Japan Today

sowhatnow comments

Posted in: Japan enters high-speed train sales race See in context

America's train system will very likely involve bullet trains that will be able to adjust quickly to changing demographics of the train users. Unlike Japan, people relocate and pursues new oppurtuniites in differed cities consistently in this country. This in turn leads to a consumer base which in turn we must all expect to be inadequate and insufficient to use the complex system of a Japanese high speed bullet train. Here in California, I just don't think the up to the secod train system would work. People will always be late to their trains. People will always complain and nag. Train system will have to support that kind of an overall 'dumb'ifued society.

I'm sorry but people are just anal enough like they are in Japan...

So...a flexible robust system that allows customers to be somewhat late to their train, a gutsy train system where a certain level f human error will not lead to a major catastrphy, and a quick speedy train system that can somewhat compensate for the tardiness of the society would be likely to succeed (at least here in California)

we just don't want to have the hustle and bustle Tokyo lifestyle here. Sorry.

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Posted in: Bourbon Whopper See in context

Completely random, but did you know Jack Daniels have a bbq sauce now and it goes well with Daikon?

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Posted in: 10 ways to get a seat on a packed commuter train in Japan See in context

Always try to figure out your commute so you're going against the traffic. It's the same here in the US. Ease the stress factor, and you will ease your pain and tension. Sometimes I wonder driving towards the sunrise on Venture Highway in LA is any better than being in a rush hour Tokyo commute. At least on a train, you're only worries are being body slammed by 100 other people. On the road, you're consistently a second away from 65 mph head on collision.

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Posted in: Nice pitch See in context

my goodness. put on a shirt for sakes.

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Posted in: Furniture importer sells a lifestyle See in context

dude, please go back to your family and take care of your kids, man. i hate overgrown fathers in japan working like ghosts to loose track of more important things in life.

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Posted in: Marui shop attendants See in context

'tis a bit creepy, but gothic's all about blackliciousness. oh well.

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Posted in: Blog of the year See in context

hurray to JT for bringing back some classy looking models to top page.

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Posted in: Open trade increases stimulus impact See in context

Capitalism is share of wealth. True, the world can use a little bit more of the wealth that Americans have accumulated in the last few decades but not at the expense of our own wealth. Sorry, but US is not ready to pour our own money to revitalizing the economy of another nation so that other nations can bring their own banks and businesses to the US to enrich their economy. No, that's not how global economy works. It works in a way where we stop loosing our money first. US is at a major turning point since last November because for many of us half of our money that we accumulated through our hard work and time has been eliminated due to the crash. Just remember, we have the market and we have the power to steer this economy back to upwarding spiral. The only thing is our nation is now so diverse and so used to the riches we've accumulated, we can't turn back. So the question is yeah, how are we going to turn the economy upwards so that everyone will be getting a 20% raise after they change their job or 6% return on home equity and 10% returns on stock dividends, not to forget 3% return from Savings and CDs. When all that's back to normal, you'll see the opportunities for foreign businesses. You could understand why "Overseas T bonds" are just that, "overseas".

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Posted in: High School Musical See in context


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Posted in: Brangelina See in context

all i gotta say is the kids do look tight. As for good parenting...they're celebrities for god sakes. You've gotta give them at least a benefit of a doubt that they'll be able to pretty much pamper and spoil each one of them to the fullest. As far as what they're going to become in the future, you never know. They might become the next leaders of politics, or the next action movie stars, or the next pop idol. I'd say so be it. If a mutt from a family in hawaii can become a president, then I'd say these kids should deserve all the flash and news in the world. i'd hope they'll continue to be trained well in manners and academics. I can see them as the next Trump family, don't you?

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Posted in: What are your biggest hopes for 2009? See in context

health and wealth for all things equal including fiscal discipline, mental discipline, spiritual discipline, and physical discpline. seriously, can i ask for any more?

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Posted in: Nissan announces additional production, job cuts in Japan See in context

no they won't. i'm assuming it's the toyota Mississippi plant JohnBecker-sama is talking about. People aren't buying cars in the US because they just can't get a line of credit any more. new graduates coming in to the market just can't get a loan right now because none of them has credit score of 750 or better. seriously, who does?

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Posted in: The Who See in context

But then let's not forget Keith Moon deafened Pete in his right ear back in the 70's when Keith packed his kick drum full on explosives and lit it off without giving notice on the Smothers Brothers TV show. A classic rock moment!

Dude, stuff like that just doesn't happen any more. BTW, 11,000yen isn't bad for a band that's gonna likely charge up worth of $250 (probably more) in the states. Rock on.

