Japan Today

The_Marion comments

Posted in: Obama addresses Arab world; urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders See in context

Obama just signed the death knell for his chance of being a two term President and I am glad, the sooner we can rid of him, the better.

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Posted in: Obama thanks bin Laden assault team See in context

What we are seeing is a President running for a second term of President of these United States. It's all politics..........

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Posted in: Obama honors 9/11 victims in New York after bin Laden's death See in context

At present, everything he does or says, is pure campaigning - he is reminding everyone that he wants to get a second term as President. - If my vote means anything, he will be a one term President.

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Posted in: Sarah Palin: Serious 2012 contender or pretender? See in context

Obama has got to go and I invite everyone to name a better person that can take him down.

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Posted in: Tensions high after North, South Korea trade shelling See in context

Today's problem would never have hppened, if Truman had let McArthur do his thing. One bomb deliveed in th right place would have stopped the entire fracas of the 50's. Now it is too late to even think like we did in 1945.

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Posted in: Tensions high after North, South Korea trade shelling See in context

Hell and just a we were going home (To the USA)

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Posted in: Japan asks China to pay for damage to patrol boats See in context

Ever since the Cairo Accords of 1943 Japan has tried to justify their very existence and CVhina has swallowed and tried to ignore Japan's needeling. I look for China to give Japan a present! A super pletonium Nuclear Bomb right in the middle of the Ginza - and there will be no more Japanese government -or anything else.

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Posted in: Japan urges calm after China severs contacts See in context

I predict the Self Defense Forces will bolster their Forces prefetory to morphing the "Forces" into a Imperial Army - there-by destroying Japan's No War Constitution - which Japan has wanted to do all along. Japan, don't ypu realize China ia already a "Super-power".........

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Posted in: Who has the best claim to the Senkaku Islands: Japan, China or Taiwan? See in context

For centuries the Kingdom of the Ryukyu Islands owned the Senkaku Islands amd actually the Ryukyu Islands still own these Islands (rocks) I am sure the Ryukyu Islands would share with the Chinese, who they like very much, however Japan and China will never get along and Japan continually breeds a scab on thier nose. I have just returned from Okinawa and I am working to establish independence for the Ryukyu Islands and tomorrow I will be in Washington D.C. to strike a blow for the Okinawan people who are the salts of the earth

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Posted in: What do you think of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's decision to kick SDP leader Mizuho Fukushima out of the cabinet because she disagreed with his plan to relocate the U.S. Marine base at Futenma wit See in context

For the first time in years I disagree with Sarge. Hatoyama is dropping in the polls as he is completely inept as PM and the Japanese people are saying it is so. I also contiinue to say that if the Marines at Futenma are to be moved it is logical that they returned to the States and the whole of the island of Okinawa should be returned to the Ryukyuan people. I will be in Okinawa in two weeks and you will hear from me "on the ground."

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Posted in: Hatoyama apologizes for plan to move Futenma base within Okinawa See in context

Vulcan: Your likening the Ryukyuan as being "caged withoccupation" is excellent. Still, I feel we should be helping the Ryukyuan to independent thinking. I love these people!

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Posted in: Hatoyama apologizes for plan to move Futenma base within Okinawa See in context

Actually the answer to this whole thorny issue has been staring us in the face for years in the form of a most informative book by Robert Eldrige "The Origins of the Bilateral Problem - Okinawa Postwar U.S.- Japan Relations 1945 -- 1952Read the book and know of the "Secret Deals" that both the USA and Japan cover up. Frankly, is is Okinawa that should be made privy to what is being done to their island. This is why I continually end my posting with these words- "Lo the poor Ryukyuans"

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Posted in: Do you think Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama knows what he is doing on the Futenma base relocation issue? See in context

This whole situation could be solved immediately if Japan would grant Independence to the Government of the Ryukyu Islands, who in turn would let the U.S. Military whether they needed any further help from the Americans and ask the rest return to the States. It was supposed to be that way, but Japan, through secret deals brought on the problems of today. This is what the Cairo Accords was all about, but unfortunately Roosevelt died and Japan greedily sought a better deal.

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Posted in: Japan: A paradise for entrepreneurs See in context

A good entrepreneur works for himself and has only himself to blame if he isn't doing too well. I can go anyplace and I can make a dollar as I offer my face and tell only the truth --I never try to fool anyone and I am not afraid to share.

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Posted in: Obama finally appears on Fox News See in context

Sarge uses very few words to get his point across and I always seek Sarge's comments, but in the case of Obama, he is a regular motor-mouth and there is a wave of questioning his legitimacy and today we are seeing the word "impeachment" being mentioned very often. Frankly speaking, I feel we are on the edge of a great depression.

