Japan Today

taniwha comments

Posted in: Pirate hostage captain praises SEAL 'superheroes' See in context

So SuperLib is working on the moderation team now?

JT really amounts to one big advertisement really, doesn't it? A commercial enterprise sure but one that treats posters with utter contempt. I invite posters whether the agree with my politics or not to be aware.

I wonder how many of the handles here are really JT staff?

Today you leave his two completely off topic posts up and delete multiples of mine, including sections of them. You also never bother to communicate a decision, although clearly it is made out of sheer contempt.

So much for anyone who wishes to post on topic if their politics differs to that of your advertisers.

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Posted in: Obama watching, weighing Cuba's next moves See in context


As conditions in the US become more like those in Latin America the numbers of people turning against capitalism will only increase. No to any real extent.

We will see.

Verification that I am likely to be correct here lies in the latest Rasmussen polling figures which already show not only a real change within American perception on Cuba, but a much greater sea change of public opinion within America in support of a shift to Socialism.

You can write reality off Superlib, but that is about as meaningful as attempting to deny gravity, if not quite as painful. With the Rasmussen poll showing 53% of Americans think Capitalism is preferable to Socialism, Prez Obama's faces a major presence in American political life right from outside the rigged two party system in place. Of course, the question posed by the poll is ridiculous, but it highlights the confusion and distrust that is steadily growing within American society.

So what I ask is the real reason the Obama administration and their media wing focusing so much public attention on changing their relationship to Cuba? The answer I suggest, is that this policy move is akin to Roosevelt's New Deal, the idea is to refocus the growing in Socialism on old nemises of Castro next door. In other words, the administration is reminding the public that Communism still lives and it is right next door, but American capitalism can defeat it. The whole enterprise works very similarly to the use of US military in Aden to kill three teenage pirates.

First paint fangs on the bad guys, making sure they are defeatable first (and Cuba likely is that, now that Castro is on the demise). Then on one hand, use the boots to stomp the really small bad demons, and on the other hand, use the velvet glove along with multiple US dollars to win over the other demon to the side of the good guys.

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Posted in: Obama watching, weighing Cuba's next moves See in context

Two threads on the same story. Where was I? For Prez Obama and his administration 'the new beginning for Cuba' is going to mean a return to Cuba as American money used to know it.

Reality is this, Prez Obama went to Trinidad to talk a new face onto US imperialism. The US has always had strategic interests in Latin America, and there was a time when it exerted hegemony over the region. But not so to the same extent any longer. Obama went there to repair the damage done by years of aggressive US unilateral policies particularly those that directly affected the region over two terms of the Bush administration.

Prez Bush's regime asserted a series of bilateral trade agreements, or at least attempted to do so, while pursuing its War on Terror along with the War on Drugs, both as the means to militarily dominate Latin America. All the time the US maintained its embargo on trade with Cuba, and sought to destabilize Latin left leaning nationalist governments.

While Prez Obama 'listens' to Latin America there is little tangible evidence the policies of his administration will be little different to those of the previous administration. The tone he adopts is shall we say a little more inclusive but if you look for example at who has been placed in charge of Latin American policy you find it is the same guy, Secretary Thomas Shannon, worked for Bush now working for Obama, in exactly the same role, i.e. Chief State Department Official.

The summit held in Trinidad made a lot of declarations but like the recent G20 in London the draft declarations are essentially meaningless providing nothing more than a wish list; i.e. end poverty, unemployment, etc. along with declarations to strongly support capitalist free trade (a contradiction in itself) and investment, the very two things responsible for the conditions present in Latin America the Summit declares it aims to fix! What a joke, what a bad joke.

Promises and platitudes on display for all to see, if they will.

As for Prez Obama on the question of the US re-establishing ties with Cuba, the provisions he has offered will serve to make the gap between Cuban's that have dollars and those that don't far greater than it is now. And incredibly, posters on these threads, many of them apparently Cuban have failed to say a word about the fact that the Obama administration has made it clear the economic blockade will stay in place! At least the article above makes the fact the blockade on Cuba is still in place reasonably clear.

Well a lot is changing, even if the change isn't actually in the direction taken by Washington. The change lies within America itself. As economic conditions within America for a majority of Americans considerably worsens in quick time, and the social breakdown resulting becomes overwhelmingly visible, many have begun to question the sense of staying with a capitalist system that is clearly broke (broke a long time ago actually).

