Posted in: Last of Japan-made matchbooks to end production this month See in context
Somewhere I have a large Mexican pottery piece filled with matches, mostly from Japan in the late 1970s through the 1980s. Must do a search of the basement and locate these.
You may recall how lovely some were... coffeeshops, pubs, "jazz kisa", izakaya, etc. each had their unique designs. Sometimes we'd visit an eatery on the recommendation of how cool their matchboxes were.
I miss smoking... never smoked more than a pack a month, only for a few years, but i did enjoy it.
For our fireplace, outdoor firepit, and candles, we now use the more environmentally friendly giant boxes of wooden matches.
Just not the same, but it'll do.
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Posted in: Japanese musician Ryuichi Sakamoto battling stage IV cancer See in context
A survivor of colorectal cancer, my prayers are for Sakamoto Sensei to feel peace rather than pain, know how much and how long he has been appreciated, and that his loved ones will find ways to spoil him in the months (years?) he is able to stay here, on earth. The beauty and beautiful sadness he created will last, just as his beloved Bach and Debussy. Our own children, in their 30s, discovered his work and love it just as we do. I hope and pray he somehow knows this, knows and gains comfort from it.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Rice-planting event See in context
ea, Why you ask? Fresh air. Fit bodies and minds. 9-5 desk work is an unhealthy lifestyle, and as a retire educator I know would have hated sitting all day...!
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Posted in: Tucker Carlson: Voice of white America's outrage and fears See in context
"Modern Liberals hate Fundamental, Conservative, Hateful, Violent, Racist Fake Christianity"...? There. I edited it for you. "Modern liberals" are often Christians. You'll find, the official stance of Episcopalians, Methodists, Quakers, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and more is officially progressive. These liberals take actions to improve the lives of their communities and the nation. Example:
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Lemonade by Lemonica tackles food waste with lemon peel jam See in context
Is this the old favorite, Lemon Curd? Or, something completely different?
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo hotel criticized for 'Japanese only' notice for elevator use See in context
Hmmmm... considering the low vaccination rate for Japan (no fault of the Japanese) and the higher rate for many other nations, perhaps travellers are more safe NOT riding the elevator with Japanese...!
8 ( +11 / -3 )
Posted in: Social isolation spreading in Japan See in context
Shallow lives… in many communities there is simply no time for anything else. Since my teen years I’ve made time to volunteer as an activist for progressive causes, enjoy gigs, concerts, museums, and galleries…read, exercise, attend church and volunteer in that community. Creating a well-rounded life is not difficult, however it requires mindful decisions and choices. Well worthwhile. At 64, retired, active and involved, i have friends and colleagues of all ages. Sadly Japan usually does not allow one time to do so.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Richardson will miss Olympic 100 after marijuana test See in context
Absurd. Although cannabis is NOT my relaxation of choice, it is harmless for nearly all who use it. Far less damaging than alcohol. Do they test for beer? For wine? Those have about the same (or more) effect on the athlete. If anything, cannabis would slow her down. Archaic rule. In much of the world, having/smoking a bit of cannabis is legal.
1 ( +10 / -9 )
Posted in: Teaching kids social responsibility – like how to settle fights and ask for help – can reduce school bullying See in context
Do you truly want separate schools? Segregation? In that scenario, no one learns the benefits of empathy, curiosity, diversity. I’d rather those who continue to bully be schooled.
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Posted in: Two Tokyo Olympics: Father, son design aquatics venues decades apart See in context
The work of Kenzo Tange inspired me to first visit Japan. I love St. Mary's (near Mejiro), Tokyo Union Church (on Omotesando), and of course the Yoyogi Aquatic Centre. Thrilled to read of the family tradition! I am curious as to Tange, Jr.'s name... Paul? Might he be a bicultural/bilingual/dual citizen?
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Posted in: 'Girl from Ipanema:' Re-imagining a classic for today's Rio See in context
”Tall and tan and young and lovely, the girl from ups ELA goes walking, and when she passes each one she passes goes...’ah!’... When she walks it’s like the samba that sways so cool and sways so gentle...” never does it say she is slender. I’d say that is an assumption of non-Portuguese speaking listeners.
