Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
@SpanishEyez37 "Well maybe he should break out the checkbook and donate to Haiti or shut his piehole."
Considering he is taxed in the U.S. highest tax bracket he is donating through his tax dollars. $400 million over 8 years is alot of taxes! The top 25% of income earners pay 86% of the taxes in the U.S.
When the U.S. gives $100 million dollars (which is $99 million more than China gave BTW) that's money from U.S. tax payers.
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Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
@guest I'd love some examples of Limbaugh preaching against scumbag drug users. Also people who have a drug addiction regardless of the reason aren't exactly proud of it and aren't very forthcoming regarding their addiction. Why does that surprise you? I would do my best to conceal it to.
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Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
@zurcronium so many fallacies in your statements. I do have one question first though why do liberals have a love for playing with peoples names in this case "Drugs Limbaugh" "Faux News" etc. it comes off as petty and childish.
Limbaugh was prescribed Oxycontin due to back pain and like many people became addicted to them. He admitted it like a man and got help for it. He also lost most of his hearing and needs to use a cochlear implant to hear. Do you really think he wanted that? Where is the compassion that liberals claim to have? the man made a mistake he like you is not infallible.
Regarding his weight you are wrong again but that probably won't prevent you from spouting more false accusations on this forum. He was quite heavy most of his life and through the time he was oxycontin. Last year he made some lifestyle adjustments and has dropped a considerable amount of weight. It is telling that you would make inflammatory statements about somebody that you have no clue about.
I still fail to see where Limbaugh is racist. Surely no self respecting racist would hire an African American to be the producer of his show. Also when Rush is out often his fill in is Walter E Williams who is a brilliant econ professor who is.......gasp African American! Why would a racist choose a black man as his fill in and employ one to produce his show. Liberals have race on the brain and think nothing of tossing the term "racist" around and you are no exception.
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Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
I am still at a loss as to what his "lie" was. The funny thing is due to your unwillingness to "fully understand" all the nuance in Limbaugh's "media tweak" and yet still comment on it you kind of fell victim to it. It's quite something to watch.
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Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
@dontknockit I think I am going to have to bow out of this conversation after this as the level of misinformation regarding the topic at hand is staggering. You say "Now is not the time to say that giving to Haiti has done no good, therefore, don't give now"
He did not say "don't give now" what he said was don't do so through the government. Before forming strong opinions on any given topic it is wise practice to concern yourself with facts beforehand.
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Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
"We want everybody to succeed"
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Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
@skipthesong I am curious how do you know the demographics of Rush's listenership? His program director is an African American but that is besides the point. What does race have to do with it? That is an odd way of thinking. I am white does that mean I shouldn't listen to the message of lets say a Chris Gardner?
I would ask you to watch his cpac speech on youtube with an open mind. It is beyond me how somebody could watch that and come away with a negative feeling either towards him or towards the message. I never fully understood why some people have such a problem with conservative principles as a whole.
That speech can be viewed here: give it a watch its a year old he's not pretty to look at. Pretend he's a non white man delivering that same message and please tell me if you take issue with his statements.
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Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
@skipthesong I listen to Rush Limbaugh through this wonderful thing called the internet. It is amazing! you should check it out.....oh wait.
You didn't think Rush Limbaugh made money? He us currently enjoying a $400 million contract good through 2016 with a $100 million signing bonus. He is a self made man and while one might and often do disagree with his politics, the life he has made due to his own efforts is admirable.
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Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
@Hehehohohaha again you fail to fully understand the "media tweak"
@zurcronium Rush Limbaugh has lost a considerable amount of weight perhaps you could resort to a different attack on his appearance now that one is no longer valid.
Large sums of money has been given to Haiti in the past and it still is a poverty stricken wasteland, the situation never improves. Rounding up money is probably not the answer when it won't get to where it needs to be anyways. But perhaps a lesson can be learned from this. Dictators = bad Democracy and Capitalism = good.
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Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
Hehehohohaha what did he lie about? he lies to get ratings? that doesn't even make sense and is a bit insulting considering he has a rather large listening audience. Are you saying that many people enjoy being lied so much that they will tune in day after day?
I'd love some specifics though because anybody can just accuse another of lying but it means very little without exact examples. You disagreeing with his views does not make him a liar.
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Posted in: Limbaugh's Haiti comments 'really stupid,' says White House See in context
As somebody who listens to Rush everyday I think it is funny that he does what he calls the "media tweak of the day" and he says something outlandish to see if the liberal news networks run with it.........and they take the bait everytime.
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Posted in: U.S. takes charge in Haiti — with troops, rescue aid See in context
rajakumar that is interesting logic. The U.S. also contributed mass amounts of aid to Thailand during the typhoon that happened there. According to your logic somebody else should have led those efforts. I hear alot about Venezuela trying to be a power player they even had one U.S. senator praising Chavez. They are a mere 870 miles from Haiti....where are they? where is Cuba? I think the missing component here is capitalism if it were present would Haiti have been better equipped to deal with a disaster such as an earthquake? I say yes as they are way below the average on the index of economic freedom. In case you are not up to speed on such things they are ranked #147 even way behind countries like Rwanda Ethiopia.
