Japan Today

Taka313 comments

Posted in: Love without words See in context

Reading about the various rituals that people have with their small children was really touching. I had those things with my kids as well. I can tell you all this, as your children get older and become more independent, you lose a little of that, and boy is it heartbreaking.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Gingrich gambles in bid to catch Romney See in context

Newt Gingrich, a political gambler his whole life

Translation: I hope my wife doesn't find out I'm cheating on her during campaign season.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Cain reassessing presidential run See in context

She showed us some of her cell phone bills that included 61 phone calls or text messages to or from a number starting with 678. She says it is Herman Cain's private cell phone. The calls were made during four different months—calls or texts made as early as 4:26 in the early morning, and as late as 7:52 at night. The latest were in September of this year. “We've never worked together,” said White. “And I can't imagine someone phoning or texting me for the last two and a half years, just because.”

We texted the number and Herman Cain called us back.

Even if I didn't have sex with her, I would feel like I was cheating on my wife if I had 61 phone calls to a woman over 4 months without her knowing.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Who gets your vote for the greatest rock band of all time? See in context

I have to throw my vote with the Grateful Dead. To me, Rock and Roll means live music and no one does it live better than the Grateful Dead did.

If you consider him rock and roll (I think of him more as folk), Bob Dylan has to be mentioned as one of the all time greats.

But I don't think anyone embodies the true spirit of rock and roll any better than Lou Reed and Neil Young. Those two are true rock and rollers.


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Calif college suspends police chief in pepper spray row See in context

Did the UCD police use legally recognised, standard police proceedures to clear the area? Yes they did.

Not according to my dad, he is a FBI acadamy graduate; 7 year county Sheriff; 12 Chief of Police and 5 year patrol officer. Where did you get your info?

Did the UCD police use illegal or excessive methods of compliance to clear the area? It doesn't appear that they did

. Same answer as before. And I'm looking strongly at your posterior as the location of where you came up with your answers. If you have police SOP, I apologize but the SOP I read on the pepper spray used was that it was not to be used closer than 10 feet away. It was deployed at less than 10 inches away.

Sorry, I don't trust your word. You're going to have to provide a link to something more substantial than you saying, "yes they did" for anyone with an ounce of sense to believe you.


0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Calif college suspends police chief in pepper spray row See in context

He is a dues-paying member of his union and likely a staunch supporter of the ruling party in California.Democrats will ensure he is not punished too harshly.

You, of course, can back all of this up, right?

OF COURSE YOU CAN'T! What is it with you and the truth? Why do you have a thing about not telling it? I'm calling you out. Prove any of your assertion. ANY of it. Would it be fair for me to assert that you are a child molester? I'd sure like to. It would be fun to watch you squirm and jump to defend your "honor." Why shouldn't I? Apparently proof isn't of any matter, just a desire to make an accusation is good enough.

Fortunately for you, I hold myself to a higher standard than you hold yourself.


0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Director Oliver Stone lashes out at U.S. See in context

The more Obama flails and flops

Since October 17th, President Obama has risen in the polls. Facts just aren't your strong suit.

Stalking on the other hand...


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Director Oliver Stone lashes out at U.S. See in context

Again, I would like some clarity here. You are saying that those who, for whatever reason did not serve (or who disagree with 'liberals') should not be allowed free speech?

It's not so much a matter of rights. It's a matter of tact and good taste. No wonder it was lost on you.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Director Oliver Stone lashes out at U.S. See in context

all of your fellow Americans must serve, before they can be proud of the nation into which they were born?

Of course not. That's just you trying to put words into my mouth because I unveiled a unpleasant truth about you.

What I am saying is that people like you, who haven't served or done anything for a greater cause should hold your tongue before attacking the patriotism of those who have served.

Do you honestly think you are more patriotic than Sen. John Kerry or me for that matter? You aren't. To use a conservative buzzword, you have no skin in the game. You're a leech on America and not a contributor to it.

Therefore, you should probably hold your tongue about those of us who are.

And I think it's really funny that you consider it "totalitarian" to even consider you doing what you would have so many others do in your stead. Says a lot about your courage of conviction.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Calif college suspends police chief in pepper spray row See in context

I would like to clear up some misconceptions that seem to be floating around.

