Posted in: Ad giant Dentsu fined ¥300 mil over Tokyo Olympics bid-rigging See in context
How much money and how long of a prison sentence is the architect of this scam , Tommy Bach gonna pay and years ???
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan reaches its lowest-ever ranking on Education First’s 2024 English Proficiency Index See in context
The entire system needs to be overhauled from the top down! The current curriculum from elementary through high school is far too complicated and complex! Then when you ask these kids “how are you” it’s no longer “I’m fine thank you and you” as fast as they can say it … it’s now “I’m happy” which are English words but not proper English! It would be easy to blame the ALTS or the JETS but it’s the system that is the problem! I am a parent , now a grandparent, a Yochien English teacher for 12 years, huge school! My own children have attended every grade from kindergarten to college! All 3 were born in California, and I spoke English and that’s what they heard most as babies … my Japanese wife spoke to them in nihongo. So luckily, all 3 are native tongue in both languages! So our situation is different, but I’ve seen it all here now . The emphasis and stress on the high school entrance exam is the biggest obstacle! Any kid that studies can ace that portion of the exam . So they’re already half way there! Despite not knowing or understanding what they read ! And can’t really speak more than basic words but not sentences! There are exceptions, those who are fortunate enough to attend Ibaraki Christian , they leave there at near native tongue in English! I don’t live or work there and certainly not a Christian :) But if the government is looking for change , they should start there to see success!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Ukraine's Zelenskyy says he wants to end war by diplomacy next year See in context
Diplomacy will happen when one of Putin’s generals takes that tyrant thug out.!. Russia has been set back decades.!. And for what ? Putin invaded a sovereign, peace loving nation and had totally screwed his own country over.!. Ukraine will be rebuilt and Russia is gonna pay for it!
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Coe vies with six rivals for IOC presidency See in context
Mr False everything,
Anyone is better than that scumbag Bach….
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Coe vies with six rivals for IOC presidency See in context
Seems like a good candidate.!. Doesn’t have all the bribery and other scandalous baggage stench like that scoundrel Tammy Bach .!, it’s gonna take years to clean up after that corrupt thief.!.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Foreign visitors to Japan top 3 mil in July; single-month record See in context
Well well well …. Many people whined about the restrictive borders are now the same ones whining about over tourism.!. Oh the hypocrisy.!. Wait until fall sets in and the typhoon season has passed.!. Cooler temps.!. 5 million in November!
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Japanese worried and confused after first-ever megaquake advisory See in context
It is better to be 100% wrong and do something than to be 1% right and do nothing .!. It has nothing to do with fear mongering .!. It’s a reality of living here that we should always be prepared.!. And this is not something that is comparable to the “Covid lark.” That was and still continues to be much more scientifically predictable.!. Unfortunately, there are those that spend all their time spreading patently false information, fabricated science, and couldn’t care less about anyone else.!. Karma eventually comes full circle.!.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Paris and the Olympics have changed each other during their summer fling See in context
Bach kept a super low key for these Olympics. The only “filth” about the games were him .!. I hope he stays on as head of the IOC just long enough to try to blackmail or scam someone in SO CAL.!. Japan is still reeling from all of his corruption.!.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Police officer arrested for stealing underwear from girl’s home See in context
I can’t wait for FFS to comment on this .!. “I’ve said it before” “mark my words” these types get these kind of jobs for access.!. They’re all in the same basket.!.
3 ( +12 / -9 )
Posted in: Russia battles Ukrainian troops for third day after shock incursion See in context
The invasion will end when Putin is taken out by one of his own! And Ukraine rather by force or war tribunals will be given back what Russia has taken ! And Russia will pay and pay dearly for the reconstruction of Ukraine! Putin has set back and isolated Russia from the world stage for decades to come! I still am shocked by those who think it’s okay for a neighbor to take something by force and everyone should just accept it.!. Putin made that poor choice thinking the Ukrainians would just fold and that the peaceful people of the world would just sit back and let it happen.!.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Do you consider the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to be war crimes? See in context
No …. The US does not start wars ! It ends them ! Despite many warnings, Japan dragged America into WW2! Japan was given ample time to surrender and end the conflict! They ignored those warnings! Unfortunately, in all wars , there are those killed as collateral damage! Japan is to blame for the US using WMDs! Fast forward 80 years and the world is a safer place! There will always be bad actors, Russia … bit off a whole lot than they can chew ! And who has helped Ukraine to defend itself ? The US as always was 1st to respond! Why hasn’t China invaded Taiwan??? 1st, their military has never been tested! 2nd… no one wants to take on America! It would be suicidal! The lessons learned by Japan and the world from WW2, are still educational today!
-1 ( +6 / -7 )
Posted in: Man arrested on suspicion of sexual assault after inviting high school girl to drink at his apartment See in context
Another kiddy fiddler teacher eh. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, these type choose to work in environments that give them access to vulnerable minors.
Another baseless blanket statement about teachers .!. I’m not making any excuses for this teacher ! But no … according to patently false everything, all men who get a job teaching or social services and then do some perverse and illegal things with underage girls, well that must’ve been their plan all along . Here in Japan , sexual assault is rarely talked about and molestation by a biological parent is unheard of. Perverts come from all walks of life and FFS needs to stop putting them all in the same basket.!. Anti teacher, anti AI, Anti social development for his own son , anti science, anti basic truths, but sure strong on opinion.!. Usually based on some perverted narrative.!.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: COVID-19 devastated U.S. teacher morale − and it hasn’t recovered See in context
Had the worlds leaders handed COVID seriously from the beginning, Covid would’ve been eradicated in less than 6 months.!. A complete shutdown of the world economy and complete lockdown of every border would have stopped the spread.!. The problem was the response and the utter selfishness of too many science denying lunatics that couldn’t have cared less about others ! Particularly the most venerable, children and seniors and blaming others with health issues for having negative outcomes!