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Posted in: Obama delays Asia trip to deal with health care See in context

Obama continues to sink lower in the polls and I wonder who is going to mention impeachment first. I suggest he is a one time President and the final three years are going to negate all the good feelings we generated in WWII.

I voted for Ron Paul and this would have been a better ride.

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Posted in: Futenma commander defends Marine base See in context

I am a Marine who has lived on Okinawa for some 68 years and I am a member of a Okinawan family having married a Okinawan some 42 years ago and I ave never had any problems with the Ryukyuan people - Most troubles come from the Japanese and or the Japanese Corporate groups who are actually rtrying to get a airstrip built in the Henoko are to service the Japanese Summer Homes in the Arume area.Every Okinawan I know is vary happy with the Marines - only the Japanese are making the noise about us. Remember the Secret Deals done by the Japanese and reported by Nishiyama

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Posted in: Top U.S. Army, Air Force warn against lifting gay ban too quickly See in context

Just who brought this subject up? I'll bet his initials are BO (Barack Obama)

Can't the Democrats leave well enough alone?

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Posted in: Reticent Toyota president typical for Japan Inc See in context

I have enjoyably been driving many types of Toyota but that was before I came down with a bad case of BO - (Before Obama)........

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Posted in: Jesus was gay, says Elton John See in context

Jesus did live in Auam Ethiopia for 15 years before he went to be crucified and he and Solomon built the Church of Mary and Jesus did have three childre by Mary Magdalene and I have a 2000 year old icon that depict all I have written above and from the icon it appears that Mary Magalene was a black as was the wife of Solomon (she was the queen of Shiba.) Solomon was the son of David.

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Posted in: Head of ward office in Okinawa town sets man on fire in parking lot See in context

Fumio, I can assure you that you have now joined the ranks of the unemployed and a position of rotisserie to mankind will be hard to find.

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Posted in: Jesus was gay, says Elton John See in context

Elton John: "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

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Posted in: Japan balks at $2 billion bill to host U.S. troops See in context

Actually, the chickens have come home to roost! 65 years ago our military went to Okinawa to help the Ryukyuan people rebuild what they had destroyed and to take care of the Ryikyuan survivors and the Okinawans were happy with us and many of us married Okinawan women. Yet a completely defeated Japan kept needling China and China wasn't too happy with Japan Year have passed and Japan still makes their visits to Yasakuni annd Japan still feels they should rebuild their military might. They want a big Navy and China yawns and ignores Japans yammering, because they know they would never have to go to Japan to defeat and destroy them. They have developed a missle that is three times as effective as the Hiroshima bomb and just one of them would completely detry Japan forever. Wake up Japan nobody likes you, but the American military and the Chinese do enjoy the friendship of the Ryukyuans and vice-versa

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Posted in: Japan balks at $2 billion bill to host U.S. troops See in context

I'm speachless!! Oh,what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." 65 years ago, we came to Okinawa to help the Ryukyuans to rebuild and we were appreciative of their hospitality, but Japanese greed changed whether we felt it was worthwhile to stay. Now, I feel that we should ALL return to the States, but lo the poor Ryukyuan!

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Posted in: Super Bowl most watched TV show ever See in context

Incidentally, I find I am a consistent fan of Sarge - who is always right on.

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Posted in: Super Bowl most watched TV show ever See in context

I am in agreement - 100% in what Sarge says. I was a consistent fan of Mash and I watched every show down through the years. The Super Bowl had little of interest to me and I never turned it on (Who was playing?)

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Posted in: Sefa Utaki in Okinawa offers glimpse into golden age See in context

Twenty years ago, Okinawa was a peaceful green island that was absolutely beautiful, but today, thanks to the Japanese, it is now covered with concrete buildings, Yes, to truly appreciate the beautild green islands there is only Mabuni Memorial Park aand I go there every time I arrive in Okinawa to "talk: with my father-in-law whose remains are in a large cairn adjacent to a viewing area - yes, I do believe in ancestor venoration.........

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Posted in: Sarah Palin assails Obama at 'tea party' gathering See in context

Sarah calls that we are ready for a revolution - Sory that Sarah says that as I feel impeachment is in the air. Every day I watch my dwindling bank account head for zero and frankly, I am worried for our entire country

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Posted in: New Zealand girl auctions her virginity to pay for tuition See in context

I wonder if a man offered his virginity and brought it up for bid to ladies only ( I has to write this in this manner as it will be read in San Francisco) do you feel it would rate the amount of space as used above????

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Posted in: U.S. ambassador: U.S.-Japan pact critical for peace See in context

While I would ordinarily agree with MEDIEVALTIMES it would be the Ryukyu Islands that would have to be taking it in the skivvies and you you would have to be blind not to see the mass of SDForces that is moving unto the island of Okinawa.

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