Posted in: Anna Tsuchiya: 'No one could kill someone who looked like me' See in context
Catchy song title.
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Posted in: Hokkaido schoolgirl commits suicide, blaming bullying See in context
It seems no matter how many children that commit suicide specifically saying that they did so because of bullying people in charge will keep making excuses.
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Posted in: Families await fate of New Zealand coal miners See in context
What's going on with all of the recent mine collapses. Is it just that they're all getting news coverage now?
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Posted in: Anti-China protest See in context
It's just horrible to see their infection seep into their children.
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Posted in: Vatican canonizes first Australian saint, five others See in context
I've been irritated how much of the media here in Australia have been acting as though even non-Catholics should care about this. I did however like one of today's headlines; "Rest of the world: 10,000 - Australia: 1".
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Posted in: Graphic Tasering video ignites debate in Australia See in context
@Stoker - perhaps more to do with refusing police orders in one case (though clearly excessive) and armed robbery in another. Unfortunately some people fall over themselves to blame racism at every opportunity - particularly users basing their arguments in idiotic stereotypes and totally ignorant of the things and places they're talking about.
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Posted in: ASEM kicks off See in context
@OssanAmerica - Unexpectedly well put. @Judderman She's not married (though has a partner).
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Posted in: Spray fresh See in context
@Takshi89, what a dumb comment. I hope you're attempting some kind of parody, but next time don't.
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Posted in: 3 teens suspended after beating kangaroo to death See in context
I read about the story and it's terrible, unfortunately for years it's seemed that if you're below a certain age the worst punishment you can get is a slap on the wrist, and nothing seems likely to change. Everyone becomes outraged for a few days before forgetting about it.
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Posted in: Dolphins caught, not killed, in Taiji cove: Sea Sheperd See in context
@Gurukun - There may be good reasons to slaughter dolphins, my point is that culture/tradition is not one of them - using human-related examples of bad traditions just gets the point across quickly. Closer parallels might be the strict ethical standards when it comes to the treatment of laboratory animals or those used in movies.
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Posted in: Dolphins caught, not killed, in Taiji cove: Sea Sheperd See in context
Gurukun - just because something is called 'tradition' or 'culture', even correctly, is not a justification. Explaining something with 'tradition' amounts to the tautology "We do it because we do it. Why do we do it? Because it's what we do". Do you really need any time to think of times when breaking tradition has been an improvement? Tradition/Culture are excuses.
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Posted in: Paprika and Hell See in context
Tsutsui is great, I absolutely loved Kazoku Hakkei.
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Posted in: Australia votes on whether first woman PM survives See in context
The point is that Australians are going to vote in Liberal or Labor, they're not voting for 'man' or 'women'. If Abbott wins (god forbid, but looking very possible), it shouldn't be interpreted as Australians deciding they don't want a female Prime Minister.
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Posted in: Australia votes on whether first woman PM survives See in context
I can't say I'm a fan of the headline's emphasizing the fact that Gillard's a woman, I'd hope that isn't a determining factor in peoples votes (though disappointingly it seems it has been for some).
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Posted in: Rockers embark on musical pilgrimage to Mt Fuji to fight cancer See in context
"...lead singer of the Retro Rockets, a favorite in their native Australia." I'm Australian and listen to a lot of music, never heard of 'em.
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Posted in: Gay pride See in context
I'm genuinely shocked at many of the unpleasant posts on this forum. Who still reacts like this to homosexuality?
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Posted in: Elderly woman arrested for beating youth sitting in priority seat of bus See in context
I know she was wrong to use physical violence. But I can't help smiling, it's just an amusing story.
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Posted in: Anti-whaling activist Pete Bethune gets suspended prison term See in context
maninjapan79 - I haven't seen a list of countries, but I know that Australia was among several countries to reject Japan's compromise plan, though they did recommended potential amendments to that proposition.
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Posted in: Anti-whaling activist Pete Bethune gets suspended prison term See in context
KSB1978 - Something is not necessarily good or valuable just because it can be categorized as 'cultural' or 'traditional' (do you really need the most obvious examples?).
