Posted in: British PM Johnson plans to visit Japan in mid-February See in context
But really, if ever Korea and Japan came to blows (most likely due to some Japanese regime having to prove its mettle against Korea), who is stupid enough to believe the anime- and kimono-loving crowds in the Pacific or Europe would actually intervene on Japan's behalf?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: British PM Johnson plans to visit Japan in mid-February See in context
I'm afraid foreigners who have never actually experienced Japan "having a positive impression" of the country doesn't amount to much, when Japan is surrounded by countries that can only be described as enemies or potential enemies. And if ever Japan makes a move to take Dokdo ("Takeshima") and armed conflict breaks out, none of those "favorably disposed" countries would be silly enough to come to Japan's aid against the Koreas.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Gov't proposes Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant water release into sea or air See in context
roughneck: "Dump it in the disputed islands."
Great idea! I'll make sure to bring a tub of popcorn, to enjoy as I watch what the world does to Japan afterward.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: S Korea, Japan trade barbs over who said what about salvaging intelligence deal See in context
In South Korea, the Blue House issued an official statement criticizing Japan for lying about the circumstances that led to the CONDITIONAL extension (as in depending on how Japan behaves) of GSOMIA.
In Japan, after a spate of vaguely worded stories quoting the usual "anonymous sources", overnight the subject of GSOMIA virtually disappeared off the headlines.
It's obvious who's got stuff to hide.
-17 ( +2 / -19 )
Posted in: Gov't says it is safe to release contaminated Fukushima water into ocean See in context
They will be asking foreign countries to buy food from Fukushima next.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korea formally asks IOC to ban 'rising sun' flag at Tokyo Olympics See in context
> Joe BlowToday 09:43 am JST
I agree with banning right wingers waving that flag in a politically motivated way.
No, even that should not be banned.
But I guess only one country on Earth has protected free speech.
And it sure ain't Japan^^
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: S Korea formally asks IOC to ban 'rising sun' flag at Tokyo Olympics See in context
commanteerSep. 11 09:40 pm JST
It seems as though some in Korea are determined to make the US and other Western nations choose between Korea and Japan. If it comes to that, I am afraid Korea will be quite shocked at the result.
Oh, I don't know... the way things are going lately, I'd say it's more likely that Japan is in for a shock. See, it isn't for nothing that Japan is known as the "Galapagos Islands" of Asia (outside of Japan of course^^).
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan wins partial WTO victory in S Korea duties case See in context
"Partial victory" = Japanese for the WTO sided with South Korea. Again^^
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan wins partial WTO victory in S Korea duties case See in context
Ganbare Japan!Sep. 11 08:21 am JST
South Koreas tit-for-tat trade "retaliation" on Japan, by putting huge import tax on Japanese goods, has failed badly!!
Excellent decision, thanks WTO, THANK-YOU!
^^SK is not compelled to repeal the taxes, and so there will be no repeal. Excellent decision, thanks WTO, THANK YOU!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan wins partial WTO victory in S Korea duties case See in context
HeckleberrySep. 11 01:40 pm JST
The WTO threw out 12 of 13 claims made by Japan.
@Samit - Not that I care too much about the valve export issue ( I've never heard about it until today), but if what you're saying is true - then LOL at the headline.
Yup, the SK government has already announced it does not intend to drop the taxes! :)
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan to revoke S Korea's trusted trade status Wednesday as planned See in context
More and more, Mr. Abe and his cohorts are acting like the daimyos of medieval Japan -- "Let the unwashed masses pay their (raised)taxes, keep their traps shut, and leave important matters to their betters; and just bear with the consequences".
Surely they are not ignorant of the fact that their irresponsible actions, driven by an irrational attachment to recovering the "glories" of of the past, are making their people suffer, force their country's Korea-suppliers to lose revenue, close down or relocate to Korea and China? And don't even start with the unbelievable insistence on feeding Olympic athletes with food from Fukushima; clearly he does not care how all this makes Japan look.
-9 ( +2 / -11 )
Posted in: Japan to revoke S Korea's trusted trade status Wednesday as planned See in context
Turns out, SK has stopped more than a hundred suspected NK-bound exports of sensitive materials over the last 20 years,
Ah, I see you neglected to mention the one hundred and fifty six exports to NK that South Korea admitted that they didn't stop.
