Japan Today

thetruthhurts comments

Posted in: S Korean troops bracing for possible N Korean attack See in context


We don't disagree that much. I think war should be avoided, too. However, skipthesong brings up a valid point. The US and SK have been doing these trainings in the same area for a long time. This one was planned a long time back. There have been no NK civilians killed through such training exercises. There was no reason for NK to think there would be this time. They killed civilians for attention. We agree they were completely wrong. They need to be seriously watched. I like the Richardson developments for the short term. However, considering NK's past record, I think the US and SK should be on guard. If that means the occasional training exercise, so be it. Use the carrot, but also be prepared to use the stick.

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Posted in: S Korean troops bracing for possible N Korean attack See in context


Exactly. Why can't people check this stuff out before they get all hot under the collar. NK did this and it is their fault. It is not Japan's fault. It is not SK's fault and it is not the US's fault. It is NK's fault 100%.

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Posted in: Baby girl in critical condition after getting head trapped in car window See in context

Does this mean no-one thought of releasing the window before the ambulance got there? That's just pathetic...

Possibly. However, it is also possible the woman locked the doors with a keyless entry system and left the key in the ignition. One would hope that if the car was unlocked that the bystander would have opened the window.

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Posted in: S Korean troops bracing for possible N Korean attack See in context

Do not get me wrong. I am not all gung ho for a war, not one bit.I just am sick of people making excuses for NK and cloaking them in the 'high road' kind of speeches. I think the world has definitely taken the high road with NK. All the aid they have received in the face of their asinine actions is the proof of this.

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Posted in: S Korean troops bracing for possible N Korean attack See in context


I know you were playin'. No worries. The other day, I honestly was not sure if the person I was responding to was referring to the shelling or to something else at first. Using the term shelling makes it clearer which idiotic thing NK did that is being referred to.

They've been doing them in that exact location with the same threats all the time? Please.

Please what ;)? Yes, I believe they have been doing them roughly in the same location. As to the threats, NK is always threatening SK and the US. Don't you keep up? I agree about the pride and face saving however. Thing is, there are times when NK should be made aware they have crossed the line of reason. They were this time and they seem to now understand it. So, it is all good right now.

Have you never heard the expression 'It takes two to tango'?

Yes. It does not apply here. NK is the aggressor and it has always been so. As you say in your next sentence, 'NK instigated this from the get-go'. So, this is not about tangoing. It is about NK constantly trying to intimidate its neighbors. Perhaps your analogy works with some individuals. However, we are talking about a country that kidnapped its neighbors citizens and denied doing so for a very long time. The high road has already been taken by Japan and SK for not stopping the aid they are constantly forking over to NK. Time for NK to learn to walk on the high road, too for a change.

You do seem to be attempting to make it look otherwise, but you are definitely putting the onus for peace on the actual victims of violence rather than the perpetrator of the violence. That is kind of what I am tired of. NK had a choice not to shell innocent civilians. They chose to shell them. SK and the US have not done anything of the sort to NK.

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Posted in: How bad do you think the tension on the Korean Peninsula is going to get? See in context

This one already has bitten.

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Posted in: Baby girl in critical condition after getting head trapped in car window See in context

Acccording to the Japanese press, the 41 yr old is a nursery school teacher. She left the engine running when she got out of the car and she was evidently on her cell phone when the accident happened.

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Posted in: S Korean troops bracing for possible N Korean attack See in context

thetruthhurts: Are you going to get mad at the media for using the word 'bombed' instead of 'shelled'? :)

Actually, if the shells were fired from artillery or the like the correct term is in fact 'shell' not bomb. 'Bomb' generally means the bombs were dropped from above as in from aircraft. So, yes, the media is wrong if they are using the word 'bomb' ;)

SK and the US have been doing these exercises for a long time and have never harmed any NK civilians in the process. NK is barking in the wind to get food and such. I am tired of people blaming everyone but NK. It is their fault they killed civilians and no one elses.

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Posted in: Iranian forces on alert as fuel prices soar 400% See in context

This is a small bump on the road to Iran having nuclear energy for only peaceful purposes. Then Iranians will be zipping around happily in nuclear powered cars and all this fuel prices silliness will be like a dream.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context


Thank you for your wonderful analysis! You are correct, of course. When Israel went in to steal the land of it neighbors that they had been working and planning for close to twenty years to give to the Palestinians for their own independent nation, the neighboring countries were extremely friendly and peaceful with Israel. Israel took advantage of the neighbors' kindnesses and peacefulness and went in suddenly and just took the land.

You are correct, one peaceful day Israel just decided to go into its neighbors' land and steal it. The Arabs have always been friendly and peaceful to Israel and Israel just selfishly took land. It was like a stab in the back to the friendly nations around Israel.

You are right about the fact that China is in no way interested in any relationship with Israel either economically or militarily and it has been this way for at least 17 years. In fact, very recently China went to bat for Iran against Israel because China does not like Israel at all.

Thank you for you concise and truthful opinions!

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Posted in: Tokyo to host international laughter competition See in context


Well, let's hope it's genuine laughter. That would be infectious.

