Japan Today

Taro comments

Posted in: Djokovic out of U.S. Open after hitting line judge with ball See in context

Unfortunate incident, rules got broken so correct result.

The US Open and their fans are not Djokovic fans, even though he has achieved a phenomenal amount in the game. It was a bit harsh that 5 mins prior to the DQ he smashed a ball into the side hoardings but the umpire used discretion to NOT give him a warning. It’s very likely that without a warning the incident reoccurs (which the US Open should be well aware of). Normally, after warning the player and having it out with them, things calm down and move on and probably don’t end up in a DQ.

On the other side of the coin IMHO, it’s most common that players do not use their rackets to return balls, normally dropping balls to the ground, a low rolling tap or an aimed tap lob feed to the ball kids. No-look light racket hits are risky for DQs. At that point he has to take most of the consequences. Biggest one being losing the No 1 ranking to Rafa at the end of the season.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 'Hanko' specialist gives coronavirus his stamp of disapproval See in context

Get with the times mate!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan to lift virus ban on re-entry of some foreign residents from Aug 5 See in context


Agreed. Policy rules in countries, so like @reckless pointed out better to vote with your feet. It’s FIFO I’m afraid.

Of course no foreign resident will not feel aggrieved. I’ll admit whatever benefits financial or non-financial I gained from Japan I’m paying back now with access to re-entry into Japan only with conditions made by Japanese policy.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to lift virus ban on re-entry of some foreign residents from Aug 5 See in context


Well said. Vote with your feet and their tax money...

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan to lift virus ban on re-entry of some foreign residents from Aug 5 See in context

4 months! Remember the virus doesn’t discriminate but the Ministry of INJustice Japan does!

If they don’t update this page http://www.moj.go.jp/EN/nyuukokukanri/kouhou/m_nyuukokukanri01_00003.html why can’t we update their name to Ministry of INJustice Japan? Well at least in English...

11 ( +18 / -7 )

Posted in: Anti-Olympic protest held in Tokyo See in context

The irony of ironies! The so called never late for anything country and always on time reputation has taken a huge hit here! Protesting due to being late is not acceptable in their culture really? Nah, the reality is better cut the losses now as they’ll only get worse if it gets cancelled later. Protesters are right so it’s time to move on Tokyo!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese student criticized for campaign against excess plastic packaging See in context

Japanese ,,Greta” on the march against “plastic fantastic” Japanese companies.

These companies need to change and stop profiteering, prioritising the environment more by reducing plastic waste. Old habits die hard I’m afraid...there is no other positive solution here THOUGH.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Swimmer Ikee takes part in ceremonial Olympic event See in context

Without spectators being safe this is a non-starter that over 70% of Japanese people feel will not happen next year. Vaccines don’t get made quickly and normally take 4 years. This is a write-off, what a waste of tax payers money...

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan to grant re-entry 'gradually' to foreign residents stuck abroad See in context

Foreign residents in Japan being treated as Second class citizens is an understatement. Better vote with your feet...long term it’s gonna get worse...the government should pay ¥100,000 per foreign resident for every month they imposed this re-entry ban abs abuse of human rights as a minimum.

27 ( +39 / -12 )

Posted in: Malaysia Airlines, JAL to cooperate on flights from July 25 See in context


Can the MOJ update this page accordingly? If they don’t lift the re-entry ban then why aren’t the Olympics being cancelled yet? Second-class citizens are we?


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Nissan rolls out new electric crossover to boost image See in context

Tesla all day long...back to the future 2020. Nissan is SO 1990s...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo's daily coronavirus infections hit new record of 243 See in context


If you’re a gaijin who has lived here long enough (over 12 years here) Japanese culture is “covering” everything up for their own benefit. You’ll not be surprised at the truth coming out when it benefits them. Funny, how they restricted testing conveniently before the Tokyo Major election so that Zzzzzzzzzz....best of a bad bunch could win.

Finally, we have the REAL not fake case numbers revealed...where’s that charter flight or re-entry ban lifted MOJ? それはまた内緒ですか?

19 ( +19 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo issues alert after 34 coronavirus cases confirmed See in context

Zzzzzzzzzzzz.....boring! This woman never ceases to make me fall to sleep!

That was quick (just 3 days!) There goes the euphoria of easing the SOE.

As the testing is being intentionally limited these numbers are inaccurate! Anyway, it’s clear that the government can and are using the numbers to control society. Surely most realistic people can see that as human nature dictates “easing” basically means BAU so it’s back to square ONE, or ironically named ZERO in Japanese!

Welcome to Tokyo 2020, Stop, Start, Stop...it’s a rollercoaster!

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Posted in: Shibuya gives each public elementary, junior high student a Surface Go 2 tablet See in context

There’s under 250,000 residents in Shibuya. Good for the students. Mind you they’re gonna be using it for sometime yet though.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Koike unveils road map for easing of restrictions in Tokyo See in context


Glad someone’s got it! It’s easy to see through these lies, don’t believe a word or number of it!

Tokyo at best will lift the state of emergency for a few places like libraries and possibly outdoor sports facilities with restrictions imposed.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Abe's virus-relief ¥100,000 cash program faces barrage of criticism See in context

Abenomics summed up perfectly here! Can’t organise a piss up in a brewery springs to mind! Mind you that’s how world politics works these days!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Koike unveils road map for easing of restrictions in Tokyo See in context

This woman is nasty!

