Japan Today

Steven Kaszab comments

Posted in: Who will staff Trump's government? A look at top contenders See in context

The Donald did very well in the election, showing the world that he had a better election preparation team than his opponents the Democrats. The Republicans had been working for over three years developing, establishing and initiating their propaganda machine, recruitment drives, election preparation and transportation to ballot centres. 

Donald Trumps Republicans won fair and square.

It seems many women voted for the democrats, while a whole lot of men voted for their guy. What drove America's Men to the Republicans?

Men like to be the centre of attention in all things. Kamala Harris made women her central purpose.

Men have a smaller attention span than women. They think primarily about sex, sports, alcohol consumption and sex again. Simply put many men saw the democrats berate a guy(Trump) they would like to have a beer with. Strangely Trumps likeability with the guys was much higher than with the ladies. Ladies preferred to center upon certain issues such as ending abortion, religious issues, protecting the children.

3.Men saw Donald Trump as a action figure, promising what matter most to men, while V.P. Harris seemed like a bitter henpecking woman.

For the guys, the election came down to these issues...national defence, job security, border security and the cost of living. Kamala Harris had answers for just a few of these issues. Being in power for 4 years already, Harris could not explain why everything was so costly and what she would do about it, why migrants continued to enter the country seemingly with ease, and why America's Military was not bombing the hell out of its enemies overseas?

Donald Trump gave short, simple answers to the American People, often things that they can understand, while the democrats answer to most things was long, winded or simply not sufficiently presented. Messaging went over many peoples heads, and did not center upon what Americans wanted most of all. What was in it for the average American? Donald Trumps political machine continually asked them what they wanted, while the democrats told the average Joe what they wanted. Messaging, Messaging, Messaging.

Now we are stuck with a leader whose vocabulary is that of a eight year old, a golfers delight, a woman's terror and a nations question persists: What is he going to do next????

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario


-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: Floods, landslides cause more damage in quake-hit Noto region See in context

In the early hours of a summers morning in A.D. 365 the City of Alexandria, situated along the Egyptian Coast of the Mediterranean was struck by a massively large tsunami. After day break many earth tremors shook the region bringing down large man made structures, the city walls and causing many landslides. Under the Mediterranean plate tectonics played a sad joke upon the people of North Africa, with plates rising and falling creating a disturbance within the water movement falling away and then returning in place. A massive tidal wave swept upon Alexandria washing away thousands of it citizens and killing more. Researchers claim the disturbance reached levels of 8-8.9 on the Richter Scale. Underground and sub surface earth quakes happen more often then you think. July 21st remained a date to be remembered by many future Egyptian Generations.

Why this news? Tsunamis will become one of the main global threats of the not to distant future. Climate Change and the melting ice of both Poles are creating a massive onslaught upon those regions and cities located right on the shorelines neighboring large water bodies. The very existence of many island states and communities are threatened by the rising waters of our oceans and sea's. National emergencies need to be declared through the United Nations authority, and methods of national survival developed and planned for future events. Many cities situated right along the ocean are but feet above the oceans level. High waves, rising water levels and threatening tsunamis are forever present. 

North African landmasses are being eroded away in North Africa, @ 50 meters annually according the African Sector of the United Nations Preservation. Mere storms can become escalating threats to the people and property of these island and landmasses. Once well protected, many enclosed coves and ports are also threated by oceans whose waves can reach 15-20 feet in height with massive powerful motion towards destruction. With the weather patterns in distress and often now unpredictable, massive water movement cannot be planned for, and people cannot be appropriately warned to buckle down or leave a threatened region to safety. 

Economists have noted that a massive tsunami can place a nation states rehabilitation period after the event well into the millions of dollars over a decade or more. Like a hurricane's assault annually, cities, regions and small nations are threatened to by massive debt, lack of investment for rebuilding and a continuing social poverty. Look to Haiti for just such a situation. Major weather pattern place people, property and nations security at threat, and most nations simply do not have the financial ability to prepare for these attacks by Mother Nature. Climate Change has placed the world in a never ending cycle of unachievable preparedness, weather/natural event, disaster and attempted rebuilding, and so on and so on. 

