Posted in: Taiwan actress Barbie Hsu dies in Japan after contracting pneumonia triggered by flu See in context
JapantimeFeb. 3 05:00 pm JST I wonder if she caught the flu in Japan or brought it with her from China. Hopefully immigration will reintroduce the temperature checks for foreign visitors to keep Japan safe
Reintroduce? When I arrived at Narita at the end of last month they still had thermal screening at immigration.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Doctor indicted without being charged for professional negligence resulting in injury See in context
In my experience (a couple of my friends are nurses in a large municipal hospital), many Japanese male doctors tend to be arrogant and impatient when questioned about the treatments they recommend. Law suits for malpractice are rare in Japan, which surprises me considering the many horror stories I hear regularly. Certain doctors are notorious for their incompetence and yet their career is never interrupted.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Foreign-born CEO says Japan needs immigration to thrive See in context
Indian food’s brilliant. Nothing beats a good curry with a few pints of lager.
Good luck to the feller. Whereabouts is his restaurant, by the way?
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Spotify Wrapped 2024 is here, and Taylor Swift is once again the platform's most-streamed artist See in context
A significant number of those streams are presumably her own, since it’s been conclusively demonstrated that she mimed her vocal, rather than sang live, at every single show on her recent worldwide ‘ERAS’* tour.
ERAS is of course, an anagram of ARSE, which is how anyone that bankrupted themselves buying a ticket to see her miming must surely now feel.-7 ( +4 / -11 )
Posted in: Samurai ritual suicide contest cancelled by organizer in west Japan See in context
ritual suicide contest
Presumably nobody’s held the title for two years running?
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese soccer player Sano arrested for alleged sex assault See in context
Bow wifeJuly 18 05:09 pm JST
Thomas TwattToday 04:11 pm JST
Bow wifeToday 08:47 am JST
In Japan ... over 97% of women who are assaulted never report it.
And if no reports of these alleged incidents exist, how is the number of incidents calculated, much less credible/verifiable?
What's that gag about 'over 43% of statistics are made up'?
The fact that arrests have been made indicates that, in this case, there is likely to be substantial evidence of a crime being committed, over and above that of the alleged victim's disputed claim alone.
A 2020 article by The Japan Times, "Sexual violence in Japan: A quiet crisis," cites a study by the Japanese government that found only 2.8% of sexual assault victims report the crime to the police [1].
A 2019 report by Human Rights Watch, "Japan: Underreporting of Sexual Violence," highlights that Japan's National Police Agency estimated that only 10% of sexual assaults were reported to the authorities in 2017 [2].
A 2018 academic study published in the Journal of Family Violence, "Prevalence and correlates of sexual victimization among Japanese women," found that among a sample of Japanese women, 34.5% reported experiencing sexual violence at some point in their lives, but only 14.5% reported the incidents to the police [3].
[1] The Japan Times. (2020). Sexual violence in Japan: A quiet crisis.
[2] Human Rights Watch. (2019). Japan: Underreporting of Sexual Violence.
[3] Yoshihama, M., & Horrocks, J. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of sexual victimization among Japanese women. Journal of Family Violence, 33(2), 147-157.
Your contradictory sources don't in any way answer my questions or refute my statements.
Define your terms clearly and properly (sexual violence/sexual assaults/rapes/assault...???!!) or you're just shouting and ranting. And in doing so, you're doing exactly what weakens credible and righteous people's position in this unfortunate state of affairs and makes persons in putative authority sceptical of the (quite possibly authentic) claims they make. Stop thumping the table and get real.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese soccer player Sano arrested for alleged sex assault See in context
Bow wifeToday 08:47 am JST
In Japan ... over 97% of women who are assaulted never report it.
And if no reports of these alleged incidents exist, how is the number of incidents calculated, much less credible/verifiable?
What's that gag about 'over 43% of statistics are made up'?
The fact that arrests have been made indicates that, in this case, there is likely to be substantial evidence of a crime being committed, over and above that of the alleged victim's disputed claim alone.
-6 ( +15 / -21 )
Posted in: 98% with mixed Japanese heritage experience microaggressions: survey See in context
GaijinjlandJuly 16 07:28 am JST
My ex Japanese wife refused to speak to our son in Japanese
She sounds like a keeper, mate.
Oh, hang on a minute... :o/
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: 98% with mixed Japanese heritage experience microaggressions: survey See in context
The survey was conducted by a committee made up of Lawrence Yoshitaka Shimoji, a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, and Viveka Ichikawa, a psychotherapist and University of Toronto PhD candidate.
Ha! As soon as I saw the headline my first thought was: I'll bet this 'survey' was the work of some meddling clueless westerner. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Bullseye!
Yes, of course, when assessed by criteria unthinkingly imposed on Japanese society by arrogant westerners who know diddly squat about Japanese culture [sigh] we'll get all this boo-hoo rubbish about 'micro aggressions' (whatever they are supposed to be: they're certainly not what they were when the term was coined in the 1970s).
I wish foreigners would stop beating Japan with their irrelevant tiresome identity-politics yardsticks. Japanese citizens have higher levels of life satisfaction than those in just about any other developed country. In fact the only folks here who gripe about their lot are those who’ve been brainwashed by ludicrous contemporary western values.
