Posted in: Sea Shepherd defiant over U.S. court order to stay away from Japanese whalers See in context
So let me get this straight. A US court can tell Dutch and Australian flagged ships, owned by non US charities, carrying an International crew, operating out of Australian and New Zealander ports, that they cannot interfere with Japanese ships in International and the Australian Antarctic Economic Zone that are whaling in contempt of the Australian Federal Court in Australian waters and the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Right...
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context
So you agree that the eco-terrorist scow Bob Barker and the SM2 used to be used as whaling vessels and that neither vessel is currently taking whales.
Yes, but you fail to mention that the Bob Barker is not supporting a whaling fleet while the SM2 is. Australian law states that "supporting the operations of a vessel or vessels designed, equipped or used for killing, taking, treating or carrying cetaceans," which is exactly what the SM2 is doing. I doesn't matter what the previous career of a ship is, it matters what the current career is.
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Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context
As you so kindly pointed out, Australian law doesn't specifically forbid or address "security vessels" following eco-terrorist vessels. doesn't have to be specific. Just because it doesn't say the specific situation doesn't mean that they aren't breaking the law. That's completely ridiculous. The SM2 clearly is supporting the whaling fleet and that is exactly what the law states. It says "supporting the operations of a vessel or vessels designed, equipped or used for killing, taking, treating or carrying cetaceans." The SM2, without a shadow of a doubt, is a supporting vessel to the whaling fleet. Your argument (if you can call it that) hold ZERO weight.
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Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
No matter how you try and justify their actions it is still putting lives and property at risk.
I never said that it wasn't putting lives and property at risk. It very much is but in order to save and protect marine life, that's a risk they are willing to take.
There is a difference between protesting and causing damage putting lives at risk.
They are not protesting, they are intervening. Do you not remember when the SM2 rammed and sunk the Ady Gil. If anybody had been sleeping in the forward quarters, they would have been killed. Sea Shepherd has rammed but they have never even almost sunk a Japanese whaling ship. The boats that they have scuttled have never had anybody on them. Nobody has never been injured or killed because of Sea Shepherd.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context
FYI - the eco-terrorist Bob Barker used to be a whaling vessel.
Hahaha. I literally just laughed out loud. This comment just shows that you had to resort to pure stupidity to try and support your weak and failing argument. The Bob Barker stopped whaling in 1962 (That would be 50 years after the fact as well as being purchased by different companies. The SM2 is still owned by Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha, LTD. and is still part of the Japanese whaling fleet.) when it was refurbished to become a Norwegian Coast Guard vessel. It has also be used for a fuel resupply vessel as well as conducted paid Arctic wildlife tours.
I don't believe that your interpretation of Australian law is legally binding on anyone.
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 prohibits any ship in the Japanese whaling fleet (this includes the SM2) to come into the Australian EEZ. It isn't my interpretation of the law, it IS the law"
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
A failed prop or rudder means they have no control of their ship and the Southern Oceans are one of the most dangerous places on earth even when you have control of the ship.
If the Southern Oceans are so dangerous, why would they be risking their lives to go down there?
What if there are no other ships around besides the eco terrorists?
So...what's your point. If SSCS ships were the only ones around, they would help. They have helped them in medical emergencies before.
Who would tow them back then?
They would have to hire somebody to tow them back to port.
What if conditions are too dangerous to tow a ship?
SSCS would help them by rescuing them, no doubt about it. They have in the past. Or one of the other illegal whaling vessel would help them by rescuing them, I'm sure (unless, of course, they were too occupied with murdering more whales illegally). They are well aware of the risks of having a disabled ship in the Southern Ocean.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
Who is the IRC?
I meant ICR. The Institute of Cetacean Research.
Canadians are fed up with the eco-terrorist violence of Watson and his brainwashed followers. Canadians ran Watson out of the country.