As conditions in the US become more like those in Latin America the numbers of people turning against capitalism will only increase.

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Posted in: Pirate hostage captain praises SEAL 'superheroes' See in context

'Hey Taniwha, You do understand that the ship they hijacked was carry FOOD AID paid for by the FINANCES of the U.S people so they wouldn't STARVE and could actually BE HEALTHY enough to get an EDUCATION. Your right though, let eat dust, should've keep that food in America.'


Yes. I have already mentioned that. I also mentioned that the numbers of ships actually being carrying food aid are miniscule percentage wise of the those heading down the Aden. The food aid is a government handout (a foreign government handout)/charity that is cynical in itself, because those it purports to help have suffered the conditions created by chaos precisely because of the activities of foreign corporations on the African continent.

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Posted in: Obama 'seeks a new beginning' with Cuban relations; also meets Chavez See in context

Okay, lets talk about 'the new beginning for Cuba'. What would that entail? Oh forgot, number one Cuba becomes capitalist. Prez Obama went to Trinidad to talk a new face onto US imperialism. The US has always had strategic interests in Latin America, and there was a time when it exerted hegemony over the region. But not so to the same extent any longer.

Obama went there to repair the damage done by years of aggressive US unilateral policies particularly those that directly affected the region over two terms of the Bush administration. Prez Bush's regime asserted a series of bilateral trade agreements, or at least attempted to do so, while pursuing its War on Terror along with the War on Drugs, both as the means to militarily dominate Latin America. All the time the US maintained its embargo on trade with Cuba, and sought to destabilize Latin left leaning nationalist governments.

While Prez Obama 'listens' to Latin America there is little tangible evidence the policies of his administration will be little different to those of the previous administration. The tone he adopts is shall we say a little more inclusive but if you look for example at who has been placed in charge of Latin American policy you find it is the same guy, Secretary Thomas Shannon, worked for Bush now working for Obama, in exactly the same role, i.e. Chief State Department Official.

The summit held in Trinidad made a lot of declarations but like the recent G20 in London the draft declarations are essentially meaningless providing nothing more than a wish list; i.e. end poverty, unemployment, etc. along with declarations to strongly support capitalist free trade (a contradiction in itself) and investment, the very two things responsible for the conditions present in Latin America the Summit declares it aims to fix! What a joke, what a bad joke.

Promises and platitudes on display for all to see, if they will.

As for Prez Obama on the question of the US re-establishing ties with Cuba, the provisions he has offered will serve to make the gap between Cuban's that have dollars and those that don't far greater than it is now. And incredibly, posters on this thread, many of them apparently Cuban have failed to say a word about the fact that the Obama administration has made it clear the economic blockade will stay in place!

Well a lot is changing, even if the change isn't actually in the direction taken by Washington. The change lies within America itself. As economic conditions within America for a majority of Americans considerably worsens in quick time, and the social breakdown resulting becomes overwhelmingly visible, many have begun to question the sense of staying with a capitalist system that is clearly broke (broke a long time ago actually).

This is ironic. Here we have a US Prezident ostensibly extending a hand to its long surviving against all odds nemises Cuba in the hope it dashes its Stalinist model of socialism within a nation, and embrace American capitalism, while over 45% of Americans polled just days ago expressed strong doubt that a Capitalist system was better than a Socialist system. It kind of makes the JT poll a few weeks ago blush I would think.

As conditions in the US become more like those in Latin America the numbers of people turning against capitalism will only increase.

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Posted in: Pirate hostage captain praises SEAL 'superheroes' See in context

Being Taniwha on these threads is sometimes a lot of fun, but only in the most perverse sense of dropping a mongoose into the chicken run. See the boys with guns for toys and those that would if they could, run flat bang into the walls and off each other.

Somali pirates, what more can be said, about a bunch of skinny teenagers with guns too big for them to hold properly clambering aboard corporate goods and holding them to ransom. The seeds sown by a century of stealing from their land by Italy, France, Britain, and only a little more recently the USA have sprouted from over the fence, and stepped right up to the front door and then kicked it in. Cheeky little so and so's. The only answer that people who have never understood the history of that part of the world can come up with is stomp on them with big heavy boots. Haaaah, that is the funny part, ironically. That is precisely how these pirates came into existence in the first place.

