Japan Today

SiouxGirl comments

Posted in: Built for speed See in context

color doesn't matter as long as the view from the rear is good

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Posted in: Lovely Bones See in context

That's a pretty name: Sear-sha. My family went to see this movie and said to skip it. Weird ending.

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Posted in: Roppongi police hold anti-drug event See in context

Do these drug rallies do ANY good at all? It's probably better than doing nothing ... or is it? Marijuana is a gateway drug for some users, but not all. Once you're an avid smoker and you have friends who also smoke, sooner or later one of them is going to be smoking something else, or they'll bring someone to your house who's into something harder. This is what I've experienced so far.

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Posted in: Tokyo Auto Salon See in context

You guys are funny. I can't count on the well-trained Mr. S-Girl for an honest answer anymore, but I suspect in his natural state, when I'm not watching, he's like you. He'll head to the auto show with his brother to look at the cars AND the girls, and talk to the girls if at all possible. If I ask him he'll say, "Oh no, I hate it when they have the girls standing in front of the cars. It just ruins the view." Sure.

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Posted in: Cozy corner See in context

I like the one that's multi-tasking by checking the furry critter in front of him/her

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Posted in: 'Avatar' wins best drama honor at Golden Globes See in context

Actually, there's a funny bit on Fail Blog where someone took the synopsis for the animated Pocahantas movie, changed a few names here and there and it turned into Avatar, lol :)

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Posted in: Vroom vroom See in context

Not all females. You'd have to be a pretty serious attention ho to want to ride around in that. It is interesting to look at for a few minutes. Wouldn't have wanted the job of placing all those crystals on there with some hot glue and a tweezers, howevs.

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Posted in: Quake memorial See in context

good example of how a picture can say a thousand words; very touching

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Posted in: Tokyo Auto Salon See in context

I actually wouldn't mind seeing more of the CAR, but ... they're in the way. What's their purpose, anyway? Are they trained sales professionals, or do they work on the male subconscious, in effect saying, "If you buy the car, you'll have me tooooooo ..." ??

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Posted in: Man, 33, who posed as schoolboy, arrested for indecent behavior See in context

I'm sorry my dears, but: LOL. I must be desensitized. First of all, a 33yo posing as 16. Second - the girl buys it? Yes, the police said she looked like she'd be easy to fool ... and then there's his family. This is just all kinds of crazy. You can't make up this kind of crazy, someone has to actually go out and do it.

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Posted in: Baby girl taken from car while mother shops in Nagoya See in context

This is so crazy. I'll admit it, my first thought was, "Who the H would want to take a 1-mo. old baby??!" But, yeah -- it's bad to leave the baby in the car. Just not a good idea, even if the car's running. Bad, bad. What ever happened to daycare or the babysitter?

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Posted in: Some see racist theme in alien adventure 'Avatar' See in context

“the Indian woman leads the white man into the wilderness, and he learns the way of the people and becomes the savior.” LOL. If I ever talk you guys into letting me lead you into the wilderness, count on us all dying, probably the next day. And I did marry the white guy, but he couldn't save a squirrel in a chipmunk fight. I still love him. Not because he's white, but it does help me find him in the semi-dark. Racism! We've got to start taking ourselves less seriously or life's going to get harder. All of this will go away once we mix and mix and mix and mix until we're one color and we can call ourselves earthling or something. The last movie I took major issue with was the old French movie Jules and Jim - the female lead is characterized as a dimwit who constantly needs tending to and saving. I couldn't even watch that. I might come back after I see Avatar. Or not. I'll probably be wowed by the special effects.

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Posted in: Penguins See in context

Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to keep food on the table. At least they're not sitting in a cubicle (ppl cage) all day.

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Posted in: Soak me See in context

So I can't have him scooch over so I can get in, too? I'm freezing!

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Posted in: Riot drill See in context

Like I wouldn't guess they were riot police if I saw one of em coming at me with a big shield ... and if I'm really in the mood to riot -- would I care? "Ohhhh, it's the popo ...," drops sign and goes back home.

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Posted in: Train ride See in context

Oh, the things royalty must do - and smile while doing it. Those of us who are part of the regular citizenry can say, "Y'know what? I think I'll pass on that and let YOU go. See ya on the other side."

