Japan Today

Stookibill comments

Posted in: Trump knew for weeks that aide was misleading over Russia: White House See in context

Where can we read the transcript, then?

We can't. All we have to go on is the leaked information. Although I imagine if Flynn had been offering those naughty Russians an all expense paid trip to Vegas and a couple submarines we'd all be reading slightly different headlines today, wouldn't we SenseNotSoC'mon?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: Trump knew for weeks that aide was misleading over Russia: White House See in context

@Simon Foston

But he didn't wait so it's all academic.

No it isn't. It's actually up the judiciary to decide. According to the information we have now the only law that Flynn could have broken hasn't ever been used to successfully prosecute anyone and it's been on the books for 200 years.


Also - and this has just occurred to me. Who went back over the books to bring this law out of the woodwork? Was it the Democrats or the Republicans? Ultimately they may want to put Flynn under oath which would leave open to all sorts of questions.


Wow, someone in our midst was privy to the meeting. How cool is that?

It wasn't a meeting. It was a phone conversation. With a transcript.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Posted in: Trump knew for weeks that aide was misleading over Russia: White House See in context

@Simon Foston & Strangerland. Possibly. Would his actions have still been criminal if he'd waited a couple of weeks and done the same thing under the mantle of being the national security adviser to the President? Also, we're not talking about selling state secrets here either, are we? Just the usual diplomatic tomfoolery.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Posted in: Trump knew for weeks that aide was misleading over Russia: White House See in context

Look, we can all throw our hands up and cry "Flynn is a traitor!" but even a shallow analysis of this story will show that this is not the case.

Firstly, he was stupid. An intelligence officer of the US military should have known better than to discuss some back-channel business on a monitored line. Maybe he just got caught up in an impromptu negotiation. We'll never know unless the transcripts are released.

Secondly, what he discussed as a private citizen is the type of deal that gets made all the time in politics. Obama's administration had left a big steaming turd of political incident in the in-tray of the incoming President. Trump's strong suit is sexually assaulting women, not dealing with intricate and delicate international politics, so he get's his aide to take care of it.

Thirdly, there's a power play here. There always is when somebody close to the top "resigns". Everyone has dirt on everyone else at that level, and if I had to bet, I'd say that Flynn was stabbed in the back.

The question is, who was holding the knife?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: Trump knew for weeks that aide was misleading over Russia: White House See in context

So General Flynn is highly critical of Clinton in the run up to the election for her email situation. He calls for her imprisonment as he feels she is a risk to national security. He hates the Obama administration for forcing him out of his job at the DIA so he does something, while not unprecedented for a retired general, is rare: he comes out in total support for a political candidate. Perhaps he felt that the only way he could get America "back on track" was by supporting Trump and therefore expanding the military and military intelligence.

And then he gets caught out on a monitored line saying to Sergei "Hey, if you play nice, we'll have better footing for talks when we take over. Obama's on the way out, let him have his last tantrum" etc, etc.

It's clear that Trump is no friend to the military. Rep. Gates, the former secretary of defense, called him, "beyond repair". My reading on this is that Flynn has started to question your Dear Leader's sanity so he had to go.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Senator says GOP colleagues question Trump's mental health See in context

He says things that aren’t true. That’s the same as lying, I guess.

Damn. I love political reasoning. So insightful.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese woman suing nursing school after being suspended because of her tattoo See in context

This case is a joke. If she has broken no rules, then the school has no grounds for suspending her. It should be an open and shut case with the student being reinstated. i suspect that the school will argue some sort of "appearance or behaviour damaging to the our reputation". In which case, I wonder how many other students who have passed through the school, or even the current instructors, have tattoos. Basically it comes down to the fact that this girl's ink was easy to see. As with so many things in Japan, if you can't see it, it doesn't exist.

Also JT, please do a little research. Marking criminals was only one historical use of tattoos in Japan. A simple Google search would have given you a better overview if the subject.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: '24: Legacy' may be even better than the original See in context

But wait.. with the ban on Muslims who will insert beefy husky voiced hero here be saving America from?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: China's tourism authority urges boycott of APA hotel group See in context

CH3CHOJAN. 25, 2017 - 06:43PM JST

Try to disprove it by yourself.


Boom. Mic drop.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: China's tourism authority urges boycott of APA hotel group See in context

Ah this made my day. I love the idea that Motoya was thinking, "Hmmm how to spread the word about my crazy and easily disprovable revisionist history? Well, there's Twitter, or I could make a blog, perhaps start a YouTube channel... Wait! I've got it! I'll write a book and put it in every one of my wife's hotel rooms! It'll be just like the Gideon Bible that's managed to cause such a huge upswing in the popularity of Christianity over the last 100 years!"

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Chilling out See in context

I like the two mascots, Chained Naughty Workgang-Kun and Beehive Head Guard-Chan.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan’s respected National Theatre surprises everyone with traditional rendition of PPAP See in context


Pen Pineapple Cash Grab And Loads Of Sponsorship Before Ultimately Fading Into Obscurity

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan ushers in new U.S. president with Y5,800 'Trump Burger' See in context

Is it full of baloney with a tiny pickle?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Park employee didn’t collect admission fees from 160,000 foreigners over 2 1/2 years because one scared him See in context

Just as an addendum to my previous remark: I've seen plenty of foreigners act like pompous entitled idiots to Japanese people before. I'm ashamed to say I've done it myself too. I don't want my above remark to be construed as being a "them vs. us" type of thing. I just find the story to be full of holes - it doesn't seem to make any sense.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Netflix adds 7 million subscribers in global expansion See in context

I suspect the issue with not having other language subtitles for Japanese content is one of personnel (they don't have enough translators) and rights (I'm sure there's a lot of red tape involved in clearing content for translation). Very few Japanese films see release outside of Japan. I suspect that anime fairs better though. Hopefully this will begin to change, but it's going to take a while.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Park employee didn’t collect admission fees from 160,000 foreigners over 2 1/2 years because one scared him See in context

I'm curious how he managed to let 160,000 foreigners in for free without anyone noticing for two and a half years. So he's not good at English. Presumably then, when there's a long line of people he's just shouting "Free, free!" at every round eye who comes to his booth and giving them a free ticket. This must have caused some confusion as there is a prominent sign listing the cost of tickets in several languages (I think). Not to mention the employee in the next booth failing to notice this. Also, there must have been at least one occasion when an Asian American or English speaking Chinese, Japanese or Korean person was in the queue behind a foreigner who got in for free only to be told that they had to pay ¥200. And that line, "He was quoted as saying he did not think of his actions as embezzlement." That's a rather odd thing to put in. He's lost the government ¥32m and they penalised him one month's salary?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

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