But leave that aside, the differences that are so clear that they shouldn't need to be pointed out is that traditional whaling occurred wholly inside what is Japanese territory, not in large quantities using great metal ships in international waters half-way across the world. Secondly is that people like you try to claim that it should be permitted for cultural reasons, but the actual justification being used are scientific ones. If Japan immediately limited it's whaling to it's own territory, in quantities on par with historical figures, and stopped calling it scientific - then the criticism would take an entirely different tone. Japan is being treated differently because it is not doing the same thing as other whaling countries, not because of their being Japanese. This shouldn't need to be explained.
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Posted in: Anti-whaling activist Pete Bethune gets suspended prison term See in context
I see the picture, and once again the race card, it's always about race.
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Posted in: Anti-Cove See in context
hokkaidoguy - technically sure, but it's clearly used here because of it's use for the Imperial Japanese Navy and it's symbolic association with the Japanese imperial project.
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Posted in: Australia gets its 1st female prime minister as Rudd ousted See in context
Good post donkusai, that is just the impression that I was getting and why I didn't like the turn of events. I think that if Rudd had occaisionally shown a fraction of the emotion that he did in his final speech as PM, he wouldn't have lost public support (lately the media have really been attacking him for his public persona), and this could all have been avoided. Just as an aside, I really hate the minority of commentators who talk about how good it is that Gillard is a woman, talk about being played.
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Posted in: Australia gets its 1st female prime minister as Rudd ousted See in context
Stupid comment bubzabub, this is wholly concerned with domestic politics, most Australians don't have strong feelings about the whaling issue. Man that was an amazingly dumb comment.
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Posted in: Australia gets its 1st female prime minister as Rudd ousted See in context
Gillard's looking far younger now than in the image above. The new stylist is doing their job.
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Posted in: Australia gets its 1st female prime minister as Rudd ousted See in context
Rudd is speaking now, he's really choking back tears, it's depressing to watch, and he's making good points about his achievements too.
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Posted in: Australia gets its 1st female prime minister as Rudd ousted See in context
It certainly was sudden. As much as I didn't like Rudd, I'm not happy about this. I don't trust Gillard, she said she wouldn't challenge, then as soon as her loyalty is questioned she goes after him. I also feel sorry for Rudd, yes backing down on climate change was bad, but in general his leadership wasn't disastrous.
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Posted in: Proposal to resume commercial whaling hits snag at IWC meeting See in context
I also notice you're singling out big-bad Australia (which itself submitted several alternative proposals) as if it alone voted against the resumption of commercial whaling. So you have one side blatantly lying about the purposes of it's actions (if you believe Japan really cares about the science element of it's whaling program I have some magic beans to sell you), and goes about getting it's way underhandedly (secret bribes, which you're defending as common practice, but I don't believe for a second that you'd be saying that had the British newspaper recorded anti-whalers doing it) to prop up an industry solely to thumb it's nose and flex it's muscles, and they're who you support. No, I think I'll be giving your posts the same attention I give those of davidattokyo.
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Posted in: Proposal to resume commercial whaling hits snag at IWC meeting See in context
Zenny, if you defend Japan buying votes with prostitutes and cash handed out in brown envelopes by saying "no big deal, everyone does it", then nothing will change your mind on the subject.
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Posted in: Proposal to resume commercial whaling hits snag at IWC meeting See in context
Japan can never be wrong, can it Zenny.
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Why should I pay for the train, hotel and entry ticket there? Sorry, but if I should ever feel the…
Posted in: Osaka Expo preparations hit home stretch with 2 months left until opening
Posted in: German car attack may have been religiously motivated, prosecutors say
The container handling facility sure makes for an attractive venue.
Posted in: Osaka Expo preparations hit home stretch with 2 months left until opening
How dare anyone gamble on things beside boat racing, motorcycle racing and bicycle racing!
Posted in: Record number of online casino users detected by Japan police in 2024