Posted in: Walls close in on defiant Trump See in context
I think he got allot of things done, and got no credit for it...but this does not equate conspiracy. If there is something there, we deserve to see it. I dont see anything. Trump was a disrupter, and exposed allot that is wrong in gov. What he is doing now, however, I cannot agree with. He should step out graciously with charm, and campaign in Georgia. 2020 was a twisted year, and I have absolutely no admiration for Biden or the dems, but people have moved on. You cant let the system judge the new team if they arent allowed to move in. The dictator like behavior....its really a bad look, this has gone too far. The media will come for Biden but with Trump in the way, its just making him look more ridiculous.
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Walls close in on defiant Trump See in context
@Tokyo Eng,
My concern was the radical left, but it seems things have self corrected to the center. Trump should shake on it, and just hand it over, there is nothing there when it comes to conspiracy, it would help the transition and his image. This drama is making things worse. I agree that Biden might be handling the pandemic better, but thats not saying much because now there is a vaccine, that he had nothing to do with. I agree that a temp lockdown might be needed because of the surge, but when there is light at the end of the tunnel, thats a much different situation to deal with than what we were hit with in March.
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Walls close in on defiant Trump See in context
Trump has to move on, this has gone off the rails. He deserves credit for all he did, but he is his worse enemy right now. There just isnt anything there to suggest massive fraud. He got a really bad deal in 2020: COVID, media, and the mail in ballots but that does not equal conspiracy. GWB2 had 9/11, the financial meltdown, and he had to move on, it happens. People have accepted he lost, and moved on to Biden. A constitutional crisis and switch back to Trump would be unstable, its bigger than Trump now, its the transfer of power. I think Biden is all about nothing and deserves no credit for anything until he proves himself, but it looks like things are moving back to the center, with moderate dems and diversity in the repub ranks with fresh senators. I can live with that, Ive made the transition. I was concerned the radical left would take over, seems things might go to the center...who knows.
9 ( +12 / -3 )
Posted in: Biden unlikely to alter U.S. base transfer plan in Okinawa: locals See in context
Marines behaving bad, committing crimes, not showing respect to locals, raping girls and women. ALL OF THAT IS AMERICA. Fact
somewhat agree, but you left out the predecessors....the Satsuma clan
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Biden unlikely to alter U.S. base transfer plan in Okinawa: locals See in context
The Marines do not have their own amphibious lift or water craft. Those are all US Navy owned and manned.
kinda sorta agree, the USMC has the MEUSOC but those boats are driven by the USN but those amphib carriers are not regular Navy...well its an "are but arent", to my understanding
Why would the USMC need its own boats? Redundancy x 2. They are the USN light infantry.
The Marines were never officially part of the special warfare community, or whatever they are calling it these days, until recently with MARSOC, but that evolution is too complicated to discuss here. Force worked for the MAGTF, and div recon worked at the bn level. Probably best stay away from the USMC vs. Army redundancy
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Biden unlikely to alter U.S. base transfer plan in Okinawa: locals See in context
Im no fan of Biden at all, I think he was the worst possible candidate to ever be chosen for the Dem ticket but Trump needs to move on, it would help transition all this base stuff and get the optics off of Trump and on to Biden. I never expected Biden to win, but it is what it is. The dragging by Trump is getting a bit old now.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Biden likely to push Japan to do more to combat climate change See in context
You make excellent points, its the free market that develops innovation, not the government, and the game changer fairy dust technology that Biden promises has yet to be developed.
Every President deserves the initial euphoria and giddy giddy noise, Im just waiting for when Biden has to start giving press briefings and accountability for all this.
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Biden likely to push Japan to do more to combat climate change See in context
Biden has vowed to "use every tool of American foreign policy to push the rest of the world to raise their (climate) ambitions alongside the United States," a sign that he may call for deeper cuts in carbon emissions by China, Japan and other major polluters.
China will continue to ignore any "tool" Biden has. If you read the Climate Control jobs energy plan, it looks like it was written by somebody lacking in facility, excuse me, lack of planning experience, because its full of the dreamy stuff the rest of the plans have for us.
The pivot to Asia precedence was a joke, for those of us who were actually in Japan at the time remember it only emboldened China even more, instead of the promised "containment".
1 ( +6 / -5 )
Posted in: Biden likely to push Japan to do more to combat climate change See in context
Interesting. Japans economy is in decline and their global carbon emissions dwarf in comparison to China. Why no mention?
