Posted in: On eve of summit with Japan PM, Trump reportedly meets U.S. Steel CEO See in context
Trump will be able to make a miraculous deal for US Steel to buy Japan Steel and make MAGA, as the genius business man and fantastic President, he is. :D
Seriously, the juvenile infantile mind will allow Japan Steel to buy US Steel, because, as mentioned already, Biden didn't. Even though, Trump agreed not to let US Steel be sold to Japan. But he's shrewd. Changes his mind to make (not so) great policy and decisions to sway all his cult to agree with everything he does.
Then watch the dumb spin. 'you know, actually, we're buying out Japan Steel, not the other way around, as all the facts show. It's my perfect strategy. I'm making the greatest, most perfect deal. And, no, it isn't against my America does everything for America in America by Americans, I just don't want to put a tariff on my good friend, Mr. Ishiba, whom I can't tell the difference between him and his predecessor, Japanese goods.'
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: Trump says Israel would hand over Gaza after fighting; no U.S. troops needed See in context
Trump's a juvenile who speaks before thinking. He's an idiot, who won an election, showing just how ridiculously inept at decision making and having a lack of sensibility the American people can be.
This Gaza hoax is not happening. You will see Trump back off his comments, just like backing off the Canadian/Mexico tariffs, or seeing the courts deny his birthright crazy. The coward he is, most of the things he brags on, when push comes to shove, he'll wither away.
The spectator sport of watching a bad administration is quite entertaining, if one skips the consequence. 2 weeks in and the fool is confirming he is one.
The only thing to do is watch his administration implode the next few years, if he lasts that long. People like Arab Americans who voted for him feeling betrayed and saying they're shocked. Duh. Hard to peek into the future when the obvious is in front of your face, fools.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Record number of Japan ramen eateries went bankrupt in 2024 See in context
Full-time employees in Japan also get access to an array of benefits and protections that part-timers miss out on. These include: Enrollment in the company's health insurance, pension schemes and retirement plans. Paid leave entitlements – part-timers usually get fewer paid vacation/sick days.
You're also missing one big fundamental difference, which is full timers are paid more per month than a part timer doing full time hours. Plus they get bonuses, twice a year.
Essentially, part timers do not have any power, except they can control their schedule. It is essential to know that a full timer often has to stay extra time at the whim of their management and companies must adhere to part time wishes on scheduling, so even if a manager requires a part timer to do overtime, a part timer can and should say no, if they do not want to do the OT.
When a busy time of year, say, for a hotel or guest services type work, FT must work every holiday and work, often without enough help to compensate for the extra number of guests to serve. Work harder is the management mantra. Full timers say yes or they lose their benefits over the PT, and, of course, are afraid to lose their jobs. Some foreigners have visa issue which say they must be subservient and cannot say anything against the company, thus complaining about work conditions is a non starter, which allows companies to manipulate workers. Thus FT often kiss the butt that feeds. They have no choice.
PTers even worse because the FT are frustrated and they aren't empathetic as a rule, they'll make the PTers work harder, with what they will believe is they are superior to the PT, and as they're getting made to do more work, frustrations set in and they repeat the same behavior as management over PTers, so the frustration becomes pretty vicious.
All lose their will to want to be better at work, it's counterproductive when the country, the companies, managers, etc. don't care about the labor force whether they are satisfied with their jobs, they'll just say people are getting paid and you're lucky to be working.
Considering labor is what drives people and satisfaction is why most people tend to live, the frustration leads to what Japan is suffering from, which is apathy for life and family, segue to the slippery slope of depopulation, and that trend will not turn around, so Japan cannot stop the trend of a future downward economy.
It's too late, because there are no labor unions nor anyone who truly cares for the everyday worker. No company in Japan actually has a labor office to help labor, so the difficulties that occur, like a company being too cheap to hire enough people for shifts making the one's who do work get gaslit into thinking they're lucky to have work hours, have zero power and zero backing to protest unfair situations.
This is life in any Japanese company, even the one's controlled by foreigners, which...they're businesses that could try to leverage better conditions for workers, but will not, it's a built in excuse to have lower labor costs, and work the hell out of the workers by saying, 'well, this is Japan, we do as they do'.