Another funny thing, the same idea was tried in Iraq, and now in Afghanistan. Two wars that can never be won, that bleed the invaders and their countries dry of young blood and of finances that would have been far better spent on feeding and educating their own.

Moderator: Stay on topic please.

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Posted in: French seize pirate ship as threats mount on U.S. ships See in context


'I feel that the pirates should be dealt with, by force, and I don't care which country they come from, USA, Somalia etc. The thing is, they don't come from the USA, so we will just have to stick to reality on this one.'

I think I can best reply to that at this point with a rave, a relevant rave -

Yes, its quite true those pirates in the Aden don't come from the US. They steal corporate goods - and yes, a very few of those ships carry cargo of supplies destined to feed people who don't have enough food precisely because of the cynical moneymaking maneuvering over decades of foreign corporations from many parts of the globe - but they do steal corporate goods which makes these little pirates very very bad.

And yet, by comparison the evil doings of the Somalian pirates have resulted in no where near as many lives ruined (no make that lives lost) and no where near as many dollars stolen when we stand that lot up against pirates on Wall Street and in Washington. Ships may need to sail down a narrow corridor protected by war ships on each side to get through the Aden unpirated, but unfortunately there is not going to be anywhere near the same happy end result for the millions of people who will starve as a result of the Pirates in America.

You know one day very soon, there will be foreign governments who will decide after watching the use of NAVY seals against a bunch of 'skinny' young Somalians, in rubber pontoons, to use their own militaries to address the situation of the REAL pirates. You might want to entertain the thought a moment, what that will mean to the average Joe and Jane in the America, as well as the average Toshio and Tomomi in Japan, and in fact in every nation because none and going to come off unscathed should that situation come to pass, and it looks extremely likely.

The deal with the pirates is a distraction. There have been pirates there for several years, laws have been passed long before now. The only reason the opportunist politicians like those in Paris and in Washington have called in the military is to do some sabre rattling at a time of economic threat to the ruling elites in those countries. In other words, to divert the attention of the masses away from the depression falling upon the world and channel them toward accepting the use of military force as a solution to economic and social chaos.

Its old history and its repeating. Stand by for World War 3. The only way the economic conditions that came about from capitalism's innate contradictions and produced two 'Great' depressions in the last century were solved for the ruling elite by world war and forced re-slicing of the pie. That is the only way this one is going to be solved ultimately, unless the real cause is addressed internationally and the zombie that capitalism has finally become is left behind for good. But time is short, the situation will become much more extreme in America and in most of the past economic power house national economies. Then the politicians and the media will be pulling your strings on so many dangerous minorities within and without your own national border you will be thinking those Somalians are everywhere, and the only way to solve the situation is a few extreme weapons, some nuke perhaps. Its maddness, but some just don't see it, yet.

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Posted in: Pirate hostage captain praises SEAL 'superheroes' See in context

'Meanwhile in the real world, the SEALS saved the life of the captain and maybe just maybe discouraged pirates from kidnapping, stealing and murder. It's a tough world out there.'

In the 'real world' superheroes exist only in comics and when they don't they are called Übermenschen. Don't know what that mean? Do a google under Nazi worldview. Little boys who call SEALS superheroes are one thing, a captain who has just had his life saved by them is another thing, but for politicians and media to start doing the same is bordering on fascism.

Denden is totally correct in his assessment.

These are trained killers, and if you ask them what they do they will tell you they do their job. That's it. The real issue here is why would a government send specialist forces out after a bunch of little criminals. That is a political issue and much too heavy for most posters to want to go near. Why? Because the truth is, what Prez Obama has done sending in the military, and authorizing lethal force (yes, and the French leadership also) in a hostage situation is political, and what is revealed here is that this American administration is no different in character, at all, from the one that preceded it.

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Posted in: Obama 'seeks a new beginning' with Cuban relations; also meets Chavez See in context

Cuba has called itself socialist, a lot of Cubans have left because the American dream seemed a lot sweeter sounding than Castro's promises of a greater community of South American nations sometime in the future. The fact that his people have had to endure decades of doing without and being told how to do without is also the reason so many Cubans have sought to escape, that and having their loved ones arrested for crimes against the state of a political kind.

