Japan Today

Thommo Rees comments

Posted in: Korean group working to subvert Tokyo's 2020 Olympic bid See in context

Why does the South Korean government allow xenophobic protests as well? Plus, it also allows anti-Japanese education in the schools, where little kids must draw offensive pics about Japan (I saw these horrible drawings with my eyes, you can find theme easily on the web). Both the countries are creepy under this point of view.

I saw that video too. Did you also see the other video? What other video? That's right, there's only ONE video showing anti-Japanese drawings supposedly commonplace in Korea. That video was a footage by Korean news media, who were astounded to learn this was taking place in a classroom. If this type of disgusting anti-Japanese drawings were all over the place (like often claimed by haters on youtube), then wouldn't there be dozens of similar videos? Think about it.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Posted in: Korean group working to subvert Tokyo's 2020 Olympic bid See in context

The weekly anti-Korean protests are a huge issue IMO. Which other developed nation has hundreds of protesters promoting hate against a particular ethnic group in its capital city, week in and week out? Even in Korea, a country often accused of hatred toward Japan, you don't see regular protests of this nature. I almost get the feeling that the Koreans don't care as much about Japan as we think.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

Posted in: Korean group working to subvert Tokyo's 2020 Olympic bid See in context

Hang on right there.. this is basically an ultra-nationalist group, Korean version of those flag-waving loons in black vans. So why are people so quick to jump on the Korea-hate bandwagon? If you hate the entire country based on this minority, how are you any better than the people you condemn?

-1 ( +17 / -18 )

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