Micro-aggression incoming? Grow a pair and tell them to get lost. Sorted.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: McDonald’s Japan’s new Cheese Cheese Double Cheeseburger makes a different ingredient stand out See in context
One surprising effect of eating so much [processed] cheese is that it serves to highlight the other flavor…
Another is obesity, high blood pressure, and reduced life expectancy.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan to introduce online booking for Mount Fuji trail See in context
@dbsaiyaToday 08:05 am JST
I had a friend climb and she said that the only thing she could see was the arse of the person in front of her. No thank you.
Sounds okay to me, as long as you can choose the bird you walk behind. Well worth ¥2,000.
0 ( +6 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan's military needs more women, but it's still failing on harassment See in context
If a person cannot manage his or her urges and emotions and actions and relationships with others in a familiar localised setting in order that issues of harassment do not ensue, what use is he or she going to be in an alien stressful impersonal ‘battlefield’ situation? Trust has to be foremost, fundamental, surely?
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Switzerland's Nemo wins Eurovision Song Contest See in context
Well, at least the article was honest in its clear declaration that Nemo IDENTIFIES as non-binary and DID NOT state that he actually IS non-binary, which is an impossibility. No human is non-binary.
Correct. You can ‘identify as’ anything you want: it just means ‘feel like’/‘am pretending to be’ and, as such, is an empirically meaningless proposition.
Requiring or demanding that others participate in your fantasy charade (like newspapers (sic) irresponsibly misusing pronouns) is where it becomes an issue.
But this bloke Nemo says ‘I am neither a man nor a woman’. That tells us he is insane or mentally unwell. We should not encourage or facilitate his illness.
He’s not ‘they’. He’s a man pretending not to be a man.
-7 ( +4 / -11 )
Posted in: Switzerland's Nemo wins Eurovision Song Contest See in context
"'The Code' is about the journey I started with the realization that I am neither a man nor a woman," Nemo said.
Not so many years ago, if a bloke had said that with a straight face, we’d have labelled him as mentally ill.
In 2024, the sane folks left among us still do.
-4 ( +8 / -12 )
Posted in: Fan outcry over K-pop star's date highlights 'harsh' industry rules See in context
onedragonToday 02:55 pm JST
They sign contracts before they are ever promoted. They know exactly what the rules of the game are.
As they’re almost always legally minors when scouted, it’s their parents who sign the (preposterously inequitable) contract. Which is even worse.
I have several Japanese acquaintances who, since their teens, have worked as contracted performers in the J-entertainment industry. Some of them still do. Others managed to jump ship, eventually.
They are/were all extremely unhappy, criminally overworked, risibly underpaid, and, I would wager, made mentally unwell as a result.
Talk about a Faustian pact… It’s abuse. Pure and simple. (Happens in other countries too. Happened in the U.K. and the USA in the sixties and seventies…).
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan society on transgender issues to drop 'disorder' from name See in context
“Biological sex is recorded at birth.”
nabelito: It's the same meaning, essentially. But even sex is on a spectrum. We are all biologically female in the womb. Intersex babies are born every day. They're more common than redheads.
“Nowadays that’s developed to mean the ‘type of personality’ a person chooses to assume and present.”
This is not true.
“I can simply choose a different one for myself today and tomorrow.”
That's not how it works.
So much willful ignorance here…
You said it!
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan society on transgender issues to drop 'disorder' from name See in context
based on the latest understanding of people with gender identities differing from those assigned at birth.
Nothing is ‘assigned’ at birth. Biological sex is recorded at birth.
Gender? Nowadays that’s developed to mean the ‘type of personality’ a person chooses to assume and present.
As such, it’s currently regarded as ‘fluid’ and ‘on a spectrum’.
In which case, it doesn’t matter what ‘gender’ I was at birth or last week or yesterday, as I can simply choose a different one for myself today and tomorrow.
(I’ll never be a woman, though, however much I pretend.)
5 ( +12 / -7 )
Posted in: Coming-of-Age Day ceremonies held across Japan See in context
As usual, Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea were popular spots for young adults to celebrate the day after their ceremonies.
Fair enough, and each to his own.
I celebrated my own ‘coming of age’ 20th birthday in my U. K. hometown with twelve pints of snakebite and a handful of magic mushrooms in the White Horse pub. Can’t remember much of the evening after the fourth pint, truth be told.
‘Culture’, I guess: same same but different, as the Thai bargirls say.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested for attempted murder of friend at bar in Sapporo See in context
Keepyer InternetpointsOct. 5 11:49 am JST
“Police said his wounds were not life-threatening.”
That suggests a lot, including the idea that this was NOT attempted murder.
Or that he genuinely ‘attempted’ murder, but was really bad at it.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan school absenteeism at record high of nearly 300,000 in FY2022 See in context
u_s__reamerToday 07:19 am JST
Absenteeism should be taken as the canary in the cage for Japan's insufferable, suffocating system of what passes for education which bores the kids to death.
