Posted in: AKB48 singer's YouTube apology still stirring debate See in context
@ambrosia happy to disagree - I also read articles to support my statement and although I don't know that many AKB fans, the ones I do are basically "human". I know I can't convince you as there is no "trust" between us in real terms, which is the same in reverse!
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: AKB48 singer's YouTube apology still stirring debate See in context
@ambrosia Hmm, that is what is being sold, but honestly speaking though, I don't think that they (all) really feel that way but it does help the marketing a hell of a lot! One lone voice doesn't speak for the whole demographic! ;)
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: AKB48 singer's YouTube apology still stirring debate See in context
I think people are missing the real horror story here, and that is that a paparazzi followed them on date, followed them home, and then stayed outside (whilst probably trying multiple ways to look IN) until they both left, then sold the story to gutter press. If none of that had happened, there wouldn't be a story, and the person doing all that really would have known the impact, otherwise they wouldn't have gone to so much trouble. Real low grade human trash.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Stereo headset compatible with smartphones See in context
are a dual-ear type
as opposed to....?
They are inner-ear type headphones
Ok, got that!
Also, these are in-ear type headphones
Wow- strong message coming through
They include 4 pairs of ear pieces in different sizes so you can choose the most comfortable ones to fit your ears
Must buy!
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: AKB48 singer shaves her head as act of contrition for dating See in context
Ever been 20?
Fantastic age - full of realisation of dreams, and a huge part of growing up..
Honestly speaking, there could be a case to take to human court of rights n the Hague - this is so unreal.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: AKB48 singer shaves her head as act of contrition for dating See in context
@Fadamor You should watch the video before commenting. This is completely staged. The lighting, focus, and sound are done by pro's. I didn't say it was a high quality production, they have tried to made it look like a spontaneous act done by herself. It isn't. Please don't be fooled
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: AKB48 singer shaves her head as act of contrition for dating See in context
ost of the articles are of a "meh" variety, but this one actually has a bit of news-worthiness to it. Think about it, the band's management has basically taken over these girls' personal lives.
That makes it ultra-meh!!
It wasn't a spontaneous act, it was staged. Look at the video lighting - pro level? Look who published it, AKB48, not the individual.
All a major game, and really time it stopped!
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: AKB48 singer shaves her head as act of contrition for dating See in context
>Her shaving her head. Well, that's her own fault for doing it. She decided to do it, not the company. I mean the Rino Sashihara simply got demoted and she didn't shave her head. Can end the same way for Minami Minegishi. Personally, I think she should just move on. Time to live that normal life.
Yes, but.... she didn't publish the video. It was published by AKB48. It is an attempt to generate more attention (successful) and hence more money. It is nothing to do with morals, it is nothing to do with contracts. It is "here is an opportunity to make money" and so far, 4.5 million people have been suckered into watching the video. You're right though, she should move on, and maybe discover she doesn't actually have the talent to survive in the real world.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: AKB48 singer shaves her head as act of contrition for dating See in context
How low do things really have to sink before this ship goes down? So she spontaneously shaved her head and produced her own Youtube video (she doesn't start or end it, someone else does)? What utter crap. Akimoto knows how to spin a story and is doing just that. The fact that the rest of the media takes the bait is just utterly amazing. What a complete and total waste of bytes. AKB48 fans, FHS, stop this machine PLEASE!
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Teen performer at Obama inaugural events shot dead See in context
Passage log -supplemental
Which demographic of the shooters(majority) is the issue, not of this particular victim.
So which demographic is the shooter from? Do you actually know?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Teen performer at Obama inaugural events shot dead See in context
@surf - no good Fudged response, but expected that. So basically Chicago is a no go zone for anyone?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Teen performer at Obama inaugural events shot dead See in context
Checked before posting, hence the question.
She comes from a reasonably well off family - at least to say she isn't poor, lets call that "middle class" for now. Her school is a "silver medal" grade school. She was an honor student. The school is in a suburb with neighbours like Ann Marie Lipinski, the Obama's, Mohammed Ali - maybe these could be upper class? The killer is not identified (yet). So exactly what demographic means she deserved this?
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Teen performer at Obama inaugural events shot dead See in context
Has a lot to do with demographics also
For example?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Teen performer at Obama inaugural events shot dead See in context
Tragic and needless waste of life. Really sad.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Nakamura quits Slovakian club over racism See in context
What did you expect???
Er, respect for individual would be a base starter.
Japanese soccer players need to grow thicker skins.
Actually, I think the racists need to change. Why condone it?
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Softbank's takeover of Sprint hits U.S. security concerns See in context
Hopefully it will be blocked. I can understand America being uncomfortable with the idea. It's very risky allowing Japanese companies to invade the American market.
That is called protectionism, and not in best interests of US style capitalism. Besides, just think what "otosan" the white dog could do to lift US public's morale?
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Softbank's takeover of Sprint hits U.S. security concerns See in context
Here we see why TPP and similar open trade may not be in all countries interests. US uses the "National Security Interests" in many scenarios. Even to prevent foreign airlines from taking over US ones.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: In Japan, gun ownership is a privilege, not a right See in context
Everyone needs to keep thier noses out of the US's constitution. The 2nd ammendemnt has nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with an well armed citizenry ready to defend against govt tyranny and invaders.
