Posted in: Ladies watch See in context
I think those are not "ladies watches", specially the one with heart-shaped numbers. Those are "Japanese ladies watches". I can't imagine any average woman in Spain wearing anything like that.
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Posted in: Ex-soccer player Honda, wife divorce after 6 years of sexless marriage See in context
Not exactly sexless if they had a daughter :) I agree with dolphingirl, don't simply demonize the wife. Who knows why she is escaping contact with him.
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Posted in: Erika Sawajiri gives up studying for Spanish nightlife See in context
I've been to Barcelona and I rarely heard Catalan spoken, but of course you also have the Catalan TV and signs everywhere, and since it is quite similar to Spanish, foreigners would have problems to distinguish between the two. They may end up mixing both languages. I don't think it's a good place to learn Spanish. Probably she did not consider seriously the Spanish classes. Madrid would have been better and the is plenty of nightlife too (Real Madrid players remind us of this all the time...)
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Posted in: Erika Sawajiri gives up studying for Spanish nightlife See in context
She could learn from Spanish actors. I think they work 1000 times better than the ones she probably has learned from. But if the purpose is just partying, well, she went to the right place :)
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Posted in: Cop caught taking up-skirt videos during anti-pervert campaign See in context
Japan must be the only "developed" country in the world were it doesn't feel safe for us women to wear a skirt.
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Posted in: Woman arrested for dumping unwanted newborn on Gunma road See in context
A 9-month pregnant woman living in a park? How on Earth can this happen in a supposed 1st world country? Yes, Hatoyama has a hard task in front of him. I stopped long ago thinking that Japan deserves to be called a 1st world country. Technology? yes. Human rights for the people in need? NO > this is what makes a country developed.
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Posted in: Fast food places like McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, KFC, etc, are frequently criticized. What do you think of them? See in context
MacDonald's saved my parent's lives when they came to visit me in Japan 15 days and they did not manage to use chopsticks.
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Posted in: 15 years since his debut, techno 'warrior' Ken Ishii battles on See in context
I have several X-Mix series CDs, and one of them features Kenn Ishii. I think that is real techno, and I hope they keep doing good stuff.
I am so sorry he was robbed in Spain. I was robbed only once in my life and that was also in Madrid (with no violence). However, they were not Spanish. I bet the people who robbed Ken were also not Spanish, specially because they were teenagers and specially because happened in Madrid.
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Posted in: Newborn boy dies after being found in Tokyo Internet cafe toilet See in context
She is a killer, and a very cruel one.
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Posted in: Police sergeant arrested on suspicion of filming up-skirt videos See in context
I think news like this would stay several days in the front page of the news in any Western country. Big scandal. But not in Japan. I mean, this is accepted here already, because it happens every other day. The victim is a woman = no big deal. Will he be fired? If not, I really think this country has a big problem with laws.
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Posted in: 8-year-old Liberian girl in U.S. shunned by family after rape See in context
Totally agree with sharky1. On the other hand, the origin of the problem seems to be the violence those children have witnessed in Liberia and have taken for normal. What can be done about that? How to stop the violence?
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Posted in: Praying for a hubby See in context
They don't want to have to work. [...] The choice of the majority is to stay single. How can they stay single without working?
Anyway, this is painful. It shows that they can not take care of themselves. They don't have careers, professional goals or intellectual ambitions if they just want to stay at home cleaning and cooking and taking care of children even when these are grown up. I can't imagine a life like that. Husband hunting???
If you ask me, many of these women who hunt husbands and will later depend on them, one day will discover that the hunted man is violent, or that he has a lover, or that he lost his job, or that he is ill and can not work, or he dies, and then will they have no choice but kill their children and then commit suicide because that husband can not support them anymore. Japan has a very low divorce rate, yes. Women don't divorce because they depend on their husbands. But Japan has a very high child-kill&suicide rate for mothers. I read these stories here very often. Depending on anyone else is the WRONG choice for a healthy adult, and being a housewife is the wrong choice because they depend on someone who maybe one day is not or does not want to be there anymore. Grow up, take care of yourselves, study a career and a husband will show up when you less expect it!
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Posted in: Human foot found on Akita beach See in context
How could it be an accident? Somebody would have claimed at the hospital to have lost a foot. Looks more like crime :(
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Posted in: I consider myself very close to both ancient and modern Japan. See in context
Being in Japan 8 times is not enough to make such an statement. One has to live here several years. I really doubt he knows what he is talking about.
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Posted in: U.S. Embassy issues new warning over drink-spiking in Roppongi See in context
Why only U.S. Embassy? Should not every Embassy issue this warning? Or they attack only Americans? Why?
