Japan Today

thundercat comments

Posted in: Melting Arctic is causing snowier winters, say researchers See in context

I'm having a hard time deciding who the bigger idiots are:

a) the people who read this article and immediately assume that global warming is causing the temperatures to go down


b) the people who don't believe that global warming exists

-1 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Melting Arctic is causing snowier winters, say researchers See in context

I read this as colder air moving further south than usual meaning lower temperatures in those areas. How do you read it? What do you think it means?

"more cold air" does not mean colder air. It means the cold air is being displaced. The "global part" of "global climate change" means that something is happening on a global scale. Cold air being displaced from one area to another does not cause the average global temperature to fall... it stays exactly the same.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that people who deny global warming also have problems with basic reading comprehension skills....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Melting Arctic is causing snowier winters, say researchers See in context

Wow, you guys need to brush up on your basic reading skills. It doesn't say anything about colder temperatures in this article, just more snow because of increased moisture.

1 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Tokyo beats Paris again as world food capital See in context

It's the Michelin Tokyo-Yokohama-Shonan Red Guide... not just Tokyo. As well, there are 160,000 restaurants in this area compared to 40,000 in Paris. It's really a stupid comparison to be making.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Astronaut Furukawa appears in SoftBank Mobile commercial See in context

SB commercials are free of Hollywood celebrities? Just off the top of my head I can think of Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt and Quentin Tarrentino being in their commercials...

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Posted in: Japan's new crisis: radioactive waste disposal See in context

It's not 'irradiated waste' it is 'radioactive waste'. There is a massive difference between the two.

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Posted in: Two men arrested for murder of video arcade owner See in context

Masahito Sakamoto - kidnap for ransom, murder - executed in April, 2008

Yoshimitsu Akiyama - robbery, murder - executed in December, 2006

Here are two, both men executed for one murder for financial gain. There are a lot more who have both been executed or are currently on death row for 1 murder for financial gain. Not going to waste my time posting something that you can easily find for yourself. In considering the death penalty judges first consider the degree of viciousness and then motive... the number of victims is the fourth consideration in sentencing...

Don't forget with the sword of omens I have sight beyond sight... lol... ;)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Two men arrested for murder of video arcade owner See in context


You are way off the mark. Murdering someone for financial gain very often results in a death sentence, even when there is only one person murdered. Quite a few recent cases of it as well.

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Posted in: Izu Peninsula: Follow Perry's Black Ships to Japan's best beaches See in context

Izu is nice but 'best beaches outside of Okinawa' is a stretch to say the least. I'm lucky enough to spend a few months each year surfing around Japan (and based out of Izu for the rest of the year) and there are loads of places as good or better all over Japan. Dozens and dozens of beaches, in fact. 'Best beach within a comfortable train distance from Tokyo' is something that would be hard to argue but not best outside of Okinawa!

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Posted in: Troy Davis executed in Georgia amid international outcry See in context


Davis was at a pool party in Savannah when he shot a man, Michael Cooper, wounding him in the face. He then went to a nearby convenience store, where he pistol-whipped a homeless man, Larry Young, who'd just bought a beer, according to accounts of the case.

Michael Cooper stated that it couldn't have been Davis who shot him in the face. Larry Young said he was forced to testify against Davis because of strong armed police tactics.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Heat wave continues across Japan See in context

I love the heat too. All year would be fine... and yes it's humid as hell here in Shizuoka but that's ok ;)

@JapanGal, c'mon down to Izu this weekend. Surfs up! (Don't forget to wear something skimpy!)

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Stocking up See in context

And how are online companies going to get purchases to the effected areas? Giant catapults?

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Posted in: Ichihashi's book goes on sale; says he hopes to give royalties to Hawker family See in context

Writing this book ticks the last box in Ichihashi's narcissistic sociopath checklist. I have a strong suspicion that when he sees the light of day he'll reoffended... only by that time he'll probably have figured out a way to get away with it. If I were the prosecutors in his case I would definitely employ a psychologist to make such an argument. If a lay jury lets him off lightly his next victims blood will be on their hands. Plain and simple his actions prove again and again that he is dangerous and should not be walking the streets with us normal people.

