Japan Today

Thunderbird comments

Posted in: Bra maker does its bit for Premium Friday See in context

Sponge Boobs Square Ass

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: What do you think of the new Japan Today design? See in context

I'm browsing JT in a giant iPad Pro in Yodobashi Camera, it, still the same mess. Even with the 12.9 screen I still have to scroll and scroll and scroll to get to the news I had in a glance before.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: What do you think of the new Japan Today design? See in context

the ONLY thing I really enjoyed is the "Articles, Offers & Useful Resources" that substituted the old JAPAN TODAY Insight at the bottom of the page. Still, there is just no comparison with the old page, random articles scattered all around.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Should airlines be allowed to overbook on flights (selling more seats than available to account for the likelihood of no-shows)? See in context

you CAN'T sell what you don't have. Period.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: What do you think of the new Japan Today design? See in context

I don't know anyone who likes scrolling endlessly through a webpage. This is not 2005. The new looks don't look awful because it's new. I will definitely be wasting less of my time here, what can be good.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Woman slashes 7-year-old girl, mother at supermarket See in context

The suspect was held down by store employees.

THIS is news worth, at least in Japan.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Ethics textbook change causes widespread constroversy See in context

I really don't know what's this fuss all about. Maybe because people are too sensitive over anything "nationalistic" in this country? I really hate japanese exclusivism but I wonder if anyone would say anything if it was Italy deciding to change their textbooks from a "burger shop" to a "pizza parlor".

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan's frugal households offer no respite for BOJ, retailers See in context

I support Book Off, Jumble Store and Second Street almost every week with my hard earned pittance. Oh, and Yahoo Auction is a daily must.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Musician Ian McCulloch flees Japan amid U.S.-N Korea tensions; show cancelled without notice See in context

never heard about

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 34,247 bicycles left abandoned at Tokyo train stations in 2016 See in context

I got my bike taken away twice, and every time I went to retrieve it there was a massive number of bicycles neatly parked, some I guess cost above 100.000 yen... I wished they could sell those bicycles for the "needed" in Japan, but it would only create a circle of discarded-cheaply purchased bicycles. Hope they generate some revenue to the city and help riders abroad.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's population projected to shrink 30% by 2065 See in context

Allow immigration Japan, you are doomed without it.

Used to have the same opinion. The problem is the japanese mindset that simply refuses to allow anyone without japanese blood. The special Permanent Visa for South American nikkeis was a joke! Bet it was one of those oyajis again that came up with the brilliant idea (they have japanese blood, hence they must act like japanese!). Japan should apply a merit visa system as strict as the american naturalization, to only allow in people who really can adapt, contribute and like the country in general. But again, they DON'T want any non japanese settling here. It's not because of us, westerners, or whites, blacks, south asians. They have only 1 concern in mind: China. Open the gates and you might have chinese-only cities in just a few years.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's population projected to shrink 30% by 2065 See in context

yeey! would love to have the train population shrunk by 30%

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: YKK starts serving halal meals at cafeteria in Japan See in context

some political ideologies disguised as "religion" teaches nothing but apartheid, exclusion, supremacism and division IMHO

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Y42.51 mil in cash found in garbage at Gunma dumpsite See in context

I would hand it in, hard to explain why I got so much extra money. Imagine spending it and later being forced to repay it. Shudders.

yes, it would, if you instantly buy a big house or deposit it straight into your bank account....... with that ammount of cash I wouldn't even think high, I would simply stop working and go enjoy this beautiful life, bill by bill. After some small charity (to not draw attention) here and there, of course.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese high school students fail to meet English proficiency target See in context


you just totally described this picture I took last year! This is what the english education looks like in this place!!


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: If you saw an adult hitting, roughly handling or yelling at a child in public, would you intervene or just mind your business and assume it was a parent disciplining his/her child? See in context

@JaneM I'm sorry but I have to disagree, there is no excuse to raise a society waste. Yes, all families have their black sheep but if you don't raise your kid properly the chances are high he will grow up into one of those spoiled self-centered scums that everyone wants to avoid, and he just won't get it, what's wrong with throwing your trash from your car, yelling at some staff or even slapping someone? No one ever told me "no". Please, educate your children to respect everyone equally. Period. But this is just my opinion...

I can tell you, the only things that always prevent me from intervening in these cases is because I feel bad for the mother. And #2 I don't want to draw attention as the "noisy gaijin".

