Posted in: Gov't may lift most Fukushima evacuation orders by 2017 See in context
The reactor that melted down at Chernobyl burnt out of control for 2 weeks sending a cloud of radiation over much of Europe. I'm not sure how the amount of leaked radiation differs between both meltdowns but Chernobyl was real serious.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo governor hits out at 'ridiculous' bill for 2020 Olympics See in context
Olympic games ALWAYS go over budget. Costs always 'spiral' and 'explode.'
Surely most people on this site know this???
People expressing surprise are like those who are shocked to find politicians aren't honest. :-)
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Gov't may lift most Fukushima evacuation orders by 2017 See in context
There will be no pulling wool over anyone's eyes with regard to radiation levels in affected areas, especially by the government.
People have Geiger counters and can quite easily take readings and compare those readings against what they know to be safe levels.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. defense chief: After Ramadi, Iraq's 'will to fight' at issue See in context
This isn't a failure of US strategy - It's a success of ISIS strategy - they scared the pants off the Iraqi soldiers, who turned and ran. This has happened before.
"Republican Sen. John McCain, who chairs the Armed Services Committee, called for thousands of U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq, including spotters who can better direct air strikes.
“We need to have a strategy,” he said. “There is no strategy.”
LOL! Like, the last 2 war strategies "worked." :-)
To his immense credit, Obama has listened to the American people and not put any troops on the ground and not started any new wars.
Americans are justifiably fed up with war in no small part because the last 2 wars launched by the last Republican administration failed spectacularly, emboldened Iran, led to the creation of ISIS, drained US coffers, rubbished America's credibility and reputation, and on most other accounts, FAILED.
“I think there is a major hesitation to get too deeply involved in Iraq again,” said Michele Flournoy, a former senior Obama administration defense official."
"But, she said, “This is a terrorist problem that affects us and we have to take a more forward leaning posture.”
Rubbish. ISIS doesn't affect America at all. ISIS aren't even on the same freaking continent.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Final Letterman show draws record 14 million viewers See in context
Was he a comedian? Really? I never really found him funny.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Senate Democrats block action on Obama's trade agenda, putting TPP on hold See in context
Never thought I'd say this but I'm glad Obama lost this one.
Here's hoping opposition to the TPP hardens even further as more of it's largely unpalatable content is leaked.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's defense export hopes dimmed by latecomer status See in context
Just think of how many more people could have been injured, maimed and killed had Japan entered the global arms market earlier.
Oh, they didn't.
Great news. :-)
The spin on this article is troubling.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Mark Hamill said he was 'suspicious' of J.J. Abrams See in context
This is gonna be EPIC! I was a kid when the original was released in 1977. Watched it 14 times at my own and my mates birthday parties and at the movies.
I've seen every one since. Actually watched the original on TV a few years ago and was still blown away by the SPX. Pretty amazing considering the movie was days(?) away from running out of money.
Star Wars defined a generation: I consider myself more of the 'Star Wars generation' than 'from the 70s.'
Cannot wait!!! :-)
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan nuclear watchdog hits out at reactor injunction See in context
Abe stacked the 'nuclear watchdog' with pro-nuclear power yes men.
It's now more like 'nuclear support group' than a 'nuclear watchdog'.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Clinton starts White House campaign with small-town meetings See in context
Heh, you know the Repubs are panicking when every one of their candidates slams Clinton the day she announces. :-)
Thing is this time unlike last time, with no clear Democrat opposition, Clinton's going to siphon up ALL the money - maybe $2 billion?
But it won't make much difference. As we've seen in the last 2 straight elections, if there's one thing GOP/TP candidates are superbly adept at it's imploding - simply self-destructing like fireworks: Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! - until there's no one left. :-)
They never learn and never know what's good for their side until they've completely blown it.
Along with the non-stop laughs the GOP candidates give us, this is a key reason why I love Republicans so much. :-)
Let's examine the candidates:
Ted Cruz - I'm glad he declared first. As he's already an extremist, he may well have already cost the Right the election as the other candidates will have to 'out extreme' him, which will only make all of them even more unelectable.
Rand Paul - who's kidding who?