Just because a cop tells you to do something and you don't do it, that doesn't give the cop the right to arrest you. They can try to get you on disorderly conduct but a cop can't arrest you for saying, "NO."

They have to have probable cause. Was there probable cause in this case? I would argue no. The students sat on the sidewalk but if you look at the video, there was plenty of space on either side of the sidewalk for people to pass. They weren't a fire nor safety hazard, eliminating that excuse.

Did they assault the officers? No, they linked arms and made the officers jobs more difficult. Absolutely not against the law.

The keystones had zero rights in this and acted in a manner that is outside their standard operating procedure. I'd say that Lt. John Pike is probably going to be looking for a new job very soon.

The only reason I hope he finds one is that I don't want a dime of my money going to support that loser.


-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Director Oliver Stone lashes out at U.S. See in context

So are you saying it is only Americans who serve, fight and kill that have any right to ordinary pride in their country, pride in the achievements of their American ancestors and gratitude for what America gave them?

No, he's saying the right is very quick to paint this man as un-American despite the fact that he is a Veteran. The right wing in America seems to believe they are the only ones entitled to be in America or to be patriotic.

That was the point he was trying to make. I can see where you would take it to where you did however, having never done anything of significance for your country in your life, you don't understand the concept of service to something greater than oneself. Your ego and selfishness preclude you from ever learning that lesson.


1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Supercommittee fails mission to cut U.S. debt See in context

LOL. President Golfpants voted 'present' on this matter as well. He is derelict in the duties he was elected to do.

Derelict you say? He has been traveling the country trying to push a jobs bill, that is now, being passed in pieces (as a veteran, I thank you Mr. President) to put Americans back to work and stimulate the economy.

I would have figured that you would know more about the president, having your life totally consumed by the man and all.

Guess I figured wrong.


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Calif college suspends police chief in pepper spray row See in context

Your rights END where mine begin!!!

And exactly what right of yours was breached by these students? The right to live a life free of indignation against people who disagree with you?

Sorry, man, if you are looking for a life where no one ever disagrees with you, you may want to go offline and become a luddite.

Students could walk around the protesters. They weren't fully blocking the path.

Lt. Pike sprayed them with an agent that is supposed to be used from over 10' away directly into the faces of the victims. He violated policy for the use of pepper spray and for the use of force.

The school is going to do everything in its power to protect itself which means Lt. Pike, welcome to the bottom of the bus. If you're wondering how you got their, you did this to yourself.


-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Supercommittee fails mission to cut U.S. debt See in context

Simply put, republicans refused to cross their ideological line against increasing taxes. Democrats refused to allow cuts in popular programs that serve the elderly and poor without a compensating growth of government income, especially from the wealthiest Americans.

Note the subtle false equivalency here. The republicans refuse to cooperate, period. End of story. The Democrats refuse to make further consessions without SOMETHING in return from republicans.

And somehow that's supposed to be equal.. It's not. The Democrats have already put Social Security and Medicare on the table and the republicans just said, "no that's not enough. We want tax cuts personally made out in our names too."

The way a compromise works is that both sides have to be willing to give. The republicans have not shown the abiliity to do anything other than obstruct. Both mccain and boehner have made statements that they will not support this president. michele bachman had ads on her official congressional homepage calling to make president Obama a one-term president. Not her campaign page, but her congressional website. She's since quit using it to campaign (I'm sure she got into some trouble over that; I hope so at least) No president has suffered such indignity. His patriotism has been attacked. His citizenship has been attacked. His wife has been attacked. Hell, HE'S been attacked. There's been a 200% increase in threats against the president by the right wing in this country and they somehow feel justified and patriotic in their feelings.

That's some sick sh#t in my opinion.

The political right in this country would rather see the country fail than give President Obama a win. There's something wrong with people like that.


-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Calif college suspends police chief in pepper spray row See in context

The officer who spit on his oat to serve and protect is Lt. John Pike. This article allowed the weasel the comfort of anonymity. I don't think he's deserving.


2 ( +8 / -6 )

Posted in: Failure looms for U.S. debt talks See in context

Very telling attempt at a historical analogy. The modern totalitarian Left indeed basically wants a second French Revolution; Libertarians and many conservatives want a second American Revolution.

Oh please, lets just put that faux outrage right back in its box. You have wanted this president to fail, at the expense of the country since before he was even elected. Conservatives in America have proven themselves to be VERY un-American and many, yourself included, are no longer deserving of the benefits America offers.