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Posted in: Both ship captains to blame in whale protest sinking: NZ gov't report See in context

A vessel that repeatedly and delibertly cuts across the bow of another vessel is bound to be involved in a collision

The collision in question didn't occur because the Ady Gil was cutting across the bow of the Shonan Maru 2. This could not possibly be considered a mitigating circumstance.

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Posted in: Both ship captains to blame in whale protest sinking: NZ gov't report See in context

Ah so you ignore a factor which would significantly influence a judge and jury's decision in any court of law in any developed country.

Wrong. How did any actions taken in the days before the accident cause the collision? If anything, looking at what happened prior to the collision only points to the Shonan Maru captain's motive for running the boat down. Claiming that you were provoked into assaulting someone is not a defense I would recommend using.

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Posted in: Both ship captains to blame in whale protest sinking: NZ gov't report See in context

Direct quote from the article you say you are quoting from:

"The report says the Shonan Maru No. 2 kept at an unsafe speed and turned starboard to put itself in a collision course with the Ady Gil."

"As the overtaking vessel, the Shonan Maru was responsible for avoiding a collision and had sufficient room to do so, the report says."

"Mr Bethune should have kept well clear of the oncoming whaling vessel, but instead maintained his course and speed, the report says."

So the Ady Gil maintained course and speed and the Shonan Maru 2 turned into it resulting in the collision. Nowhere does it say that the Ady Gil changed direction, sped up, went forward or whatever else you claim it did.

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Posted in: Both ship captains to blame in whale protest sinking: NZ gov't report See in context

In the report it said that there was insufficient evidence to say whether the Ady Gil's helmsman's acceleration of the ship before impact contributed to the crash.

You must have been reading the wrong report. It clearly stated that the Ady Gil maintained course and speed INSTEAD of getting out of the way and that is why they are partly to blame. Nowhere does it state the the Ady Gil accelerated into the path of the Shonan Maru 2. What is established is that the Shonan Maru 2 made an abrupt turn putting it on a collision course Ady Gil.

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Posted in: Both ship captains to blame in whale protest sinking: NZ gov't report See in context

Ossan, I don't understand your position... oh wait, you haven't made one because you're too busy trying to shoot down other people's opinions. C'mon, take a stance and post something meaningful instead of just going after other posters.

BTW, I don't care how much provocation there was... Are you saying that someone who isn't mature enough to handle someone's taunts are justified to assault them?

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Posted in: Both ship captains to blame in whale protest sinking: NZ gov't report See in context

Sorry Ossan, you got it all wrong about me on this issue. If you ever read any of my previous posts you'd see that I've never taken an anti-whaler position. In fact, when I read the headline of the article my first reaction was "Finally, both sides can take their fair share of the blame and move on". Then I read the article and logic took over. If you read the findings of this report their is no way you can conclude that both parties share equal blame. Here are some excerpts:

"The Shonan Maru No. 2 kept at an unsafe speed and turned starboard to put itself in a collision course with the Ady Gil." "As the overtaking vessel, the Shonan Maru was responsible for avoiding a collision and had sufficient room to do so."

I stand by my original analogy. Punching someone in the face, and then claiming you are not at fault because they could have gotten out of the way is quite strange, don't you think? One party is clearly the aggressor and one is clearly the victim.

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Posted in: Both ship captains to blame in whale protest sinking: NZ gov't report See in context

I love it. The captain of the Shonan Maru 2 is guilty of deliberately turning into and running over the Ady Gil and Bethune is guilty of not getting out of the way... and yet we are to believe that both captains are equally responsible for the collision? I'm glad that in the real world victims don't have to share equal blame with aggressors. It's like saying "I'm going to throw a punch at you and if you don't get out of the way it's your fault too"... it just doesn't make any sense.

