Japan Today

That's me. comments

Posted in: Man arrested for soliciting sex from teenage girl See in context

For the ones blaming the 17 year old girl: take a look at your daughter, at your niece, at your younger sister... even looking at their picture will do... And then say what you wrote here aloud so that you can hear what you are saying. Good luck .

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Posted in: Woman arrested for attempted murder of ex-husband See in context

I have three female friends who have been fighting to get a divorce ( one Japanese, two foreigners) , one of them has been struggling for over three years. Their husband say they won't sign divorce papers and the judges say they cannot force them to sing. You can't even imagine all humiliation they have been thru. Especially the foreigner ones. Husbands call them stupid, ugly, say they'd never learn Japanese (they can speak three languages including Japanese), force them to have sex and don't put enough food on the table. Both work and want to leave home but have kids and don't earn enough . Seeing my friends situation, I can definitely relate to this woman.

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Posted in: 'Evangelion' anime studio chief arrested for taking photos of nude teen See in context

@girl_in_tokyo, your comments are perfect. I totally agree!!!

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Posted in: U.S. airlines to offer non-binary gender options See in context

@Luddit, really? Why sitting next to a man would be so bad? Are they all rapists, psychopaths or something similar... OMG... I shall never talk or look at a man again ... ever!

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Posted in: List of Japanese female POWs held in Soviet labor camps after World War II discovered See in context

Men, do people really think Japan was lovely at all te wars they have been into? For Pete’s sake... no country is!!! Check the US! The worst!!! Check even Brazil in its war against Paraguay! What drives me crazy is that most of the countries do acknowledge their shits.... but Japan and The US (among others... I am citing these ones because they are quite powerful) want to keep it clean in their History books! Give me a break!! The other day, one of my students was saying that it is an absurd that Koreans want to have sexual slaves statues. Oh, really? I said! Yeah... let’s shut the freaking bomb museum in Hiroshima too, then. Not that I agree with the American way.. I myself have been fighting against it since I was a teen. Their economic policy is sooooo mean to everyone else... anyway. Just meant Japanese way of complainig about war crimes sound reeeaaalyyyy so hypocritical:(

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Posted in: List of Japanese female POWs held in Soviet labor camps after World War II discovered See in context

@wanderlust, I was thinking about that when someone mentioned how badly treated the Japanese soldiers were while at war. I almost said: really? This funny because al soldiers at war are soooo well treated... check how the “lovely” American soldiers were in Afghanistan:) (rolling eyes! ) .

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Posted in: List of Japanese female POWs held in Soviet labor camps after World War II discovered See in context

@ganbarejapan, if I agree with that, does it mean Japan should also apologize or, otherwise, it would never get any peace treats from aaaallll the countries it has invaded and screwed?

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Posted in: Emperor thanks people for support during 30-year reign; urges Japan to open up to world See in context

Ops... I always read things like this HERE...

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Posted in: Dual nationals feel cast adrift in Japan See in context

My kids have two passports and we always show the Japanese one when we leave Japan for holidays and the other one when we get back. Because they’re still small, we were never questioned about anything. At the check in, air company staff always ask if we have the Visa to enter Brazil and we eventually have to tell them they’ve got dual citizenship, though. I wonder what will happen when they become adults.

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Posted in: Video refereeing a boon and a bust at World Cup See in context

It feels sooooo nice when the players, including Neymar, throw themselves on the ground pretending somebody’s hurt them just to be reprimanded by the VAR who’s got some evindence of how good actors they are... Hahahahahah

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Posted in: Japanese schools introduce LGBT-friendly uniforms See in context

@Concerned Citzen,

you are sooooooo wrong!

You obviously know nothing about being a transgender.

And, please, don’t send your kids to LGBT friendly school. They might “catch the disease” (rolling eyes! ) .... for God’s sake!

@Girl in Tokyo,

I completely agree:)

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Posted in: Abduction issue raised in historic summit but challenges loom for Japan See in context

Oops, I meant (...) it to an expert???

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Posted in: Abduction issue raised in historic summit but challenges loom for Japan See in context

AgentX, I totally agree with your posts!

People, for god’s Sake, do you really think Trump, the most selfish person in the world, will be Japan’s errand boy?

If this thing works, Trump will be too busy making money in North Korea to spare time in order to defend 12 Japanese citizens.

I had no idea that this DNA analysis had been made by someone so inexperienced. Why didn’t they send it to an expert! Weird!!!!

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Posted in: TV show 'Roseanne' abruptly canceled after star's racist tweet sparks furor See in context

Ambien informed that its side effects do not include racism. I loved it. LOL.

Regarding the fact that Trump has also being criticized, note that nobody ever mentioned ethinicity or religion.

Roseanne is just a racist unhappy little person trying to spread hatred.

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