Japan Today

sir_bentley28 comments

Posted in: Ex-lawmaker gets suspended sentence for raping junior high school girl See in context

However, the court deemed a suspended sentence appropriate, noting that Shiiki had already apologized and paid compensation.

So what this tells me is that I can commit a crime but as long as I apologize and pay some money, all will be right with the world? Or does it only only apply to Jpolice, corrupt officials and celebrities? This is justice system is the most disgusting I've seen or herd of. What about the young girl? What about her childhood innocence? "Here's some money! You'll be alright after I've done what I did to you!" No amount of apologizing or money will make things right with this young woman. My heart goes out to her!

Thank goodness I'm not her father!

7 ( +17 / -10 )

Posted in: Man in wheelchair dies after apparent hit-and-run in Yamaguchi See in context

This article made me come out of my retirement from this site because I have seen this guy in his wheelchair several times and to add a bit of context! He sits in his chair and pushes himself with 1 leg BACKWARDS and into traffic. He didn't care about the traffic or the danger he puts himself and other drivers in! He didn't stop to look for oncoming traffic or obeyed the street rules (crosswalk areas). He would push himself on the side of the road and then suddenly veer into the path of the road while going backwards without reflective lights or anything to notify drivers or people that he is on the road in a wheelchair which caused people to come to a screeching halt! I have seen this happen 3 times within the same location radius. Here in Yamaguchi City, he posed a HUGE danger to himself and others and was a dangerous accident waiting to happen. I'm sorry to hear what happened to him, which is rather unfortunate, but it was enevitable due to his choice. I'm quite sure police spoke to him on SEVERAL OCCASIONS because of the danger he put the community in! May his soul rest in peace!

And now......back into the darkness I fade!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: 51-year-old man arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting elementary school girl in Chiba See in context

Her parents should've taught her not to give her phone number out to adults or anyone online and explain to her why she shouldn't do that. Not placing blame on any one.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Posted in: Man admits starting deadly Kyoto Animation studio fire See in context

Many of those killed in the blaze were young staff, including a 21-year-old woman. More than 30 others were injured.

Though a horrific and tragic event, what made that 21 year old an exception from everyone else to be mentioned like that?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Opening of Osaka casino resort to be delayed by 1 year to fall 2030 See in context

Amongst all the rising cost of living (rent/food/gas/heating/entertainment) and the forever weak pay wage, what is needed most at this time? (Or in a few years when prices haven risen even more) A friggin' casino!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested for attempting to steal a Coke from pachinko parlor See in context

Police said the man told them he doesn’t remember the incident.

I read the title KNOWING this would've been the outcome!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese baseball star Yamakawa not to face charges over alleged rape See in context


I do know one thing, though: if the victim were a man, you would be citing innocent until proven lying; but since this is a woman, you need no evidence at all to accuse her of lying.

What do you know about me? You know NOTHING about me or my train of thought! He said it was consensual and she said it was rape! Did he force himself upon her? Doubt it because she would've said so in her statement. Was she drugged? No. Was she invited to his room? Yes. Now I'm not saying that taking an invite to a guy's room IMMEDIATELY means sex, but I doubt she thought he wanted to talk to her about the Lord and saviour. False accusations like these happens to prominant people. Look at Mike Tyson's reason for his incarceration. My evidence of her lying is the history of some women (NOT ALL) lying to get money, status, fame or other motives. Again, it all comes down to he said/she said.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Mother, one-year-old daughter found dead in suspected murder-suicide See in context

Why take thew baby with you? The baby could've been left with the family in the other room! She had nothing to do with ending her life! Such a selfish thing to do! Her husband.........I can't imagine the pain of loss he's going through!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 19-year-old on trial for parents’ murder says he retaliated against father’s treatment See in context

Well......you could've just cut all connection with your parents after you moved out! I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that would've been the best and easiest route!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Baseball player Yamakawa suspended indefinitely over alleged rape case See in context

Wow! Even though the case was dropped due to some discrepencies in their stories he still got the boot! This, fellas, is why you gotta leave these distractions alone! Some people can ruin the career of others based on false accusations! Not saying her specifically, but in general!


-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan to boost response to quasi-legal drugs amid rising health fears See in context

What about when Japanese celebs are caught with kokain? or kannybus? Will the new laws apply to them or will they continue to get suspended sentences?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Man arrested for assaulting police officer in Kochi See in context

 Police said they did not push the man but tried to stop him when he began to walk away after refusing to be questioned.

Well unless he committed a crime, is suspected of committing a crime, was about to commit a crime or was caught in the middle of a crime with evidence of him being connected to a crime, he does'nt have to answer the police and can walk away without any problems. It is in the Japanese law books under "Public Interrogations" which are illegal.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Ex-energy firm chief says lawmaker was bribed for Diet interventions See in context

Are they gonna go all bloodhound after Masayuki like they did to "the one that got away and left japan all butthurt"?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Golf pro arrested for touching woman’s buttocks, breasts during lesson See in context


He was arrested - the police don't arrest people without evidence, so we can assume that there is evidence.

What an incredibly ridicilous claim! If a woman says "He did so and so to me!" (here in Japn, at least!) The law is AUTOMATICALLY on her side and start to treat the guy as a hardened criminal and don't believe the man! He is arrestes for 21 days without ANY evidence. Within those 21 days, the police have to try to find evidence to either keep him or release him. By law, they CANNOT, but they still do which is a whole problem whithin itself.

I mean, do you ever read your own comments after you post it and think "Wait, that looks wrong!"?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Man who impersonated police officer arrested for scamming woman out of ¥3.85 million in cash See in context

“ I can’t recall what I did back then.”