With air travel as efficient as it is nowadays proximity is no excuse for not helping. People love to bash the U.S. but if there is ever a day when it goes away man please be careful for what you all wished for as any republic is fragile. China saw a 9% economic increase and they contributed a paltry 1 million dollars. Pathetic.
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Posted in: U.S. takes charge in Haiti — with troops, rescue aid See in context
It is amazing that even in a down economy the American people come through again and are still bashed. China gave 1 million dollars! Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie contributed that much between just the two of them. Next time I say all Americans citizens halt their donations and aid....then who will step up? China? clearly not.
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Posted in: GOP: Response to Reid remark shows double standard See in context
Conservative's would tell a young African American that the sky is the limit and almost anything in America can be achieved if you are willing to invest the hard work necessary to get where you want to go. Liberals are obsessed with race. It is all they talk about then they go ahead and end school vouchers which gives predominantly underprivileged kids a chance at a better education and buses them to other schools. These programs are also mostly merit based. Liberals who have made it also love to tell you that you can't. Take Michelle Obama for instance telling African Americans in a speech that the "system is stacked against them"
The argument that there aren't currently any black republican senators is a silly one. Are you familiar with the local senate races? in which instance was a black republican overlooked in favor of a white one? Or were there none to run in the first place? if the latter is true in your eyes then this leads us to a bigger problem and that is what is it about the democratic message that is appealing to most blacks in America today? All I hear is negativity and telling people they can't do something not building them up. Places like Detroit keep electing democratic leadership and the peoples lives never improve. Its is almost like they enjoy being lied to. When somebody comes in and says look you need to educate yourself, live within your means, and work hard that is understandably a more bitter pill to take when democrats offer Obama money
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Posted in: GOP: Response to Reid remark shows double standard See in context
for the uninitiated heres the original magical negro column. Next time be a little but hinest in yoru debates and actually educate yoruself on the very topic you are trying to argue.,0,3391015.story
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Posted in: GOP: Response to Reid remark shows double standard See in context
Dear Idiots, The infamous "Barack the Magic Negro" first appeared in an LA Times opinion article written by David Ehrenstein. Rush Limbaugh parodied the column in song to get a rise out of liberals and it worked as planned. It is also fair to note that Rush Limbaugh is a private citizen he is not a politician rather he is a political commentator with a radio show on the AM band. He does not shape policy and has no power to influence or effect the lives of American citizens through policy. He is a private citizen. Again morons.....private citizen. zurcronium please tell me who the republican leader is that you speak of that made this comment? why not actually research where that came from? Ehrenstein is a liberal!!!!
I also find it funny to see people bring up political party history to try and prove the republicans are racist. Somebody needs to crack open an American history book for a much needed refresher course.
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Posted in: Obama says terror attack 'dots' not connected See in context
Timothy McVeigh was not a right winger he was anti-government just because one does not identify with the left does not make them a right winger by default and vice-versa.
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Posted in: Police shoot man attacking Muhammad cartoonist in Denmark See in context
And why was he even allowed to be in Denmark? Political Correctness / Liberal Attitudes
"For the life of me I can't understand this intolerance." Welcome to Christianity too.
Unless we are going way back in time this argument is weak as Christians are not going around committing terrorist acts save for the once a decade abortion clinic attack. Find another argument.
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Posted in: NYC victim's mom: EMTs were 'inhuman' not to help See in context
Typical attitude of union laborers.
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Posted in: Fort Hood suspect prevented from praying See in context
Who cares? He gave up his rights the day he decided to act out violently. He should be shoved down a well to rot alone.
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Posted in: Merry Christmas, happy holidays, season's greetings and anything else I may have missed See in context
Excellent commentary!
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Posted in: Gun laws are getting looser across much of U.S. See in context
@featherhead nice revisionist history. Go back and try again.
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Posted in: Single-payer health care plan dies in Senate See in context
No GOP vote was needed for this to be passed. Most Americans don't want this. Sanders is a socialist.
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Posted in: Blue Ocean See in context
Why aren't the climate change whackos protesting this type of display?
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Posted in: A word of warming See in context
I like the point that they all flew over here wasting "precious emissions" Japan didn't need you to be here. I wonder how many of them eat meat not even realizing how many miles it has traveled before it hits their pieholes.
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Posted in: Seattle police kill suspect in officer slayings See in context
yabits: How is this possibly the fault of Republicans? You must be thinking of Huckabee. I despise the man and consider him to be hardly a conservative however, you can't blame him for reducing a 16 year old's life sentence to 47 years for a crime that wasn't a homicide. Once this guy was paroled, he violated it. Then he continued to commit crimes and was released from jail continuously in Arkansas and Washington. One week ago, he bailed out while being held on a child rape charge.
Try and look beyond political parties when forming an opinion you will be taken more seriously.
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Posted in: Security tightened in Tokyo for Obama's visit See in context
my2sense ...."ain't democracy great?" What alternative to democracy do you support?
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Posted in: Trump vows to be 'best friend' to Jewish Americans, as allegations of ally's antisemitism surface
Posted in: Trump vows to be 'best friend' to Jewish Americans, as allegations of ally's antisemitism surface
Posted in: Trump vows to be 'best friend' to Jewish Americans, as allegations of ally's antisemitism surface
Posted in: 'Pokemon with guns' game Palworld’s developer gets sued by Nintendo/Pokemon Company