasp of logic.
There's very little you can do to sway someone who regards all evidence as fabricated and automatically views the absence of evidence as signs of a coverup.
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Posted in: Young acupuncturists get holistic in Tokyo See in context
Energy in teh body IS no longer a "myth" of "wholistic" healers.
Believing something doesn't make it real.
we know that every person has a magnetism and a electrical megahertz . . . If the body's energy megahertz is high around 80 you're very healthy, if your energy is low around 50 you start getting sick and disease. If your body's energy mghz falls around 20 your body is about to die
That sounds really 'sciency'. I suppose it can sound convincing to some--people who don't understand what the word "megahertz" means, for example--but it is completely made up.
that's why Chiropractic is good practice because it helps the body's functions opperate more fully with all the energy it's suposed to be receiving.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but "innate intelligence" and "subluxation" in that field aren't real either (and I was under the impression that most chiropractors have abandoned those pseudoscientific notions for that reason).
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Posted in: Young acupuncturists get holistic in Tokyo See in context
After four visits to the acupuncturist and was cured.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
There are many possible explanations for this; poking oneself with needles to correct "imbalances" of a non-existent "energy" as prescribed by people of the Han Dynasty is among the least plausible.
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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context
My opinions are based on what has been available in the media, and Savoie's own statements
Then I find it all the more curious that you feel qualified to disparage the parent who didn't kidnap their children.
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Posted in: Young acupuncturists get holistic in Tokyo See in context
i have always used both. they compliment each other.
Do they say things to one another like, "You look great today"? :-)
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Posted in: Young acupuncturists get holistic in Tokyo See in context
It is relevant because you and other posters claim western is the golden bullet and the rest is crap.
This is a straw man you made up. I didn't say this nor did anyone else on this thread.
Moderator: Readers, pleas keep the discussion focused on acupuncture and keep the discussion civil.
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Posted in: Young acupuncturists get holistic in Tokyo See in context
I asked before show me how western meds cure the common flu. Answer is: It can't, western meds only removes the symptoms and that been known for decades.
I didn't answer because I thought it was a particularly blatant distraction. But if you really want to address it, it's yet another logical fallacy: ignoratio elenchi. "Western meds" not curing the flu--or any virus for that matter--isn't relevant to the efficacy of the treatments discussed in the article.
You might as well have asked, "How many western doctors wear white coats?"
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Posted in: Young acupuncturists get holistic in Tokyo See in context
As for the studies there is a difference in frame of references and doing the study based on a solely western point is flawed as is evaluating western medicine from an asian/traditional viewpoint
I must be psychic. I predicted your use of this special pleading at 11:12AM ('science can't be used to test [insert inefficacious treatment]'--and strangely, you still used it).
There is no such thing as a "western frame of reference". A treatment produces an observable effect or it does not.
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Posted in: Young acupuncturists get holistic in Tokyo See in context
Acupuncture is also recommended by western docs for some conditions why would they do that if it don't work?
Argumentum ad populum. That some--or even many--doctors are ignorant as to where science lies with regard to acupuncture is not evidence that acupuncture works.
Cleo asks a good question:
If a placebo can effectively remove pain without the need for some chemical drug that may have undesirable side-effects, isn't that a good thing?
When people start buying into the magic and replacing their physicians with acupuncturists, the placebo effect is no longer a good thing. There isn't a disease around for which you can't find someone who will claim it can be treated with acupuncture.
From the first Google result for 'what can acupuncture treat' (without quotes) here are just a few serious conditions picked from a very long (but "by no means a complete") list that can supposedly be treated with it:
HIV and AIDS, High Blood Pressure, Hepatitis, Polio, Emphysema, Depression, Diabetes
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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context
I have been extremely lucky in that the man I married is not a duplicitous, controlling self-centred law-breaking bone-head.
Again, you act as though you are privy to some kind of information not found in the press.
Based on what has been reported, it seems to me that the "duplicitous, self-centered, law-breaking bonehead" would be the one who perjured herself to get the passports and now has a felony warrant for her arrest on two counts of kidnapping.
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Posted in: Young acupuncturists get holistic in Tokyo See in context
Put down that western medical paper, they don't want traditional meds to work as they will lose revenues selling you their placebos, etc.
Typical special pleading. When the magical effects of a treatment like acupuncture disappears under randomized, properly blinded studies, it's a 'big-pharma' conspiracy' or 'science can't be used to test [insert inefficacious treatment]'.
Efficacious treatments become part of 'Western' medicine.
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Posted in: Young acupuncturists get holistic in Tokyo See in context
Most of the western medicine comes from traditional/native medicines.
But of course, you know what we call "traditional" medicines that prove to be efficacious?
A: Medicine.
"Western medicine" is just a euphemism used to differentiate actual treatments from pre-scientific treatments like acupuncture that don't do anything.
I don't know much about the herbal concoctions used in Kampo but I certainly wouldn't trust anyone peddling them along with nonsense about "yin and yang fluctuations".
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Posted in: Young acupuncturists get holistic in Tokyo See in context
Acupuncture in China and Japan was rocked by the 19th-century importation of Western medicine.
Of course it was. "Western medicine" is actual medicine.
