Japan Today

thetruthhurts comments

Posted in: Savoie's suit against judge dismissed in child abduction See in context


First, please do not take my explanation as any form of excuse for Savoie. It is merely clarification of the laws involved in the case that you brought up. I don't know the man and don't know what he did vis-a-vis the law. However, it is possible that he did not lie in either case. The US does not report any such information to Japan, as most countries would not about their own citizens. Japan also does not always ask for proof of the reliquishing of another country's citizenship. Kind of a 'don't ask don't tell'.

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Posted in: Savoie's suit against judge dismissed in child abduction See in context

To be clear, unless Savoie explicitly stated he wanted to give up his US citizenship and that that was his intent, he would not be required under US law to relinquish his US citizenship. Merely applying for and seeking another country's citizenship is not enough. There have been many cases about this and the result was this decision.

Of course, according to Japanese law, he should have given up his US citizenship. However, as you probably know, many do not.

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Posted in: Savoie's suit against judge dismissed in child abduction See in context


As long as Savoie did not intend to give up his US citizenship when he applied for the Japanese one, he would not be required to do so under US law. Depending on the situation, it is possible they could lose US citizenship. However, it is not a requirement. This is according to the US State Dept.

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Posted in: Woman allegedly killed by neighbor after seeking police help on 5 occasions See in context

The articles I have read suggested the suspect knew the victim through his visits to her eating and drinking establishment (snack?). I asked you before and will try again, how long had they been 'going together'?

BTW, you misunderstood, I was not saying the victim not filing charges did not make any difference. In fact, I said the opposite above. I was talking about whether the victim was dating the suspect or not. I don't think that makes much difference.

Again, as to the police 'inaction', my thinking is whether they did all they could under the law or not given that the victim did come to them 5 times. Yes, they would have been able to act much more strongly if she had filed charges. However, do the police have any options at all when there is a suspicion of a crime yet not desire on the part of the victim to file charges? Personally, I do not know. My police aquaintances say their hands are tied.

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Posted in: Woman allegedly killed by neighbor after seeking police help on 5 occasions See in context

Yes it does.

No, it does not. People dating or living together still struggle with whether to move or not just as people who are not dating do when they are victims of DV.

Of course I have. And???

And, you act as though she 'refused' because everything was okay. She could have been refusing because she was afraid.

Police are not mind readers. You cannot ask them to take drastic action when the victim herself doesn't think the action was necessarily.

Yes, this is true. However, that does not mean that should not take any action if there is a suspicion of a crime.

Having said that, if this site runs its true course, the usual follow posts would be something to the extent that I'm blaming the vicim for her misfortune.

It does sound this way even if you do not mean it to. Maybe you need to moderate your tone a bit.

Hint: Your second sentence above.

I can't be bothered to check every newspaper. How long were they going out together?

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Posted in: Woman allegedly killed by neighbor after seeking police help on 5 occasions See in context

BTW, while the victim knew her suspected killer and they were aquaitances, that does not mean they were 'going out together'. At least, it did not say that in the article you seem to be referencing. In any case, what I wrote above stands.

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Posted in: Woman allegedly killed by neighbor after seeking police help on 5 occasions See in context

It's simply amazing that there are 33 posts and not a single one even bother to check other sites to get a clearer information.

What's amazing is that you seem to think that makes a difference in the argument we are having. Have you not heard of DV amongst people going out? She could have 'refused' (that's not what it says, it says she did not pursue that route) because she was afraid. It is certainly not uncommon for women to do so.

but before you go and condemn everyone perhaps you should realize that not everyone can read Japanese.

He realizes it and seems to take glee in repeatedly berating others for this.

It would be nice if there were some sort of law that allowed the police to judge a situation and decide if THEY wanted to press charges, not just the victim

There is but the police actually have to witness the particular situation first hand and see specific evidence of it to do so. In DV cases and the like this can be extremely difficult. So, unless the victim (dating or not) is brave enough, the police' hands are tied.

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Posted in: U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke dies at 69 See in context

Just like the Lernaean Hydra, he'll be replaced by yet another hard working diplomat.

Yeah, just like Bill Clinton was.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

The entire world, the International Court of Justice, the UN, and others

Just curious, who else are you referring to, Martians? I was not aware the condemnation went that far.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

In fact, you are probably aware that since its creation Egypt, the other surrounding countries begged Israel to make peace with them. All they have ever wanted was peace with Israel.