Her real plan is this:

Use the testing data (Inaccurate, intentionally limited by Abe) to transfer liability (legal and insurance) to the citizens/residents

Once she’s pretended to done her job (publicly display it’s safe in writing) then lift the state of emergency

Once the second wave comes, out the state of emergency without taking any accountability for infections or deaths

Please don’t be deceived by this!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Abe's virus-relief ¥100,000 cash program faces barrage of criticism See in context

Japan’s greatest ally just announced negative interest rates and are seriously considering UBI until further notice or face a Great Depression again. This one-off ¥100,000 is a joke in comparison, that they can’t even organise! Can’t imagine what a potential Great Depression looks like in Japan. Not sure it’s a good idea to find out...

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Parts of Japan emerge from virus emergency; Tokyo needs fewer than 20 daily infections See in context


Cheers. Basically, you’re a fool if you do and you’re a fool if you don’t right? If you don’t and take the risk and worse case die from COVID-19 you’re a fool. If you do you might not get infected but paid out the ¥100,000 you haven’t even got yet and some insurance will take your money!

Only solution, stay home until it’s safe to go back to work and “normal”.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Parts of Japan emerge from virus emergency; Tokyo needs fewer than 20 daily infections See in context

It would be nice if the people who think it’s safe now to go back to normal to at least share what insurance policies that they have that the rest of us aren’t aware of? Please highlight where it states you are covered for COVID-19 for infection/health care/death.

It’s only sensible to have these in place before returning to normal right?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Parts of Japan emerge from virus emergency; Tokyo needs fewer than 20 daily infections See in context


Well said! Glad you’re keeping it real. You can’t take out an insurance plan after the incident. Folly if you believe the government is gonna lift the state of emergency without making sure they have no accountability first.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Parts of Japan emerge from virus emergency; Tokyo needs fewer than 20 daily infections See in context

It’s a Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......Friday. She bores me to death...

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Posted in: Can clean-up See in context

The case for UBI in a photo!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: As Japanese gov't slow-walks stimulus, small businesses fear collapse See in context

The longer this pandemic continues the more the case for UBI increases. Logically, if the small businesses collapse and the employees have moved on/health & safety focused/made redundant the ¥100,000 should be made monthly until new employment has been secured. New employment should only be with better conditions in the contract for health care, sick pay, paid holiday. Oh wait a minute this is Asia, those things aren’t standard!

New businesses that are essential/innovative/adaptable should be allowed to bring this economy into 2020 from the 1990s (being generous!).

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: As Japanese gov't slow-walks stimulus, small businesses fear collapse See in context

As we’re still in the pandemic, the life insurance claims (¥100M) will go through the roof if businesses are allowed to go back to BAU. As it’s a double win-lose (keeping hold of stimulus money AND indirectly preventing claims) by slow walking and wishfully thinking the virus will go away tomorrow that means small businesses fail and their employees losing their jobs.

What an outrage!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: As Japanese gov't slow-walks stimulus, small businesses fear collapse See in context

The Japanese economy has been built on such tight margins due to high rents and a overly populated Tokyo. It’s been thoroughly exposed here as a substantial amount will fail that are mom and pop traditional businesses. Michelin star restaurants may have enough reserves to survive long term but there will be a huge restructuring of commercial tenants via more essential and innovative businesses.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Has Japan dodged the coronavirus bullet? See in context


Sensible way of thinking.

How about the recent outbreak of 133 people in Seoul very soon after reopening?


Facts are there’s no vaccine yet.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Posted in: Has Japan dodged the coronavirus bullet? See in context

It’s delusional to pat the government on the back as they’ve not been testing enough at all.

As of May 11, the health ministry said there had been 218,204 tests, by far the lowest per capita rate in the G7, according to Worldometers.

If you don’t test, you don’t get cases recorded. Therefore, the number of cases are inaccurate and are in reality at least 10X. The playbook is, the lower the number of recorded cases the quicker you can lift the state of emergency and wishfully think everything will magically be safe and go back to normal.

16 ( +25 / -9 )

Posted in: Abe announces lifting of state of emergency for 39 prefectures See in context

@Mirai hayashi

This statement alone tells me that you don't get it. There is no such thing as "at your OWN risk". If you get infected, you are also putting the people who are around you (family, friends, etc) at risk. And every time you take public transportation to work, you are also putting your co-workers and their families at risk.

My bad. It’s good to clear that up for the people who are less risk adverse on here. Lifting the state of emergency too early is basically doing this. The government is indirectly transferring the risk to the people who take the risk of going back to work asap. Therefore putting lives at risk due to indirect risks of infecting death others. Trouble is it’s all good staying home but eventually most working people will run out money to survive. As the government hasn’t even handed out money in 4 months the people under most financial pressure will be forced to take the risk of going to work to pay rent.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Abe announces lifting of state of emergency for 39 prefectures See in context

We get it! Far be it for the government to take away the choice of people not scared of the virus for various reasons! Everyone knows the risk and if they take them it’s at their own risk. Unfortunately, the underlying legislation issue for the government (that they still aren’t addressing just parking with this workaround move). Basically, the government would be liable directly for loss of income for infections and deaths (¥100M liable per death). Therefore, they’ve calculated it’s cheaper for them to payout ¥100,000 “for all” every 4 months.

I agree that people should be able to go to work at their own risk. Unfortunately there’s hidden issues that the government is still hiding. This could work as the fearful will not go to work as early but shouldn’t stop the people who choose to go to work asap.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

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