Jeb Bush - has chosen 10 of his 12 inner circle from among his brother and Dad's advisors. This includes some individuals who advised GWB and America that the Iraq war would cost $200 million and be over in 3 months. Jeb Bush is GWB Lite - and we all know how that turned out.
Marco Rubio - has potential everyone's second choice.
So, this election's pretty much already done. Looking like 3 straight victories for the Dems.
What's for lunch?
-3 ( +3 / -6 )
Posted in: U.S., Iran cite progress in nuclear talks, though deal is unclear See in context
Are the Republicans still trying to blow up the talks?
Frantically scribbling another letter that will show the world - again - how ill-educated they are?
One can only hope. :-)
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Paul McCartney announces Budokan concert See in context
I went to one of his concerts in Tokyo in the tour before the one that was cancelled (Nov 2014?)
Blo*dy brilliant - loved it. That guy still has it in spades.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Islamic State abducts at least 90 Christians in Syria See in context
I'm still not quite sure whether all the moral outrage emanating from the west is entirely justified wrt murders carried out by ISIS.
I've been wondering what - if any - difference there is between beheading someone and dropping a 500lb bomb on a building that 'intelligence' claims contains 'territorists' or 'insurgents' (quite possibly nothing more than dads defending their courtyard against invaders/occupiers)?
At the end of the day, people die, but only one group is filmed.
Does the fact one is being filmed make any difference?
Not to my mind. The filming changes nothing; it is used purely for propaganda,
If western forces filmed their bombs, missiles and drones blowing people to little pieces and posted those clips on Facebook, I wonder how the selective moral outrage of people who are disgusted at ISIS's actions would change?
Would we be as horrified as many people are at ISIS beheadings? I really don't think so,
To me, the killing on both sides is unacceptable.
Western forces have killed hundreds of thousands more (many of them civilians) than ISIS have. If we are to hold a morally balanced view, we should be venting far more and much louder against our own nations' governments if they have contributed to the carnage in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.
ISIS beheading 21 people doesn't even begin to compare to the death toll created by western nations and yet - apparently because ISIS films some of their execution and puts on FB - it's a big deal?
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Obama to seek new authority for Islamic State fight See in context
LOL! This is awesome.
Obama has screwed Republicans again and shown they - yet again - have zero leadership skills.
If they don't want to look like pack of frightened schoolgirls, they'll have to do something they've never done: say 'yes' to their president.
We can all guess what will happen if they don't.
Obama'a bringing his A game post election and the Republicans are getting whipped.
All good. :-)
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Obama invites China's Xi, Japan's Abe for state visits See in context
Yubaru, Obama's not a lame duck at all - far from it.
Democrats can block legislation in the Senate, and Obama can veto. Republicans need to understand they need to compromise to pass legislation.
They've proven again and again that they can't, which is one of the many, many reasons why they're going to lose again in 2016. :-)
A Juvenile GOO
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Republicans reject Obama's $4 trillion budget See in context
Welcome to the beginning of the GOP's 3rd straight election defeat. The writing is on the wall for those who have eyes to see it. This budget will help shape the election debate and Obama and the Dems have no doubt planned this so that Republicans say 'No!' in all the right check boxes so that Dems can box conservative candidates in during the 2016 campaign.
And here's some news for all the conservatives out there who - strangely - seem to have convinced themselves that Obama is "wrecking" the economy:
You want to talk jobs? Where's the jobs?
Let's talk jobs - Right now, America's enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history..
Deficit? Let's talk deficit:
The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009. "The $1.4 trillion federal budget deficit that Obama inherited in 2009 was in a large part due to the high rate of unemployment. When millions of people were put out of work in 2008 and 2009, it resulted in far less income taxes and less economic activity to generate federal revenue. As ten million people have been put back to work, there have been billions more tax dollars generated. As a result, the deficit has been SHRINKING each year. The 2014 deficit is projected to be around $500 billion, the smallest deficit since 2007 and roughly 1/3 of what it was in 2009."
Hey, income taxes are way down, too.