Cuban socialism has based itself on the Stalinist model of socialism within one nation. The fact it turned to Russia and Russia saw an advantage in literally feeding the Cuban nation is what really riled successive American administrations. When the Soviet empire collapsed so to did the Cuban economy's life support. Cuba always stood as an irritant thorn in the side of the American Dream. How could a small island economy that rejected capitalism maintain itself for so long, and dammit have a level of national literacy, and health care that put America too shame. After all, America claimed to set the standard for what Capitalism could achieve, the promise of capitalism fulfilled, You too can have a nation where less than 50% of the population have access to full health care, where the most recent figures on Child health are appalling reading, 1998 official national statistics show 13% of Americans living in poverty, 19% of the nation's children were designated to be living in poverty, 40% of the nation's poor were children. That was over 10 decades earlier, more recent statistics are far worse, but I'm saving those for other posts!

Meanwhile in Cuba, without a doubt since the 1990's there has emerged significant poverty in rural areas, people are largely healthy. Why? Because there is widespread access to vegetables and fruit, and a big one here, health care is for everybody and its free.

So arguably Cuba is a benign version of Stalinism, but it does remain a dictatorship, simply the outcome of cutting itself off from a capitalist world in a useless attempt to lead other nations into a socialist community.

Socialism must be international to work, and that is what the 4th International works toward achieving. Nationalism is never going to be a road to anywhere but war between nations. Capitalism is the highway nationalism takes to war.

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Posted in: Obama 'seeks a new beginning' with Cuban relations; also meets Chavez See in context

'everyone, get off the socialist crap.'

But aren't we talking about Cuba? Wasn't that supposed to be some kind of Socialist country. Wasn't the fact Cuba was Socialist the very reason the US chilled relations with it in the beginning? Isn't the thaw of those relations the subject of the article the thread is about?

Hey Skip, sounds to me like you the whole topic is wrong for you, and you ought to do yourself a favor and find a thread that focuses on subjects you would rather read and post on.

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Posted in: Obama 'seeks a new beginning' with Cuban relations; also meets Chavez See in context


'Socialism contains to many variables that play to well into the shall we say 'lackings' of the human condition.'

Apparently you are happy to repeat inanities delivered from the mouths of people out to deceive you. Most people have no need to sort the wheat out from the chaff on the big issue of what kind of economic and political system should or could be better for the world. But if you choose to post your confusion you better be prepared for some education from others.

The idea that people are fundamentally bad, that individuals gone bad are the reasons we face this financial disaster at this point in time is not correct. You need to do some reading. When you read history remember to join the dots. Cause and effect follow each other. Your posts reads as though you think all lies in the hands of fate itself, and we should all allow ourselves, like some kind of seeds of weeds incapable of deciding our own fates, simply lie where we have been cast.

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Posted in: Obama 'seeks a new beginning' with Cuban relations; also meets Chavez See in context


Thanks for reading. Yes, it is simply stunning how little people know about the history of their own countries, and how ready they are to parrot off the excited chatter from media mouthpieces that in reality are feeding them propaganda.

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Posted in: Obama 'seeks a new beginning' with Cuban relations; also meets Chavez See in context

Mangled my message above. That third to last para should read as follows.

'The truth is it is the capitalist system that has failed and in fact broke. Cuba is being bought back in to the folds of the world capitalist system, but as you suggest it actually had never really represented anything socialist other a benign form of Stalinism, and Stalin needed the Capitalist West to maintain the facade that his rule actually stood for something, anything other than what it was a cruel and despotic rule of a tyrant.

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Posted in: Obama 'seeks a new beginning' with Cuban relations; also meets Chavez See in context


'Many of those in favor of Castro need to roll around in some "real" socialist sites.'

Yes, there are those who call themselves socialists that think Stallinism and its derivative Castoism equal socialism. There are others who know better. Socialism just does not work at all as a system contained within a nation, it must be internationally embraced to work. I think though that a majority of people gleefully hold on to the confusion, that is the spin that holds that socialism is a vague utopia or malevolent dictatorship that can be relegated to the past.

Point of fact, when this financial crises beat its way into the homes of millions and made Wall Street cowl, history was bought back to life. The reasons the banks are going broke have been written about by socialists decades ago, it is a pure example of cause and effect. Anyone who thinks this is a result of bad bankers and sucker debters are ill informed on world history, and lets face it that is most of us anyway.

The truth is it is the capitalist system that has failed and in fact broke. Cuba is being bought back in to the folds of the world capitalist system, but as you suggest it actually had never really represented a more benign form of Stalinism, and Stalin needed the Capitalist West to maintain the facade that his rule actually stood for something, anything other than what it was a cruel and despotic rule of a tyrant.