And he wasn't even drinking! He's 33 years old! Why can't he get a decent job?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested after threatening police officer with knife at koban See in context

Police said the man told then he wanted to die and was hoping one of the police officers would shoot him.

Sorry buddy! This isn't 'murica!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested for exposing himself in Sapporo park See in context


*Um, yeah .. because he wasn't sunbathing on a nude beach where everyone knows they're going to see nudity. He flashed his bits in a public park where no one had a clue they were about to be subject to his personal sexual fantasies and made to play a part.*

I'm sorry! I read the article twice! If you can ever so kindly point out where did it say :

- he flashed anyone

- there were people around to see this (thank god there were no kids around)

- he showed any sexual tendencies

- he made any sexual gestures/advances towards anyone

- he exhibited any "personal sexual fantasies

- he made anyone play a part

Someone saw him, yes! He was in public, yes! Did he give his reasoning for his publuc nudity? Yes! Do you see my point? And because I fact checked your rubbish claim, you will downvote me!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested for stealing pachinko tokens says he needed money for living expenses See in context

Yusuke Ikegami was quoted as saying he took the tokens so he could sell them to get money for living expenses

Now that's some REAL crackhead mentalitity! And he ain't even a crackhead!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested over murder of Indonesian woman in Gunma See in context


Japan is safe.

Really? Have you not read the articles on this site?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested for attempted sexual assault of woman at her apartment See in context

According to police, Yosuke Takashi followed the woman from a train station in Toshima Ward at around 11 p.m. on Aug 9, Kyodo News reported. As the woman opened the door to her apartment, Takashi grabbed her from behind and forced his way into the apartment.

The woman told police he brandished a knife at her and told her to be quiet. When he placed one hand over her mouth, she resisted and sustained a minor knife wound to her arm.

Officer : Did you do this! Be honest!

Yosuke : I was drunk and I don't remember anything I did that night!!

Well I hope whit street surveilence and the prints lifted from the scene or the knife helps jog his memory!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: GSDF member arrested for unlawful entry into woman’s apartment See in context

"I was drunk and I don't remember!" - If we get an update on this, just remember, I called it!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested for voyeurism after filming up woman’s skirt See in context

I just don't get the thrill in seeing some undies! I know its a fetish, if you wanna see some undies, go buy some and take some selfies in them, perv!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese baseball star Yamakawa not to face charges over alleged rape See in context

For all you defending the woman, here is the truth!There were lies about the rape case! There were many discrepencies in her "story"! So the prosecutors dropped the case! Here's my proof :

The police had left it up to prosecutors whether to indict Yamakawa, rather than requesting an indictment, as there were discrepancies in statements given by Yamakawa and the woman, according to investigative sources.

The woman had filed a complaint against Yamakawa with the police. He had told investigators that the act was consensual.

source :


And YES! It DOES happen! Women have sex with prominant figures (celebs, rappers, musicians, people with money) for ulterior motives (status, fame, money, more money (if they get preggers) and if it doesn't go their way, well.......

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Driving instructor arrested for groping woman during lesson See in context

What a stupid! So he wants us to believe the sceniro went like :

Stop the car! Lemmie give you a "signature" shoulder massage!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested for using stun gun on ex-girlfriend, robbing her See in context

The woman, who was not injured, used another smartphone to call 110.

Ah yes! The infamous "2nd phone" of "infidelity". (not saying its why she had a 2nd phone)

Police said the woman had consulted them about Kurokawa on numerous occasions since January and that he had been issued a verbal warning to stay away from her.

See, this is what I always talk about! You tell a child "Don't do ____!" WHat is the FIRST thing that child would do given the chance? You tell a Japanese obsessed stalker ex "Stop stalking her!" What do they do? Turn it up to the max! Sometimes we hear about it in the news after the stalked met a gruesome end. I believe that after a CAREFUL investigation and the stalker has been brought in, he/she must wear an electronic ankle bracelet for 2 years.That would cause less stress and depression to the stalked victim (man or woman).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Orient ties up with banks on service to help purchases of empty houses See in context


If it's empty its because, there's nothing left worth to do economically in that area. The nearest shops can kilometers away. Just check the picture that being used used for this article, less people even know where exact location without really look up in google.

Not exactly correct. There are many reasons why there are many empty houses. The parents were moved to a senior home after the kids moved away and the upkeep of the house was too much, the parents died, no children/family to leave the house to and most recently during corona, many people lost their jobs which made it hard for mone co come in to continue making payments for the houses. A new family 3 houses away from me moved into a brand new built house in late 2021. I heard the husband's company went under, so he was out of a job. They had 2 kids younger than 4 years. They moved out.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman charged with murder of infant she left in vacant lot in Tochigi Prefecture See in context

With the recent spate of these types of murders, shouldn't there be a law with severe punishment? Or more discreet drop off locations (baby hatches) to avoid meaningless deaths of these innocent babies?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Man held after spraying substance on female employees at Osaka Prefecture food distribution center See in context

Police did not say what the substance was.

ie. Think whatever you want as to what "the substance" was!

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Posted in: Man goes on trial for killing 84-year-old mother with wooden sword See in context

And Japan doesn't see alcohol as a dangerous drug! This guy did the same thing some heavy drug users do to get their fix : steal money from a family member.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested over attempted sexual assault of woman at her apartment See in context

What an absolute doughnut! Why not go to one of those soapland places and get your rocks off for a fee instead of causing stress, depression, trauma, moving fees and perhaps therapy fees?

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