Japan Today

Skycypher Stargate comments

Posted in: Toyota invests in EV battery production in Japan, U.S. See in context

Billions on batteries and so little if anything on humans! Save the People with those billions.

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Posted in: What happens when the COVID-19 vaccines enter the body? See in context

A natural response of a strong immune system is enough to stop the virus’s even if some symptoms arise.

Nature has her immune system developed well beyond an artificially activated immune response by a so-called vaccine.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: When do electric vehicles become cleaner than gasoline cars? See in context

What is rarely mentioned is the disposal of depleted batteries in landfills.

Hydroxy-powered, water-fueled vehicles are the most eco-friendly transportation on the planet for cars and trucks. H-O-H is the sweetest spot Nature supplies and water is easy to obtain.

See Knute's River: Water from the Air.


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Posted in: When do electric vehicles become cleaner than gasoline cars? See in context

What is rarely mentioned is the disposal of depleted batteries in landfills.

Hydroxy-powered, water-fueled vehicles are the most eco-friendly transportation on the planet for cars and trucks. H-O-H is the sweetest spot Nature supplies and water is easy to obtain. See Knute's River: Water from the Air. https://www.evernote.com/shard/s251/client/snv?fbclid=IwAR3qd73ioHyUIzDTeAJENUnjzkGalnKhrapnD70buKqpIrsTTnxVmXmAyNE&noteGuid=f5ce1f5b-1e35-42db-ab71-b67cac8da7f5&noteKey=8a36d519c81b7f3429c1a37aa30eb59c&sn=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com%2Fshard%2Fs251%2Fsh%2Ff5ce1f5b-1e35-42db-ab71-b67cac8da7f5%2F8a36d519c81b7f3429c1a37aa30eb59c&title=Knutes%2BRiver%2B%25E2%2580%2594%2BWater%2BFrom%2BThe%2BAIR

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Posted in: Japan seeks to have vaccine passports accepted by over 10 nations See in context

Why travel to other countries?

The inoculation of people with "vaccines" is the game of the Medical Industrial Complex and all active roles are guilty, inhuman agencies, and complicit partners are participating in criminal malfeasance.

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Posted in: Amazon begins new chapter as Bezos hands over CEO role See in context

Is Bezos about to disappear to a Lunar or Martian outpost he has already purchased?

I suspect he's no longer entangled by marriage and has stepped down from the CEO role to fake his departure from Earth assumedly in a reported accident there?

Paying taxes is the role of 'living' humans.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: March is worst month for suicides of salaried workers See in context

Society is sick. Our news cries aloud daily of our chronic, diseased, zero sum existence, and yet this constant exposure of our illnesses - from the seven deadly sins to the immoralities we perpetrate - seem to linger and fester still. When will we address these issues and confront them? The term hypocrite doesn't suffice to negate our inability to penetrate the deep seeded maladies of our lives.

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