Japan Today

slumdog comments

Posted in: Obama visits U.S. mosque; says impression of Muslims distorted See in context

Obama isn't afraid to talk to people who may hold different opinions to him. Which is a good trait in a president.

I see your point. However, wouldn't you agree that it also would have been nice to see him directly support and recognize the vast majority of Muslims who are more moderate, thus showing Americans a side of Islam that is too often ignored?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump: I was 100% right on 9/11 Muslim remarks See in context

Yes, thank you for retrieving my previous point, which proves that as I claimed above I had not referred to stock footage of Palestinian reactions to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

You claimed that the Palestinians filmed by news crews were not celebrating 9/11 and that they were celebrating something else. Both wiki and snopes show you to be incorrect. They were in fact celebrating the 9/11 attacks. You have claimed incorrectly several times now that they were not. You were and are wrong about that.

The link I provided above shows FBI reports

It shows no connection to the attacks whatsoever. It shows no evidence of any connection to the attacks whatsoever.

Regarding videos,

Ironically, in a discussion about Trump, you sound just like him. You keep making up claims that you cannot back up and you make hints that are not connected to what you claim they are. You are in a glass house. I recommend that you stop throwing your stones.

There is no video of Israelis celebrating 9/11 anywhere. There is a confirmed video of Palestinians doing so. You can keep trying to avoid the facts, but there they are staring you in the face.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Camera-equipped drone found on roof of Abe's office See in context

Aerial footage showed dozens of police officers swarming over the roof and helipad of the modern, glass-facade building, with the drone covered by a blue tarpaulin.

Was the footage taken by a drone?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context

The issue at hand is children being raised by a father and mother figure.

No, the issue at hand is and should be children being raised in a happy, healthy and safe environment.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Spring garden party See in context

Thumbs down away, but it was an insensitive and baseless comment. No one here has shown any reason to believe the Princess Masako's absence was anything other than her own choice.

So, what did the mice get up to for play when the cats were away? A listen to your favorite music? A sleep in? A stroll in the garden? Or better yet, an incognito sojourn outside the palace gates where you could simply enjoy being around everyday people?

Whatever it was that she did, I hope she enjoyed herself.

And speaking of him (reverently), is that a hair color change from his former grey shag?

It certainly looks like that may be the case. The Prince's hair does like much darker than I've seen in previous photos.

The Reigning Emperor and Empress look marvelous.

Yes, they certainly do!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Spring garden party See in context

What a pity that Masako wasn't allowed out of her prison to take part. How stressful could it be for her to play follow the leader, smile and shake hands with a few people.

Personally, I find your comment both baseless and insensitive. Whatever makes you suggest that she was not allowed to participate? Perhaps she was under the weather or she felt like she did not want to participate. In case you are unaware, her husband,Crown Prince Naruhito, has been extremely supportive of her.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context

Manga are read in private.

It seems like you have not had a chance to ride on a train or a subway car in Japan.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context

Exactly. If animals are to be used as a role model,

I don't believe anyone is advocating that animals should be used a role models. I believe the comments about homosexuality occuring in the wild is in answer to those suggesting it is unnatural.

Unthinkable to many, certainly - but gay marriage was equally unthinkable 20-30 years ago

It was not that long ago that to many mixed race marriage was also unthinkable. Thankfully, those that thought that way were proven incorrect.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Abe offers ritual gift to Yasukuni shrine See in context

These costume-play idiots standing in the picture have nothing to do with the shrine.

They think they have something to do with the shrine.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context

The hint would be in the words "almost all", not "almost all ".

Maybe I am the only one, but I do not get your 'hint'. The words in both quotes are the same.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Iwo Jima vet, Okinawa survivor wrestle with WWII legacy See in context

Japan Today, thank you for providing this article. The stories within provide valuable insight into the perpectives of each side during the war and how the two sides have come to trust each other and start anew. Reading this gives me hope that the future will see greater understanding in the world. These are stories that need to be told and heard.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context

but I've never heard of animals rejecting sexual activity with their own sex in favor of a whole life of homosexual behavior. If there is, let me know, but so far I haven't heard of it.

I'm kind of surprised you haven't heard of it as they are exactly the same thing.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: 15-year-old boy arrested for stabbing mother in back See in context

The mother and son evidently fought over the money to pay for an internet contract. It does not appear that the boy had entered into the contract on his own.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context


Couldn't agree with you more. Hopefully they DO make it legal everywhere in the near future. It's high-time they do.