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Posted in: Bush is back, and eager to help history judge him See in context

Amazing. So Bush is ready to admit his mistakes but the vast majority of vocal conservatives still don't think he ever did anything wrong... Why isn't Bush trying to blame all of America's problems on Obama?

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Posted in: Republicans in charge take aim at health overhaul See in context

TimRussert, Do you have any idea how ridiculous it sounds using elective cosmetic surgery as your shining example of the merits of private health care when you admit that it's not even covered by private insurance? The extra taxes paid in Canada are far FAR less than what you would pay for private insurance. But I guess it doesn't matter as long as you can afford it... I really don't understand where you are coming from on this argument???

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Kickboxing gym operator arrested over fatal hit-and-run See in context


Interesting that you accuse people of mitigating for that reason, then go on to admit that its possible the driver was not at fault

I did no such thing. In fact, I said the exact opposite. I have no sympathy AT ALL for someone who gets in an accident while they are drunk driving whether it's their fault or not. If you break the law for something so easily avoidable (i.e. drunk driving) then you suffer the consequences. The argument you are making is that it's ok to drink and drive as long as you don't get in an accident and don't get caught. That is exactly the same reasoning that EVERY drunk driver uses when they get behind the wheel. Of course they never think "Tonight is the night I'm going to crash and kill someone" but the fact that it's an **accident as you like to point out does not mean that it was unavoidable. Every driver in Japan knows that any amount of alcohol is illegal and therefore they are CRIMINALS for driving drunk. You think that just because someone doesn't get caught committing a crime they are not criminals????

BTW, I never said anything about expired DL. Expired DL can happen for a number of reasons including forgetfulness. Drunk driving on the other hand is deliberately breaking the law... it's not as if someone can claim they didn't know it was illegal... The more you argue this point they more it seems you are trying to justify your own illegal activity. Bottom line is DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.

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Posted in: Security camera footage reveals murder of Lawson manager in Ishikawa See in context

68 years old and working the night shift at a convenience store... sad way to go. I wondering what kind of training he had to deal with a situation like this.

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Posted in: Kickboxing gym operator arrested over fatal hit-and-run See in context

I completely agree with Northlondon on this one. It's a shame that so many people out there try to mitigate the actions of a criminal just because they don't think drinking and driving is a big deal. The law is very clear in Japan.

Here is a suggestion for those who worry about being blamed for an accident just because they were drunk behind the wheel even when the accident wasn't caused by them. Don't break the law, don't use poor judgement and don't put yourself into that kind of situation. Take a taxi, call daiko, walk, stay at a hotel, have a friend pick you up, designate a sober driver before drinking or anything else you can think of... it's not as if there aren't options. If you drink and drive and anything happens, whether it's your fault or not, you can't play the victim if you've already broken the law.

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Posted in: GOP upbeat, Democrats brace for losses in election See in context

Overlooked in all the desperate attempts at valid castigation of the Tea Party is that it is the Repubs who appear to most of us to be the party with the ideas and enthusiasm at the moment.

Party of ideas? HAHAHAHA! I needed a good laugh!

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Posted in: Which electrical appliance in your home would you find it most difficult to live without? See in context

At first I thought my pc... but then I realized it can't keep my beer cold! refrigerator would definitely be hard to live without!

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Posted in: Canadian military officer exposed as serial killer See in context

Actually, according to the CBC because he pleaded guilty to first degree murder he is not eligible for parole until he serves the 25 year sentence.

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Posted in: Bear facts See in context

It stems from a lack of food

Couldn't take just as likely be from bear over-population?

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Posted in: Canadian military officer exposed as serial killer See in context

The faint hope clause is still law in Canada. It was killed when Harper prorogued parliament last year. The second bill to kill it has passed but won't be read into law until sometime this fall (unless there is an election). But that's beside the point. If he is declared a dangerous offender, which is most certainly is, he won't be eligible for parole until his 25 year sentence is completed and he can be kept in prison indefinitely.

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