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Posted in: U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke dies at 69 See in context

Holbrooke was behind wars that ended up killing several millions of people.

No. I am surprised you would be tempted to follow the trend of what most people believe. He was a diplomat. He was a good man. Don't believe the MSM. He tried to make the world a better place.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

Israel was widely condemned when it stole land by force in 1967.

You tell it sir! In 1967, Israel took land those countries had been planning to use to make an independent Palestinian country. In fact, Palestinians led joyous lives before Israel's completely unreasonable invasion in 1967.

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Posted in: Woman allegedly killed by neighbor after seeking police help on 5 occasions See in context

To people suggesting that the victim just should have moved: Are you aware of the fees involved in such a thing? As others have pointed out, we do not know exactly how the man had been reported. So, at this point, it is difficult to point a finger at the police. However, stalking and the like are serious and the person doing the stalker deserves the blame, not the victim. Certainly in this case, the stalker also deserves the label killer, too. It is too easy to blame the victim and that is often why it is too easy for people to stalk others.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

Again, spot on! In the Middle East people are convinced to believe things through the gentle persuasion of their wise leaders. There is no mass media or movies to get in the way of the truth. That is why it is easy for people in the Middle East to see the problems before them and fix them quick smart. Soon we will see peace because of this intelligent guidance on the part of Hamas and others.

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Posted in: U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke dies at 69 See in context

In fact, that is what made me sign up years ago, after reading so many posts from clinical bigots

What, so you could be bigoted toward a different group instead? Sure. That makes lots of sense.

Holbrooke was a hard-working man who did his best for his country and for the world.

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Posted in: Stockholm bomber seen as radical by UK Muslims See in context

Extremists are not necessarily evil.

However, when they are I think it is perfectly acceptable not to wish to tolerate them and to even 'go out of your way' to not tolerate them. I think you are going out of your way to look for arguments where they do not exist.

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Posted in: Stockholm bomber seen as radical by UK Muslims See in context


You had me up until the end. IMHO, there is nothing wrong with a dislike of extremists. Perhaps you meant to reword that part?

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context


Right on! Palestinians were perfectly happy up until 1967. In fact, they were about to be given their own country. Thanks for keeping things real!

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Posted in: Stockholm bomber seen as radical by UK Muslims See in context

I wonder if the elders also tried to counsel the suspect privately. Sometimes calling a person out in front of others only leads them to feel isolated. Perhaps they did try and felt calling him out was a last resort? I agree with borscht that I would not feel comfortable with people reporting each other willy nilly.

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Posted in: Thieves steal electronic goods worth Y10 million in Ibaraki warehouse robbery See in context

Maybe the open window and the one that was broken were two different windows.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

Absolutely. It certainly is amazing how powerful the spell of the MSM is. If we were to believe their 'reports', we would think that Hamas actually vowed more attacks on Israelis. However, we know the truth is that Hamas just wants to live in peace with Israel. Heck, it says so in their charter and their actions have never been anything other than peaceful.

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Posted in: Madoff's eldest son hangs himself in NYC apartment See in context

"poor guy" is lucky

He is dead.

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Posted in: Eternal lights See in context

I think it is pretty.

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Posted in: Thieves steal electronic goods worth Y10 million in Ibaraki warehouse robbery See in context

Why would they break an open window?

To get to the other side?

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

The blockade has nothing to do with security, most people have caught on by now.

Shout it proud! Very few people know that what was reported a couple of months ago as Hamas vowing more attacks on Israelis was mistaken. Hamas only wants to make friends with Israel. It is time for more people to catch on to this.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

land by force in 1967

Very true.

Israel took land from Arab countries had been planning to use for an independent Palestinian state. The Arab countries just wanted peace.

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Posted in: Palestinians express doubts over 2-state future See in context

I think things will be pretty much the same in 10 years.

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Posted in: NHK to revamp satellite broadcasting next April See in context

Oh, and anyone who was silly enough to buy that 'Hi-vision' TV years back? Well, you are way out of luck (and money).

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Posted in: Yon-sama greeted by 4,000 fans at Haneda See in context

His fan group does certainly seem to be limited to a certain age group. Good on him for making the most of his fame though. Nothing wrong with making people happy.

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Posted in: Yuko Takeuchi goes behind scenes of 'FlashForward' See in context


Don't spoil it for the rest of us!

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