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Posted in: Tokyo sunset See in context

Merry Christmas and happy holidays, all! May that on-sale bucket of KFC be yours in the coming New Year. :)

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Posted in: The KFC-Christmas connection See in context

I kid you not, Sargie. I shall report once I get a look at the thing and cut off a hunk for taste testing.

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Posted in: The KFC-Christmas connection See in context

We have venison, fresh water fish, wild rice, potatoes, corn and fry bread, which is like a puffy naan. However, one of my fambly members discovered turducken (a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken stuffed with stuffing), so we may be kicking the traditional foods to the curb any moment now. I think this is still less calories than a KFC meal. I can't stand their breading, which tastes pretty much like straight up salt to me. My own fried chicken tastes much better.

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Posted in: New 'Final Fantasy' video game goes on sale See in context

I've played 7 through 12. Loved 7 and 8. Got bored with 9. Loved 10 and 10-2. Yes, I'm a girl. I couldn't play 11 online because it was just too much of a black hole of time. #12 - the game play improved a lot but the characters bored me. I'll try #13. I grew up as a FF fangirl. I never mention this to ppl I know IRL. Maybe we should develop a set of code words.

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Posted in: Cop arrested for filming up high school girl’s skirt in Yokohama See in context

okay. time for us to start wearing our Robert Pattison granny panties, ladies.

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Posted in: MOS Burger See in context

I'm starting to get the impression that "talent" means living, breathing human being period. Usually smiling and gesturing. How'd it be to put that on your resume? "I smiled and pointed." Meanwhile, why tuna BURGER? What happened to just a plain tuna samich? Not fried enough?

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Posted in: Hot tub See in context

The capybaras look like they're down pretty low on the food chain. I'm more interested in the hot spa ... it's 20 below zero here.

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Posted in: Climate rally See in context

that's what I was thinking, too, Ivan - it even looks like he's singing, "Daaayyyyy-O!"

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Posted in: Tiger Woods' troubles widen his distance from blacks See in context

I stand corrected about the exclusive stratosphere - one girl was a waitress in a pancake house. Unless - are there any upscale pancake houses?

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Posted in: Tiger Woods' troubles widen his distance from blacks See in context

Anyone wonder how many hot black women there are in Woods' stratosphere? He's filthy rich and to say he's famous is an understatement. When I see him I think of King Tut. Seriously - how many black women do you think he can socialize with? I think that's a racist issue in itself - where you find big wealth and fame you find a preponderance of beautiful white women. Why is that? Hot women of other races aren't enough of a prize?

Meanwhile, I'm married to a white guy - not because he's white. I like him because he's normal. I don't like men of my own race because all the ones I've met have been either jerks, lazy bums or alcoholics. The best Native males are in my own family and we don't go for inbreeding.

But I've been to the buffet table. I've dated from every race, even a hot Jewish guy from Tel Aviv. But we could never marry because I'm not Jewish and I wouldn't convert. As for what Tiger's been up to - I don't care. I'm not a golfer or a fan. Now his wife knows - as soon as her husband's out of the house, women women women are going to be after him. He's rich, famous, and not hard to look at. That's the way it is.

One more thing - you have to declare your race sooner or later. The paperwork demands it. Tiger's what we call a Breed - he's a mix of a few different races. But when it comes down to writing just one down on the line, I'm betting he writes Black or African-American.

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Posted in: Public Enemy No. 1 See in context

I still like him best in Ed Wood and Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. He's not hard on the eyes and he's FUNNY. There's another pic of him at the airport where a fan is leaning out toward him with both of her hands clasped together. That's probably what he's responding to. But he's Johnny Depp. He can pretty much do whatever he likes.

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Posted in: Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan See in context

This sounds interesting, as does his first book and The Tale of Genji. Lots to learn in this lifetime.

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Posted in: Woman arrested for selling 1-yr-old daughter to man for obscene acts See in context

I get the impression she's thinking that by qualifying her statement with "I kept my eyes on her the whole time," this should turn the whole situation from a loser to a keeper, as if she's expecting the cops to say, "Oh, well, all right then!"

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Posted in: Officer loses gun on the way to toilet aboard train See in context

Oh, this sounds like part of a comedy piece. (I think I'll steal it, thx)

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