Japan Today

tclh comments

Posted in: Swedish royal couple turned away from German restaurant See in context

So what would you do then if you recognized them at that time without any table available?

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Posted in: Australian girl, 4, killed by pitbull-mastiff See in context

1 terrible incident and government is trying to pass the law of 20 years in prison for dangerous dog ( whatever that means) owner in future case. As usual ,the whole society with millions and millions responsible dog owners will have to pay for mistake of somebody else. Sad.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Paying their respects See in context

Only America was SANE during WW2! Other powers were NOT.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Posted in: British PM unveils tough anti-riot measures, including social media controls See in context

Ahhhhh.... all young people with so much energy in their bodies ,if they don't work what will they use all that energy and times for all day? Low pay ,high pay, volunteer ....etc it doesn't matter, government should just make them work ,give them jobs!.

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Posted in: Life in a bowl See in context

There must be a filtration, oxygen supply system somewhere for these fresh water gold fish in this spherical water tank ,otherwise they will all die just too soon.

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Posted in: China tells U.S. to halt spy plane flights See in context

LOL, while complaining about nothing, China is softly softly secretly supporting a massive migration program of Chineses into S.E.A, in order to make them all chinese in the future ! The West should start to have huge migration program into China to make them all Western in the future too.

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Posted in: Norway killer's manifesto praises Japan for not adopting multiculturalism See in context

He hate Muslims and Multiculturalism so much that he killed his own people? Killing sons ,daughters, futures of other families, creating so much sadness, so much griefs in his own country then declaring his admiration for a culture that he understands very little about? complete madness!

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Posted in: Norway suspect wants open hearing so he can explain massacre to public See in context

The mad man now wants to make history to the world through his story. He is very capable, cold ,calculating ,hard,heartless...but insane ,crazy ,mad. He intends to create more followers like him through his public trial,what a dangerous individual! Just says no ,just lock him up and throw away the key ,end of story.

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Posted in: Train collision in China kills 35, injures 191 See in context

When dealing with" things that move " like car or train, people are much more alert. I pass a huge dealership of "Great Wall, Chery " in Parramatta ,Sydney often but almost after a year now I have not seen a single ,repeat A SINGLE, car of those brands on streets!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Norway horror: 91 die in camp shooting, 7 in blast See in context

Speechless, shock ,horror! ! Mad man with guns who has good shooting skill and know how to exploit people's trust for police, succeeded in killing so many innocent people. This remind me again that we, as human , rely heavily on sanity of each other to survive day after day. I think if later found guilty ,he should be executed or at least jailed for life, " never to be released".

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Posted in: Entire Apple stores being faked in China See in context

Can real Apple sue them to make some good easy money? Chinese court , American court ,International court, wherever?

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Posted in: Sydney man whipped in religious attack See in context

I notice your point but government has already moved to pass law which give police power to remove hijab or burqa or balaclava ...in order to identify a person . It was weak , I know, but softly softly approach is the way Australian government prefer to calm this very very complex society.

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Posted in: Vietnamese cafes in Calif too racy for some See in context

When thing is this hot, you need ice coffee! cheers, enjoy life before you die. nothing to complain here.

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Posted in: Sydney man whipped in religious attack See in context

Australian government has made it abundantly clear that there is only Australian law in this country , no Sharia law. If there is a conflict between the two, Australian will always win out! Drinking alcohol is perfectly legal here and the authority should make this case an unforgettable.example.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman jumps in front of express train; body propelled into station See in context

I feel very much sympathy for the woman but after knowing that her family will have to PAY to the train company, (possible all other damages, compensations for other victims?), I am even more horrified. How on earth her family have to pay ? Her life ,her decision, her responsibility...she is (or was) an adult with full responsibility and legal rights for goodness sake! The law is illogical and wrong, because it can make you to use "super glue" ,so to speak, to join each family member together 24/7 for just having peace of mind.

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Posted in: Vietnamese protest against China amid rising tensions See in context

China may still think it is the center of the universe and its own law is the law of the world ,like few hundreds years ago before the West discovered China. Of course it is no longer correct but some morons still think that way. Its lucky for Vietnam ,Philippines and the rest of SEA that the U.S still has interests in Asia Pacific region. When in doubt, just stick to America , it is the power ,the light and the civilization!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Australian prime minister snubs Dalai Lama See in context

Since PM John Howard ,Australia does not have another great political leader ,yet. The current situation is a real mess for a democratic government to function properly, you don't actually know who make important decision anymore, Gillard? Brown? or Independents? Australia NEEDS a new election.

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Posted in: Ex-IMF leader pleads not guilty to sex assault See in context

If and when he is proved to be innocent ,just imagine the compensation for damages which I have no doubt will be sought by his team.

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Posted in: Germany decides to abandon nuclear power by 2022 See in context

This is a very brave,wise decision by government of Germany, I sincerely hope they will succeed . But realistically even if they can achieve 70% , 80 % of their target , it will be still very good. The fact that Insurance companies do not cover public liability for nuclear power plants mean that risk is far outweigh benefit.

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Posted in: Protest See in context

where are those anti nuclear slogans ,placards? it looks like people of northern workers union protest for more pay or something.

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Posted in: Heavy load See in context

Japan industrial power at work, awesome.

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Posted in: Palestinians more skeptical about Mideast talks See in context

What a taihen difficult job Obama has, but I think he needs to move much slower when regarding territorial matter. Something like if Israel gives back few hundred square meters of land in Gaza strip what sort of things it will receive in return. Slowly ,step by step; just my 2 cents.

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Posted in: Rally See in context

Perhaps the man with child are just crossing the street.

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Posted in: Obama addresses Arab world; urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders See in context

I would wait until what does "1967 border with mutually SWAPS" really mean? Asking a tiny country like Israel surrounded by hostile states to give up " captured territory" is very difficult for Obama as well as Netanyahu, I think.

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Posted in: Why do famous men with power and influence (Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton, for example) risk everything with their sexual behavior? See in context

Sin of the flesh! In Chinese wisdom there are three things in life that men find it hard to avoid :nice wine, juicy meat, beautiful women.

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Posted in: IMF chief Strauss-Kahn submits his resignation See in context

I can see the battle now is between his story ( consensual sex) and her story (rape). It seems that it is already the end of the road for him (his job) and even if he gets out of this mess alive ( not committing suicide) he should worry about AIDS for his sexual behavior .

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Posted in: IMF chief under suicide watch at NYC jail See in context

An important man falls so fast so hard from such a very top position for an almost unbelievable reason...little wonder some people worry that he might commit suicide.Somehow I feel sympathy for this man especially when bail was refused even he wanted to surrender all his travel documents and stay with his daughter in New York. I will wait and see but hope justice will be done for him and her.

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Posted in: What makes conspiracy theorists tick and what is the best way to combat their beliefs? See in context

Easy, if governments simply mean what they say and do what they preach conspiracy theorists won't have ground to flourish. Often thats not possible ,hence conspiracy theorists are still a reality.

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Posted in: IMF head's hearing delayed in hotel sex assault case See in context

Why did she think the room was not occupied? Who told her to clean up that room? just curious.

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Posted in: IMF head's hearing delayed in hotel sex assault case See in context

Stranger than fiction, Sarkozy won't worry anymore then. Shinjirarenai!

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