Suspected leaks are not the same as proven leaks. Japan has still not provided any definitive evidence, but continues to throw out accusations. Meanwhile how many such leaks were stopped by the Japanese government? Are the numbers even known? (as if there were any point in asking)
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan to revoke S Korea's trusted trade status Wednesday as planned See in context
Why does Japan accuse SK of exporting sensitive material to NK without showing any proof? And all the while having committed that very offense itself? Please, I want a straight answer to this question. No excuses.
-7 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan to revoke S Korea's trusted trade status Wednesday as planned See in context
showchinmonoToday 01:29 am JST
This is how a mature, civilized government acts.
*Bu ha ha I see nothing but national hysteria. They kept throwing a tantrum as Japan should have apologized and now added new flavor "Japan didn't say thank you. It hurt our national pride!"You can't take them serious no more. They are bunch of comedians.*
Maybe SK should have emulated Japan's own behavior toward Korea, then? Like when the J government accepted nearly 60 billion won in aid from South Korea's Red Cross after the 2011 earthquake, then removed SK from the roll of aid-giving countries from the official report. Very mature and not at all childish and vindictive, that.
-7 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan to revoke S Korea's trusted trade status Wednesday as planned See in context
jj1067Today 01:06 am JST
*“And GSOMIA has not been "canceled", either. In fact, despite the acrimony from Japan, SK is continuing to provide military intelligence to Japan, until it officially lapses on November 23. This is how a mature, civilized government acts. Japologists, know your facts before willy-nilly insulting Korea.”*
Japan had been keep requesting SK to submit end user report of the products that could be used to develop WMD for 3 years. Sent warnings and informed deadline date this month. SK ignored all of it. Now which government is mature and civilized?
Turns out, SK has stopped more than a hundred suspected NK-bound exports of sensitive materials over the last 20 years, while during the same period Japanese exporters are known to have actually sent such material to NK on more than 30 occasions. Care to ask that question again?
-7 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan to revoke S Korea's trusted trade status Wednesday as planned See in context
Wait... SK cancelled the GSOMIA as a retaliation for Japan removing them from the whitelist right? When the GSOMIA was cancelled... SK hadn't actually been removed from the whitelist yet. Based on that, Japan has no option. SK has to come off the list.
And GSOMIA has not been "canceled", either. In fact, despite the acrimony from Japan, SK is continuing to provide military intelligence to Japan, until it officially lapses on November 23. This is how a mature, civilized government acts. Japologists, know your facts before willy-nilly insulting Korea.
-9 ( +0 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan to revoke S Korea's trusted trade status Wednesday as planned See in context
So, Japan drops South Korea from the White List, presumably because SK is not so trustworthy, yet demands SK continue GSOMIA with Japan, presumably because their intelligence is trustworthy. Does the term "two-faced" come to mind? Yes, it does. Honne and tatemae at work.
-9 ( +3 / -12 )
Posted in: Japan denies it gave away too much in trade talks with U.S. See in context
Freer trade between deveoped[sic] democracies sounds good!
Only one of these two partners is a "developed democracy".
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo 2020 paratriathlon test shortened due to bad water quality See in context
"Bad water" is putting it mildly. Some people were commenting it actually smelled like a toilet...
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan OKs first S Korea high-tech export since curbs, but with a warning See in context
Yeah, kicking the Japanese flag could be seen as over the line by some people. That Korean boy should have just done what Japanese protesters do to Korean flags --drawing cockroaches on it and walking all over it.
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan says S Korea export curb not retaliation for court rulings See in context
The J government can insist all it wants that this economic Pearl Harbor has nothing at all to do with retaliating, but of course nobody outside of Japan believes that - except perhaps for the "rabid pro-Japan crowd". In fact, I doubt many Japanese believe it, either. Mr. Abe and his cronies have done serious and permanent damage to Japan's image on the international stage.
-13 ( +7 / -20 )
Posted in: Kang, Kono trade barbs at ASEAN after Japan's decision to revoke S Korea's preferential trade status See in context
With this move, Japan has not just shot itself in the foot -- Japan has dug its own grave and is about to jump in, thanks to Mr. Abe. The Japanese like to claim that Koreans are far too emotional in everything; in the end this idiotic trade war is going to prove that all along, it was Japan's leaders and their slavish followers that were led by their emotions, not Korea. They have no idea how the world has changed around them.
