Japan Today

skippermutt comments

Posted in: Lawmaker says Japan should invest cash in U.S. bailout See in context

I,m not sure how this will be reciaved but here gose. The latest is Japan has cracked free energy barrier of the century. Useing an invention set aside a century ago by the inventor of direct curent. Wow, somebody is finally paying attention,,,you probably invested millions.Well my invention is also based on his work,,direct curent yes,,mine costs about 4000.00 base power unit. portable,for cars trucks,aircraft prop only,ships,power plants.But your will hit the market first because I,m broke and can,t build my prototype,,,yep disabled on the job 299.00 a week,no money for inventions,,,see ya in 2 years,maybe good idea investing in America ,I,d enjoy investing in Japan ,,,,someday.

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Posted in: Hiroshima mayor hopes next U.S. president will back ban on nuclear weapons See in context

I am sorry for the misfortune that fell on Japan,and her people.20/20 hindsight gives us all time to find fault somewhere. But in the two years That Japan swept over the pacific /// they were not looking for peace// I am a soldger an have faced my own demise in front line combat.The entire world has only respect for the Japanese as a warrior.Thier resolve and pride and sacrifice need to be respected here,you have already heard this but who bombed pearl Harber and are very proud you did! so! Let,s cherish pease we both paid a price for it!

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