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Posted in: Japan’s healthiest ‘fast food’ restaurant – PROTEIN LAB. opens new store in Umeda See in context
Perhaps I am reading this incorrectly, however it seems there will be two eateries in Osaka and two in Tokyo. Why then is NO information on the Tokyo sites given?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo, as you've never seen it before See in context
Humans need green, however for daily life I'm quite satisfied with lots of indoor and deck plants, the gorgeous hydrangea and other greenery on sidewalks all over Tokyo, and local parks. Building vertically and infill (using property in the city, tearing down old buildings and using the space for new ones) allows natural green spaces outside the urban growth boundary to flourish. We can easily get to wilder spaces, parks, hiking areas.
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Posted in: Neo Kimono releases innovative traditional heel covers made from artisanal fabric See in context
Lovely, honestly i think these are fun, however the price is absurd. Surely some are available for under 3!
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Posted in: 59-year-old 'eternal idol' Seiko Matsuda amazes fans with hasn’t-aged-a-day self-cover See in context
Recently, both Twyla Tharp (80) and Carole King (70) posted photos of themselves in the 1970s and today. Each has aged beautifully, healthy and strong. I have never had negative feelings toward Seiko Matsuda however this video feels quite "off". Not only the hair color, strangely unaged-face, and fake Euro-town... even worse, perhaps, the light blue child's dress with a "Peter-Pan" collar... truly odd for any woman over 14. Wouldn't it be grand if Seiko could show she is proud of her gained wisdom and experiences, and show her age gracefully?
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Posted in: Tokyo high schools ask students to certify hair color not altered: NHK See in context
However... watch ANY anime which takes place in a Japanese high school. Count the number of students who have straight black hair. Perhaps half. The other half have various shades of brown, some almost red, some a bit wavy. None are blonde or curly, but it is absurd to care, honestly. Do Japanese educators believe dyed hair is dangerously distracting? Will cause students to become vain? Worry about true concerns. Economic worries, unhoused students, students dealing with hunger, those who cannot afford their texts or uniforms... NOT hair color. Perhaps limit to colors found in nature (no hot pink or lime green hair), but otherwise LET IT GO.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: A trip to Todoroki Valley, Tokyo’s tucked-away green oasis See in context
My 1977 host family still lives here, the next generation has continued living in the family home, extended, as is common in Japan. I had a two hour community (each way) to college, however every minute was worth it; I loved the walk home from Todoroki Station, strolling through the temple grounds near our house, and walking to the Tama River on weekends. Gorgeous place.
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Posted in: Japan's suicides jump 16% in COVID-19 2nd wave: study See in context
Reading the article, domestic violence has increased. I believe the increase in suicides, stated as occurring most for children, youth, and women, can be linked to ways of thinking which Japan needs to change. Ideas like "domestic violence is acceptable", "women must keep the home happy and safe", "on their own, men must earn enough for the family to thrive", "children must constantly strive for the next level (in whatever)", For myself, my family, my friends in Ireland and in the US during this pandemic we have learned to live more simply, play games and watch movies and take walks and exercise with our families, wave to neighbors and chat but not too closely, and most importantly STEP AWAY from the ideas i listed above. Think of this as a "gap year" for everyone. Some of our family and friends in Japan are doing this. I realize it is not easy, especially with small homes/apartments and the number of Japanese who live alone, however it can be done with community and local government help. Our church connections are helpful as well. This too shall pass.
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Posted in: Used car exports drives pollution to developing world See in context
Even in the 70s and 80s I can recall asking why we saw so few "vintage" cars, and being told they were sold to Africa and SE Asia. Sadly, nothing new here. The news would be if/when we stop using gasoline! Ecars are the future!
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Posted in: Tokyo governor asks residents to grocery shop only every 3 days See in context
what one USUALLY eats is irrelevant. Buy what will last. Crackers and cheese, apples, broccoli... we shop 1x/10days. We do order dinner out/delivery 1x/wk and make it last two meals. Want to support local restaurants!