-9 ( +7 / -16 )
Posted in: Japan to tighten export rules for high-tech materials to S Korea See in context
Mr. Abe trying desperately to appeal to his remaining support base, by making-believe Japan still controls Korea. Wake up, Shinzo, you're decades out of date.
-9 ( +5 / -14 )
Posted in: Lawmaker expelled from party over remarks about possible war with Russia See in context
I’m sure many on both sides have said the same for Takeshima.
Nope, only on Japan's side. Korea has no need to "reclaim" Dokdo/Takeshima :)
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Tokyo, Seoul clash over S Korean warship's fire-control radar lock-on See in context
Samit Basu, so far yours is about the only reasonable conclusion here. The following is an excerpt from an article in SK's JoongAng Daily, pointing out Japanese hypocrisy - Res Ipsa Loquitur:
"Tokyo’s forceful protests against Seoul over the incident are in stark contrast to its subdued reaction towards Beijing in a similar incident.
In February 2013, a Chinese vessel aimed its fire control radar [although of course SK denies its own weapons system was turned on] at a Japanese ship near a disputed set of islets on the East China Sea. Abe reportedly told then-Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera to respond calmly and “not meet provocation with provocation,” according to the Kyodo news agency.
Analysts say Tokyo’s condemnations reflect its growing discontent of Seoul over a variety of issues afflicting the two countries’ relationships. Korea recently decided to shut down a Japanese-funded foundation for the victims of Japan’s wartime sex slavery, and a recent ruling by the Supreme Court of South Korea ordered Japanese companies to compensate Korean victims of forced labor during colonial rule.
Before departing on a trip abroad on Sunday, Japanese Foreign Minister Kono Taro told local reporters that he would demand that Seoul take appropriate measures over the radar issue and a visit to the Dokdo islets by a Korean lawmaker “amid a series of difficult issues.”
Observers in South Korea say repeated Seoul-bashing from Tokyo may be aimed to rally the Japanese public to the Abe administration’s side as its support dips due to unpopular labor policies."
Mr. Abe and his cohorts just got their own Divine Wind, it seems.
-18 ( +1 / -19 )
Posted in: Emperor expresses deep remorse; Abe vows never to repeat horrors of war See in context
OssanAmerica: "Apologies are meaningless if they are not accepted. Those not willing to accept them shouldn't be demanding them" -- You fail to understand what apology is. An offender who is truly repentant apologizes until the victim says "Enough, thank you". A perp who mouths the words of an apology but when the victim does not find it sufficient, pouts and acts the victim, was never really apologetic in the first place. Clearly, as has been so abundantly demonstrated by sorry corporate executives in recent years, in Japan a ritual show of "regret" is the same as the real thing, and expected to be responded to just as ritually.
Geeliez: "Very classy by Abe for being so selfless and mindful of Japan's immature neighbours" -- Thanks for the first really funny joke in days.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Japanese supporters' habit of cleaning up at World Cup spreads to other countries See in context
Good lord, you'd think the Japanese invented cleanliness. Japan is the only country where people... you know the rest. It's just this kind of false pride and arrogance that led to the idiotic episode of the trash-ridden post-Halloween Shibuya being photoshopped to look like a different country altogether. Photos:
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Fido funeral: In Japan, a send-off for robot dogs See in context
Seeing such frivolity actually makes me sad for Japan. It is just another sign of the decadence and senescence of Japanese society.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan expects constructive discussions at inter-Korean summit See in context
"The fact that Japan was excluded by these talks, it's only a sign that they are more a facade than something concrete" -- [sarcasm]Yeah, without Japan, the most important entity in the Solar System, it can't possibly be genuine or relevant. [/sarcasm]
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Unjust dessert? Japan demands Koreans wipe map off summit dinner mousse See in context
Sigh... Japan, just man up, suck it in and accept reality. You lost Dokdo, and you lost this PR war. At least try not to make yourself look unnecessarily ridiculous by acting petty and childish -- yet again.
-2 ( +7 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan in contact with U.S. over tariffs; says it will respond appropriately
Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices
daito_hakFeb. 13 05:33 pm JST So grotesque. Never enjoyed some snow, huh?
Posted in: Frosty face-off: Over 120 teams throw down in epic Japanese snowball tournament
Posted in: Trump wants denuclearization talks with Russia and China