Japan Today

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Posted in: About 80% of the medical staff needed for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games have been secured, organizing committee President Seiko Hashimoto says. Some people have criticized these doctors and nurses, saying they will be desperately needed elsewhere in coping with the pandemic. What's your view? See in context

The doctors and nurses who are being redeployed for the Olympics could be used instead to administer vaccines to the general population. Considering so few people are considered qualified to even give vaccines, it seems like a waste having them tend to athletes when people are dying in their homes.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 732 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 5,230 See in context

Wouldn’t you consider it a problem, if in a highly developed nation, even one person dies in their home after being denied access to a hospital?

15 ( +15 / -0 )

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