Japan Today

stingrae00 comments

Posted in: BOJ to stand pat even as goals depart from reality See in context

“There’s not much the BOJ can do to respond to overseas headwinds,” said one source. “What’s important is that domestic demand remains firm.”

"Abenomics" does not No simple Mathematics I think and say that currently Japan really have a good economy. Make the yen cheaper making Japanese poorer, get more fund from the added tax and as a result higher prices on commodities. Raising the tax does not affect only rich people here, its domestically universal. These are all detrimental at all. These does not add to raise every people`s life here.

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Posted in: Charges dropped against 29-year-old woman arrested for killing 2 young daughters See in context

Worst judge! How this judge became a judge where he/she does not know how to decide simple obvious crimes. Maybe killing is not a crime to this judge. It is "when the price is right".

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: China warns Japan against 'crippling regional peace' See in context

I think China is not the one really making an statement here to Japan. China started this started this unstable peace in the Asia pacific region. They are not adding peace in the region. This is useless comment.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Posted in: Don’t want to pay your NHK TV license fee? Beat Takeshi agrees with you See in context

I strongly agree with Beat Takeshi, they should sell TVs with a choice not having NHK on it. Locals are the one enjoying what they paid but foreigners don`t.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Posted in: Gunma cop arrested for attempting to kidnap 10-year-old girl See in context

How could this young J-cop was given a badge having psycho problem.

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Posted in: 2,100 people sue Asahi Shimbun over 'comfort women' stories See in context

They should accept the reality which the had done in the past. Why not conduct their unbiased interview to the remaining alive victims from the different countries. And they themselves will discover their horrifying histories from the past. This will not be resolved by saying those women were wartime prostitutes. What is done is done, past is past, past mistakes deserves an apology and Japan should move on.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: New daycare centers held up by residents opposing noisy kids See in context

Those people there are too selfish to push there points. If there complaints will fulfill and this will be adapted to other wards, these people should be put back to their childhood days and they will be hit at their back head to shut-up by their parents. They didn't realized that they once became a child and went to this childhood stage.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: 21-yr-old mother, friend arrested for starving baby son to death See in context


I mean to say a better law that could change this cases. We know that they have strict laws preserving and prolonging their lives here just like strict driving laws ( drunk driving etc..) for people's safety, following their diets to become healthy. In general they want to live longer and increase their population, but on the other end they are losing life because of the parents negligence.

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Posted in: 21-yr-old mother, friend arrested for starving baby son to death See in context

Another sad day for Japan. This kind of news really makes my day sad. Since I also have a son, I can't imagine if this happened to my child. How could they do this to their own blood. I hope the government will make a law to avoid this kind of unacceptable doings.

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