When you wish failure upon America, just to spite a black president, you just don't deserve citizenship in my opinion.


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Aum trials end 16 yrs after sarin gas attack on Tokyo subway See in context

Only good thing to come out of this is their Ebisu HQ has been home to the "What the Dickens" pub cum pick up joint since the late 1990's.

I've played there!


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama hails trade deal on day of Asian diplomacy See in context


From a more thorough story regarding this deal:

Boeing already employs some 80,000 people in Washington state. Gursky, the analyst, has written that the biggest risk to Boeing's planned rate increases appears to be its ability to hire the thousands of new workers it will need.

Thousands of new jobs will be created,


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Airline passengers asked for extra cash for fuel See in context

Unless its international, I prefer to drive. See the country and avoed the airlines nonsense and the TSA buffoonery.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Gingrich admits receiving $1.5 million payments from Freddie Mac See in context

Gingrich admits receiving $1.5 million payments from Freddie Mac

And he STILL couldn't cover his Tiffany's bill. And he wants to be in charge of our economy?



1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Cain says he won't be forced out of White House race by sex scandal claims See in context

I saw a really good example of Herman Cain's foreign policy experience. Yeah, he makes sarah palin look good.



-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Gingrich admits receiving $1.5 million payments from Freddie Mac See in context

Gingrich said he doesn’t remember exactly how much he was paid by the agency

Yeah, I often forget or misplace $1.5 million here and there. Must be in a drawer here somewhere. Sure. Right. We believe you, Newt.

Yeah, if you can't even remember how much your worth within a million or so, you've got some accounting issues that should preclude you from holding any office.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Gingrich admits receiving $1.5 million payments from Freddie Mac See in context

So Newt is the new flavor of the month. I like what was stated upthread; the "anti-Romney." Newt's rise will be medioric but his fall will be spectacular. You just don't get away with being that much of a skeeve unscathed.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Man secretly videos 2,000 women in public toilet; sells DVDs of footage See in context

I agree with a comment upthread. I wonder how the cleaning staff didn't find the camera. I wonder if they weren't bribed to leave the cameras there. Either that, or the cleaning staff did a really poor job. Eww.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Mormonism weighs on Romney candidacy See in context

I guess I will start to worry when and if I see the leader of Romney's congregation shrieking from the pulpit, ala Obama's spiritual advisor the neo-segregationist and former Muslim Rev jeremiah Wright, for America's destruction.

What? No William Ayers reference. You are slipping. Why back in the good ol' days, you would have thrown in a William Ayers reference AND a tie pin notice to boot. What's happening to you? I think your obsession with the president is starting to wear you down. You are a shell of your former self.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama caps summit diplomacy in Hawaiian home state See in context

Who laughs harder at Obama - Europe or the Pac rim nations?

Europe. They get his jokes better. Unlike your dear leader who Ms. Merckel obviosly was repulsed by.

The truth is your dear leader took our country's reputation and ran it into the dirt. He turned us into bullies. Now you, being a weak neo-con, see this as a good thing. It's your first chance to associate yourself with something strong. You don't see past your own pathetic little ego gratification that it is bad for our country to be portrayed as a bully.

Obama has gone a long way to alleviate that. We are on far better terms with countries across the planet. The only countries that liked bush are the ones he donated heavily to the AIDS cause to. That's it. Every other country on the planet either sided with him but feared him or hated him.


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Obama caps summit diplomacy in Hawaiian home state See in context

And there really are unicorns among us.

Actually, there aren't. They all went to Dhubai with the Halliburton Headquarters. That patriotic neo-con run company.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Cain says he won't be forced out of White House race by sex scandal claims See in context

Cain has experience that Obama has only read about. 3 years of floundering in the White House doesn't count.

So let me get this straight. Herman who has never held a political office, somehow has more presidential experience than our current sitting president. THAT'S what your saying?

yokohamarider, I'm laughing at you. Not with. At. That was funny.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Cain sex accuser goes public in New York; he denies it on late-night TV See in context

If there is a bright side for Herman in all this, it's that the sexual harassment allegations have completely distracted the press from his campaign finance issues.


So...he's got that going for him.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: James Murdoch rejects 'mafia boss' comparison See in context


We can only hope his phone's been tapped.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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