Can insurance firms withstand the up and coming disasters, and can we continue to pay the piper? Will the future hold for us no available insurance for such disasters? How long can nations debt grow while they attempt to rebuild before another natural disaster comes their way? The IMF has foretold this crisis long ago. To many financial stress points and not enough ways to apply a solution to humanities needs. 

When will the next Alexandria Disaster Happen? Anyone's unfortunate guess.

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: U.N. chief calls death and destruction in Gaza the worst he's seen See in context

The Israeli Government is carrying out a Starvation Campaign against the People of Gaza, or so says Democracy Now and the United Nations. While multiple trucks filled with humanitarian supplies and food wait to enter Gaza, the Israeli Forces hold them back for inspection and security reasons, so few enter this region of crisis. 

Well over a year has passed as Israeli Forces continue to besiege Gaza claiming to be trying to eliminate Hamas as a military force. What many journalists, international politicians and Middle Eastern Specialists see is a nation states military trying to drive millions of Palestinians out of their homeland by whatever means possible. Airstrikes, tank and armoured vehicle movements strive to destabilize life in Gaza and make these native residents fear for their lives and very survival. Similar actions were carried out by the Germans when they invaded Poland long ago. Military actions have seem to remain the same, as to their purpose. Eradication of the "Palestinian Problem" has been the goal of the Netanyahu Government all along, seizing Gaza for Israeli use and driving the perceived Palestinian threat away for good. 

The United Nations special rapporteur on the right of food Michael Fakhri accused Israel of carrying our a starvation campaign against a civilian population, a action that is internationally viewed as criminal and answerable to the International Courts in the Hague. 2.2 million people in Gaza need food urgently and they are being treated as pawns within a game of international intrigue and conflict management by the super powers and their allies. 

Look to the American elections as a time when Israel will open the doors to humanitarian aid just as election day arrives. Israel's leader Netanyahu is a friend of former president Trump. Interesting idea?

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario


Note: Remember when Iran held American Hostages only to release them just before a election. That action empowered Ronald Reagan to victory. Interesting methodology of Republicans eh?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan records trade deficit as surging global prices push imports higher See in context

There are agencies that oversee the various processes, purchases and operations of our local, provincial and federal governments. The Ombudsman, like those in every province gather information, decipher, predict and investigate governments operations, profit-loses, employee #'s etc. 

Annually these agencies present to the public summaries of the good and bad things our governments have done or plan to do. Often they see major situations where wrong doing maybe implied or seen, or errors have happened that cost the public purse a great deal of money unnecessarily. These fine men and women take on those who appointed them, often putting their jobs on the line to seek transparency and accountability in places where there isn't much top be seen, hidden in the shadows of legislative back rooms and corporate halls. 

Idea: The Ombudsman must be elected by the public, be free of undue influence from any and all political and corporate hacks. There is no justice for the little guy when no one is standing up for them. Ombudsman are put into their positions by our political system and the elected parties. How can these men and women be allowed to act freely of any and all political actors, unless they are allowed to seek truth and have the cutting edge power to impact elements within the system like the ruling party. 

The Office of Ombudsman Must be Freely Elected by the Public for a 7 year term.

The Ombudsman Must have the necessary Legislative and Judicial Teeth to bring political/legislative and operational wrong doing before the floor of the Legislature and the Police. 

In order to carry out their mandate a working budget must be established that is free of government meddling and undue influence. 

The Ombudsman must be free of all political, financial or cultural obstructions. A fully secular religious, financial or political attitude is necessary to perform this job. 

The Ombudsman today is a toothless tiger looking for things to do. Lets change that.

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario 


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Musk's superhuman vision promise is dangerous: researchers See in context

Why We Look to the Stars? For Greed or Necessity?