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Posted in: Watery welcome See in context
In the US, it goes state by state. People in many states foolishly continue life as usual... attending events, going to bars, cafes, restaurants, even school. In Oregon we've been "self-quarantining" for weeks. I was in Japan, feeling guilty. Came back to Oregon and find it is quite reassuring to know how hard people are struggling to make this work and "flatten the curve". Teachers are working overtime to reach all students online and create effective lessons in new ways. All medical professionals are working overtime as well, and DO NOT HAVE the personal protection equipment (PPE) they need (no thanks to the present cult/administration). Busy with take out and delivery only, most restaurants, bakeries, etc. seem to manage. Essential shops (pharmacies, groceries, some home improvement stores) are open, delivery or shopping online then picking up by "drive up" are encouraged. All "non-essentials" are closed; NO concerts, bars, department stores, boutiques, coffee shops. This is true also in Washington and California, New York, Colorado, and many other states. WHY don't all states do this? WHY is the US "president" so ineffective and disrespectful of science? He does not even practice social distancing and still shakes hands. Also.... WHY is Japan not trying self-quarantining? STAY HOME SAVE LIVES.
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Posted in: New Age funerals: Celebration prevails over mourning See in context
Whether Buddhist, strictly Shinto, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Baha'i, Wican, Native American religion, Pagan.... no matter where one believes one's soul will go, or if one believes in no soul or afterlife, the fact is when our bodies die, they are simply a shell and no longer needed. I realize Hindus and Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) and others may believe in reincarnation and am not certain if they believe the earthly body is needed..... so perhaps they are an exception. The idea which gives me chills is that of my body decomposing. My parents, siblings, spouse and many others plan to be cremated; not take up space on our earth, not take funds from our children.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Pixar alters 'Inside Out' visuals for Japanese release, removing broccoli See in context
Wow ~ where do you live, Saul and bicultural? I agree with Michelle. I suppose it is a regional opinion. America is a huge nation and I am often surprised by what is "normal" in one section of the country! In Oregon, broccoli is grown fairly locally. I have never seen or even heard of canned broccoli. Most kids love it, calling it "little trees". What a shock to hear some people eat it from a can....sounds horrid! We love fresh broccoli!
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Books do make a room See in context
Your home must be glorious~nothing more beautiful than books!
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Posted in: Japan: Where even milk and toilet paper are courteous See in context
Danone; How about "Live Long and Prosper", made famous by Leonard Nimoy as Spock in the Star Trek series? He passed away last week, at he good age of 83. In Japanese, "長寿と繁栄を” (^.^)
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Posted in: Isetan Mitsukoshi to hold New Year Festival at 3 main stores in Tokyo See in context
Isetan was a lifesaver for me as a young bride, then as a young mom..... so welcoming, with many spaces to just BE; a parent/baby area for resting, many coffeeshops and restaurants, This will be a thrilling event for the community, once again Isetan impresses!
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Posted in: Taking the trains to Tokyo's foreign enclaves See in context
Halal meals are served at most hostels as well, which often provide prayer rooms. We were also impressed to see Halal meals at Tokyo International University in Kawagoe, Saitama. Though not Muslim, I am unable to eat pork (which is so very common in Japan, and not always easy to avoid as lard is used even when pork is not listed as an ingredient) and appreciate Kosher or Halal offerings.
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Posted in: 5 tips for staying healthy while traveling in Japan this winter See in context
No one in Japan carries a handkerchief more than a day, so I'd not call the one in their handbag a "petri dish". We've stayed in hotels, ryokan and hostels; only one, in Miyajima near Hiroshima, was at all questionable in the cleanliness department. In fact, hostels use crisp clean linens and have plentiful soap & hot water even in the dining areas.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Worst date ever! Japanese ladies reveal the top five date ideas to avoid See in context
Though not at all for me, I am curious ~ what type of dates DO Japanese young women find interesting?
16 ( +16 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan from the outside - Not easy, but not that different See in context
Language skills and manners are key; even a few months of study will pay off with respect. Get an actual HUMAN TEACHER, rather than a computer program; the latter is fine for vocabulary building, however the human will give you verb conjugations, traditions and manners, secrets for acceptance... truly, one can gain some important skills in a few months and even more if you can give it a year. You'll never, ever regret it.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Trump is nothing more than a pimp.
Posted in: USAID is stripped of its lease and staffers turned away from DC headquarters
Posted in: USAID is stripped of its lease and staffers turned away from DC headquarters