So, no changes for the good of the people is catching up to the owners and companies as the worker isn't happy, but mostly, Japan as country suffers and get what it deserves, as the work force isn't off the hook on this matter either, as the culture says obey and don't make waves, when they should have and needed to.
Companies in Japan have taken the good and bad of omotenashi of the people and their subservient educational ways to raise obedience to societal harmony. The Japanese needed to speak up a long time ago and change their inability to fight the companies and not feel guilty for wanting a better wage vs. inflation.
As for part time workers, they work harder, surely physically, than most FT and management, with less pay and more directives from many who make not a whole lot of sense, far too often. Because Japan is not a meritocracy, it's nepotism, who kisses who's butt and how good they are at it. longevity of employment, and how well someone works isn't the scale. In fact, I've heard management say, 'PT are a pool of people. Some work harder than others. If you want more pay for doing work well, go find another job'.
Oh, and one other thing. At certain ages in an aging population, 65 and above, As a law, Japan prohibits full time workers. For what reason is actually unknown because as an over 65 worker, one cannot get benefits but still has to pay social insurance or 'nenkin', when one can get 'nenkin' at 60. So that makes zero sense, but the point is, one can work harder than the full timer or other part timers, said to be in a pool of PTers, so there is no compensation for good work, get no bonus, less vacation time, and perhaps the reason an older person is working because they have to.
Yep, Japan, makes a lot of sense, right? A law that prohibits FTers over 65 for who's sake?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump wants presidential winner to be declared on election night See in context
burgers and beer wrote: If she is so much more poised and in control and he is an unhinged fascist dictator why are the polls supposedly so tight?
They're actually not. Just like your call, she's winning by a landslide.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump wants presidential winner to be declared on election night See in context
burgers and beer wrote: Our experts said Harris is leading by "11 million plus abortion". Apparently it will be Harris landslide, so it should all be clear within a few hours of polls closing.
This is true. Kamala will win in a landslide. Good call.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Michelle Obama, Harris and Trump campaign in Michigan See in context
Dum dum on his last legs, as he heads to prison.
Reminds of 2020 when the GOP and Fox were all Red wave and got tsunami'd by Biden. Same thing this keeps the ratings up with questions of silly undecided voters, but it'll be a Kamala win, no doubt about it.
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: Ethel Kennedy, social activist and wife of Robert F Kennedy, dies at 96 See in context
The documentary her daughter made was telling of the strength, grace and goodwill of Ethyl Kennedy. She was a true icon.
RIP, and thank you.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: New analysis suggests national debt could increase under Harris, but it would surge under Trump See in context
MAGA never learns. The debt increases with Trump, there’s zero doubt his non policy policies are economically flawed, and serves only a purpose to himself.
Narration to their dog and cat soup is the ubiquitous lie.
Sorry wonderment as to their inability to realize truths is a testament to the weak condition of the human mind. And they are weak minded and have soul depravation to keep the narration going on and on, even with things like how this study shows how debt will increase with Trump, as they twist all logic.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Assange says he 'pleaded guilty to journalism' to gain freedom See in context
Assange is over the top and zealous, but he is not wrong.
The American government does a lot of terrible things ‘for the USA’ and to maintain their idea of freedom. It certainly isn’t clean, dirty, but necessary things happen.
I understand the government’s take on Assange, but Wikileaks brought forward many truths.
Opinion on this matter is polarizing, but Wikileaks was about transparency and, yes, true freedom of speech. I support Assange.
And I get the need for security of information due to human nature of POV good and bad.
We always need to be aware that no one plays by the rules in totality, and enemies are part of that nature, so fire for fire, an eye for an eye is a human weakness that will exist as long as humanity exists.
pragmatically, locking up Assange had to be done in the eyes of America, but as an idea, Assange is right. 100%.
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Assange says he 'pleaded guilty to journalism' to gain freedom See in context
Assange was never a journalist. A journalist takes responsibility for what they publish.
Oh boy is this a naive statement, or what? Go back to all the lies Fox News has said and not taken responsibility for.