I think that is the goal of the organization. Check out the site. They seem like decent folk.

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Posted in: Tokyo to host international laughter competition See in context

Actually, according to the site, it is to watch the movie about laughter, take part in a laughter workshop and to enter/watch the contest.

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Posted in: Tokyo to host international laughter competition See in context

Isn't the 6,000 yen to enter the contest or is it to enter to see it? It can't be just to watch. That'd be too hilarious!

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Posted in: Hiroshi Tachi, Yumiko Shaku to star in NHK period drama See in context

Shaku said. Tachi then explained, “Don’t say ‘I love you’. Don’t say you can cook. Don’t say you’re faithful. Those are the three sentences that drive men crazy.”

Depends on the definition of 'drive men crazy'. Just looking at Shaku could drive more than a few men crazy and not in the bad way.

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Posted in: Blue ocean See in context

That is a very cool photo!

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Posted in: Abbas holds rare meeting with Israeli lawmakers See in context

at a time when U.S.-led peace efforts seem hopelessly bogged down.

It is always hopelessly bogged down. No 'seem' about it.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

Yeah, you're probably right, considering the Israelis took all the best land, leaving only a few tiny scattered pieces of land for the Palestinians

Absolutely, Israel just took it. There was no reason for that whatsoever. The surrounding Arab countries have been nothing but kind and understanding and that is how Israel responded. Remember how hard the neighoring countries had worked on their nearly twenty year plan of preparing the land for the independent Palestinian state when Israel just took it suddenly?

The most likely solution, and the fairest, would be a one-state solution (with the right of return for the displaced Palestinians) where every person has equal rights; i.e., DEMOCRACY.

Exactly, because no one recognizes the existence of the state of Israel anyway. It does not really exist. In fact, would it not be easier to just force all the Israelis out? Maybe they could be put in some sort of camps or something. Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?

The only support they get is from some bribed/blackmailed leaders; bribed using some of the massive financial aid Israel receives.

Straight up again! As the only country in the region that receives aid, it is not a surprise that they would use it in such a way. Did you know, the surrounding countries don't receive any aid at all. Not only that, Palestinians don't either. Can you believe it? Furthermore, most, if not all, Western and Middle Eastern leaders are merely bribed puppets put into power by a secret group that controls mostly everything in the world. In fact, mostly very country's government is like that. All except the Palestinian leadership. Thankfully their honestly is above question.

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Posted in: Your shout See in context

When I saw the small version of the picture, I thought they were protesting Ka-tun and NYC.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

BTW, since 1992 Israel and China have had no economic or military cooperation whatsoever. Israel was not the first country in the Middle East to recognize China. Please don't believe the MSM hype. Israel does not have any support in the world. That is because it is always wrong. It certainly will be interesting to see how the relationship between Israel and its neighbors and the Palestinian changes when and if China would to overtake the US because their is no mutual recognition between Israel and China.

Thanks for pointing out this wonderful truths as well.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context


Well done! Because of the controlled MSM most people are not aware that only Israel receives aid money from the US. None of the other neighboring countries do and neither does Palestine. People also need to understand that this entire conflict is Israel's fault. Israel's neighbors have tried time and time again to make peace with Israel, to no avail. This is nothing to say of Hamas' great efforts in attempting to make peace. It really is sad to see all these countries making all this effort for so many years and have their wonderful kind effort ignored by Israel and the MSM.

You wrote correctly that Israel suddenly and for no reason whatsoever took land away from its neighbors that they had been carefully planning for almost twenty years to give to the Palestinians for their own independent state. All that planning and preparation for nothing. Even after that, the neighboring countries have only reached their hands out in peace to Israel.

Thank for such a clear and truthful picture of the situation.

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Posted in: Woman allegedly killed by neighbor after seeking police help on 5 occasions See in context

I agree. It is highly unlikely she would have provided a photo of the suspect. This is a perfect example of why filing a complaint is so important. Hopefully this case will help to convince more victims of this kind of violence and abuse to actively seek out the help of the police in a way that makes it possible for the assailant to be charged with and arrested for their crimes. Things have gotten a lot better in this regard. Hopefully they will improve even more from now on.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context


Of course you are absolutely correct. As I said, the surrounding Arab countries have always been seeking peace with Israel as have the Palestinians. As you also know, the countries in the Middle East have never expelled any Jews from their countries. They have always been most welcoming. This is shown by the fact that the numbers of Jews in these countries have not only stayed exactly the same as they were, they have actually increased in the past sixty years. Good catch on that. The Arab countries have never attacked Israel and neither have the Palestinians. Anything to the contrary is, of course, manufactured by the MSM. I appreciate your constant repeating of the truth.

Apparently not, it was not enough for some.

Of course I understood you and agree with all of your fine truths. However, the way you wrote what you wrote was indeed silly. It is like writing you like all foods and apples.

The Israelis' actions are THE obstacle to peace, they do not want peace, they never have, and likely never will want peace.