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Posted in: Pushy French are world's worst tourists; Japanese are top: study See in context
The willingness to tip depends on one's culture at home. We don't do it in Spain as a rule, only in small bars if someone brings you the drinks to your table, but NEVER in a chain restaurant like Pizzahut. I got bad looks from a cashier at Pizzahut in the US because I paid just what was written on the menu, but I swear i just FORGOT because I am not used to that. The study did not take this into account, I guess.
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Posted in: Older men up in arms over slovenly female behavior See in context
What a change from the good old days, when Japanese brides were even advised to avoid letting their husbands peer at their sleeping face.
Oh, yes, the good old Edo Jidai, where women used to walk 5 steps behind their husbands, natsukashii! Now it's only 3 steps, but better than nothing!
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Posted in: 14-year-old boy in hospital with iron burns after card game gets out of hand in Fukuoka See in context
Seen too many violent videogames/manga/anime?
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Posted in: Earphones for women See in context
Hey, designer ladies: I wish you could realize that women do not necessarily need to be "stylish" all the time, with diamonds and stars and pinky things hanging around them. Why don't you design neutral unisex headphones? You don't feel able to desing a black gadget? For some of us women, those colours are childish and ugly. Black or metallic is simply more elegant. Grow up, girlies.
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Posted in: Mariko Shinoda to visit homes in nurse attire See in context
I will refrain from commenting the contents of her brain, but what does nursery have to do with TV?
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Posted in: Michael Jackson dies of reported cardiac arrest at 50 See in context
RIP. Thriller was my first cassette and the reason why I started to learn English by myself when I was just 7. Oddly enough, I turned on the Japanese TV and he is not to be seen anywhere. I guess the drinking of a local forgettable idol is a good reason to stop all scheduled programs but not the death of a 20th century universal icon. Do I live in a planet called Japan and I did not know? Where is the rest of the world?
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Posted in: Tokyo’s new tour spot -- sightseers flock to site of Kusanagi’s arrest See in context
Some times I prefer just not to read the Japanese news because they make me really angry. What do these people have in their heads? Brains or maybe high vacuum?
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Posted in: Marriage-hunting bra See in context
Again the Japanese Otoko no shakai at its best.... PAINFUL
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Posted in: Single mothers, squeezed by recession, turning to prostitution as last resort See in context
It's the first time I hear someone say she can not find a job because of menstrual cramps. Come on, many women have painful menstruations but there is medication for it. I recommend her to try Ibuprofen and stop prostituting herself.
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Posted in: Limbless torso discovered floating off Kanagawa coast See in context
You are right, I apologize. It does not matter if it looks like yakuza business, the man must have had a family and we shouldn't joke about their loss. Sorry.
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Posted in: World health officials race to stem deadly swine flu See in context
tkoind2: I think there was a "tori influenza" a few years ago in Hong Kong, and somehow they controlled it... please correct me if I am wrong.
I don't understand that they don't suspend all flights coming and going to Mexico. Two friends of mine are flying today to Mexico from Narita. I think I would have cancelled the holiday... It looks already dangerous enough to avoid the place! It's a matter of life or death, I guess they don't cancel the flights to protect the economy... money first.
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Posted in: Deer character unveiled as Kusanagi’s successor for digital TV commercials See in context
Improvising gives sometimes weird results... Look at the legs... They should have worked a little bit longer on the design. Was the need to replace Kusanagi really that urgent? The change to digital is schedules for 2 years later, ne? At least the deer will not give any behavioural problems...
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Posted in: Limbless torso discovered floating off Kanagawa coast See in context
Deguchisan, I was being ironic. I think he is for sure been murdered. How could anyone cut off his own head? That is technically imposible and of course cutting his own limbs would have been also impossible because he would have bleed to death after the first one... argh... An accident.. cutting off 4 limbs and the head "with a knife"? 5 deadly accidents in a row... Or maybe he died somehow and then somebody cut him in pieces afterwards? For what? Anyway, someone who does it can be considered a murderer...
So in fact I agree with you, but not just "probably"... For sure! :)
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Posted in: Kusanagi will pay heavy price with contract cancellations See in context
And all this only for getting drunk? And OK, naked, but it was 3 am on a weekday, it's not like he went naked to Shibuya crossing at 3:00 pm on a saturday!
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Posted in: Why do Asian pop stars have a hard time succeeding in the U.S. market? See in context
Yes, Utada Hikaru is a remarkable exception to what I wrote above.
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Posted in: Man arrested for scouting Japanese woman to be prostitute in U.S.
Toyota seems to like joint ventures. Maybe Nissan can grovel over that direction for some $$$.
Posted in: Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi drop their talks on business integration
Posted in: Japan, China, S Korea eye foreign ministerial talks in Tokyo on March 22
Posted in: Japan, China, S Korea eye foreign ministerial talks in Tokyo on March 22