Good for you Dad. Hopefully he never had to feel ashamed for standing up for what is truly a righteous, intelligent and most importantly a humanist cause.

From what I read the socialist movement was once especially strong in the US, something Roosevelt was keenly aware of when he set about placating the masses with the New Deal. A pity so many were taken in by the betrayal that was Stalinism. But the Internet is going to change a lot of things.

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Posted in: Obama 'seeks a new beginning' with Cuban relations; also meets Chavez See in context

Hey bud,

'The Communist regime in Cuba is alive and strong. If we think they will just open up and let democracy take over, better to go smoke banana leaves! The communists have been in power, with the help of the old USSR,East Germany etc...all failed states now, but Cuba is still full of spies, Cuban spies,'

You probably have heard the latest poll news that just only 53% of Americans believe Capitalism is a better system than Socialism. I guess that would have you wondering about how effective all they Russkie and Cuban spies must be infiltrating all over the place. Might be one under you bed right now. Better take a look.

What about that remaining 47% of Americans polled you wonder, hard to believe a full 27% couldn't even make up their minds! Probably too many 'banana leaves' filtering through US border control, all that smoke and all those addled brains.

Never mind the 20% of Americans that outright declared Socialism would be a better system than Capitalism. That must be a scary prospect for you.

Wonder if JT is going to do another thread on Socialism again. Don't think so but it would be interesting this time around, wouldn't it?

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Posted in: French seize pirate ship as threats mount on U.S. ships See in context

Considering you're in the extreme minority on this issue,'

Really? How so? How precisely am I in the 'extreme minority'? If you mean on this thread, I am going to be delighted. I mean the only reason I choose to keep posting on JT is exactly because of the demography it sets out to attract.

So far as the issue of dealing with pirates in the Aden goes, anyone who believes they deserve to be dealt with by "armoured helicopters', 'a strong military' etc etc can safely be categorised as extreme. If you don't think so then answer me this one question.

If the pirates were American and the militaries being sent to deal with them were from, let's say, Japan, China, Russia, or India, would you still be hot diggerty dog about seeing them treated to lethal force, rather than arrested and tried in a court of law?

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Posted in: French seize pirate ship as threats mount on U.S. ships See in context


Look it comes down to this, if you talk the talk then walk the walk. Or be ready to face ridicule. You want to make claims here on this public board, cool, do it. But if you are called on them then be ready to put up. You play cards? You ought to know what I'm talking about.

You could be posting from Tokyo or Texas, you could be an ekaiwa teacher, or a marine, who knows- and more importantly, who cares!!

All posts on this thread amount to is your ability to convince. And you saying we ought to believe you because you have 'inside knowledge' is about as unconvincing as you can get. You want that I say that too? You think that would make people believe me more than the next poster. Get real.

I have posted some of my verifying sources for people to go check concerning this issue of pirates in the Aden the other day.

The story here, like I said is about the policy of nations/governments/ruling elites toward those little guys who have (excuse the bluntness) cojones to capture corporate goods and hold them to ransom. That's it. You say you got a full house, lets see your hand. I'm calling you on it.

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Posted in: French seize pirate ship as threats mount on U.S. ships See in context


Thanks for your comment on my post. Two points you make I want to reply to.

'Official naval message traffic. Sorry but there's no internet link I can provide and I natuarlly can't cut and paste any of it here. You'll just have to accept the fact that I'm passing along unclassified information about the incident that hasn't been filtered by the media.'

So you want us to believe you? HAAAAAAAH. Listen up a moment, the only thing that makes posts believable here is someone thinks along the same lines as you and reads you because you make them feel all is good in their little universe. You exist only in cyberspace, no one knows a thing about you but for your post. If you want people to believe what they otherwise believe to be the ravings of a deluded 13 year old boy in love with a Van Diesel character then post facts and if they are contested then source them. That makes things more believable.

Otherwise, what you post comes across as nothing but a total rave the reader agrees with or ruins the display by laughing their coffee all over it. Your post sees me in the last category. And you ought to be mopping up the coffee off the keyboard.

'The rest of your post deals with the geopolitical-economic situation in Somalia which these multi-national naval forces are not there to fix or resolve in any way. That is not their job nor should it ever be. These warships and their crew have simply been sent to mitigate the success of Somali pirates...'