It happens daily.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Appellate judges skeptical of New York civil fraud case against Trump See in context
Friedman clearly doesn’t understand a red herring argument, when he says it. Judges who do this are creating false narratives.
This is a case of fraud. The result or fallout finding Trump guilty is not a mitigating factor.
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump rejects Harris' challenge to debate again on CNN See in context
buc buc buccaw! chicken!
9 ( +10 / -1 )
Posted in: Harris slams Trump for hypocrisy on abortion as U.S. starts voting See in context
Living in Japan is the antipathy of life in the US. Living amongst the Japanese is the antipathy of spending time around Americans. Feed us more World news and less Dog and Pony show nonsense from the US please.
I understand the frustration. It gets old for me, as well.
But, America, for better or worse, influences the world on a level no other country does.
Since Trump became a candidate and president, one can see how the conservative and silliness of lies pervades in other countries like England and Japan, as well. Actually, American policy is omnipresent in its influence world wide. England obviously with conservative run Brexit and Johnson, both huge mistakes.
Japan, with its economy teetering more than people who live in Japan believe, but the constant drop of yen is directly related to flaws in the Japanese work system, and unhappiness of the people in an overly conservative society that admires American influence of films, streaming, and media from abroad, which, I would assume you are a part of. And then you have entertainment here in Disneyland/sea, Universal entertainment, etc., which influence the Japanese greatly.
To dismiss America because one lives in Japan doesn't see a broad picture of the world, imo. Most everything that occurs in english particularly, is influenced by things that begin in the USA from social media, you have twitter to X, IG, etc., to entertainers to sports(Ohtani is a huge thing for Japan, and this is because of his impact in an American sports league) to politics.
The US election articles dominate for hits and it does get the most hits as a subject, and it's not even close.
I would advise you to just skip all the American political articles on the election, because it's the biggest issue on JT, by far.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Harris condemns Trump's rhetoric; says voters should make sure he 'can't have that microphone again' See in context
Proof and truth have zero value in MAGA world of lies and deceit.
I meant less than zero. Way less.
Sorry for the typo.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: Harris condemns Trump's rhetoric; says voters should make sure he 'can't have that microphone again' See in context
We have proof that Trump's remarks have had an effect on Haitians in Springfield, you have none that Harris's remarks have had on this would be assassin.
Proof and truth have zero value in MAGA world of lies and deceit.
7 ( +9 / -2 )
Posted in: Harris condemns Trump's rhetoric; says voters should make sure he 'can't have that microphone again' See in context
Kamala up in the polls. Wisconsin a near lock. Swing states swinging to Kamala, no doubt about it.
All the MAGA nonsense is catching up to their loss of votes, quickly. Hang on, MAGA, hang on. While your Titanic sinks.
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context
Oh gee whiz, Bass...comments of threat to democracy is because he encouraged the insurrection to break into the capitol. He wants to control all three branches of government. Both things are obvious threats to our constitution, and he is a narcissistic dictator (at least for a day, derp) wannabe, who doesn't care to follow the whole constitution, just to parts that fit his narrative.
Stop with the threat to his wrongs toward the constitution are saying to threaten him as a human being, it just isn't true that Biden/Kamala threats were a message to shooters.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context
Trump says what he does to constantly provoke people. He does so directly and his actions have been poor one's over the years. It seems all the insults, the hate, and the weirdness is a reason why the shooter(s) have done what they have.
If one doesn't take his own actions into consideration, it's a one sided picture and just a narrative being created.
There's no question in my mind that the respective shooters are exactly why gun laws being so loose are a reason Trump should have a stricter attitude toward firearms, but he cuddles with the NRA. He promotes the shooters to a much higher level of gun use than Biden/Harris.
He's a weasel to blame anyone other than the shooter and guns.
To says this is a right/left thing is a complete waste of brain cells. You rightists who are supporting Trump on this idea that he can blame Kamala Harris is ridiculous at best. You should be embarrassed for believing everything coming out of Trump's mouth is something to lock into and give the normal MAGA shpeel.
It's juvenile, it's irresponsible and it's wrong.
Grow up Donald. I know that's impossible, but come on....this latest 'blame' by him is so Donald, and he needs to denounce violence, not incite it.