I think i would know how Canadians feel about Paul Watson and SSCS seeing as I am from and live in Canada. From talking to my fellow Canadians, they too feel as though the whalers are very much in the wrong. You are saying the the small number of fishermen and sealers in Atlantic Canada have the same opinion as the rest of Canada. There are not many fisherman or sealers in Atlantic Canada compared to the rest of Canada. We have a total population of 33 million and the population of Atlantic Canada is about 2 million. A very small percentage of this is fisherman and sealers seeing as the majority of Atlantic Canada's population lives in large cities (a total of 1.5 million). The total amount of fishermen and sealers in Atlantic Canada is about 18,000 (from Fisheries and Ocean Canada). So you are really basing the opinion of less than 18,000 people on 33 million people.
Greenpeace kick Watson out of their organization and refuse to have anything to do with him because of his repeated acts of violence.
And what is Greenpeace doing to save the whales? NOTHING!
Japan has an arrest warrant waiting for the Paulrus.
And their motives for the warrant are purely political.
Other nations have refused to register or have recinded their registration of eco-terrorist vessels.
And other nations have asked Sea Shepherd for help in protecting their waters (ie. Ecuador for the Galapagos Islands, Tahiti, etc.).
The list of countries, organizations, and individuals who object to the pro-violence and eco-terrorism of the SS keeps growing longer.
You have it backwards. The list of countries, organizations, and individuals who support SSCS and oppose illegal whaling is growing rapidly.
It's interesting that you're "incredibly ashamed" of Canadians but how do Canadians feel about your promoting and supporting the violence of the eco-terrorists?
You misunderstood what I said. I am incredibly ashamed TO BE a Canadian when it comes to the seal hunt in Atlantic Canada. I never said that I was incredibly ashamed OF Canadians.My fellow Canadians are very supportive of Paul Watson and SSCS, except of course the illegal sealers for obvious reasons.
The Antarctic is a very dangerous place for any disabled vessel. Wind, waves, current conditions, and lunitcs who enjoy ramming Japanese vessels can cause the vessel to sink before help can arrive.
Sea Shepherd is smart enough not to ram a disabled vessel, unlike the whalers. If Antarctica is so dangerous, why are the whalers down there?
You keep trying to downplay the repeated violent actions of your eco-terrorist idols.
And you keep trying to over exaggerate SSCS's effective tactics and downplay the illegality of the whalers.
Just because the eco-terrorists have not managed to kill anyone doesn't mean they're not trying to injure or kill someone.
They've had plenty of opportunities to injure or kill people. They would have sunk 2 more Icelandic whaling boats but they had people on them so they didn't because they don't want to injure or kill anyone.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context
The SM2 used to be a harpoon ship. It isn't now. And it wasn't last season either.
The SM2 still had "Research" on the side of it for the last 2 years even though it isn's actively whaling. It was only changed for this season and it is still part of the whaling fleet. According to Australian law, an ship in the Japanese whaling fleet is not allowed in Australian waters and they broke this law by going into the Australian EEZ, plain and simple.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
Now thats very dangerous and could potentially be fatal.
No, it can't be fatal. The worst that would happen is that they can't unhook the rope and have to be towed back to port. Icebergs are more dangerous.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
I'm willing to bet that they wouldn't.
From my previous comment: "So many people hate Paul in Japan because the gov't and IRC has portrayed SSCS as terrorists. I don't think he would last long if he were to go there. Canadian fisherman (Paul is also Cdn.) tried to kill him when he opposed the seal hunt in eastern Canada (which I am incredibly ashamed of)."
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
Are you sure it's not because there is an arrest warrant waiting to be served on him?
Even though Japan has issued an arrest warrant, their motives were purely political. He isn't stupid. Why would he board a whaling boat when Japan has a warrant for him. It's funny how Japan didn't arrest or even question the SM2's captain in regards to the sinking of the Ady Gil, but now they have an arrest warrant for obstruction of business? This also shows that their whaling operation is a commercial operation and NOT "research" like they say. Japan arrested Captain Peter Bethune for confronting the captain of the Shonan Maru 2 and now they have an arrest warrant for Paul but they don't even question the SM2's captain. Hmm. A bit of a one way street, I think.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
How sure can you be that he would be indeed shot?
From my previous comment: "So many people hate Paul in Japan because the gov't and IRC has portrayed SSCS as terrorists. I don't think he would lat long if he were to go there. Canadian fisherman (Paul is also Cdn.) tried to kill him when he opposed the seal hunt in eastern Canada (which I am ashamed of).:
There are many high-profile criminals who have been caught, but are still in prison instead of being killed on the spot, as you claim.
