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Posted in: Sony introduces ultra-HD video player with pre-loaded films See in context

basroilDec. 03, 2012 - 04:30PM JST : This isn't meant for regular consumers,

Sony can still make a profit by charging $25K if enough super rich people buy it. Sony is not "cool" like Apple.

The other business strategy is charge less so a lot more people can buy it and still make a profit.

The newer generation probably doesn't even know about Sony or Sony walkman.

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Posted in: New laws will make Michigan 24th 'right-to-work' state See in context

Elbuda MexicanoDec. 12, 2012 - 09:19AM JST :Yes,$$$ talks and the ruling class in Michigan will just crap all over the hard working men and women of that state, for SHAME!

For example, if 60,000 union members pay $40 a month which total about $28,800,000 a year. That's a lot of money. Where does all that money goes toward?

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Posted in: Obama meets with Boehner to discuss fiscal cliff See in context

Obama’s second-term agenda will be shadowed by budget woes @ http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/obamas-second-term-agenda-will-be-shadowed-by-budget-woes/2012/12/08/ea97e956-4091-11e2-ae43-cf491b837f7b_story.html

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Obama says Republicans blocking middle-class tax cuts See in context

globalwatcherDec. 09, 2012 - 12:16PM JST : Unless you have a naked capital investment. All dividends in retirement fund is excluded.

That may be true now. That won't be the case under Obama raising taxes on the people making $250,000.

Would Raising Taxes On Investment Income Hurt The Economy? @ http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2012/11/29/166180020/would-raising-taxes-on-investment-income-hurt-the-economy

If Obama gets what he wants in the fiscal cliff negotiations, capital gains would go from being taxed at 15 percent to more than 20 percent for high-income Americans. And dividends would go from that same 15 percent rate to more than 39 percent.

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Posted in: Director Jackson defends 'Hobbit' trilogy See in context

Love the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Looking forward to the Hobbit.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Obama says Republicans blocking middle-class tax cuts See in context

Obama is making this into the Republicans not wanting to tax the rich when he is not making a lot of spending cuts at the same time.

Raising taxes and not cutting spending means the country will still be in the hole.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Obama says Republicans blocking middle-class tax cuts See in context

paulinusaDec. 09, 2012 - 11:41AM JST : To all four of you, this has come down to the richest 2% paying just 4.5 % more taxes. 4.5% ! And on top of that, the 4.5% rate applies only to their income above $250,000.

That include taxes on dividends earned too.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Obama warns of human cost of fiscal cliff See in context

Extending the Bush-Obama's tax cut is not helping the country in the long the run. People are paying less taxes toward SS. It should be the maxium so that retirees can get what they earned and future retirees can have something to look forward to. Don't have a problem paying more taxes when it goes toward the future. Congress must and should not touch SS/medicare funds.

If everyone is not doing their fair share now, everyone may pay a higher tax rate in the future to make up for losses that occurred in the past and now.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Obama warns of human cost of fiscal cliff See in context

Let the Bush-Obama's tax cut expired. Start fresh.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Egypt descends into political turmoil See in context

globalwatcherDec. 06, 2012 - 02:03PM JST : You may want to check the fact. When did US/IMF give this financial assistance to Egypt?

Maybe you should re-read the articles again.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Egypt descends into political turmoil See in context

The outcome is Morsi and the MB stay in power.

In a democracy country, the leader would have resigned under pressure instead of empowering oneself to power.

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Posted in: Egypt descends into political turmoil See in context

globalwatcherDec. 06, 2012 - 12:15PM JST : The best thing we can do is let them decide what they want to do. Getting involved at this moment is a bad idea.

Giving billions to Egpt is consider getting involved. Why is the USA giving money to Egypt or any country in the Middle East?