Again, bravo! The Arab countries have been most courteous and kind to Israel since even before it brutally, suddenly and unreasonably took land the surrounding countries had been planning for nearly twenty years to make into an independent Palestinian state. Even after that, the Arab countries have been nothing but reasonable and considerate towards Israel. Hamas in particular has been making a constant effort to create a peaceful atmosphere in which peace should exist. It is all Israel's fault that peace has never come to the region. Thank you for telling the world about this.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

No. I wanted to demonstrate that it was not just a popular belief, or the Arab world.

Don't you think the International Court of Justice and the UN kind of covered those as well?

This conflict is so clear and unambiguous

It really is, isn't it. Israel has been loved and accepted from the beginning by its neighbors. This love and acceptance continued all the way up to 67. Even after Israel suddenly and without any reason at all took land its neighbors had been preparing for nearly twenty years to make an independent state for the Palestinians, Israel has only been met with continued acceptance and love on the part of its neighbors. This is also true of the Palestinian leadership, especially Hamas. They have offered nothing but solutions, love and acceptance. We should not believe the MSM, but only our hearts in this affair.

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Posted in: U.S. Marine's Japanese widow allowed to live in U.S. See in context

Great holiday present even if it is later than it should have been. I hope this brings a bit of peace to the family.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

By "others", I am referring to other groups.

Perhaps, but don't you think 'the entire world kind of covers that well enough?

That says it all. It is crystal clear that the Israelis are the obstacle to peace, they do not want peace, they never have, and likely never will want peace.

You really have hit the nail on the head here! The surrounding Arab countries have been pleading with Israel to make peace with Israel for decades now. In addition, Hamas has announced their desire for peace so many times Israeli ears must be ringing. People should not believe the false reports in the MSM suggesting that Hamas leaders are planning new attacks or them saying that they will never recognize Israel. Hamas has always just wanted to be friends with Israel. It is time for the misunderstanding to stop.

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Posted in: Suicide bombers kill at least 39 in southeast Iran See in context

Indeed, that is their modus operandi.

I agree. It is well known that there has never been any conflict whatsoever between Shiites and Sunnis. This is a fantasy created by the MSM and supported by them. Shiites and Sunnis and love each other and only want peace as do their leaders.

why does he support such terrorists.

Right again! After all, all people living in Iran are perfectly happy and there is absolutely no discontent amongst the people there. Setting up a suicide bomb can only be done by an extremely advanced country such as the US. Local people could never and would never be behind such a thing.

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Posted in: Woman allegedly killed by neighbor after seeking police help on 5 occasions See in context

I just read my post and I miswrote and cut off parts in the middle. I will try again. They were seen together almost every day up until two months ago. It was this fall when the victim went several times to the police. Since the suspect moved into the apartment two years ago, they probably had been dating for a period of less than two years. It seems they broke up around two months ago as they were not seen together from that point. Also recently the suspect had been seen walking drunk around the neighborhood and was even carried up to his apartment by the police on occasion. So, depending on who the victim spoke with it is possible the police knew both the victim and the suspect and knew of their relationship. Again, many of the articles are complete and some are even incorrect, especially right when the reports come out. Certainly, it would be healthy to question the behavior of the police and whether they did enough. I would agree with your assessment that they certainly failed to convince the woman to file charges. I still have questions as to whether they could have done more regardless.

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Posted in: Woman allegedly killed by neighbor after seeking police help on 5 occasions See in context


As I said, the lack of information in some of the articles in national newpapers and the like is less a language one (as we are only talking about Japanese media) and more of a pure information one. Many of the major outlets did not mention the relationship between the two beyond customer and service provider. For example, were you aware that the suspect. It turns out that they had mostly been seen together starting about 2 months ago. Now, I have not looked at enough articles to know, but the suspect moved into the apartment two years ago, and they started to be seen together two months ago. So, it seems that although they possibly knew each other for two years, it seems more likely they started dating more recently. It also seems that it was during that time, the victim visited the police and told them she was being hit. It is possible that she went five times in the past two months. Now, you asked some very important questions that, again, don't seem to be answered in the article. Did the assailant knew that the victim already discussed this matter with the police? Did the victim identify the assailant/BF while she was discussing with the police? As you wrote, those questions do not seem to be answered. Without this information, it really is difficult to know whether the police could have done more for her. I would like to know how much they tried to though.

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Posted in: Woman allegedly killed by neighbor after seeking police help on 5 occasions See in context


Exactly. Sadly, if she were still alive there would probably be some claiming she was lying. Her death is sad proof that she was indeed afraid.

The police can and do investigate the possibility of crimes regularly. They do not need to have special permission (someone filing charges) to do this. I think there has to be some middle ground in which the police can investigate the possibility of violence even if charges have not been filed. Exactly what that middle ground is should be for legal, government and inforcement officials to consider. While difficult, it could saves lives.

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Posted in: Savoie's suit against judge dismissed in child abduction See in context

I truly can't be bothered to read all the comments about this or the other articles about this case. It really is a he said she said kind of thing. I think audacious has made one of the best posts so far on this subject. It is the kids that suffer and deserve our sympathy.

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