If Paul were a high-profile criminal, he would still be locked up.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
@It"S ME
Nah, he would get arrested nor killed or harmed unless he initiates a conflict action.
So many people hate Paul in Japan because the gov't and IRC has portrayed SSCS as terrorists. I don't think he would lat long if he were to go there. Canadian fisherman (Paul is also Cdn.) tried to kill him when he opposed the seal hunt in eastern Canada (which I am ashamed of).
Don't project your feelings and possible actions onto others, pls.
If you don't remember any of my previous comments, just to sum my stance up, I am backing SSCS and their tactics 110%. I hope they finally ending whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary for good this year.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
His days of boarding vessels are over. He would be shot if he were to step within 100 ft of the whalers or whaling supporters.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
Ask the eco-terrorist Watson to step on board a Japanese flagged vessel or to set foot on Japanese soil. That should prove if Watson can be arrested again.
The reason he doesn't do that is because people would kill him.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context
The Shonan Maru 2 shouldn't have even been in Aussie waters in the first place. If they had complied with Aussie law, they wouldn't have had to deal with this problem.
Let's see, the HSI is not a recognized legal authority. The Australian DA, who is a recognized legal authority, disagrees with the HSI.
So you think that HSI just mad up the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It is an official act in Australia. No matter who filed the suit against the whalers, it was put through by an official Aussie judge and is now a law. The Shonan Maru 2 clearly breached this law.
The SM2 isn't a whaling vessel. The SM2 wasn't whaling.
It doesn't matter if they are whaling or not. Their job is to protect the rest of the whaling fleet and are, therefore, part of the fleet. This is no secret.
These 3 fools were no more kidnapped than you would be if you walked up to some strangers car, opened the door, got in, and demanded to be taken home.
Haha. What if that person was protecting murderers and allowed them to continue to murder and torture people. What if the only way to stop the murderers was to stop and distract their security and have the a citizen catch the murderers because the police reuse to do anything about it. The murderers security would also be in another country where they have crossed to border illegally. Wouldn't you try and do everything in your power to stop torture and murder if it were happening to people?
The eco-terrorist Watson was obviously lying about this from his very first propaganda broadcast.
The IRC is the ones feeding the propaganda to people, NOT Sea Shepherd.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context
Will the average Australian taxpayer love whales as much when they see the bill for retrieving those three goofy anti-whaling activists from the Shonan Maru 2?
Like I said before, Paul requested that the 3 men be transferred to the Steve Irwin so that it would not cost the Aussie taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Aussie gov't ignored their request. The 3 men are not from Sea Shepherd. They are from Forest Rescue Australia. Why should either of these organizations foot the bill when the gov't didn't respond to a much simpler and cheaper plan, and in the first place, not have the Shonan Maru 2 escorted out of Aussie waters.
The Australian goverment should file a suit against Sea Shepard to recover the cost.
Aussies should file a suit against their gov't for not following through on the promises and allowing vessels to illegally enter their waters and not do anything about it.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
The fact is that they have been arrested (yes), charged (yes) and sentenced (yes) with crimes.
I am well aware of the above. But you still are not understanding my question. Why, for example, were they not arrested in port recently if the are "eco-terrorists"? Why has Japan not charged them with any crimes (besides Pete Bethune as that was an individual case).
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context
So you're saying that the 3 foolish fescue fools always intended to ILLEGALLY board the SM2 and the eco-terrorist Watson was well aware of this plan and agreed to it.
Yes, except they did not illegally board the vessel. The SM2 was illegally in Australian waters.
From Humane Society International: "Under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, it is an offense for a whaling vessel to operate anywhere inside Australia’s 200 nautical mile EEZ, not just within our 12 nautical mile territorial waters. HSI therefore maintains that the Shonan Maru No 2 was always in breach of the Act while it was inside Australia’s EEZ and therefore should have been apprehended at this stage. Similarly, the incursion of the Yushin Maru No 3 into our waters off Macquarie Island is also a breach of the Act, and of great concern given the World Heritage listing of this sub-Antarctic area. HSI is very pleased to hear that the three whale activists detained on board the ship will now be released."