Once Imperiled, U.S. Aid to Egypt Is Restored @ http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/24/world/middleeast/once-imperiled-united-states-aid-to-egypt-is-restored.html

U.S. Move to Give Egypt $450 Million in Aid Meets Resistance @ http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/29/world/middleeast/white-house-move-to-give-egypt-450-million-in-aid-meets-resistance.html

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Posted in: 100,000 protesters encircle Egypt's presidential palace See in context

slumdogDec. 05, 2012 - 02:42PM JST: The real bosses in Egypt are the military. If Morsi is not careful he will learn this first hand.

Morsi replaced the military heads back in August 2012.

New Egyptian president orders military chief to retire @ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48639143/ns/world_news-mideast_n_africa/t/new-egyptian-president-orders-military-chief-retire/

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Sony introduces ultra-HD video player with pre-loaded films See in context

Wasn't there an article on JT a few years ago that Sony says they did not have the cutomer in mind which caused them to lose market shares? The price tag of $25K is a lot. A person can buy a brand new car for that price.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Sony introduces ultra-HD video player with pre-loaded films See in context

Why don't Sony allow the customer to pick which movies they want pre-loaded to watch?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama taking tough stand on fiscal cliff talks See in context

If the government, the Republicans and Democrats. would stop taking funds from SS and medicare then people would not have to worried about retirement. The tax cut for SS should stay put. No point in contributing more to SS funds if the government continues using those funds for other things instead of what it is suppose to be for.

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Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

smithinjapanDec. 03, 2012 - 01:10AM JST : Most amusing about this thread is that the few GOP supporters who have removed their heads from the sand have come on here and done the exact same thing that lost the election for Romney -- they won't address the issues and instead blame their own inadequacies on everything but the cause. I guess in some universe that's a win.

Why don't you state those issues? You don't like the issues that are brought up because you get offended by it. You called it blaming. There is a difference between blaming and analyzing.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

smithinjapanDec. 02, 2012 - 09:03PM JST : They mock stupidity, and the GOP provides it. Stop blaming the news reporters for showing it and start fixing the stupidity so you don't get mocked. You've proven yourself quite a mocker on this thread alone, for example. Is that JT's fault? My fault? Is it a 'Liberal smear campaign'? No, it's your own comments and inability to address the actual problems.

Just on JT to give my two cents and balance the views on JT. The media comment was not a personal attack toward you or JT.

The media is a big influences on society. The media controls the message. Why do you think some countries only have a state media? The mainstream media is biased favoring Obama/Democrats over Romney/Republicans. Not sure why you are offended by that. The media can choose whoever they want to support. It is an observation and assessment of the elections 2012. You don't have to agreed with it. JT is not consider mainstream media.

I did state why the Republicans lost overall and what they need to do but you have issues with them.

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Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

Planned Parenthood contributed to Obama election campaign funds. PP is for women rights.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

Vast Right-Wing ConspiratorDec. 02, 2012 - 04:09PM JST : Neither abortion nor birth control should be political issues. They should be private matters- dealt with privately and paid for privately. No need for the government to be involved at all.

Planned Parenthood is funded by tax dollars. PP is there for those who can not pay for abortion and contraceptives.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

JimizoDec. 02, 2012 - 03:46PM JST : @skipbeat Your use of words like 'socialist' to describe Obama is part of the problem.

What's wrong with being a socialist country? Many people believe the government should do more for the people when it comes to healthcare, education, and level the playing field.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

smithinjapanDec. 02, 2012 - 03:23PM JST : No, Romney was a man who said one thing one day and another thing the next -- he has no convictions, and certainly no moral ground to stand on based on his hypocrisy alone.

Romney flip-flopped. Romney was a moderate and not a true conservative. Many conservatives knows that.

Instead of trying to politick to the 1% the GOP needs to actually try and understand the laws of the land and if needed change them accordingly. Trying to appeal to Hispanics by saying your going to tighten immigration laws and kick out their parents is simply not going to get you any Hispanic votes, regardless of how you hold the taco for the photo op (hope you notice the intentional generalization in that).

Both Democrats and Republicans in Congress are part of the 1%. They write laws that they and their family and friends (lobbyists and special interests groups) will benefit from it.

