Posted in: Japanese public divided on new law that requires microchipping of pets See in context
I have two cats. One was mirco-chipped as a kitten from the pet shop 7 years ago. The second cat
was a recuse kitty and he hasn't been mirco-chipped mainly because he is a very shy and doesn't let people near him, and its not worth the stress getting him to the vet to do so. But saying that they both have collars with their names and contact numbers. I was concerned about the mirco chip from the pet shop as I had read an article about birds dying because of incorrectly placed mirco chips.
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Posted in: Graduation ceremonies scaled down in Japan due to virus See in context
My son is set to graduate from a Semmon Gakko this month and the parents have been barred from attending. I'm dissappointed because this is the last one and he was keen for me to attend.( he hasn't wanted people to come in the past) But their party and graduating trip to visit a medical needle factory has been cancelled as well.
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Posted in: New Zealand struggles to answer 'why' in wake of massacre See in context
Hiro, I am horrorfied at what has happened in my country. But I am very proud to come from a country where police are not armed. We have armed police but they called out for special reasons. There was little gun crime in NZ. New Zealand is a peaceful country where everyone tries to get on with each other. People need to stop commenting on the gun situtation in New Zealand and think about the people who have lost their lives, because many of them were refugees and went there because they thought they were safe. Kia Kaha
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Posted in: Rain sends people back to shelters in quake-hit Osaka area See in context
Papigiulio not all of Ibaraki is out of gas. The central part of Ibaraki has no gas, but they are repairing now.
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Posted in: Gov't orders check of concrete walls after Osaka quake deaths See in context
Zichi, some of the primary schools in Ibaraki went through an earthquake strengthen program a couple of years back.
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Posted in: 4 dead, more than 300 injured after M6.1 quake hits northern Osaka region See in context
Garypen that wall has been there for a least twenty years. The swimming pool is next to the rail lines that run between Takatsuki and Osaka.
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Posted in: 4 dead, more than 300 injured after M6.1 quake hits northern Osaka region See in context
I am Ibaraki, luckily we have no damage just lots of stuff to pick up. The locks on the cupboards worked wonderful so no broken china. Family is safe so that is the main thing.
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Posted in: Asahi to buy New Zealand's Independent Liquor: report See in context
I m for Georgie Pie too, time for a decent pie that isn't fruit.
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Posted in: Europe will not be part of Ukraine peace talks, U.S. envoy says
Posted in: Europe will not be part of Ukraine peace talks, U.S. envoy says
Posted in: Trump keeps tariffs drumbeat going, with autos targeted next
Posted in: TEPCO takes on challenge of making space for Fukushima nuclear debris