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: 3 Japanese, 5 foreigners arrested for cocaine smuggling See in context
Tourism at its finest.!.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: U.S.-Japan Patriot missile production plan hits Boeing component roadblock See in context
Good things come to those who wait.!. Freedom and peace don’t come free or even cheap .!. Everyone around the world who has freedom to express themselves owes that freedom to the USA.!. America doesn’t start wars.!. It ends them .!. And it has the best defensive weaponry to defend itself and allies.!. Putin’s war against Ukraine isn’t merely about a bully bombing its neighbor into submission.!. It may embolden China into a false sense of security or superiority that it can invade any country it sees fit including but not limited to Taiwan.!. Luckily , NATO is around to keep these tyrants in check.!. Putin bit off more that he could chew and is slowly choking on it .!. I suggest some polish up on their lack of knowledge about world history.!. Stop passively allowing bullies to get away with their crimes.!. I feel sorry for some of your neighbors.!.
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Ukraine needs 25 Patriot air defense systems and more F-16 warplanes, Zelenskyy says See in context
All of you Russian sympathizers need to get a grip on reality or perhaps have your own dwelling bombed and/or stolen by a neighbor.!. You’re the types that would watch a bigger person , start a problem against a weaker person and you’d sit back and allow it to continue.!. Never lifting a hand or intervening.!. Shame on you.!. Same usual propagandists as always.!.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Labour win brings few hopes or fears to London's financial district See in context
In France , some falsely claimed that the hard right had swept into power because of the leftists agenda…. When the complete opposite just happened in England, another false prophecy.!. Strange how positions can change in 2 weeks.!. England has been stuck in the 60’s far too long and the population finally got tired of the same old political system of the rich getting richer and everyone else is left behind struggling.!.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Elementary school boy drowns during swimming class in western Japan See in context
There’s gotta be a few holes in this story . I’ll reserve my judgment until all of the facts come out ; but basic science tells us no one drowns in no time and certainly not in a group of many others , in a pool , a swimming class…. I hope the family gets the answers they deserve!
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Toyota set to end massive Olympic sponsorship deal; unhappy over how IOC spent funds: report See in context
Truth is they got tired of Bach embezzling millions from them and cut him off .!.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan inflation slows to 2.2% in April See in context
The pace of Japanese inflation slowed in April to 2.2 percent as gas bills fell,
Lets add just a bit of honesty to this story.!. Japan does NOT include the prices of fuel and food in their GDP / CPI! If they did , the actual rate of inflation would be well over 20%. Literally everything we buy at the grocery store has gone up dramatically or the quantity has been reduced for the same price ! The jgov has been subsidizing fuel prices (car and home) for 4 years ! It has NOT been passed on to us consumers! It is corporate greed/ welfare at its worst!
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Kishida arrives in U.S. for summit, state dinner See in context
“Don't remember any wars starting when Trump was the POTUS.”
Trump enabled and encouraged Putin ! And yes …. Trump started a civil war 2.0
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Tokyo crowds revel as cherry blossoms reach full bloom See in context
Those are not “cherry blossoms.”
-8 ( +0 / -8 )
Posted in: Former Tokyo Olympic official says he's not guilty of taking bribes See in context
Dude needs to cop a plea deal and roll over on Bach .!. The architect of all these scams .!.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Ex-Tokyo Olympics operations executive found guilty of bid-rigging See in context
It’s time to charge , arrest , and convict the architect of all these scams : Tommy Bach.!.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo Olympics sullied by bid-rigging, bribery trials more than 2 years after Games See in context
It’s time for the Tammy Bach , the architect and main benefactor from all these scams to finally be charged , arrested, convicted, and sent to the gallows.!. Total scumbag.!.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Ukraine aims a major drone attack at Crimea as Russia tries to capture a destroyed eastern city See in context
Time for Russia to get out , and suffer the economic and criminal repercussions of invading a sovereign nation! This is a black and white issue ! This is all on Putin and Russia .!.
6 ( +10 / -4 )
Posted in: Diet debate on inflation-fighting FY2023 extra budget begins See in context
This proposed tax cut will literally be a wage cut .!. Employers are already figuring out how to reduce wages while making sure net pay goes up marginally.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan OKs ¥13.2 tril extra budget for FY2023 to fight inflation See in context
This tax reduction scam gives employers far too long to figure out how to skim wages, bonuses, and /or tiny pay raises …. Just give the people the money….
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan OKs ¥13.2 tril extra budget for FY2023 to fight inflation See in context
Inflation is closer to 30% here . Japan does NOT include the price of food and fuels in their GDP.!. If they did , the public at large would see how bad they’ve been getting hosed for decades.!.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Olympic president Thomas Bach urged by IOC members to extend term limit and seek 4 more years See in context
Grift at its worst .!. This guy is the dirtiest politician on the planet.!. It’s always and only about how much money a country is willing to pay him to allow their roided up participants in .!. Or how much he can milk the games / bidding as a whole out of.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
It could easily be the child crawled and fell No, it couldn't easily be that. Think about it.
Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide
Posted in: Man sentenced to life in prison for raping 10 elementary school girls
Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide