Japan Today

thisisnothere comments

Posted in: Companies that don’t give women leading roles will be left behind. See in context

So all-women companies are going to surge ahead? This is a real dunce of statement. Its almost George Bush material.

Its competence and ability you want. Never mind what they got between their legs. Its what's between their ears that counts. And its anyone thinking the opposite that will be left behind.

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Posted in: Future cancers caused by Fukushima radiation may be hidden See in context

The reason that people in "unspoilt" environments do not have high cancer rates is simply that they do not live long enough!

Yet WilliB, fewer people in Iceland, Sweden and Thailand are dying from cancer than so many other places, and they live to be pretty old.

You have grossly oversimplified everything to push some politics. Cancer is not so inevitable, and throwing our hands in the air would not be helpful. I do not think we should resign ourselves to the fate that most Americans seem to have resigned themselves to, which is too die younger and more unhealthy than anyone else in other first world nations.

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Posted in: Future cancers caused by Fukushima radiation may be hidden See in context

Its not just about cancer. Its also about birth defects and damaged muscle tissue, such as that in your heart.

I am not going to reach for conspiracy theory so fast, but it does seem like an attempt to make us forget about all the other things that will be more obvious and strike the young people down like they did around Chernobyl.

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Posted in: Manhattan man arrested in bomb plot See in context

More blow back that suspiciously never seems to actually blow up.

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Posted in: Director Oliver Stone lashes out at U.S. See in context

Doesn't he know that you cannot criticize China in any way, no matter how small or true, without declaring your hate for the government of China, the people, the culture, every apple in every tree, and every worm in the ground?

Wait, I meant to say America! But yes, that does seem to be the position of the Chinese leadership when anyone dares to criticize. Strange that anyone in the free world would seem to think the same.

Oliver is a patriot. Those who think you got to love or leave it, and lovingly kiss every wart, and turn a blind eye to every wrong, are not patriots. They are the pretenders.

And Oliver is rich because we all watched his movies, not because he propped up the needless American military machine by building tanks.

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