Since movies were invented, the subject of travelling off to a distant planet has captured the complete attention of the public world wide. Reasons to travel into outer space vary.

The scientific motivation to explore the unknown, expanding our knowledge and human experience.

The natural human response as one looks to the skies..."what the heck is up there"?

Since WW2 a strategic nature to the off world has existed for military reasons

Inevitable global over population seeks the question "where do we go now"? Poor people ask "what about us"?

Human leaders in a world like conflict such as the "cold war" challenged America and its allies to reach the stars in competition with their ideological opponents.

World wide expenditures upon all things outer space have reached the trillions of dollars. Various governments claim these costs that could be invested in feeding and housing the world must be made for strategic, prestige and most importantly economic reasons. The military do as they always do, try to militarize every aspect of the human experience, seeing threats everywhere and spending a lot of money on problems that can be more easily and less costly solved. And yes travel to outer space is uniquely desired, and both personally and national prestigious. 

Every time a entrepreneur looks to the stars they don't see adventure, exploration and discovery but monetary possibilities. It's all about profits and possible financial wins not for a people or nation but for corporations and extremely wealthy individuals. What do I mean?

Scientists have divined that Mars is an excellent source for diamonds and other gems, as to essential minerals. As maybe Jupiter and Saturn. An international team of scientists have said that Mercury may have a layer of diamonds 10 miles (16km) thick near the boundary of the planets core. Gem stones, energy sources, precious minerals for our EV Sector to name a few items these business folk are planning to harvest, actually buying up acreage on and in these planets already. Purchasing billions of dollars of property on these planets with the expectation of future financial windfalls. The Journal Nature Communications suggests a major economic up turn in intergalactic exploration is well on its way creating jobs for those educated in all things galactic. 

The world has spent trillions of dollars that if spent on worldly needs would have solved many of the globes difficulties, but business has one priority and that is to make massive profits. Helping their neighbors, communities and nations out of poverty, defeating addictions, resolving many of our problems created by Climate Change are not priorities. Oh No. NASA remains in the management of the government while its funding, sourcing and dependence upon the corporate world remains. 

We do have some side bar issues such as knowing when a large asteroid may hit the world and destroy it, or when and where the sun flares will disrupt global communications and possibly super heat the globes water ways. Thousands of inventions for space travel have been introduced to humanities global economy as well. 

Human greed fuels the space sector with its financial lust to consume. Corporations are now looking to the stars to see where, what, how and when these precious minerals can be harvested. Having destroyed the earths resource base, they now look to the stars with the hope of forgetting the earth and creating a new beginning some where else. 

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Nikkei ends above 40,000 as yen falls to new 37-year low against dollar See in context

What if India, China and Africa Became Allies?

The combined populations of India, China and the Continent of Africa number some 4.32 Billion Souls. Consider that carefully. I put Africa into the mix mostly because China has been basically purchasing the continent our from under the African People for the past three decades. Imagine the economic, social and political power radiating from such a alliance? 

Combined financial and military power. The natural resources of basically two continents. A supreme super power basing its unity upon its reliance upon each other. China's financial and military might united with India's, and the cheap labor offered and managed found in Africa. The strategic location basically controls much of Asia and super imposes itself upon the EU and the UK. America will be isolated in its own sphere of influence in the Americas. These three allies can count upon themselves for all that they need. Self reliance brings power and influence.

this could be the undoing of the American Empire as we know it. It is feasible and a real threat to all democracy world wide. Could this be what China has been working towards for nearly a century? China has over a million active troops presently with the ability to bring to active service a further 2.5 million trained soldier, marines, navy and air force troops. India has approximately same capabilities but a smaller force, while the combined armed forces of Africa can easily meet over a million troops. China's troops are elite, as are many Indian troops. African troops have been and still are trained by a combination of EU and American/British personnel. Their military is a real threat that needs to be taken seriously. 