Really? And yet over the last decade there’s been highly a significant rapid and visible ‘westernisation’ of the Japanese school system, directly accompanied by the suddenly skyrocketing levels of absenteeism to which the article refers?
Howdya join them dots, Sherlock?
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: 80 women arrested Jan-Sept in Tokyo's Kabukicho for alleged prostitution See in context
wanderlustToday 05:12 pm JST
Only 80 in 6 months? There were 5 [prostitutes] sitting on the wall outside my hotel in Roppongi last week, soliciting everyone going in and out! Zero interest from the police box around the corner.
That’s disgraceful.
Er, which hotel was it? (Asking for a friend.)
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: 74-year-old man arrested for stalking 23-year-old woman See in context
sakurasukiToday 06:42 am JST
Why she gave her number to him in the first place? Should just gave him shop number.
Yes, entirely her fault. She should be sent to prison, not him.
5 ( +13 / -8 )
Posted in: Man given 6 years for killing student at her request in Sapporo See in context
Marc LoweSep. 23 10:18 am JST
The media tries to make it sound bad that he mutilated her body after killing her. Had she died of natural causes, her family would have cremated her, And, in Japan, the body is cremated at a lower temperature than in developing nations so as to preserve bone fragments. At the funeral, family and close friends use chopsticks and move the bones around. It's not very different from what he did, at the deceased's request, by the way.
Good point. Come to think of it, suffocating someone to death isn’t all that serious either. They should have just let him off with a warning.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested over death of woman at Yokohama hotel See in context
MarkSep. 11 03:54 am JST
So why aren't hotel guests aren't being registered or showing ID.?? these love hotels need to be treated same as other hotels where guests are registered when checking inn.
The hotel in question is not a ‘love hotel’; it appears to be just a bog standard cheapish hotel in front of the station. (Hotel name not given in most reports, but a quick google in Japanese and you can easily find it.)
Your (excellent) point still pertains, of course.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo scraps gender quota for public high school admissions from 2024 See in context
RoyToday 08:33 am JST
"Many students who were either transgender or binary" does not mean "many students were either transgender or binary".
Reading comprehension, so very important.
I think you are misreading ’binary’ for ‘non binary’, buddy?
Many here means ‘many’. As you state: reading comprehension is so very important indeed.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Tokyo scraps gender quota for public high school admissions from 2024 See in context
Many students who were either transgender or binary cited psychological distress when forced to specify a gender they did not identify with.
Many? I doubt that very much.
Those few poor naïve deluded narcissists that have been duped into adopting the American ‘expressive individualism’ model, perhaps. But not ‘many’.
4 ( +10 / -6 )
Posted in: External team to present findings on Johnny's abuse claims handling See in context
Still no police involvement? What does it take?
For it to have been women instead of blokes that were fiddled with, in which case you’d have the ‘all men are rapists/misogynists’ performative feminist brigade out on the streets demanding (male) heads to roll?
Just a wild guess.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Jason Mraz is feeling free and curious — in music and in love See in context
… continuing a personal journey, [Mraz] revealed he’s bisexual… learning to embrace his identity, and the unknown paths that lie ahead.
“I realize I’m not final. And the more we grow and spread our wings, I think the more queer all of us may become. Because when we don’t limit ourselves to some construct of who we’re supposed to be in love with based on our society’s laws …
Another narcissist slave to the contemporary ‘society’s laws’ that dictate that to be ‘queer’ is to be fashionable and cool, and to be otherwise is to be bigoted and ‘old fashioned’. [sigh]
I look forward to next year’s update when he’s switching pronouns and telling us he was always gay.
Cheerio, Jason.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Abe shooter spends time reading; awaits unscheduled trial See in context
There have been death penalties for a single murder.
Not strictly true.
Since 1955 in Japan capital punishment has been handed down in 0.2 percent of murder trials.
In less than a third of these cases there was only one victim, but all were
a) not the offender’s first murder (offender had been released on parole or served full sentence for a previous murder), and
b) cases of not simple homicide but aggravated homicide (usually involving torture).
(see Japan Legal Training and Research Institute website)
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Michelle Yeoh urges women to resist being 'put in a box' See in context
"I have been very blessed [which] has enabled me to fight for what I truly believe in: representation, diversity, especially empowerment of women... We should never allow somebody to put us in a box.”
Blessed? Yes. Daughter of one of the richest capitalists in Malaysia, privately educated in the U.K., top private stage school, never worked a real job in her life and never wanted for anything.
A box? Empowering women? Well, you were keen enough to be Miss Malaysia and Miss World runner up. Who put you in those empowering boxes? Oh, it was you.
Entitled pampered posh rich salt pot tells ordinary folks struggling to make ends meet amid a global recession that ‘you can be what you want to be!’ Dontcha just love it.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Nope, just stopped eating eggs, just like anything ELSE that costs too much
Posted in: Soaring egg prices in U.S. piquing interest in backyard chickens
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance
Bad mistake Sir. History shows trump cannot be trusted. trump will abuse you and Japan.
Posted in: Ishiba, after meeting Trump, voices optimism over averting tariffs
Please let all of these losers lose bigly.
Posted in: Trump, Swift join Super Bowl party as Chiefs chase 'three-peat'