Japan Today

snowymountainhell comments

Posted in: Horse festival See in context

- “Do most countries really have a national animal, like this person claims?” -

Is that really a sincere question, @Strangerland? Perhaps that poster is referring to animals that some countries have chosen the be identified with as a national image.

Some are indigenous, some are mythical, some are adopted. Think most subsequent commenters understood the poster’s intent. Here’s one list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_animals

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Horse festival See in context

The children seem happy to be part of the celebration. Always have loved horses.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: With ‘Jurassic World 3,’ dinosaurs rule again at North American box office See in context

- “Another pathetic movie of dinosahhhhh... yawnzzzzzzz...” -

Then again, if they’re not your kind of films, some may actually prefer to stay home and do chores like cleaning that much-neglected litter box.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: With ‘Jurassic World 3,’ dinosaurs rule again at North American box office See in context

Admittedly, the last few films were stinkers, never matching the wonder and excitement of the first.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: 22-year-old woman arrested for putting newborn baby in coin locker See in context

a” as in one baby hatch hospital for 47 prefectures. This woman last month was in Hokkaido, the other this week in Tokyo. Agreed @gogogo 7:37pm, it’s embarrassing. Where is Japan’s one location ?

- @gogogo 7:37pm: “Japan has a baby hatch hospital but it seems no one knows about it” -

Truly deplorable for a G7 “developed nation”.

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

Posted in: 22-year-old woman arrested for putting newborn baby in coin locker See in context

Tragic. The sad parade of Japan’s increasingly desperate young women continues. . . .

Tues, Jun 7: - https://japantoday.com/category/crime/23-year-old-woman-arrested-for-abandoning-infant’s-body-inside-suitcase-hidden-in-closet -

Where are the humane options in Japan for desperate women like a simple “baby hatches” at hospitals and fire stations?

-3 ( +14 / -17 )

Posted in: Hollywood is bombarding us again with prequels, sequels, remakes and spinoffs from past films? Do you tire of these sorts of films? See in context

It’s a hit or miss with sequels. Top Gun: Maverick (2022) has set a new bar for the potential of sequel stories without destroying the mythos of the original.

The Matrix: Resurrections (2021), perhaps even the 2nd and 3rd installments, were not at all necessary. The original story still holds up today, almost prophetic of currently developing events, AI and the Metaverse.

Director/actor Kenneth Branagh has done well with his recent reboots of Inspector Poirot. Frankenstein (1994) only brought him a divorce and wasn’t success he imagined it would be to rival Francis Ford Coppola’s Dracula (1992).

Prequels are only periodically successful and often destroy the mystique of character’s origins. May be best to let the audience imagine their own ‘backstory’, only from what the learn in the current movie.

Current Disney/Marvel is bereft of any real creativity and failing gravely with all their ‘reimagining’. Good riddance if they destroy themselves for letting agenda take priority over good stories.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested for fatally stabbing brother after argument over bedridden mother See in context

What will become of her now?

And where is PM Kishida’s promised support for Japan’s distressed families?

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Posted in: Mother arrested for beating 5-month-old son See in context

Reads Sota will recover but no mention here if there’s family to care for him since his “birth mother” is obviously NOT fit.  

Hopefully, he’ll get a more deserving and loving family.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Mother arrested for beating 5-month-old son See in context

Poor innocent boy. You’re right about that punch being potentially fatal for even full-grown adult boxers:

- “Acute subdural hematoma which the most common acute brain injury in boxing, accounts for 75% of all acute brain injuries and is the leading cause of boxing fatalities.” -

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo's Akihabara district observes 14th anniversary of deadly stabbing rampage See in context

You are not forgotten. Rest In Peace for the seven poor souls lost. In respect, condolences should be offered to their still grieving families. 10 others survived yet will always carry the physical and emotional scars of the incomprehensible incident of violence.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Memorial service marks 21 years since fatal stabbing rampage at Ikeda school See in context

Rest In Peace for all the poor young children lost to such a senseless act. Condolences offered to their still grieving families. 15 others survived yet will always carry the physical and emotional scars of the incomprehensible incident of violence.

You are not forgotten.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Woman jumps to her death from high-rise; 3-yr-old grandson found unconscious inside apartment See in context

A tragedy and a mystery until we’re provided more details about both circumstances, the boy’s injury and the grandmother’s fatal fall.

Agree that there are many mental health issues in Japan and PM Kishida needs to follow through on his promise of support for families.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: Man gets 18-year prison term for 2017 expressway road rage deaths See in context

May their parents now rest in peace and these young women find some degree of solace that justice was finally served.

Should have been a longer sentence for the additional heartache the survivors have had to endure awaiting some kind of conclusion to this unconscionable crime.

Agree that their opinions should be considered before the convicted has any chance of early release and parole.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

Posted in: Man arrested over death of 65-year-old mother See in context

Rest In Peace, mother. JToday’s story of another self-entitled ingrate.

65 years was too young to die and so much more could have been enjoyed if the apron strings are cut, at the latest, in their early 20’s.

Condolences offered to any other surviving family and her friends.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Intruders steal ¥30 mil from elderly man’s safe at home See in context

Yeah @engliscaspyrgend 7:28am, in most modernized, western countries but some Japanese “businesses” still prefer to deal in cash. Maybe they weren’t robbin’ the stage coach but still it is suspect the two men perhaps had inside knowledge about the fair sum of cash kept in the home/office.