Western nations economies have become addicted to Asian products and their highly competitive prices. Our economies, infrastructure elements and even military products are dependent upon these Asian products. Is the west unable to turn on a dime and supply itself of all necessary products should such an alliance stop dealing with the west? The west is not self sufficient and many of its corporations, military and political personnel dependent upon their largess(payments-corruption-bribes).

The possibility that this alliance exists or being develop is high. Both India and China have expansionist attitudes towards their neighbors and their economies. India view Pakistan and Afghanistan as a major threat to its Hinduization. China wants Taiwan, Vietnam and Philippine territory and natural resources. Africa maybe viewed as a financial nest egg of cheap labor, vast natural resources and ideal strategic importance globally. 

Presently China and India are in talks to further bind their economic, military and political partnerships, mix mashing their trade capabilities to manipulate the global economy. Many African Nations have been significantly bought, purchased and politically managed by Chinese Intelligence and corporate agencies. Out right announcements of such an alliance can be coming in the near future. 

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: After Serbia, China's Xi arrives in Hungary to tighten bonds See in context

Kissing China's Assets

China's Financial Colonialism has shown itself in little old Serbia, a nation indebted to China in the Billions of Euro's. President Xi Jinping's visit to Serbia marks a particular date, when the Chinese Embassy was accidently shelled by Allied Forces acting in a Peace Initiative to end war between factions in former Yugoslavia. This event (May 7th) remains within the Chinese Political Memory as a attack by the West upon Peaceful, cooperative China Interests.

It is said by many in Serbia(Serbian Monitor) that the massive financial investments, purchases and involvement of China in the Serbian Economy allow China to do anything it wishes to do. Serbian Economic Evolution towards a modern state required investment, and since the EU's demands for social change in Serbia was to demanding, China slipped in and has become a major player in the Balkans. Chinese interests fall squarely upon the natural resources it is allowed to harvest without any regulation and Serbian control. Chinese troops, engineer's, and scientists are also evidently present to protect and manage Chinese investments. Factories and mining operations are security enclosed keeping the average Serbian out, and Chinese interests within. 

Serbia will welcome President Jinping(xi) with open arms, proclaiming in Serbian Prime Ministers welcoming words full praise for the Chinese-Serbian "Friendship of Steel" these days. China has become Serbia's main source for infrastructure and business builds. The average Serbian makes @500 euro's a month, and China has proclaimed a massive up tick of employment in Serbia caused by Chinese investments. 

The economic environment is on the up swings, but the Serbian environment, its lands, rivers, lakes and pastures are threatened by unregulated, unprotected economic expansion. As China harvests Serbia's vast resource potential, laying waste to this lands environment, the EU watches with anticipation of an eventual acceptance of Serbia into the EU Collective of Nations. That seems to be the strategic reason China picked Serbia to be its greatest benefactor of investments, along with Hungary and possibly Bulgaria. China lends massive amounts of funds into a nation, creating a financial dependence of that nation to China, much like China does providing essential chemicals to the Drug Cartels who create and poison the West with Fentanyl incursions. China lends money, and then gets that money back by having Chinese Corporations build the bridges, Dams, Roads and infrastructure Serbia will have to payback over decades to come.

Once Serbia is a member of the EU, China will be given a free reign in the worlds wealthiest cooperative of nations. China does not lend its money unless it gets something back. What it truly wants is leverage over national leadership, control of the nations economy, a direct foothold in the nations social-economic fabric and placement of intelligence-military influences. Remember that every Serbian Business that does business with China must fall into place with regards to Chinese Laws which demand loyalty, reverence and complicity with China's Intelligence and Military needs.

China is co-opting nations around the world strategically, politically and eventually militarily. What is the carrot that attracts many unsuspecting national leaders and Business People? China portraits itself as a friend and unending source of revenue. The exchange made is much like that of making a deal with the devil. China will build the unsuspecting nations infrastructure only to Demand its National Soul.

Just before President Jinping's visit, members of Falun Gong were held by the authorities for 48 hours. And we all know how Chinese Authorities mistreat and persecute Falun Gong members right? Has Serbia become a new Chinese Territorial Possession? 