"China, currently still the world’s most populous country, also has a slightly higher than average level of emissions per capita. The latest World Bank figures give this as 7.5 tonnes per capita, which compares to 4.6 for France, 9.3 for Norway, 8.9 for Germany, 6.5 for the UK and 16.5 for the USA. The global average was 5.0 and the EU overall was 6.4. Given that China is still undergoing steady economic growth, it seems unlikely that the emissions per capita will decline steeply enough to avoid a continued increase in total emissions over the next decade or two. "
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: After unpredictable Trump, Biden presidency will still be challenging for Japan See in context
Trump predicted everything... He wants to uncover the fraud and manipulation in the voting, mail ballot. He stand with American people against the hijacking of election as some third world countries do. This is a shame for America.
Trump should allow for the counting to be finished, the results shown to the public, and if legit, with charm and charisma, hand the torch to Biden. It would squash all the hate. Then return to civi life and twitter check the epic buffoonery about to come.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: After unpredictable Trump, Biden presidency will still be challenging for Japan See in context
Bidens police reform plan actually does make sense, but that should of been done years ago. Agreed, Trumps rhetoric and poor leadership on police brutality did not help things, but the lefts reaction of "defund the police" anarchy and violence, was bizarre. Still processing that.
The Dem mayors governors and Congressmen/women response.was the usual....nothing.
what is needed is the sunshine vaccine and people to return to work
Clouds like trillion dollar climate change jobs based on fairy dust technology are not.
The Dems should of fronted Buttigieg instead of Biden, come with fresh plans to counter the lefts insane budget dreams, as he did during the debates.
-8 ( +1 / -9 )
Posted in: Defense begins questioning in trial over Ghosn's pay See in context
Wow dude looks broken
13 ( +14 / -1 )
Posted in: Suicides in Japan rise in October for 4th straight month See in context
Japan has allot of people who live very lonely, solitaire lives. Ive seen them, just sitting alone, reading some paper with news all in Japanese, no cable TV or any kind of outside stimulus besides making their dinner, day after day. One guy would sit in the park, from morning to evening for months, smoking and drinking those chu hi. I could never figure out what he was thinking or his purpose in life. No desire to take a trip or start a business, I think that is actually discouraged. I once would visit this niche shop, and the girl there told me that in Japan, all the big stores sell everyday products so Japanese must think about something, that the customer cant find in those big stores, thats the only option for business. Perhaps its why so many study English also, to get some outside entertainment. Its kind of a society issue, self imposed. I like the hustle and life you find elsewhere.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: How can a U.S. president unify the country when almost half the voters didn't choose him? How does any elected leader in such a situation go about such a task? See in context
If Biden enters the presidency with a Democratic Congress, I predict he will make very little effort to reconcile with the right. His main concern will be securing the votes in Congress of those on his left, which means deeper divisions nationally.
reading the script from the episode "Another World" featuring "The Dems" we can read about the 2 trillion USD Climate Change "plan" that our more than qualified Dems have written for us. After all, their cities have been well run and managed. As long as it makes AOC happy, with her vast knowledge obtained while bar tending, why shouldt I be?
The grid scale storage idea...???? Rally the rest of the world to meet the threat of climate change? Im sure China and India will fully cooperate
Who will pay?
The proposal doesn't include specifics on how it would be paid for. Senior campaign officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss strategy said it would require a mix of tax increases on corporations and the wealthy and deficit spending aimed at stimulating the economy.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: GOP to let Trump fight election for weeks despite Biden's win See in context
100% agree, but according to MSM, it appears he is accepting his "path to losing" I knew he would. Allot of people loved him, and he will probably have a sayonara rally.
Trump did a very poor job of inventorying all the Dem failures and hypocrisy, they were numerous but it would of helped his campaign, as would this latest COVID vaccine.
Ive moved on to more interesting things; The Dem Show. While concerning, its also very entertaining. Its surreal to think just months ago, Kamela was yelling, or trying to convince us by yelling, during the Dem debates, that Joes "man of the times" racist busing polices affected her personally. Joes response was the usual stupor. Now its all warm and fuzzy.
I was around in 1992, when Powell, member of a conservative republican Bush team managed the deployment of US Marines and Army Federal troops to control the LA riots.
A familiar name appeared: Maxine Waters. Seems she was about nothing then, just as she is now....1992 - 2020...well you do the math. We need logrithmic math to quantify the Dems buffoonery.