"For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are lower now than just about any time in the previous 50 years. After President Obama took office, thousands of Tea Party members all over the country held rallies protesting Obama’s tax increases. At that time, President Obama had actually passed several tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Most of the Tea Partiers who were protesting had only seen their taxes decrease under Obama. Yet polls indicated that most Tea Party members wrongly believed their taxes had gone up. In fact, the only people whose income taxes have gone up during Obama’s presidency are those making $400,000 per year or more. That's less than 2% of the population. Today, for the vast majority of people, tax rates are exactly where they were when Obama first took office or lower. The article below from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities explains this in greater detail."
Oh, and one more - Obamacare's added years to the life of Medicare. "The Medicare trust fund had been on course to run out of money by the end of 2016. But due to cost savings from the Affordable Care Act and lower healthcare expenses, Medicare’s trust fund is now stable until the year 2030 without cutting benefits."
That's probably going to directly help you and your families.
Here's more: 14 Facts About The Obama Presidency That Most People Don’t Know
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Clinton recruiting Obama veterans for expected campaign See in context
It does not matter who the GOP select to represent them.
As with the last 2 elections, the only thing the GOP can guarantee us (besides guaranteed failure) is a lineup of inept fools who will once again turn the GOP into a global laughing stock.
I say 'Bring. It. On!' :-)
The key to the Right's ongoing electoral defeats is education, or should I say lack of it.
But they want to cut funding for that, too, which will only guarantee their own ongoing electoral failure.
Add to that, the current and upcoming fistfights Congress will have with the WH will only serve to underline how much the GOP wants to bury middle-class America.
Conservatives could learn, but luckily for the rest of us, they NEVER do.
Equally enjoyable is being lectured to by American conservatives about US politics while I continually prove them wrong and massively out of touch. :-)
Loving it. :-)
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Republicans ignore veto threats, attack Obama agenda See in context
Bass, I think you need to start following the news.
Yes, the news, not Fox 'news' where you are clearly getting your talking points from.
Where's employment? Highest in 8 or is it 10 years?
Share market? Off the charts.
No. of Americans with health insurance? Higher than ever.
Energy self-sufficiency? Heading skyward.
GDP? What is it today - 5% ?
You need to look at reality - things are rocking and you're still focused on the fantasy world of conservative 'news.'
I'm loving this. The GOP does not know how to govern let alone propose sensible legislation.
Never did.
The last decade has shown this conclusively.
The GOP is the stomping ground for people who want to destroy America while thinking the complete opposite.
It's bizarro-world.....
BTW, you and your conservative compatriots are right now engineering the coming defeat of the GOP in 2016.
Thanks! :-)
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Republicans ignore veto threats, attack Obama agenda See in context
This is simply the start of the end of the GOP in the next election.
And like the last 2, this coming election loss will be self-inflicted.
When will conservatives ever learn??
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Republicans ignore veto threats, attack Obama agenda See in context
Bad news for conservatives: Obama knows all too well who the real terrorists are: the GOP and TP/other extremists in the conservative camp who would rather sabotage and tear America apart than work for the people who voted for them.
Obama's already tried compromise with the GOP - and we got a government shutdown. Dems have bent over backwards to compromise - even offering to cut Medicare.
Cut valuable life-saving health insurance? Not fund infrastructure? More for wars and less for for schools?
Who are conservatives trying to kid?
It's time to play hardball: and Obama's doing it. The GOP are lining themselves up for a third straight election defeat.
This is going to be fun to watch.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Romney considering 3rd run for White House See in context
This is awesome. I hope he runs.
Mick Huckabee is running a presidential exploratory campaign that will suck the air out of Rick Santorum's campaign if he runs.
They all suck, and will suck the air out of each others' campaigns.
The GOP field in 2012 was nothing more than a standup clown comedy lineup.
I heard some people mistakenly thought they were presidential candidates, haha :-)
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Southern All Stars to release first new album in 10 years in March See in context
Shinhitata, you've clearly never been to a SAS concert. The Beatles could write songs and song them, bit could they entertain?
No. They just stood there and sang. Boring.