Yeah, that's right, this is about government policy.

The article title 'French seize ships...' means a government, a foreign government has authorized their military arm to take a specific action.

Do you think I am taking a poke at the military? The military just do what they are told, period. Soldiers look after each other and do their best to stay alive, and when they are told to they kill a lot of people. I'm not defending or attacking the military arm of the government. I am posting precisely about government policy here, and the likely outcome.

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Posted in: French seize pirate ship as threats mount on U.S. ships See in context

Facts are facts.

Today the US navy kills three teenage pirates in a boat, tomorrow, that strip of water is a far more dangerous place than it had been before Prez Obama steamed loaded with ammo and looking for a fight. Day after tomorrow, US forces invade Somalia. Day after that, military bases up and down the Somalian coastline followed quick smart by Halliburton and a few choice US oil companies.

Opportunism probably best describes the present course of attack the Obama administration is taking with Somalia. Nothing at all has changed about the pre-occupation of the US ruling elite. The object is to grab as much wealth as it can for as long as it is able.

The French too will take advantage of the situation. The reality for Somalia is that grinding poverty and internal chaos are a direct result of its own historical evolution which reads like a history of modern day colonialist enterprise. British, French, and Italian governments have all had a hand in creating what is now Somalia. Each one used an trashed the land and its people, right up to the major disrupter that was Maj, Gen Mohammed Siad Barre, the corrupt dictator bought to power through American support to fight the influence of the Soviet communist bloc nations in the region back in the early 1970's. When the Wall fell so too did the US support for the dictator of course. By then Somalia was immersed in wars with its neighbors and the country spun into chaos and years of eventual civil war.

These pirates aren't born, they are made. And Somalia is the storm the West had been a long time sowing. Whacking them with military hardware bought about the problem to begin with, it sure as hell is not going to solve it.

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Posted in: French seize pirate ship as threats mount on U.S. ships See in context


'Did you know that one of the pirates had already previously given himself up and had been helping the Navy in negotiating with the four remaining pirates?'

No, I didn't no that. I understood he was aboard the ship to negotiate the safe release of his fellow pirates. If he surrounded after seeing them dispatched by lethal force, and particularly given he was 16 years old, and actually on a warship surrounded by lethal force, I would imagine he would rather naturally give himself up.

'The negotiatiations weren't working and the pirates actually grew more aggressive and escalated their threats to kill their hostage, showing no signs of giving up. '

Now how would you know all of that? Hmmm? Sources?

In any event, the three snipers were already in position and as it turns out the authorisation from the US president for lethal force to be used had already been given. Seems like their fate had already been decided. Doesn't it to you? Probably not. I think the general tone of your post speaks for itself.

You might want to consider had the situation been reversed and these been three teenager criminals were from downtown USA how the folks back home would have reacted had this kind of treatment been meted out to them by the Canadians, by some Europeans, the Japanese, or the Chinese government.

You can spin it like that if you like. But basically your facts don't hold up.

Pirates although previously met with military force back in the 17th century are today classed as criminals. Not combatants to be engaged militarily. They are not generally considered 'terrorists' - see RAND corporation distinction.

Try this for evidence: http://www.cfr.org/publication/18376/combating_maritime_piracy.html?breadcrumb=%2Fpublication%2Fby_type%2Fbackgrounder

When the UN, the EU and other world organisations consider the appropriate means to combat piracy it is through prosecution, not military hits.

When Americans come under attack by paramilitary police tactics such as took place in the case in the Waco episode, Americans look at the use of military force upon civilians, even those deemed criminal, most commonly with feelings of outrage and disgust.

It seems because these people are not Americans, are not white, are not wealthy, have the temerity to attack the property of corporate America, that they must be dispatched with the full force of the nations military might, and those snipers represented precisely that, make no mistake.

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Posted in: Crew retakes U.S. ship from Somali pirates; captain still held See in context

Better than a crap spin article from Christian Monitor go here for a reasonably broad history of Somalia. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/world/A0861179.html

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Posted in: French seize pirate ship as threats mount on U.S. ships See in context

'About the topic at hand. You backed away from our discussion the other day where you were defending the crimes of armed kidnappers prepared to kil hostages to get the ransoms they were demanding.'