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: North Korea fires 2 short-range ballistic missiles toward its eastern seas See in context

The Axis of Evil Part Deux(perhaps Trois)

The Russian Federation Ruled By Putin (Former Communist playing an Capitalist Nationalist)

North Korea : Kim Jong Un (Crazy Ass Communist).

People Republic of China : President Xi (Communist).

Iran: Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei (Religious Oligarch) 

Syria: Assad Supreme Dictator. 

Afghanistan: Hibatullah Akhundzada (perhaps?) Religious council in Command

Multiple Drug and Crime Cartels (hidden from western view) 

Various Terrorist Organizations

Possible Friends of Russia and China

South Africa


Balkan Countries & Serbia

Much of Africa's struggling nations

Some of Central and Latin American Nations

Most of above nations have hidden their ties and alliances with Russia and to some extent with China. All fear America's disfavor and possible retaliation both economically, politically and militarily. Directly tied to Russia either economically or militarily these nations either supply or are indebted to Russia or China. Nations that are struggling economically have become sources of needed natural resources, often paying for military weapons, training and mercenaries so they can stay in power by swapping these items for energy sources, man power, trade credits, places Russians can establish spy or military centers, ports and places to hide Russian Oligarch Wealth. This wealth has spread throughout the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, North America and The EU. This Axis of Evil speaks with cash in hand, intelligence agencies capable of exerting the Axis Power through fraud, manipulation, undue political and financial threats and demanding loan payments as a means of getting what they want.

The new and developing Axis of Evil entrusts much of their vast illegal wealth to multiple Criminal Enterprises, hiding, distributing "dirty" money into legal businesses and organization. Russia and China use these Cartels connections to acquire intelligence and use of man power in their illicit efforts to harm the West. Many terrorist organizations hold allegiance to Moscow and Beijing, and also to Pyongyang, who have historically bankrolled and trained these organizations as fifth column antagonists to the West.

Should Iran or Syria use a nuclear weapon , it will have been approved to do so by Moscow or Beijing. So powerful is the influence of these two political giants .

What is the Axis of Evil attempting to accomplish? 

Spread of chaos within the Western Alliance.

Ultimate defeat of the Ukraine through hook or crook.

Acquisition and control of all precious minerals. Control future development of EV Technology.

Carry out some form of attack upon America, so that it cannot defend those territories the Axis desire(Taiwan & Philippines).

Control of the International Bank, The United Nations through political and financial maneuvering.

The West has allowed the Axis to carry on its business of acquisition, manipulation and deceit. All these nations are carrying out their ideologies primary goal, to achieve ultimate power before the turn of this century. 

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: China expels Canadian diplomat in worsening bilateral ties See in context

The Average North American, EU, UK and Caribbean Citizen: Beware if you speak your mind or work for a security sensitive Employer.

A couple works for a aggressive well known pharmaceutical firm or perhaps the CDC in Colorado or a innovative electronics-communications firm. All are developing top notch uniquely proprietary concepts, designs and products. This would be a perfect target for foreign agents hoping to acquire said private and public secrets. But how can this be done?

Have a direct agent or friendly join the firm. Direct infiltration would be best as, as it usually does not have all the baggage of a amateur or someone forced to spy for the foreign intelligence service.

Co-op someone already employed at these firms. Easily done, since all of us are not saints, having some sort of personal secret we would like to keep secret. Perhaps the employee is a gambler, addict, womanizer while married, someone who steals from the firm they work for or they are simply still in the closed member of the LGBT+ community within a security sensitive agency. Secrets of others is the basis of all intelligence work through out history. Acquiring information on someone gives the opposition power to manipulate, threaten and force compliance.

Sources of information in a Digital World: 

*. Online...TikTok, Facebook and other social media tools. Someone puts something online that provides information on their employer, location, activities, family and social group membership. Say your going to Florida for a week, and say so on Facebook, saying how, where, timing of travel. This provides criminals the ability to case your house and rob it. Pictures of the front lobby alone can provide the type and make of your security system, or if you have one.