SAS frontman Kuwata Keisuke does all 3 and more.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Southern All Stars to release first new album in 10 years in March See in context
SAS - one of the best bands out there. Make the Beatles looks tired and boring.
I went to their 30th anniversary concert - unreal. 4 concerts, quarter million fans.
Loved it. This band can rock!
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: McDonald's Japan to put big-sized fries back on the menu from Jan 5 See in context
McDees is a fast food joint that doesn't actually sell food (at least not in the real sense).
All it sells is disease.
-3 ( +5 / -8 )
Posted in: Dark and epic 'The Hobbit' finale premieres See in context
But of course, if you want to see Jackon's work at its finest, look no further than his first movie, Bad Taste.
The exploding sheep were a-w-e-s-o-m-e.
Leaves every other movie he's made since literally in the muck. :-)
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Takata refuses to comply with U.S. demand for expanded air bag recall See in context
Wondering whether if the Japanese govt demanded top execs of, say, IBM or Microsoft to show up in Tokyo for hearings into their defective products, would they?
I'm also wondering what - if any - jurisdiction the US govt has over executives of foreign-based companies.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Beheading of U.S. aid worker in Syria draws condemnation See in context
"With Kassig’s death, the Islamic State group has killed five Westerners it was holding"
Meanwhile, US and otter allied forces have killed thousands and displaced millions, many of whom have been attacked, abused, killed by mistake, seen their family members attacked and abused in front of them, had bombs dropped on their heads......
And this beheading is news?
That's just ridiculous. Stunning hypocrisy from the west...
-4 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: U.S. job gains top 200,000 for 9th month See in context
This must be Leftist propaganda!
According to conservatives, the sky is falling, the end is nigh, and it's all Obama's fault!
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: 'The Force Awakens' - new 'Star Wars' film has title See in context
Bring it on!
I was buying SW chewing gum, ice blocks and pencils when the original came out in 1977.
They could put Mickey Mouse into this latest movie and I'd still warm a seat to see it. :-)p
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: U.S. Speaker Boehner touts bills to repeal Obamacare, build Keystone oil pipeline See in context
MarkG, you've bought into the lies and spin from the Right, too.
You want to talk jobs? Where's the jobs?
Let's talk jobs - Right now, America's enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history..
Deficit? Let's talk deficit:
The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009. "The $1.4 trillion federal budget deficit that Obama inherited in 2009 was in a large part due to the high rate of unemployment. When millions of people were put out of work in 2008 and 2009, it resulted in far less income taxes and less economic activity to generate federal revenue. As ten million people have been put back to work, there have been billions more tax dollars generated. As a result, the deficit has been SHRINKING each year. The 2014 deficit is projected to be around $500 billion, the smallest deficit since 2007 and roughly 1/3 of what it was in 2009."
Hey, income taxes are way down, too.
"For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are lower now than just about any time in the previous 50 years. After President Obama took office, thousands of Tea Party members all over the country held rallies protesting Obama’s tax increases. At that time, President Obama had actually passed several tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Most of the Tea Partiers who were protesting had only seen their taxes decrease under Obama. Yet polls indicated that most Tea Party members wrongly believed their taxes had gone up. In fact, the only people whose income taxes have gone up during Obama’s presidency are those making $400,000 per year or more. That's less than 2% of the population. Today, for the vast majority of people, tax rates are exactly where they were when Obama first took office or lower. The article below from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities explains this in greater detail."
Oh, and one more - Obamacare's added years to the life of Medicare. "The Medicare trust fund had been on course to run out of money by the end of 2016. But due to cost savings from the Affordable Care Act and lower healthcare expenses, Medicare’s trust fund is now stable until the year 2030 without cutting benefits."
That's probably going to directly help you and your family. Terrible!
Here's more: 14 Facts About The Obama Presidency That Most People Don’t Know
Some trainwreck!
7 ( +11 / -4 )
Posted in: Is DOGE a cybersecurity threat?
Posted in: Anger, chaos and confusion in U.S. take hold as federal workers face mass layoffs
Posted in: American tourist arrested in Japan on charges of pushing sexual services worker down stairs
Posted in: American tourist arrested in Japan on charges of pushing sexual services worker down stairs