If you want we can take up right now where we left off. The only reason I pick up on old threads is if the post is genuine and worth a sensible reply. Yours wasn't. One liners are fine if they are wit. But if you expect a discussion that comprises of reactionary back hands you won't get if from me.

You call them kidnappers. I see that's a popular label fixed to this crime by the media. But the fact remains these were pirates who held the captain hostage, and so far as the facts stand it appears, that given they allowed themselves to be towed by the warship that they were about to save their own rear ends and get themselves back home. Remember we are discussing teenagers here, the eldest was 19 years old. They had not killed anyone.

You want to call them kidnappers, fine. Even kidnappers under those circumstances, no longer control the situation. The fact Prez Obama authorized lethal force, and that they, all three were dispatched while sitting quietly in a boat under tow speaks for itself. This was about bloody politics in the style of the Bush administration. Nothing has changed in Washington, except for the banners and a few faces the American ruling elite are intent on pursuing their own ends using brute military force to subjugate their opponents and smash their enemies. The language is that of pure gangsterism, and the corporate media are baying like a pack of rottweilers at their masters' heels.

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Posted in: French seize pirate ship as threats mount on U.S. ships See in context

".The Bush regime was responsible for inciting hate towards the French, but as I said, that dark era is over. We now have an intelligent human being as opposed to a simpleton in the Whitehouse, and a pro-American president in the Elysee..."

What a load of over ripe verbiage about what? A prezident who reacts to a hostage situation with three teens holding one captain in a boat already under the control being towed by a US warship, by having three separate snipers used to hitting a target a mile away kill the teens huddling down in the boat. That's one sniper for each kid.

All the utter crap posted on these threads on this sad episode has imitated the total poison being spat out by much of the mainstream US media. Some of that 'journalism' appearing on this story has amounted to fully fledged fascist drivel.

Face facts here. The taking of the captain as hostage was not in itself a devastating confrontation that calls for immediate and extreme measures such as killing all three hostage takers. The norm for a hostage situation is to defuse it with as little life lost as possible, not to blow out the brains of the criminals.

Because the prezident has supported the executions the money points towards the reality that this situation was exploited for political reasons. What has Prez Obama got for himself and his administration out of this bloody episode? He has effectively got those of his critics amongst the hard right in the ruling elite as well as in the military on their back foot. Now they know he's the man who will take those hard decisions to snuff out young life in a moment.

The fact that it was the White House that officially announced Obama's authorization of deadly force underlines that the decision to kill those Somali kids was already signed and sealed the moment that life boat was put under two by the warship.

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Posted in: U.S. sea captain freed from pirates in swift firefight See in context

Let's look at the reaction of Prez Obama's administration and the pentagon to the first act of piracy by the Somalis on a US ship. They kill the pirates. This is followed up by a statement from the Prez; 'I want to be very clear that we are resolved to halt the rise of piracy in that region and to achieve that goal. ... We have to continue to be prepared to confront them when they arise.'

This is surrounded by veritable applause for the letting of pirate blood by the US mainstream media. WSJ had this; 'With all the world watching, the US Navy couldn’t afford to be long stymied by sea-faring kidnappers. No doubt Mr. Obama would have been criticized in some quarters though not by us had Captain Phillips been killed once the order was given to shoot the pirates.'

US News & World Report called the episode 'a defining moment' for Obama, showing that 'the new commander in chief will apply American muscle in a crunch.' Yes, a defining moment, almost like the snapshot moment when Prez Bush stepped onto the deck of the US aircraft carrier to proclaim victory, or the moment he stared into the TV screens of the world and proclaimed that any country not with the US is against them.

At this point in time there are at least 200 sailors kidnapped by Somali pirates, the majority are from South East Asia, including the Philipinnes. Just how the Somali pirate overlords who reacted by saying they will retaliate to the killings is anyone's guess. But one thing is for certain, the brutality of the US president's actions will likely lead to the loss of life of many who venture into those waters, let alone those who are being held hostage right now.

Pentagon officials are asserting that a land attack by US forces is a strong possibility. That would be a convenient direction to move the US led new world order. Wasn't so long ago that Prez Bush moved 30,000 troops into Somalia on the pretext of a 'humanitarian intervention'. Just prior to that happening (1992) the US had been backing Mohammed Siad Barre, that guy was another corrupt dictator but at the time 1970's to 1980's he managed the US's cold war client state effectively if not efficiently. It became a base for US military. When the US decided they no longer wanted the place, following the end of the Cold War, they let the place slide. Somalia turned into a chaotic catastrophe that had been gutted out by two decades of US supported corrupt governance. That got us to where we are now.