0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: 15-year-old boy arrested for stabbing mother in back See in context

he stabbed his 40-year-old mother in the back

He is a backstabber all its interpretations and meanings.

When this mother was changing his diapers, I am sure she never imagined that little baby would ever do this to her.

He should be, but probably will not be, ashamed of himself.

I hope she recovers from both the physical and emotional scars of being harmed by the very child she gave birth to.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context

What makes it right?

What makes it wrong?

When it comes to raising kids, who is going to be called "dad" and "mum"?

? That is what you are most worried about?

When it comes to raising kids, a healthy, happy environment is best.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context

I am opposed to discrimination against gays and homosexuals, but as for marriage that's a whole different issue

I find the fact that you do not see the irony of your comment as equally fascinating as the actual irony of your comment.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context

Gender is nothing more than a social construction.

I don't know about that. Gender is a natural occuring phenomenon in all its forms. It is the constrictions that are needlessly and unnaturally placed upon them that are the social constructions.

can they BOTH be brides?

Yes, they already are. I see no reason why they should not be able to.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context

Nice looking couple.

It would be nice if it were legal for them for real.

Live and let live.

20 ( +28 / -8 )

Posted in: Thousands march at Auschwitz in memory of Holocaust dead See in context

The lesson is to not let leaders like this rise to the top.

Weren't you just talking about Putin? How long has he been in power again, both in and behind the scenes?

IMO, the Israeli leadership are practicing psychotic infallibility.

IMO, this has absolutely and completely nothing to do with Israel. Jews and Israel are not the same thing.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Summons of Japanese media raises complaints of interference See in context

Summons of Japanese media raises complaints of interference

They are not 'complaints'. They are extremely legitimate concerns.

16 ( +20 / -4 )

Posted in: Thousands march at Auschwitz in memory of Holocaust dead See in context

It is about Holocaust, not WWII. The two are not the same.

Yes, you are correct. I used the term WWII in the context of this article and the topic. However, it would have been more appropriate to use the word Holocaust in that sentence.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan ranks No. 50 in world rice consumption See in context


I always enjoy reading your posts. You wrote above that 'there is nothing wrong with chips' (I am paraphrasing because of laziness and not scrolling up). I used the same kind of phrase about white rice to which you seemed to reply in the negative. Would you agree that white rice has more nutritional value than do chips?

I do not begrudge you the joy of eating chips. Quite the opposite. Please enjoy them. However, the same consideration should be given to those who enjoy eating white rice since, in most cases, it is actually healthier than eating chips (the UK and US versions).

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Lawsuit seeks to legalize prostitution in California See in context

It is already legal. Just film it, and pay the 'actress'.

Exactly. I would love one of the people who is against prostitution, but for pornography, to explain why one is legal and one is not.

If one wants to argue about the freedom of women, they should be arguing that they, and men who wish to do that work, should be free to do as they wish.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Thousands march at Auschwitz in memory of Holocaust dead See in context

So they should get a free pass to do whatever they want until the end of time?

This is about what happened in WWII. It is about things like what happened in WWII not happening again. Why would you taint that with subjects that have nothing to do with it? Do you think hatred of people of that faith ended when WWII did? If so, you should have a read of the news and what is being said regularly even here in comments on JT.

As Steven Spielberg told a group of Holocaust survivors in January of this year and which was reported here on JT, Jews are again facing the "perennial demons of intolerance" from anti-Semites who are provoking hate crimes and trying to strip survivors of their identity.

This topic is about that. If you want to talk about other topics, perhaps you should save your comments for discussions about them.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Accreditation revoked for 20 psychiatric care physicians at Kanagawa hospital See in context

Cheating is the worst from of deception

With all due respect, I can think of quite a few things that are worse forms of deception.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Veteran Chinese journalist Gao Yu sentenced to 7 years See in context

I would say that the Chinese government should be ashamed, but we all know they could not care any less.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: First Iran, now Cuba: Breakthroughs and hard sells for Obama See in context


There are many times when I read your posts when, even if I may disagree, I say, 'Okay, I can understand why he might feel that way.' However, this is not one of those times. Clearly the war in Afghanistan is and was President Bush's war. He started it, he supported it and, let's face facts here, it has been a mess since day one. It is not 'Obama's war'. However, Obama is now responsible for what happens involving the US there. You certainly cannot state that things are worse there than they were with Bush. They were horrible then and they are horrible now. It is not Obama's fault that he inherited a war he did not start.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Ambassador Godzilla See in context

Which one is the action figure?

My pick is the one in the blue dress.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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