Japan Today

snowgirl comments

Posted in: Respect and embrace differences: An educator’s lesson See in context

@illsayit .. your comments are jumbled, nonsensical at times, and irrelevant to the person to whom you're responding. To say that 'a home away from home' is taking away from the abilities and feelings of adequacy of parents, is strange, indeed. Children spend the majority of their lives IN SCHOOL. For all intents and purposes, it ought to be a home away from home, in that they should feel as comfortable as possible. 'Institutionalizing' children, as you put it, will happen, if our schools are run like most of our public schools.

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Posted in: 2,400 attend funeral for former Candies singer Yoshiko Tanaka See in context

@seesaw2, I don't think that Japanese women are at all embarrassed to have breast cancer checks. Despite wonderful technology, in many countries, breast cancer is still a killer, and probably always will be.

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Posted in: In your experience, which country's tourists are the least well-behaved whenever you have seen them out and about? See in context

In the UK? ..Drunk Aussies. In Europe? .. Drunk Brits. In Australia? .. Americans/Canadians are pretty obnoxious. The Chinese shove and yell everywhere, and the Russians are very demanding. Gee, this stereotyping is fun!

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Posted in: U.S. lawmakers pressure Japan on child custody rights See in context

@klein2: As a woman, I have the opportunity to be more subjective, don't I. However, I choose to be OBjective, for the pure and simple reason of logic. Just because I am female, doesn't mean that I will always be biased towards one side. It's called intelligence, and the ability to weigh issues on all sides, which you seem to lack.

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Posted in: U.S. lawmakers pressure Japan on child custody rights See in context

@Kaz4r6: This is one case. What about all of the other fathers who are suffering because of this inane law? @Klein2: Why is the world so black and white for you? There is never a 'right' and a 'wrong'. There are so many exceptions to every rule, and you must surely understand this, unless you've been living in a self-righteous bubble your whole life. Divorce is terrible, but you project this assumption that you are the only one to have ever endured such suffering. Your opinion and feelings on this matter should be kept to yourself, since you're far too judgmental of others' rights and opinions. Mothers are not always innocent, fathers are not always to blame. Do you believe that children who grow up in a family where the parents' relationship is terrible, with yelling and hitting and swearing, is better than divorce?? ..In fact, my mother grew up in a dysfunctional household like this, and in the end, her parents' divorce was the best thing for all involved. Like I said - NOTHING is simply black or white.

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Posted in: Paris Hilton leaves for U.S. after being denied entry into Japan See in context

:D Thanks for the good afternoon laugh, islandview!

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Posted in: Paris Hilton leaves for U.S. after being denied entry into Japan See in context

I don't understand why people care that she does drugs. Hyperbolically-speaking, everyone does drugs. She's not selling, she's not 'harming' anyone - only those people who are annoyed with her special treatment. But that's the reality, world-over. You got money, you got 'rights' that others don't. She's an idiot, but there are also too many idiots out there who watch her every move. Society needs to get over their obsession with stupid celebrities, famous for nothing!!

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Posted in: 'Norwegian Wood' debuts at Venice Film Festival See in context

How is the title 'obvious'? It's a beautiful title, aptly named for a beautiful novel. And @ kyushujoe: do you not think that Murakami, who is bilingual, (if not tri...) gave it the name he did in Japanese, on purpose? The attempted superiority of these comments, over a celebrated author, is almost funny. Have you ever written a successful novel??

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Posted in: Canada's French-English strife flares at Olympics See in context

limboinjapan: you haven't bothered to disclose where the Starbucks employee was from. Many people in Canada are from other countries; especially in Vancouver, AND not all Canadians get 6-12 years of French. A great many students these days are exempt, in fact, from studying French in school, so I don't think you should presume. Regardless, the Olympics are in Vancouver, where French is not spoken. I was impressed with the amount of French and Francophones in the Opening Ceremonies, and I'm genuinely puzzled at to what the critic wanted. If the Olympics were anywhere in Quebec - like smithinjapan said, you can bet there would be a very little amount of English being spoken. And thus the 'two solitudes'.

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Posted in: Grammy winner Taylor Swift arrives on 1st visit to Japan See in context

This girl is sweet-white-girl from south BORING. Like there weren't a hundred others, more talented and more deserving of a Grammy. America loves it some conformists.

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