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: Harris is promoting her resume and her goals rather than race as she courts Black voters See in context
Democrats after years of pounding this guy and vilifying him for years over the Iraq war, now they are embracing him
We’ll take his endorsement as a sign of everyone who believes Trump is unfit for office is better than not.
But make no mistake Dick Cheney is a GOP conservative weasel. He is a hypocrite and we all know it. And he was mainly responsible for the USA starting a unilateral war with Iraq making a narrative of WMD’s that did not exist…a typical lie and acceptance from conservatives.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump says no more debates with Harris See in context
From the very moment Donald Trump even hinted his candidacy for a second term, every illiberal clandestine underhand, fundamentally undemocratic tactic methodology from the Democrat toxic establishment elite has been deployed.
The US justice system, a willing corrupt main stream media cabal, sneering hate distain and chicanery.
The pedantic, illusionary and irreversible insanity of MAGA, which pervades a not so innocuous overly processing or disconnect of neurons, is a trait of toxicity and paranoia that leads to exaggerated and unrestricted words of gobbledygook.
10 ( +12 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump says no more debates with Harris See in context
I’m not a person of religion, but man, I pray for another debate, Fox or anywhere. Trump’s mentally challenged, unstable and disturbed mush brain is great entertainment.
Another debate with Kamala would exacerbate his cognitive disconnect.
What fun it would be. I love laughing at Donald Dum Dum.
‘Gee, I thought I did well, the best I’ve ever done. They’re laughing at me, not with me…isn’t that how it’s said?’
15 ( +16 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says no more debates with Harris See in context
The whole thing about the dogs shows me Trump will take an ordinary citizen's word at face value and express sincere concern for the situation.
You have a rather warped sense of sincerity. In my world, it’s not of face value and sincerity, it’s hearing false conspiracy and repeating any false narrative Dum Dum pleases.
Do you realize he took the Kamala bait of his crowds leaving early as he talks out of boredom to 90 seconds later ranting about eating dogs, cats and ‘they’re eating our pets!’
Totally funny because it was unprovoked to show just how unhinged the guy is and how he cannot stay on point.
13 ( +14 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says no more debates with Harris See in context
Trump said Kamala believes immigrants in jail should get a transgender operation. He said people in Ohio eat dogs and cats.
So what does that mean? Immigrants wake up in jail, as he said, get a transgender operation and if they're immigrants in Ohio, they'll eat dog for breakfast and cat for dinner. Or visa versa, depending on what's on the menu for the day.
All factual information from Trump.
14 ( +15 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says no more debates with Harris See in context
Trump should only agree to a third debate on his terms.
So have a MAGA moderator nod in agreement when Donald Dum Dum says people in Springfield Ohio eat dogs and cats, they're eating the pets!
Anyways he believes he won the debate 92-7 win, according to Dum Dum. Certainly a dominating performance!!
Who needs things on his terms if he's won so easily!
16 ( +17 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says no more debates with Harris See in context
She put on her girlfriend face and pretended to be flabbergasted
Misogyny is MAGA
14 ( +18 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump says no more debates with Harris See in context
Donald Dum Dum: So, what is the plan?
Donald Trump: Well, I have a concept of a plan.
Donald Dum Dum: You're incompetent. You're fired.
10 ( +15 / -5 )
Posted in: While Trump touts his debate performance, allies, donors and advisers lament it See in context
The debate was a surgical manipulation of Trump by Harris. His lack of control was too easy for Kamala to cast, hook, line and sinker the guy. You could hear the reeling in screaming loudly, leading to dum dum reacting so stupidly.
She looked at him like, 'oh, you poor thing'. Kamala's kept looking straight at him, and he couldn't look at her, nor at the camera directly.
He didn't have a chance, because his ego and absurdity allowed her to make the debate hers, and he was intimidated from the second Kamala chased him down to shake hands.
Don Dum dum was weird. Not that I have any faith in undecided voters. Why the heck are they undecided? Because there's this strange neutrality for people who think they're being pragmatic, but they're just wishy washy not to understand how a liar and idiot is one side and smart and supporting of democracy is on the other. If they haven't decided, they're somehow worse than the MAGA, in their indecisive stupidity.