Obama won the Hispanics vote when he give the Dreamers amnesty prior to the election. Romney flip-flopped on it. It wouldn't have matter what Romney says. It's common sense that Obama was the guy who will help the HIspanic people and they know that.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

smithinjapanDec. 02, 2012 - 03:16PM JST : I hope you keep that denial and blame-game going -- it'll ensure another Democratic victory in 2016. Until you guys address the real facts you're going to continue to fail.

How is saying that the country is liberal today and the Republicans missed that is a denial and a blame game? What's wrong with the country being a liberal nation? It seems you are offended by it. Because the country is a liberal nation even though the demographics have changed, the Republicans can not relate to the majority of the people. Therefore, they say stupid things and get mocked for.

The Republicans should show compassion, have empathy, and help everyone. The Democrats does all that. As long as the mainstream supports a Democrat the Republicans are still going to have a tough job overcoming it. It doesn't help having SNL, TV talk shows, and news reporter mocking Republicans every chance they get.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

smithinjapanDec. 02, 2012 - 02:44PM JST : Sorry to my US Republican friends, but anyone who thinks that Romney's loss is the reason why the party is suffering IS the actual reason why the party is suffering. Look at the morons who were in the run for the position to begin with? They refuse to change their ways, and so instead do what they always do and look for something to blame for it instead. Mitt was never qualified to begin with, had no ideas, and is not meant to lead, but it's a shame he's being used as a scapegoat instead of an example of why the GOP needs to change.

The country became a liberal country and the Republicans failed to recognized that.

Obama did a great job in his first term as President blaming Bush and the Republicans and reminding people that. The exit polls shows about half the people still blame Bush for the economy.

Exit polls 2012: Voters blame George W. Bush@ http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83422.html

If the Republicans change their beliefs then they are no longer consider conservatives. They would have to joined the Democrat Party.

The Democrats will always win on abortion and contraceptives in debates.

Romney was not a conservative. Romney was a moderate who have the same beliefs as Obama. Romney failed in geography and did not show politically correctness when he went overseas.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

JimizoDec. 02, 2012 - 12:28PM JST : It's time for the GOP to distance themselves from the crackpots ( they've lost 5 out of the last 6 elections on the popular vote and just been soundly beaten by a vulnerable president ). The changing demographics are telling them this, but the voices rattling around in their heads ( Gog and Magog? Satan? The Holy Spirit? ) will probably consign them to another reactionary bobble head and a third defeat.

Conservatives in the country is shrinking. The majority of the people believes in a socialist government and a liberal government. It wouldn't have matter if anybody besides Romney was running. The landscape changed from conservatives beliefs to liberal beliefs.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

Some people may be in denial that the liberal press, mainstream media, reported negative on Romney and the Republicans. The liberal press reported positive on Obama and the Democrats. The liberal press did a very good job in helping electing Obama and the Democrats. Who have the blessing of the mainstream media wins.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Romney's loss creates Republican leadership vacuum See in context

The media should leave Romney alone. The media have maligned Romney character.

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

Posted in: North Korea to launch rocket in December: KCNA See in context

The USA and the UN have put sanctions on N.Korea. But the USA and the UN have no problem giving money or aids to other countries that fight among themselves or at other coutries.

Japan and S. Korea should reach out to N. Korea and help N. Korea be a modern country. If not, China should be the one that gives N. Korea the ability to be capitalist society.


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Posted in: 1 month before U.S. 'fiscal cliff' - no deal in sight See in context

You can not hike tax cuts and not cut (reduce) spending to balance the budget. The USA is $16 trillion in debt. The government is spending money that they don't have. The country is in the poor house.

Sooner or later everyone across the board is going to feel the pinch. The govenment can not prevent something that is inevitable since they are not acting in the best interest of the country.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Israel OKs new West Bank settlement construction See in context

slumdogDec. 01, 2012 - 03:28PM JST : If you intended on just repeating what he wrote, why'd you write your post in a way that makes it seem like you disagree?

Everyone have a different way of wording things. Even I don't understand why there are thumbs down when making an inquiring or thumbs down correcting a previous post with a new comment.

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