And now what's in Somalia for the US ruling elite, fronted by Prez Obama's team. Quite a lot as it turns out. Potentially Somalia has been pegged as a potential source for oil. Quite apart from the oil deposits beneath the ground, there's the fact it has the longest coastline of any country in Africa, all along the route taken by 12% of the world's oil carrying tankers. The same coastline that following the impoverishment of Somali, a direct result of US support of the dictatorship over two decades, became a toxic dumping ground for waste (including radioactive), even while foreign fishing boats plundered the fish from the waters.

It's a cynical game being played with Somalia. Pity no one remembers more than 12 months back and relies on the US mass media for information.

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Posted in: Somali pirates vow retaliation after captain freed See in context


Let me paraphrase you then. Criminals should be summarily executed without trial, simply because they are criminals. Let's not forget although they wanted big buckaroos and kidnapped a captain, the only people injured or killed were themselves, they didn't get a dollar, and the captain was returned, stressed but apparently okay.

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Posted in: Somali pirates vow retaliation after captain freed See in context

'No, in the old days they were followed inland and dealt with.' Reactionary and meaningless, but then so was my throw-a-way 'old days'. No, pirates were put on trial, maybe they were taken back to England for the even in leg irons, or maybe it was Jamaica, or somewhere else closer to their point of capture.

My point is this. Governments prosecuted pirates forcefully, yes, but with an attempt at least to act within the law. In this day and age it seems, criminals are simply stomped on. What I am defending here is not crime, it is law.

Prez Obama has proven himself and his administration to be entirely no different in direction to the predecessor. Prez Bush when had the enemy in Iraq executed, and in the case of a few even went so far as to have their dead bodies displayed on evening TV across the civilized world. Prez Obama may posture as something more sophisticated, but he is not. He is exactly and entirely the same in purpose.

The first US ship to be attacked by pirates results in government ordered killings. Welcome back to the new order of the Prez Bush administration - which point of fact was never replaced by anything different as it will become increasingly clear to even the most ideologically blinded of Democrat supporters as the months roll by.

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Posted in: More women enjoying a night out alone See in context

I don't believe the fuss here. For as long as I can remember upon arriving in Japan, women friends were sharing rooms together just as a cheap, convenient, and doubtless comfortable source of accommodation when traveling in Japan. Usually love hotels back in the 1990's because they were cheaper by far.

What the heck is the problem of women want to go sleep over in a hotel by themselves? Especially in Japan. Beats having to spend 30 minutes with a male partner while they first get themselves primed with alcohol, then bam into a hotel, let mr smooth get down to business, not a lot of talking, ooops and that's it, then bam back out the door again. And likely all in all in less than 3 hours. Some kind of relaxation that would be.

By comparison a leisurely evening to spend anyway she likes in her own company. I wouldn't think there to be a difficult choice to make between the two scenarios for most women.

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Posted in: Somali pirates vow retaliation after captain freed See in context

Who would want to defend the pirates? I mean so what if they were aged 16 to 19 years old, yanked up to with in pitching distance of the warship and summarily executed by three crack killers from the US armed forces.

In the old days they were at least given a trial before facing the executioners. But there you go we are now all apparently under the watch of the new world order. If Prez Obama tried a little harder he could probably walk like Prez Bush, he can certainly talk the talk. Surprising how little has changed under this 'new' administration.

At least Prez Obama has proven his mettle. He can order the killing of any little man he likes. All he needs now is the half gallon hat.

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Posted in: Israel tests system to shoot down Iranian missiles See in context

Actually, should make that a 'fact' rather than a fact. There seems to be a lot of variation in the percentages of Arabs said to make up the population in what is now Israel, pre-1948. But one thing is clear, since 1948 the numbers of Christian Arabs that make up the population in that particular part of the ME have been in steady decline. Me thinks it rash if one were to assert there to be no association between one and the other.

Moderator: Back on topic please.

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Posted in: Israel tests system to shoot down Iranian missiles See in context


Here's a fact that might interest you. Around one third and upwards of the total Arab population in what is now Israel were Christian. That was before Israel declared itself a state and set about freeing up the living space by ejecting or killing the Arabs.

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