-“Who in this day and age keeps that sort of cash in the house/office?” -

Plus, the 6:15am edition of the story doesn’t read exactly the size and ‘what kind of company’ it was.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Posted in: Bogus deliveryman sexually assaults woman, steals her underwear See in context

Regarding Japan’s obsessive panty fetish topic, there was a similar fireman panty thief/stalker in the news here recently. The victim was girlfriend of a friend and he targeted her specifically:

Mar 30: - https://japantoday.com/category/crime/firefighter-arrested-for-stealing-underwear-from-woman%27s-home

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: Bogus deliveryman sexually assaults woman, steals her underwear See in context

“First responders” like firefighters used to be highly respected for their chosen vocation.  Seems public trust of uniformed public servants in Japan will continue to diminish as there have been other recent stories of police and firemen committing crimes while on duty and/or returning later to follow through with a theft of valuables during “inspections”:

Mar 12, 2022: - https://japantoday.com/category/crime/firefighter-arrested-for-stealing-¥200-000-from-burning-house

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Posted in: Bogus deliveryman sexually assaults woman, steals her underwear See in context

Poor woman. Hope she has adequate support for her physical, mental and emotional recovery. She’ll be forever terrorized every time there’s a knock at the door or the bell rings.

There needs to be stiffer penalty for this rapist (and perhaps amended laws) for using a ruse and uniform/id to gain access to someone’s home.

Wearing a false uniform is a form of domestic terrorism as it destroys public trust in necessary commercial and public services.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

Posted in: 59-year-old man arrested over murder of 84-year-old mother See in context

Sickening. A second story of matricide in one day?

This one beating his mother to death with bokken (bokuto).

Earlier today was a son stabbing his mother in the chest with a knife.

May 16 was a son beating & choking his mother to death with his bare hands.

May 17 was another beating his father to death with a hammer.

What’s with all the pent up rage at elderly parents lately?

4 ( +14 / -10 )

Posted in: Man arrested after woman’s body found buried in park in Hokkaido See in context

FNN daytime news currently reporting some preliminary police comments to the effect of “marks on the victim’s neck indicating death by strangulation”. The pending autopsy will clarify the exact manner and better establish the time of death after her departure from her home Sunday.

“During questioning, Katagiri told police where he had buried the body.” -

Katagiri’s motive is not important. He will receive his due process, and hopefully, when convicted, an appropriate punishment to the fullest extent allowable by Japanese law.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Man arrested after woman’s body found buried in park in Hokkaido See in context

May the victim now rest in peace and sincerest condolences be offered to the grieving husband, family and friends. This is a terrible shock for their community.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: Yes, Muslims are portrayed negatively in American media See in context

Not disputing their findings but this negativity spans four western countries’ publications including the UK, Canada, Australia and the U.S. - So why doesn’t the headline reflect it in that manner?

“We found overwhelmingly negative coverage, not only in the United States but also in the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. …we were also interested in coverage across countries. To find out, 

we collected 528,444 articles mentioning Muslims or Islam from the same time period from a range of newspapers in the UK, Canada and Australia. 

We found that the proportion of negative to positive articles in these countries was almost exactly the same as that in the United States.”

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested over murder of 77-year-old mother See in context

Another irredeemable ingrate! - She carried him for nine months and probably provided EVERYTHING for him his first 20 years. Horrifying to read she was terrorized at 4am, screaming for her life and stabbed to death by that same visiting son.

May 16 was a son beating & choking his mother to death with his bare hands.

May 17 was another beating his father to death with a hammer.

Anticipating JT will be posting appropriate follow through stories with the trial & sentencing for all of these monsters.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Posted in: Tax official, 5 others arrested over ¥200 mil COVID-19 aid fraud See in context

On the loose? Maybe the ‘mastermind’ is out in Dubai trying in earnest to double the money and also promises to pay it back.

“The scheme's mastermind may still be on the loose, however, with police seeking a man in his 30s who left Japan for Dubai in February, according to the Yomiuri Shimbun daily.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Posted in: Racists trolls are not real 'Star Wars' fans: Ewan McGregor See in context

Perhaps it’s Disney who needs to stop distorting from where alleged racism is coming. In Obiwan’s line from Revenge of the Sith: “You’ve done that yourself!”.

It was real shame that John Boyega’s early marketing as 1 of the 3 main characters of the sequels was later sidelined, eventually photoshopped to a much smaller scale in the background of China’s movie posters.  What had great potential as an interesting character arc was eventually sidelined as a just a cowardly janitor.  

All to placate financiers in China as Disney proceeded with filming the last two sequels.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Elderly men dropping like flies in the loo See in context

Thanks for the clarification @8:41am. Yes, best to distance yourselves from what could be misconstrued as crappy “journalism” when you can.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: 17-year-old runaway boy arrested over series of thefts See in context

Obviously some very painful yet much needed “tough love” by the young man’s father was going on, perhaps before the runaway incident but definitely upon the prodigal son’s return:

- “He returned home on April 7, at which time his father questioned him about what he had been doing and the boy confessed to the thefts. The father accompanied his son the following day to turn himself in to police.” -

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: 17-year-old runaway boy arrested over series of thefts See in context

Terrible crimes and hope the victims can recover, at least, from their emotional losses by the violations.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Posted in: Mother arrested over death of 3-year-old daughter whose legs were broken See in context

Sad. May little Saki finally rest in peace once just is truly served and mother is sentience’s with the maximum punishment allowable by law.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

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