According to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, the SM2 and YM3 are in breach of Australian law.
So why did the eco-terrorist Watson claim that these 3 fools were kidnapped? Was Watson lying or did he forget that he agreed to drop them off and then abandon them?
They were kidnapped. They were taken out of Australian territory against their will and without authorization of Australian customs.
Paul was not lying. He was completing the plan that the men wanted. They wanted to board the SM2, have it take them back to port, and the Steve Irwin would flee from the SM2's trail. He didn't abandon them. He requested that the 3 men be transferred to the Steve Irwin so the Aussie custom vessel, Ocean Protector, did not have to go to pick them up.
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Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
I thought that Sea Shepard members have been arrested, charged or considered persona non grata in Canada, Japan (remember Pete Bethune?), Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands and other countries...
First, Paul Watson will never be persona non grata as he is a Canadian citizen and you cannot be denied entry into your own country. Second, even though Paul has been declared persona non grata in Iceland, he was never charged with crimes because Iceland didn't want to bring attention to their illegal slaughter of whales and he wasn't directly invovled with the sinking of the whaling fleet or destruction of the whaling station. He was charged in Norway and served his sentence. Third, Pete Bethune was not charged with any violent crimes and he received a 2-year suspended sentence. One of his charges was interference with business. This hows that Japanese whaling is NOT research and is an illegal commercial whaling operation. The other claims you mentioned are not true.
You misunderstood my question. I was asking why Sea Shepherd doesn't have any current charges or arrest warrants. Why haven't they been arrested by the Aussie, Tahitian, British, Dutch, Canadian, American, or Japanese gov'ts if they are "eco-terrorists"?
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context
Maybe the 3 thought they were being kidnapped by Watson and were asking the nearest vessel for help?
You clearly didn't research either SSCS, Forest Rescue, or other articles about the incident. The 3 men approached Paul while the SI was docked in Fremantle and asked if SSCS would assist in boarding the SM2.
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Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
You don't imagine they take back the bits they can't eat, do you?
Just to elaborate on that point, on Whale Wars, they have filmed the whale guts floating in the ocean after it has been killed. That is how SSCS has tracked them on a few occasions.
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Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
If SSCS are "eco-terrorists", then why haven't they been charged and arrested with any crimes?
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Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
It's beneficial to observe both sides and look at their motivations. At some point in time, rational people come to a conclusion based on what they've observed. I've concluded that the continued violence of the eco-terrorists SS is NOT justifiable.
So you're irrational then.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
I see, so throwing acid and other harmful materials towards ships (and eventually into the oceans) is a good thing?
Have you ever heard of composting? Butyric acid is a fancy name for rotten butter. It's less acidic than citric acid. What other harmful materials?
Using ropes and wires to jam rudders, cutting off nets, sinking boats is good for the environment?
In the long run, yes. If you use these tactics to stop whaling, it is better for the environment. Whaling is going to kill our oceans, as well as overfishing and shark finning, etc.
For me, a "terrorist" is one who takes the law into their own hands and do what they want to do, when they want to do it, and do it all for their perverted ideals.
Yesterday, the Yushin Maru 3 (one of the kill ships) came within about 5 nautical miles of the beach at MacQuaire Island. It is a world heritage site and part of Tasmania. Japanese whaling boats cannot enter these waters according Australian law. The Aussie gov't has told them repeatedly to leave the waters and they refuse. The whalers completely ignore all Australian laws and think that they can do whatever they want, whenever they want.
Why don't you ask the children who don't have a mother or father because Osama Bin Laden decided to crash planes into office towers and kill them who the real terrorists are. Why don't you ask the mothers and fathers who lost their children in the Virginia Tech Massacre who the real terrorists are. How dare you say that a conservation organization, who has never injured a single person, is a terrorist organization.
Yes, I am stating that SSCS has perverted ideals and even barbaric using criminals in their staff. Even though I would applaud them in saving endangered species of animals, in this case, they are obstructing hunting of a whale species which is far from being endangered.