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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context
It's very weird how you seem to believe you're somehow closely involved in this matter, in a position to judge, and not just someone on the internet reading the news.
These kids are not 'abducted Americans in Japan'.
They are undeniably just that.
and if he paid for Noriko's lawyer as he claims it puts one in mind of the proverb The man who pays the piper....
What he said was "Noriko had hired her U.S. attorneys before she even got on a plane to come to the U.S. and we have solid evidence to prove it, including invoices (Yes, I paid for Noriko's lawyer with my credit card)"
He "paid for it" because his credit card was used when she "hired her U.S. attorneys" and the idea that her divorce lawyer would be in her husband's pocket because his credit card was used is laughable.
People who try to rationalize kidnapping are the reason for the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction. Now Japan needs to get onboard.
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Posted in: Pearl Harbor visitors now get both Japan and U.S. views See in context
I was born and raised in this country and I feel I need to post the truth of what my grandparents thought me when I was a kid, so NO, no mere tactics or foreign tactics as I'm a Japanese national.
That you seem to believe that constantly reminding everyone that you're born and raised Japanese in so many posts--as if it somehow transforms your opinions into facts beyond criticism--just screams 'sock puppet'. Well, that and you claimed to be a non-Japanese mother in your very first post here at JT.
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Posted in: U.S. weighs release of bin Laden photos See in context
The photos have been out since yesterday. I can see why people might question them, but I think the use of photoshop, whilst helping people to see the similarities, should be stated as such.
Photos have not been released. The photos that have been "out" since yesterday are fakes (and really bad ones at that).
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Posted in: Japan's Christians celebrate Easter amid disaster See in context
Universal crap? Lying? You sure like to cook and twist things around to suit your arguments don't you.
I only stated a fact: claiming to understand things about the universe that one clearly does not is lying. You may use "faith" as a euphemism for such deception but I do not.
It is obvious that your mind does go wondering, diverting to the universe and accusing people of lying
You do understand what the word "universe" means, don't you? You seem surprised to learn that to make claims about gods, creation, etc. is to make claims about our universe.
Are you claiming that the folks in this picture don't claim to possess such knowledge? Because as Christians, they make precisely that claim. And, yes, the pretense is just that.
Moderator: Readers, please keep the discussion civil.
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Posted in: Japan's Christians celebrate Easter amid disaster See in context
For atheists, it's whatever they put as their most important value in their lives.
By your logic, atheists care more about their friends and families. Interesting.
Also by your logic, theists find "[more] value" in their gods than in their friends and families. This I don't buy; the self-delusion doesn't run that deep (for most anyway).
Nobody is right or wrong here
I wouldn't go that far. Claiming to understand things about the universe that one clearly does not is lying.
Pointing out that no evidence for gods exists is correct. Especially for one who supposedly rose from the dead after earthquakes tore Jerusalem apart and zombies invaded the city...since, well, none of this happened.
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Posted in: Japan's Christians celebrate Easter amid disaster See in context
But atheists do worship something in their lives, don't they? Be it their husbands, dads, boss, children, career, money, etc. ..... whatever motivates them to go on another day through the tribulations of life?
You've just described everyone in the world; pretending that being alive and human is equivalent to believing in and celebrating the zombie apocalypse of 33A.D.* is just silly.
*Jesus wasn't the only one in the Easter narrative who rose from the dead. Matthew 27:51-53: And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Funny how all the historians missed this, too.
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Posted in: New York Times to start charging for website See in context
There appears to be a positive correlation between distaste for the New York Times as a whole and spelling/grammatical errors.
That’s odd . . .
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Posted in: Comments from U.S. Embassy and British Chamber of Commerce on radiation danger to Tokyo See in context
Australia has advised all its citizens in the Tokyo area to leave unless they must stay here for some reason.
When/how was that communicated?
Directly from the embassy's website, prominently featured at the top of the page:
"ARPANSA advises that there is a small chance of contamination at very low levels for Australians who were in the Fukushima area at the time of the incident. The risk of health effects from exposure at these low levels is considered very low to negligible. Australians who were in the affected area at the time of the incident should continue to follow the advice of Japanese authorities.
For those Australians in Japan but outside the affected areas, based on current information, ARPANSA advises that they are extremely unlikely to be contaminated and the health risks are negligible. As the situation develops, all Australians in Japan are strongly encouraged to continue to follow the protective measures recommended by the Japanese Government"
I'm fairly sure the Japanese government hasn't recommended that all citizens leave Tokyo if they can.
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Posted in: Huckabee denies criticizing Portman's pregnancy See in context
This is the homophobe who advocated quarantining AIDS paitents in the 90s. He is also a young earth creationist.
That anyone would listen to anything this mouth-breather has to say is both puzzling and alarming.
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Posted in: Prices going up See in context
Relax willya? I think most of us looking at the photo understand what it is, even without the text telling us what it is or isn't.
It seems the person who captioned the photo doesn't.
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Posted in: Kono calls for U.S. assurances to deter nuclear ambitions
Posted in: Canada's safe injection sites, 20 years on, face pushback
Posted in: Kamikawa joins LDP leadership race; says she will build a new Japan
Posted in: McDonald's ends hair color rules in Japan to attract workers