Word of Mouth: Your family in China speaks freely and proudly of your promotion, place of business and what your do, or perhaps personal information that allows the security services to in China to locate you, your employer and what it is you do. If it is of importance, the security system jumps into action investigating you. Members of Government can face such challenges, as they do through out the world. 

Actions of Provocateur Nations: 

a. Acquiring a target, say a member of parliament in Canada who has a extended family in Hong Kong.

The MP also does business of the government and personal needs in Asia. 

b. Pin Point means of co-opting MP such as simply telling the MP bad things could happen to his family in Hong Kong without actually doing so. The threat maybe enough to get the MP's attention. Personal contact in Canada through phone calls, emails and even meeting MP at events can follow. A few key words can let him know he is being watched with interest. Cyber Hacks of the MP's office, personal computer can follow. Acquiring all personal information on the target will allow agents to move swiftly within the shadows. 

Is the subject financially insecure? Does he gamble or has he roving sexual interests? Can the subject be manipulated in any way?

c. Should the subject not respond visibly, actions against his family in China could happen. Loss of employment or citizen rights such as medical care. Threatening to leak Hurtful information or photo's can initiate the manipulation and capture process. Once a subject falls into the intelligence services hands, they will be at their complete command. Some go to the authorities, while others commit suicide. Intelligence service can act much like organized crime syndicates, applying fraud, threats, victimization and harm to their targets. 

d. In the case of super powers such as Russia and China, financial pressures can be used to get what these foreign intelligence services want. Subjects firm or personal finances are in a mess where an infusion of cash is needed. An agency appears willing to provide a loan. Foreign Banks suddenly show interest in subjects financial needs. Say the subject has a business in construction. A group of firms provide profitable work, building up the subjects firms debt significantly, then holding off paying for work done. Black mail, fraud, misrepresentation all are the bailiwick of spy craft. Lack of payment can threaten bankruptcy until someone comes by, offering payment so long as a favor asked of subject, for information both corporate, private or security based.

e. Intelligence services will look at both short and long term commitments from the subject. Acquiring a projects code, or a particular virus can be a short term investment, but the longer a subject can secretively serve the better. Subject can be assisted in their professional journeys towards more vital security vital targets. Starting as a doctor, promoted to head the hospital they serve in, the information provided the subject of medical, pharmaceutical, governmental, patents can be useful for a foreign government. 

f. Like a virus, intelligence gathering and recruitment are unending. Co-opting other's can also be a useful procedure for the subject. A list of candidates could be given to the subject of those in their organization most useful to intelligence needs. Acquiring personal, possibly secretive information of these individuals by the subject starts the whole procedure once again.

Methods of maintaining the security and well being of vital organizations and their employee's is keep to keeping the tentacles of foreign intrigue away. Investigations into employee's back grounds, present day financial-personal activities is essential. If someone begins placement in a firm with a personal worth of $250,000 and three years later they are worth $2.2 million questions need to be asked. It is simple as that. Security of the population, government or private concern's demand honesty. Without secrets, intelligence agencies are S.O.L.

Steven Kaszab


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: China could step up armament, provocations near Senkakus, think tank warns See in context

When the pressure is on to reform and change its ways, totalitarian regimes will respond in many ways

Threaten their antagonists. throwing their military might about as China has done in the past when their unproven land claims are challenged in The Philippines, Thailand and of shore Japan.

Flex their Financial Muscle. Challanged by Canada and the EU due to China's oppression of Muslim Population. Enbargo's, joint projects put on hold, not delivering upon contracts.

Threaten the safety and security of antagonist nations Citizens. Those students, business people and even travellers who work and live, visit China.

Chinese pressure is placed upon those nations who are client nations to China...such as African and Latin American nations whose mines and mineral resouces are owned or controlled by Chinese Interests.

Look to possible threats and hostilies coming from Northern Korea, a client state of China's.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

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