You should really research SSCS a little more. Minkes are not far from endangered. Their population is around 50% of their numbers in the 80's. If this continues, they will soon be endangered.
If SSCS is really serious about saving endangered species, why are they not active in the Amazon -- where the river and forests are vanishing in a very fast pace due to logging and encroaching by human settlements. Lots of undocumented flora and fauna species are dying out there.
Why don't you do something about it? SSCS can't do everything. Their mission is to "end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species." The have been recruited by the Ecuadorian gov't to govern the Galapagos Islands.
Oh wait, SSCS will get more sponsorship, money and coverage if they keep tagging the Japanese, Irish and other whaling fleets -- I totally forgot.
Irish? Since when do they have a whaling fleet? Good. I hope they get a ton of money, sponsorships, and coverage in order to end whaling, shark finning, etc. all over the world. That would be the best thing to ever happen.
Also, even though SSCS and the Australian governments are similar in their anti-whaling activities, remember that Australia is against SSCS' methods.
I don't see the Aussie gov't doing anything other than saying they disagree with whaling and taking them to court, which will take many years. In the meantime, the whalers will continue to illegally murder whales. SSCS is the ONLY organization in the world with enough guts to stand up to these animal murderers.
SSCS has the support of a lot of A-list celebrities, as well as very famous influential people. I don't see the whaling fleet getting any support. Maybe there's a reason they don't.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context
Big deal with International court. Australia's territorial claims to the Australian Antarctic Territory are not recognized by the rest of the world.
Actually, it is recognized.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context
This is why Australia cannot do nothing but complain.
Australia has filed a lawsuit against the Japanese whaling program through the International Court of Justice. That sounds like a little more than a complaint to me.
SCS actions include deliberate rammings, hurling of projectiles at Japanese vessels, including items containing butyric acid, a foul smelling and slippery substance, the hurling of glass items onto Japanese decks with attendant broken glass hazard, the use of illegal laser beams at Japanese crew, which could impair eyesight either temporarily or permanently. These laser beam usages are illegal in the U.S. when directed at aircraft.
Sea Shepherd has never hurt or tried to hurt anybody but the Japanese Whaling fleet has. If you don't remember, the Japanese whalers threw brass bolts, golf balls, and bamboo spears into the small inflatable boats with the intent to hurt people. They also threw flash grenades and shot at the crew on the Steve Irwin. The have numerously aimed the LRAD at the helicopter pilot. The Japanese are the ones at fault not Sea Shepherd. The lasers do NOT cause permanent damages. You mention that the lasers are illegal in the US when pointed at an aircraft, for obvious reasons. The whalers have pointed the LRAD at the helicopter which can cause him to crash and freeze to death. The lasers have never been pointed at an aircraft and they aren't even under any sort of US laws. The whalers don't even have an aircraft. The lasers aren't illegal.
I still don't understand how they are pirates but they have decided to embrace the term even though it isn't true. If they were pirates, they would have already been arrested and charged, which hasn't happened.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
Sea Shepherd terrorist group gets away without even a slap on the wrist. These eco-terrorists should be treated like the terrorists they are.
Do you not remember when the Shonan Maru 2 sliced the Ady Gil in 2. They could have killed people. They had ZERO consequences. Sea Shepherd has never injured anybody.
How can you say that a conservation group is equal to a terrorist group? A real terrorist group is Al-Quada. It makes me sick to think that so many people are led to believe that Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is a terrorist organization when all they really care about is saving the world's dying oceans.
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
I was relatively sympathetic to the Sea Shepherd activists, until I saw the video's of them ramming the Japanese vessels in mid-sea.
I would just like to point out that the Japanese whaling fleet (Shonan Maru 2) have rammed and sunk a Sea Shepherd boat in the Antarctic. Here is the link for video of the collision
Japan also hunts for Minke-whales, which are not endangered
Although the Minke is not endangered, the Japanese also hunt Fin and Humpback whales each season and they are endangered. If whaling continues, the Minkes will become endangered.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context
Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists?
No, absolutely not. I believe that they are doing only good for the environment. They are not eco-terrorists according to the FBI definition.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
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