Joe Collins, a Navy vet and AA from her district, was showcasing her incompetence during his run for office. Waters response was
" For those Black young men who think somehow they can align themselves with Trump, not only are they terrible mistaken, any of them showing their face, I will never, ever forgive them for undermining the possibility to help their own people and their own communities."
One of many Trumps accomplishments was his lack of fear of retaliation. There is no better catalyst for change than someone who can showcase your dirt without fear or retribution.
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: How can a U.S. president unify the country when almost half the voters didn't choose him? How does any elected leader in such a situation go about such a task? See in context
There will lots of initial enthusiasm of using scare tactics of making Trump supporters political prisoners, but its only a diversion to mask their incompetence.
Biden inherited all of Trumps economy, which was destroyed by the Dems shelter in place absurdity and the 1 billion plus property damage done by the worst rioting in US history, now that there is a vaccine, all of the retail and hotel industry jobs Trump created will reappear in the 1st Term of Bidens presidency. No novel vaccine or rioting or vengeful MSM. Watch them claim credit for all of it, then slowly dismantle and destroy it.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Refusing to concede, Trump blocks cooperation on transition See in context
yeah the optics dont look good on this, he needs to accept it and move on, continuing the legal investigation but step down. The left wing radicals were thrown some trinkets, but it was allot of noise, so it now appears. They played allot of fun and games, but they didnt take over.
It is what it is, let the same system that tested Trump, now test joe and the Dems The system meaning the people the Congress and eventually the media. I still think it works. Let us see.
-13 ( +8 / -21 )
Posted in: A worried Asia wonders: What will Joe Biden do? See in context
Trump was never about foreign policy, he was about America 1st and it was needed, it had been neglected for decades. Nothing was being made in the US, it had become a shell of what it used to be. I think with 4 more years of Trump without the COVID the US would of been in a very good position.
-7 ( +3 / -10 )
Posted in: A worried Asia wonders: What will Joe Biden do? See in context
Lots of scary assesments...) Lets hope these Dem "got this"
please be advised I have no admiration for any right wing or left wing fringe group. many of these groups you mention, I have no idea who/what that even is.There is allot of that in Japan also, and I despise all that crap. In any country, its usually a signal of a deeper issue. I find hypocrisy, however, that many rightist groups are rightly prosecuted or called out, but the summer left wing rampage was excused. It left a big impact on me, and MSM celebrity and others promotion of it. It was not freedom of speech, it was more about violence and revolution. Law that is not applied equally always causes deep divisions.
I believe that this administration should be under the same microscope that Trump was, if not more so. That itself would start the healing process. I will readily admit that I can see where some found racism in Trumps behavior and I always condemned that. Perhaps some of his behavior was some kind of coping mechanism, due to the constant harassment. I have never seen anyone endure that level of hate, but that does not excuse allot of what he said. I think his populous polices however were needed to get the US out of the ditch created by neo con wars and liberal fantasy think. With Trump, truth and reality were always transparent, with the left, I honestly have no idea what they are about.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: A worried Asia wonders: What will Joe Biden do? See in context
yes I agree there has been many discussions about the mutation but Im just trying to find the game changer in Bidens COVID plan....looks like a copy paste of what Trump was doing.
Exactly, Trump will refuse to leave the the Proud Boys, KKK, OathKeeper, 3%ers, Bundies, and other Militia 2ANRA people will fight for Trump violently.
So far that only exist in your mind, but now that the "defund the police" campaign is over, Im sure law and order would prevent any such occurrence, if only we could of had the same respect for property and LEF during the summer rampage.
I expect the new US Secretary of State to play a more vital role in foreign affairs as President Biden may not want to travel abroad a lot.
In contrast to a President who was a beast, actually got COVID and was out of the hospital in a week, much to the MSM and other chagrin. Theres been allot of mention of Putin and now we have a strong President. I hope so, but Id rather have a brute diesel pickup that everybody says its ugly but it gets stuff done than a truck with so much mileage on it that I got to keep it parked and drive it once a week.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: A worried Asia wonders: What will Joe Biden do? See in context
I agree we need cooperation, but China appears to have the virus under control. They locked that place up for weeks. We need a vaccine.
Just keeping things in context and objective...lots of Trump bad, Trump did nothing...but during those first weeks of COVID discovery.....forgot about all that?
-10 ( +2 / -12 )
Posted in: A worried Asia wonders: What will Joe Biden do? See in context
This will require a global, vigorous and determined political strategy to compel the Government of China to fully cooperate.