Many seem to twist the words of the second amendment to suit their own desires. Did you know, for example, the "tyranny" referred to is the British rule (un-elected) direct from London imposed on the colonies in North America (i.e. not it's own government). It was Mr Washington himself who then rallied the armies of the colonies to fight the British. It wasn't "citizenry", that would have been chaos, and the French played a big part in defeating the Brits too.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man United valued at record $3.3 billion: Forbes See in context
As if you've seen any other articles here on United's business standings in the last six months.
In the sports section? This story doesn't really belong here.
Now a headline like, "Manchester City misses chance to chase down United's lead," is one that's definitely welcome every week... : )
Ah, but as a City fan that's not exactly my cup of tea. Against QPR too. How ironic after the last game of the season last year! Pity Joey Barton isn't still there to cause havoc. ;)
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Does violence in movies, TV programs or video games contribute to violence in society? See in context
They only contribute if some crazy person gets some weird idea from them. Which they can get from anywhere, the Bible, for example.
Anywhere? That kind of sounds like a possible contribution from movies / tv / games!
Anyway, I think they DO contribute, but they certainly aren't the only or maybe not even the MAIN cause. I think our wonderful societies do that for us! Sadly.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Man United valued at record $3.3 billion: Forbes See in context
Hmmm, I actually feel quite sad that a football teams business results need to get reported like this. How did they do at the weekend? That should be what we want to know.
Too much money in football, and it is killing the game in my view.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: In Japan, gun ownership is a privilege, not a right See in context
So, how do you classify the other nine countries that lead the United States?
Palinly, or bluntly - they are developing nations, or non-developed countries. Includes El Salvador, Dominica, etc. I think the US. Switzerland seems to be the next developed country in the list, which oddly enough, doesn't have strict guns laws. Looks like a correlation, especially compared to Japan, UK, etc, right?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: In Japan, gun ownership is a privilege, not a right See in context
@San diegan In this modern developed age, with communication at the level it is, with the human ability to really understand, maybe for the first time in history IN REAL TIME, what propaganda is, do you honestly, hand on heart believe that there is chance that a government of a fiercely democratic country like the USA could fall into Tyranny if some of the people didn't have guns at home? What are the mechanics of that process? How would it all kick off? Hunting and self defence I can understand (although I do disagree with both in principle), but tyranny? Are all these random gun owners really capable of overpowering law enforcement and military elements of the government?
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Fashion face See in context
Does anyone have a barcode reader to identify what she is saying?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: In Japan, gun ownership is a privilege, not a right See in context
I love how people think taking away guns will somehow magically reduce crime rates.
Some people just don't get it, huh?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Kurosawa, 3 other Japanese filmmakers to be honored by Hollywood See in context
Those two together were great though
Amen to that!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: In Japan, gun ownership is a privilege, not a right See in context
I looked to see what the sentiment was in the US. Forget the Alex Jones, he seems to be on a mission to become famous. No shortage of people who just seem so extreme. Frankly it underscores surfoholic's view that it will be very very difficult to release dangerous weapons from some people. Very scary.
This guy owns a gun - and thinks the US is heading for tyranny if it gets taken away.
This guy displays his collection - he thinks it is funny.
This guy is amazingly chilling in his descriptions.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: In Japan, gun ownership is a privilege, not a right See in context
@ebisen, @surf o'holic
Switzerland has compulsory military duty, and during service time conscriptees are required to keep their weapon at home. This means up to 200,000 people have weapons stored at home (90k are on standby out of that number). But you cannot compare this directly to the US. 1) The weapons are to be used at the command of the government, are the property of the government, and can't be used against the government (not without you being most likely killed). 2) The people given weapons are screened before being supplied, they are also trained in usage, so they actually become proficient in its use. 3) Switzerland does have a high rate of gun murders, so despite these controls, they have a problem because of access to guns. Not on the scale of US, but it is one of the highest in the developed world after the US, slightly higher then the next developed country being Finland. We could argue for days about who is/not developed, lets not go down that road for now.
It really is very simple maths - more guns available, more gun related murders. The answer does seem very simple but agree with surf's article that it will never be easy. It will take decades of changing the culture maybe generations). However, this is the time to start.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: In Japan, gun ownership is a privilege, not a right See in context
But it is important to note though that the US is dealing with gun violence, gun violence as a grand total including homicide is down 15% since 2007. Gun violence as a grand total including homicide is down basically by 50% since 1993.
Its the article that says 11k, not me. I've seen various stats, and even as high as 14k but do you know what, when it gets to 0 we should be happy right? Then we can rest. Until then, lets try ways to stop the carnage.
My right to own a gun in the US ensures the government will not take away my other rights.
Bush took away your healthcare - he hasn't been shot yet.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Anti-far-right protest draws 250,000 in Munich
Snow in Hokuriku---in February!??!?!?!?!
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
“We don’t want to be tough on Iran. We don’t want to be tough on anybody,” Trump added. “But they…
Posted in: Iran supreme leader says U.S. talks 'not intelligent, wise or honorable' but doesn't rule them out
Posted in: 70-year-old woman arrested after strangling man in his 40s