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Posted in: Sony profit plunges 72% on strong yen See in context

people love the blame game, when it all comes down to it is themselves. who is the instigators of these "carry" trades anyways? i'm more interested in that.

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Posted in: What runaway girls do to survive See in context

to me, japan already seems like their regulating prostitution by setting whore houses like Deli Heli and massage parlors all around metropolitan tokyo (and actually all major cities like Nagoya, Osaka, etc.) I've been to smaller cities like Sendai and Hakata, but walking around city in the middle of the night, i got the feeling that working of sex is part of their lives in japan.

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Posted in: Lindsay Lohan See in context

she probably goes to Japan just to get some shopping done. I can't imagine her partying around with bunch of otaku's around.

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Posted in: Palin backs shipping Alaskan LNG to Japan See in context

but then again, it's free market policy right? if you buy more, you get it at a cheaper price. so let's think of it from supply and demand curve. US oil demand is going to keep growing at some steady, oh i dunno, let's just say 5% rate. we all know that China and India's demand is growing at a much quicker rate of, let's just for the sake of the talk say, 10%. The question is, when is Asia's demand going to meet or surpass those of the United States? I'd say, that's what people have to look at as far as long term energy policy is concerned.

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Posted in: Triumph Image Girl 2009 See in context

yeah, i get a little kink out of models laying it down, but more than anything i'm glad to see taller and more toned body is now seen as more attractive than the akihabara under-20 girls.

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Posted in: Elvis troupe See in context

They look more like the man of Sakikage Otoko Juku from the Shonen Jump's comic series then Elvis himself. Yeah, the ducktail hairstyle resembles Elvis, but they're just trying to promote some good old whim and puns.

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Posted in: United drops planned meal charges on Europe flights See in context

It's very sad that United has come a long when since their bankruptcy a few years ago, and they have to give it all away by bringing their level of excellence at a all time low. I mean, charging a customer who paid up worth of about 1500 for a 4 hour domestic business class for a meal is just absurd. I'm starting to give up on United as well. And i am a premier executive on the united Mileage too...this is just outrageous.

motytrah, I pretty sure the "business class" they talk about it the actual business class. Premium economy is more regarded as the economy class with an extra leg space and nothing much more.

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Posted in: Pool party See in context

it makes japanese women proud to see a bombastic gal in a swimsuit showing some confidence over other, eh?

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Posted in: Do you think the Olympic Games will be a success? See in context

I am afraid that this totalitarian control over the operation of the event as well as the public dismay over the traffic and safety control would raise tension among the general public and cause a massive chaos in that city. US journalists have been really aware of this in the past few weeks and they are really taking this Olympics as cautious as possible. And it's understandable because people have a tendency to express their anger when they're so pressed with eye-gazing tensions from the local authorities. I'm just hoping that the athletes will compete at their best at their competition site with no hassles and no stress.

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Posted in: Sex and the City See in context

wow, they looks amazing well together.

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Posted in: Dark Knight See in context

wow, i guess the rumor hadn't spread over to japan as much as it did here in the states. Heath Ledger did die of an overdose. It's been said that he got so much into his act as part of his method acting that the actor self-destructed, but this is why there is so much oscar talks in the air right now. Joker in this movie was creepy as h*ll.

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Posted in: Dark Knight See in context

Are you kidding me KitsuneYoukai? Heath Ledger stole the show on this one. He has brought Joker to such an incredible level, this movie personified the joker as the mean and cruel villain that he is. Kids growing up now will say Joker IS the worst of their kinds. Wouldn't you say Ledger took Jack Nicholson over this role?

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Posted in: Relaxing at the airport when you're delayed See in context

enjoy a nice little lemon grass martini for $16...wow, it makes 5 dollar lunches at mcdonald's look way too bad. Frankly, of all the places i've visitid, Narita's second terminal boasts the cleanest and most comfortable terminal i have ever been in terms of lounging.

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Posted in: Beauty consultants See in context

and no brunetts?

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Posted in: Kung Fu Panda See in context

lucy liu is looking hot! wow. she's starting to exhibit that matured celebrity aura that can make sense only with an asian heiress. roll over, panda's, she's the only that counts.

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Posted in: Weekend crowds return to Akihabara, one week after massacre See in context

it's great to see the resiliency of the otaku world. Akiba can come off from this incidence to really become the electronic city of the world.

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Posted in: Cool Biz See in context

The guys look like they stepped out of the 1930`s.

lmao. idea sounds like 21st century, but the mindset of these people are totally 100 years ago, i agree.

besides, fedoras? hmm...wierd.

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