I remember a few years ago in an undecided opinion post debate, some people who were Bernie supporters decided to support Trump. That type of stupidity, going opposite everything, was proof to me the undecided are types who think they're fair with everything, but really they're not smart nor sensible.
12 ( +20 / -8 )
Posted in: Harris and Trump detail their starkly different visions in tense, high-stakes debate See in context
Whoa, context! They are saying she won with the help of the moderators and that the mods didn't fact check her, and let her ramble on, "do you think the 2020 election was stolen?" even CNN of all networks didn't go that low. so now talk about any if the issues that people care about, the economy, nothing, the border, nothing.
The context is what, now? Kamala and ABC had a home ice advantage, and the questions were asked unfairly, of which Trump could not give cognitive answers?
The moderators did not ask about eating dogs, he brought it up himself. He can't answer straight forward questions like 'would you veto a vote approving Roe v Wade? Is that the moderator's fault? pffft.
On Jan. 6th, everyone knows Trump encourage the insurrection and he would march with them. He blames a police officer who shot someone who is breaking windows and a threat to America in what is a sacred institution of Congress.
He's been prosecuted because he's a criminal. He uses red herring arguments that make no sense, and he asks when are people in Minnesota going to be prosecuted? That has nothing to do with him, not about who was or wasn't prosecuted. Fact is, he was prosecuted for many criminal reasons, of which Kamala listed. LEGIT Prosecution of Trump, he cannot acknowledge. Or acknowledge he lost the vote to Biden. Or acknowledge he is a racist. Or admit he did anything wrong, like not being able to have peaceful transfer of power, believing, yes, 2020 was stolen from him. What's the big deal being asked? But, hey, he knows...everyone knows...he lost the election.
Why he can't so say is the problem, not the question.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Harris and Trump detail their starkly different visions in tense, high-stakes debate See in context
Eat dogs, baby! WTF? Trump was so flustered. Shifting eyeballs. Lack of eye contact with opponent...can't even look at her.
He was so scared of her, it was anger filled, the usual lack of cognition and full of lies from Don dumdum. No surprise, the same old same old, and he still has never had a health policy for the USA. He has ruined the economy, saved by the Biden administration. Biden. Trump still wants to run against. :D
He rarely, if ever, has an actual plan, and MAGA feeds into his nothingness.
More lies post debate as he comes back to the floor for what? Who wins a debate and tries to cover the loss by coming out to bark? No one, only THE LOSER, Mr. dum dum.
Taylor watches and supports. She don't matter, right MAGA? Haha, she has so much of a fan base, who are young voters, and they're all in on Kamala.
Kamala kicked his butt.
9 ( +13 / -4 )
Posted in: Georgia high school student, 14, shoots and kills 2 students, 2 teachers, and wounds 9 See in context
The USA has by far the biggest military in the world, and praises those who serve, often giving them accolades at events such as sports and big gatherings which draw huge televised viewership. Primarily, the military is said to keep the USA and the world free in its voice, but it also is a major money maker, and a purveyor of violence, accepted by Americans as necessary, and the people are brainwashed by flyovers, and the flair of being capable of as the world's most advanced killing machine. Nobody will mess with us, the bigger the military is, which has some truth to it, unfortunately.
Because of this, and the history of the gun, along with an obsolete constitutional right, the gun culture will always exist in America.
There are always comments about how laws for one side will make a difference, while the other wants little to no control of guns and blames the mental state of Americans. The gun culture allows for believers in gun ownershi, which is both sides, and gun usage to enable problematic people to have guns.
Mass shooting and killings are the obvious result.
Thoughts and prayers are often the stamped reaction, but it's insanity to repeat it over and over, and many of us believe the thoughts part but prayer is a silly belief for a representation of good, which is what belief in God and religion is supposedly about, but a gun culture makes 'prayer' completely hollow, and a God fearing culture and guns hypocritically go hand in hand in the United States.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: 98-year-old man found dead under eaves of shed after removing snow from roof
Posted in: Judges to consider barring Musk's DOGE team from several government agencies
Posted in: What's next for Honda and Nissan?
Posted in: 98-year-old man found dead under eaves of shed after removing snow from roof