Short memory?
After the Beijing visit, though, WHO said in a statement that it appreciated “especially the commitment from top leadership, and the transparency they have demonstrated.” Only after the meeting did it declared, on Jan. 30, a public health emergency of international concern. And after China reported only a few new cases each day, WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic March 11—even though it had spread globally weeks before
-10 ( +1 / -11 )
Posted in: Trumpism will outlast Trump, who defied the odds, grew the base See in context
but thats not the briefing I saw. He said he had 50 witnesses, who would testify they were denied access to the polls.
I agree, there is probably nothing there, but that does seem suspect. Personally, I think if Trump would not of been handed COVID, and allowed to have the rock show area style rallies like he was doing before the COVID, he was guaranteed a win. The Dems were in such a disarray, such a joke show, I would get a laugh ever time I watched their debates. with Warren and Bernies insanity. not even 12 mos ago, it was certian they would of lost. Kam attacking Joe, with a joke for a health care plan, lost Joe was clueless and other snickering Dem candidates making him look...well, we went from that to now. Trump did blunder on the COVID he did say dumb things, he got into the weeds with conspiracy and fringe stuff. Overall, however, I think Joe will never met, or beat his record. I just read a bloomberg report advising Joe to continue Trumps eccentric economic policies, ditch any Obama 2 dreams, or else all would end in failure.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump-to-Biden presidential transition could be rockier than most See in context
That is rich as Democrats after Obama did a lot to trip up Trump. In any case, I want a smooth transition. Good luck Mr. Biden.
They sure did, I remember that. Gloomy faces from day 1.
Could of all been avoided; vote in person, as most repubs did
Dem controlled cities with mail in ballots? People voting Biden but also voting for a repub house? Thats like me voting Trump and for a dem at the same time. What for?
Its Trumps trademark, and his right. The Giuliani briefing was very strange; observers being denied access to polls. What for? Probably nothing there, but why do that?
-9 ( +1 / -10 )
Posted in: A worried Asia wonders: What will Joe Biden do? See in context
Biden is a pro when it comes to international relations, and that says a lot considering what his soon to be predecessor was like. Speculating now is not going to do anything, nor help anything.
Yes he certainly is, as Giuliani discovered.
-6 ( +8 / -14 )
Posted in: A worried Asia wonders: What will Joe Biden do? See in context
think should be thing...sorries
? means...use your imagination, con, ptich etc
-9 ( +4 / -13 )
Posted in: A worried Asia wonders: What will Joe Biden do? See in context
getting rid of the oil industry
thats safe for now. The renewable energy pitch was just to make the lefties happy and vote, there is no such think. Was a dismal failure under Obama, as I posted but that was deleted. Sorry, I mentioned Hunter and a pipe
TX voted out the loons, excuse me again..Dems, so they are safe. Joe knows better than to touch that anyway, even though he promised to get rid of fossil fuel energy, he will be Joe and pivot. Many on the right and left bought the ? but the bait was too stinky for me.
-8 ( +10 / -18 )
Posted in: Biden unlikely to alter U.S. base transfer plan in Okinawa: locals See in context
Okinawa belongs to China? Let them have it. After all the Ryukyu Kingdom was a Chinese vassal state and not really independent. Everyone knows China will treat the Okinawans more gently than the Americans. Their military personnel will never leave base to disturb native sensibilities and their aircraft fly noiselessly and never ever crash.
interesting take, being they were once connected to China Tokyo would never allow China that to happen, thats too close. I dont know any Oki people, have no idea about their politics.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Biden unlikely to alter U.S. base transfer plan in Okinawa: locals See in context
Im ignorant of the present Oki situation but a few years ago, there was an independent Okinawa movement, with a website. Not sure how much momentum it had.
What do Okinawa folks want? Less of Tokyo, more US bases? More protection from China?
I know they have a long history as a tributary of China and you could see the Chinese influence in their culture. I was stationed there many moons ago.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: A worried Asia wonders: What will Joe Biden do? See in context
For starters, remove all the Trump China tariffs. Why not? It will help China recover and make the US economy worse....well might get those gadgets cheaper.
-17 ( +8 / -25 )
With 'America First' EU leaders like Ursula von der Leyen expect more defections.
Posted in: Bombshell as France's Breton slams door on EU commission
Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life
Posted in: Japan pledges 3 mil doses of mpox vaccine to WHO
As if Europeans would know. I know. Deal with it.
Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life