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: If you saw an adult hitting, roughly handling or yelling at a child in public, would you intervene or just mind your business and assume it was a parent disciplining his/her child? See in context

Actually I really thought about intervening many times (inside the train, a combini) but in the opposite situation: an uncontrollable spoiled brat screaming and hitting stuff while the mother watches, hoping for it to end. Gosh....if you can't educate it, why having a kid in the first place? At the end, it will be MY kid who will suffer, having to put up with the worst spoiled selfish brat at some point in his life.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Author Murakami calls for fight against history revisionism See in context

Haruki Murakami and Toshio Motoya, there is just no comparison...

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese tourists in flu masks frighten British supermarket shoppers See in context

but most are worn for a mental health issue

What I dislike about masks is when I speak to someone and I can't understand their mumbling from behind the mask.

this! like when they mumble something you don't get it and when you ask what? they think you speak 0 japanese. or when most of the japaneses around you have the same "I don't give a damn about the world" dead fish eye like the girl in the first pic from the early morning.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Japanese tourists in flu masks frighten British supermarket shoppers See in context

I have noticed there are definitely children who come and just slip on a mask because they are more comfortable that way. Those children often have similar parents, and I can't imagine that being healthy for them in life.

They only serve one medical purpose: pathological shyness/ antisociality.

So true. You can live for a decade here, it will still be very hard to understand this japanese mentality and this fixation for always trying to hide yourself no matter what. Have you ever seen any japanese reading a book in the train without the bookshop cover?? Kinda, they have to hide what they are reading from the others. But again, I wouldn't be pointing fingers about these cultural traits if the japanese weren't so intolerant towards foreign habits/cultures in their country. 100% of them are taught to do and act the same, if they see anything 0.1mm different from their mindset they go ask you laughing "why you do this" as trying to make fun of you in front of others for being "different".

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese tourists in flu masks frighten British supermarket shoppers See in context

silly masks! the japanese DON'T wear them for the reasons they say they wear them.

13 ( +26 / -13 )

Posted in: Do you use the messaging app Line? See in context

what we can see by this survey is that a great deal of JT posters don't even live in Japan...

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Nagoya Castle’s concrete keep to be demolished and replaced with traditional wooden structure See in context

Demolition of the current keep could begin as early as the fall of 2019, which would leave the city without a castle keep for two to three years.

sure, what a great idea to show a castleless Nagoya to the hordes of visitors coming for the Olympics

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: Vietnamese detainee killed himself in immigration center, community leader says See in context

I've been working with the Immi for many years and there are countless cases swift deportation is even better than holding the individual for several months with no clue when he will get a visa or deportation order. I tell you, everything is pretty much ambiguous when we deal with the Immigration. People with an year ban having a hard time coming back, while people with 5 years ban (forcely deported) getting back in less than 1year and half. The ONLY TRUE is the Japanese system would only allow in somebody to LIVE for a long period or indefinitely if he has a relative with japanese blood. That's it folks. They only think about the japanese counterpart, giving you a permit serves solely to appease the japanese national, they DON'T want you here. Have been in this for 10 years, just can't deny the facts.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Why can't Japanese teachers of English ... speak English? See in context

I like the fact that the Japanese are poor at English

So do I. Just last friday I was paid 15.000 for 10 minutes working in a TV station. They didn't want me to translate the Eng. VTR to Japanese (they already had it translated in their script) but just find exactly where was the part in english they wanted to put in their bangumi (please find the part when the guy says "it's juicy and yummy"). I was hired by this huge tv station with hundreds if not thousands of staff to do this task...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Why can't Japanese teachers of English ... speak English? See in context

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: The new look See in context

please somebody call the madhouse

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: China overtakes Japan on S Koreans' worst countries list See in context

It took 3 days to conduct a survey of 1,000 adults? (Asking ludicrously here) Just what kind of company took the survey, and all other associated questions.....

Seems to me to suggest that the takers were looking for a specific response and targeted the people who responded to create this "news".

One again, statistics like these should be taken with a grain of salt.

Yubaru nailed, I see hordes of Koreans enjoying Kyoto, Kobe and Osaka every single day PLUS I go to Korea several times a year and I NEVER met anyone who "hates" Japan or anything like that. They even smile and say stuff like "cool!" when I say I live in Japan.

I bet they start the question with "what do you think about Takeshima" or something like that. I tell you only old geezers from both countries have some negative sentiment toward its neighbor country, the rest of both countries are both very open-minded and like each other, japanese girls for example love Korean cosmetics and k-pop.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan's oldest porn queen retires -- at 80 See in context

omg why did I have to google all the names in the article

7 ( +8 / -1 )

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